Thursday, January 26, 2006



Occasionally, because there have been so many UFO sightings over the years somebody will ask if I know why the ETs are coming here. Actually, there are all sorts of them coming here, and it's primarily to help us, not to hinder us. We seem to be so self-destructive. They know the struggle mankind is going through, man with his impulses and weaknesses, and that even the best of intentions somehow go awry. Man is like a twig in the wind, bending this way and that, according to the forces pushing him. They see man as a puppet yielding to the negative impulses within himself. Even man's senses are limited. People have eyes but can't see, ears but can't hear, and even when guidance comes loud and clear, they act as if they must deliberate on whether of not to follow that guidance. How people see my films is an example. Many people have seen my pictures and feel no impulse to pursue the light within, to question their values, or to even stop and think about what it means. I had one scientist fall asleep while watching my films. He woke with a start, rubbed his eyes, and said he thought it was dust on the lens. Other learned people guess at what my films show, but it is always a guess that leaves them comfortable with whatever they believe. We don't try to connect to our inner beings, instead, we rely on our own cleverness rather than ask. What can I learn from this? Many people already have an opinion and walk away satisfied.

The Light Beings, like some high order ETs, want to help us. But they can only help in subtle ways because human beings have to pull themselves up by their own merits. We've got to want to do it ourselves. It's no good if somebody does it for us; there's no permanent growth in that. I don't know why this is such a hard thing for some people to understand. To learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of our ancestors, to experience and grow and to reach the eternal is really the reason we exist. Otherwise there would be no purpose to suffering in this world of uncertainty. There would be no reason for the world to exist.

Among other things, the role of the Light Beings is to keep us from committing suicide. When people began experimenting with nature, things started to get dangerous. Take the atomic bomb for instance. I know that sounds corny because we've seen this theme in movies, but a lot of people laugh at the idea that the bomb brought UFOs to earth. But silly sounding or not, it really happened. Even the men who invented the bomb weren't sure if they were about to destroy the world. What people don't realize, and this was something given to me many years ago, nuclear experiments were extremely dangerous, not just to the people who were killed by the experiments and by the bombs, but to the subtle energies that bind dimensions. This posed a real danger to other life forms as well. From what I gather, there is a dimension quite close to ours, and the membrane that divides the two is fragile. When we tamper with nature, and it has gotten worse in recent years, by using atom bombs, or experimenting with strange chemicals that pollute our atmosphere, we weaken this membrane. If there's a break, there will be chaos on a huge scale because both the earth and its nearest dimension will be changed. The Light Beings and the ETs have been concerned about this for a long time. This is why come of the ETs have been coming here.

Man has reached a level of technology that is quite familiar to the Light Beings. We've not only fooled around with nature, but we're trying to alter, and even create life by means of transplants, cloning, and other kinds of genetic experiments. Without a spiritual life, without spiritual awareness and respect for what was created, for who we really are as whole beings, the results of these things can be quite devastating to the future of mankind.

ETs have been aware of what we do here since the beginning of our history. Space and time don't exist for them, or the LIght Beings either, since none of them are of this earth. The ETs from planets out there don't travel through space; they just POP IN AND POP OUT INSTANTLY. Of course all of this is from my own experience, or from what I've learned from the Light Beings. Except for my films, I know of no way to prove any of the communications I've had. They've shown me many things, some I understand and some I don't understand. For example, they've shown me that there are many ETs that can enter our space, but this seems to depend somewhat on timing. I don't have a technical mind, so it's hard for me to explain. But they wait until there's an alignment of some kind, or when corridors or thresholds are lined up, then they enter and arrive here. But they don't have a long time here to accomplish what they need to and leave again. If they miss it, they have to wait until the next alignment. They can get stranded here for a while. I don't know whether people can go through the corridors; it hasn't happened to me, at least I don't think so, not physically. I've gone through by psychic means, or by means of my inner self, which is even harder to explain, so I won't even try here.

Man has reached a level of technology that is quite familiar to the Light Beings. We've not only fooled around with nature, but we're trying to alter, and even create life by means of transplants, cloning, and other kinds of genetic experiments. Without a spiritual life, without spiritual awareness and respect for what was created, for who we really are as whole beings, the results of these things can be quite devastating to the future of mankind.

ETs have been aware of what we do here since the beginning of our history. Space and time don't exist for them, or the Light Beings either, since none of them are of this earth. The ETs from planets out there don't travel through space; they just POP IN AND POP OUT INSTANTLY. Of course all of this is from my own experience, or from what I've learned from the Light Beings. Except for my films, I know of no way to prove any of the communications I've had. They've shown me many things, some I understand and some I don't understand. For example, they've shown me that there are many ETs that can enter our space, but this seems to depend somewhat on timing. I don't have a technical mind, so it's hard for me to explain. But they wait until there's an alignment of some kind, or when corridors or thresholds are lined up, they then enter and arrive here. But they don't have a long time here to accomplish what they need to and leave again. If they miss it, they have to wait until the next alignment. They can get stranded here for a while. I don't know whether people can go through the corridors; it hasn't happened to me, at least I don't think so, not physically. I've gone through by psychic means, or by means of my inner self, which is even harder to explain, so I won't even try here. They can also travel through time, something I've not understood at all, but they have no trouble doing it.



  2. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

  3. Anonymous8:17 AM

    nice post. thanks.

  4. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Nuclear power has always been around. The earth in easiest terms is runned and fueled by nuclear power. Man didn't create it. We discovered it and learned how to use it. Yes, man created bombs and such but it's in our nature to kill. Man has lost respect for mother earth And all her children. For example, Anglo's and Gringo's came to America and genocided over 11 million Native Americans including women and children because our ways was "savage" and "uncivilized". Then to continue futher the whites ensalved Africans because of their skin color. Then you got the wrong perspective on genetic experments. I'm sure that you also got a problem with stem cell research. Man could find out cures and find a new source of food with cloning. The possiblies are endless. It's people like you who are hold progress back. ET's truely cared don't you think they would have stopped mankind from every reaching this type of technology? Then I'm guessing your against combinding organic with synthic material together to?

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    those being of light were the true creators of generic viagra but is only conspiracy theory.

  6. I read really much effective material here!

  7. I'm sure that you also got a problem with stem cell research. Man could find out cures and find a new source of food with cloning. The possiblies are endless. It's people like you who are hold progress back

  8. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Anonymous poster at 4:23am - 1. don't be so simple minded and 2. learn to use grammar and spell before you bother with a comment...

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