Thursday, February 23, 2006


(Plateau of the Dawn Wraiths)
Victor KostrykinNalchik 1970 USSR

Until 1962 I was also skeptical about the existence of UFOs. Then I saw them myself on one starry summer night.

It happened in the countryside in a village called Blagoveshenka, in the Prokhladnenski region KBA SSR around 10 p.m. in the evening, Moscow time.I was watching satellites. Suddenly I saw very high in the sky a bright point of light. Synchronically changing luminescence but without glimmering it moved across the sky, in a North Easterly direction from the main Caucasus Range of Mountains along a strange zigzag trajectory.The object moved rapidly. It was beyond my understanding of the laws of Physics. It moved at right angles. Any Earth made object moving with such speed and dynamics would break apart. There wasn't any inertia in the object. But if there isn't inertia, there isn't mass. But if there is no mass there is no time. All this was very strange. Impressed by this unusual conundrum I watched the object for 5-7 minutes.

I was thirty-three years old at that time. From that day I started my investigations, analysis and new observations. Later unbelievable events led me to some conclusions and new riddles. Being in Blagoveshenka I recalled my childhood and my Grandmother, who told me how, before the revolution, people saw over the Nalchik, flying firey spheres. So I began to look at the heavens more often. I myself began to make prognosis of UFO visitations. First, Tens of people saw UFOs, according to my prognosis. Then hundreds, then thousands.

Often, for observations, we organized trips to the mountains. But the group of Observers, especially unprepared, was a company that rushed from the grip of the City into the countryside. Of course it was fun, but mostly we had been sitting near the fire or fishing, looking more at our lines than at the sky. That's why I began to work alone. I cannot say that having this adventure I was not afraid. However, interest suppressed any thoughts of danger, curiosity is above any feeling of foreboding.

The same was true on the night of 6/7 of July 1968. I reached the mountain village of Hushtosyrt in the Chigemski region. Hustosyrt from the Balkarski language means "Husto Hill." From the village I went into the high mountain pastures. Why did I chose this region? Because in that part of the sky I very often saw UFOs.

I sat on a Haystack. The pleasant smell of the freshly mown hay was like perfume in the air. It was safe, comfortable and I could lay on my back watching the evening sky. The stars were magnificent. Of course, I didn't dream of having any contacts. From my position I was staring into the depths of the universe. There was no living soul around. With any luck I was hoping to see a UFO to convince myself of the soundness of my prognosis.

It was around 3 am on 7th of July. Suddenly I saw an unusually bright vertically falling meteorite. Then the brightness diminished. The object descended trailing a smokey effusion in very close proximity to me, coming down in a spiraling movement. I instantly came to a sitting position, amazed and waited for an imminent explosion. Silence.... I tried to gather my wits about me.

Close to me was a small wooded area. From that place I sensed something watching me and I was instilled with an overwhelming feeling of terror. I looked behind me. I saw a humanoid figure in flames standing still, unmoving. Immediately I fell out of the Haystack and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I thought it was a Yeti, an Abominable Snowman. I thought in my fevered condition that the Yeti had been torched by our technology and was now, in his pain, going to revenge himself upon me. In my headlong rush I had forgotten ten thunderflashes that I had taken with me to scare off any dangerous wild animals.

In my panic and confusion I came to a dead halt. My ability to move deserted me. I had no control over my limbs. Every hair on my body stood on end. But I was completely free of any pain. I broke into a cold sweat, my heart thumped like a beating drum but my conscious mind was clear. I was soon gripped by a feeling of suspended animation and my oppressive fear dissipated. My previous feelings gave way to a wonderful sense of lightness filling my whole being. I heard a voice calling me.

Behind the hill I saw a disc shaped object of immense proportions that could not be of Earth construction. It was bright and glowing, it had a circle of portholes around its center which emitted a bright light. On drawing closer to the object I realized that they were not portholes. They were in fact round mouths of tubes. There were no portholes in the earthly sense of the word. Every tube along the whole radius of the craft pierced deep into the bowels of the object. Like spokes from the rim of a bicycle wheel, they ran to the hub. The light coming from the tubes was of a soft milky hue. This strange light circled the body of the object as if under the influence of a magnetic field. It gave the impression of being cocooned in a sea of light.

I was met by an alien being of very similar appearance to a human being, except in some small details. There were a few tongues of flame running across his silver coverall, which later disappeared. This silver figure had five digited hands and other limbs of similar proportions to our own. He was of slightly higher than average height. Later they explained that a man being in their close presence perceives them to be of regular human dimensions.Their real height is 5 - 6 m. They can compress (squeeze) dimension or extend it. The color of a dress was light and around their heads and legs there was a luminescence. Especially visible out of the craft. The figures were slim, thin, with normal proportions, movement were staid, slow and sublime.

They didn't like when anybody is talking loudly, waving the hands. They stopped me many times asking: "Speak (be) quite, don't wave your hands". By gesture I was invited to the Spacecraft. I crossed the threshold, (beyond which all earth laws loose their power), where stops all earth power and probably our three dimensions. It was warm inside. Warmer than on the pastures at that time. My foot steps muffled. The light inside the craft was soft, not like electrical or our daylight. There was no (sharp) strong shadows. The light was warm soft-milky, falling from above. I hadn't seen lamps or maybe didn't remember. Near the wall there was a control desk with colored glimmering buttons. All furniture or aggregates go in or out of the walls or floor. There was not any curtains or slide-valves on the walls, but walls can move apart and a screen appear, I had seen it.

Here I noticed some more figures. There were 5 of them in the craft. They were looking alike and dressed like brother-twins. (Before and from this place I write THEM with capital letter. According to THEIR achievement THEY are worthy.) The heads were big, oval-stretched. The faces were handsome and had something special in the features. Somehow I've got the feeling that they are looking through you, look and know what you are thinking about. There was not any hostility or curiosity from their side. The most particular thing was their big wraparound eyes. It seems, they could see all around.My feelings were ready to jump out of me, seeing all these incredible things. There was something on their heads that looked like a skull cap made of gold and stones. From the side it looked like a field-cap. Later I was told that it is a brain-phone, for long-distance talk-thoughts transmissions. Soon I noticed that there were no buttons or folds on the coveralls. There was something that looked similar (familiar) to the fold on the end of the sleeves, trousers on the neck and waist. All of them were dressed in silver coveralls. Soles were thick. The hair was gray and short, however, their faces were young without wrinkles.

I present myself, saying that I'm Caucasian from the group of natives. At the moment I was told that in Caucasus there are only 4 native nations. All others are mixed or brought here. They gave their names. All names were old or their own and only one reminded me of a word "svany," though, svany call didn't remember.

I was very impressed by their appearances, expediency (advisability), stability and confidence. With men they talk telepathically when you hear voice inside your head. I tried to close my ears by hands or turn and bow my head in different directions and sides. All the same. A wellspring of a sound was stable and didn't change when turning my head. I answered my questions speaking reserved and silently. Answers were clear, precise, without unnecessary words in perfect update Russian language. They spoke with me very politely and respectfully. Voices were young, different in timbers and directions. Emotional state I could feel by tone. They respect good, healthy humor. Talking to me they didn't open their mouths. Between each other they used language unknown to me. I remembered one word "Taila-Laila".

They invited me to sit in an armchair and in Russian told me: "Now our way is to the mountain" and one of them pointed in the direction of the Elbrus.On August 5, 1970, in contact they again called "Taila-Laila." Later, eventually, I found on the map not far from the Elbrus a mountain called Taila-Laila - 4010m over the sea-level. I didn't know this word. Maybe it was the name of the mountain, maybe it was a way they called me.

But let's get back to the events of that unusual night. Sitting in the armchair, I again paid attention to a unique, right-angled plate over the door leading to another room. It seemed to be made of gold with colored stones upon it. The whole picture on it carried any meaning.

Then two ET's, looking like twins came up to me. One of them had long black gloves on his hands. Here, I took notice of their hands: wrists were refined with long thin fingers. The gloves had not any folds. I was impressed by the quality of its material. There was not any speck or shine on them. Absolutely black. I looked at them not without fear and watchfully, thinking of what they are going to do. They took my left hand, turned it edgewise, pull thumb aside and took a piece of skin between first finger and thumb with a strange device. It was very fast, without any pain or blood. A small piece of skin stayed on the device, leaving on my hand a little red spot in the form of a triangle. The red trace disappeared at once, right while I was looking at it. Then, pulling myself together I said, "I know what kind of gloves you have and what it is for." I took it as a medical without any words. Suddenly the hand in the black glove, with all 5 fingers began to sink into my thorax. With wide-opened eyes I watched this unusual (spectacular) performance. There was no barrier for the hand. No muscle, no skeleton and even my undershirt that I had on me. There was no pain or any other sensations. Only when fingers touched my heart I felt very strong pain and screamed. The hand in black glove promptly got out. There was not any traces or blood left on my chest. Incredible!!! The hand in this wonderful glove did operation in my thorax as a solid body. How to explain.

(The rest of the story is missing, needless to say his heart condition was healed at once. If anyone has the rest of this story, please send it to me and we will complete Viktor's encounter story.)


  1. what a load of cods wollape is this a story or fact dont get me wrong ive seen ufos in my life but this sounds like a figment of someones imagination going wild i was 14 when i first saw my ufo experience this object had coloured flames al around it the sound it was making was a humming and whistle sound it had a long tail too it was 150feet of the ground it moved slow over the top of a tree and house it was no meteorite as it was big as a car maybe bigger and it went in a straight line over head the other one was two nights ago in harrogate this was a orange blob moving slow in the sky my ex was with me shed seen it the night before and said a bit had fallen off when we saw this blob shed been telling me 10 mins before about this object then it appeared in front of our eyes
