
This blog has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.

Monday, March 28, 2005


It was the spring of 1977. We had just started a college on the Russian River in California and I was part of the administration. My husband and I lived in Oakland and I commuted for three days a week to the college, and consequently spent three nights alone in the forest where the campus was located.

At the time I was writing my dissertation, partially inspired by the works of Wilhelm Reich. I got a lead on a book that followed Reich's mention of flying saucers. Up until that time I had no interest in flying saucers except for a short time when I was 11 years old and a girlfriend and I had collected newspaper articles on the topic.

I was reading The Cosmic Pulse of Life by Trevor Constable alone in the administration building where I spent the night. The book was astounding to me - I got chills reading it. It was about 9 p.m., way before my regular bedtime of 12 a.m. or so. Suddenly I felt myself going into a tranceline state, where I felt completely paralyzed. I could not force myself to move and felt some alarm.

The next thing I knew it appeared that I was being lifted through the ceiling, through some intense golden light. I saw some little Beings about 4 feet tall. I was placed on a slab and was being examind. A huge 7 foot tall Being with alligator skin and webbed hands was touching me much to my terror. He passed a long needle through my navel, but there was no pain.

The next scene I recovered through hypnosis. I was in a crowded country - perhaps India, and as within the consciousness, in the body of a thin nervous woman who was very quick in thinking and even in metabolism so that I felt uncomfortable. She apprently was into some kind of intrigue where she had to watch everything she did. I got the sense of some underground movement or spying or something like that. She was in a crowded bar and some very powerful and dangerous men were hauling off one of her colleagues. Her thoughts were that she was running out of resources - financial as well as sheer physical energy and that she wanted to give up. But when she saw her friend hauled away she knew she had to push on.

All of this experience is not completely recovered because it lasted 14 hours. But under hypnosis I recall that they were discussing my dissertation and saying I was on the right track. It was about a cure for cancer. The last thing I remember was laughter which under hypnosis was friendly. But in my memory, because I was so terrified of the expereince, I thought it to be menacing.

Immediately after this I tried to forget the experience. I thought I had gone crazy. I knew it wasn't a dream because for one thing I bled from the navel for three days after the experience. My husband can verify this.

Oddly enough following this encounter I found the strength to leave my husband and move back to the South where I had a powerful intuition to return that I had been struggling to ignore. In later years I came to regard the out of body experience with the woman, to me a kind of "play" to describe myself to me. I was running out of personal resources in California and was in the wrong place at the wrong time so to speak. The South always has been the right place for me.

Most of my fright centered around the large green creature. He had legs like a human, long and powerfully muscled, but his upper half was hideous to behold, except for his eyes which were a beautiful gold color and filled with love and compassion. He had green scales rather large - 2 inches wide - and a very long nose reminiscent of an elephant. But he appeared amphibious like an alligator. I learned later that he was very loving, that he was the leader of the ship and most shocking of all, that he had been my husband in a time before this life.

Indeed before this experience was over (which lasted 3 years) I made love to him. My boyfriend was a very loving and open man and often when we were making love Tayra came through his body. I remember one especially tender night when at the end J. rested his head on my right shoulder and Tayra on my left.

My first contact with the aliens enabled me to finally leave California and to leave my husband whom I did love but with whom I was not getting along. I had felt such an urgency to return to my chosen Georgia with her beautiful forests, but had been conflicted about leaving him.

I was so frightened by the experience that I did all I could to try to forget it. After a few months in Georgia I began having some very disturbing experiences at night. While I could see nothing, I sensed the presence of little Beings entering my bedroom. I was terrified and feared that I was going crazy. This went on for two months. Finally I said to them, "If you are real, send me a sign." And they did. One night I sensed them to my left. It was about 3:00 a.m., the usual time of night they entered. Just as I sensed them my boyfriend sat bolt upright in bed and yelled "What was that?" looking exactly where I sensed them to be.

I was galvanized into action following that. I bought every second hand book on UFOs that I could find. In the middle of one book was Leo Sprinkle's name, bless him, and I flew to meet him, although I could ill afford the trip. He assured me that they "send the little ones" when you don't pay attention to the original experience. He hypnotized me and recovered the first experience in its entirety.
(Continued in part 2)


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