Friday, June 16, 2006


Taken aboard in 1978
By Douglas Taylor

One night, after a good day surfing in the sparkling clear Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico, I lay down on my bed to go to sleep. Before falling unconscious, I began to feel a very unusual spinning sensation. This was similar to many out of body experiences I have been having for many years during sleep. But this one was unusual as I didn't find myself in a familiar environment. It felt as if my entire body was vibrating in countless cyclic patterns -- a very unusual and stimulating sensation.

As my mind began to clear after this experience, I suddenly became aware of myself standing inside what I assumed was some type of spacecraft. Incredulous with my present situation I received a mental greeting. "Yes, friend you are truly with us. Now allow your mind to relax, and we will be most happy to shed some light on your present predicament..."

My mind was reeling in the most tremendous state of excitement and anticipation I had ever experienced! The surroundings in which I found myself were pulsating with a brilliant luminosity that was literally emanating from everywhere about me. And here, directly in front of me, was a group of seven beings, both male and female, standing around and manipulating what appeared to be some sort of control panel. One particular soul, human in appearance and dressed in a pure white space suit, was looking at me with the most intense, penetrating eyes I had ever seen. He seemed to be able to pierce directly into my mind -- and I knew this was no "human being," in my normal frame of conception.

There was a beautiful glow surrounding all of these beings and I noticed such a warmth and tremendous sense of peace that was in stark contrast to the absolute excitement I felt as I began to truly realize: I was standing inside a starship from some distant planet! Again my lighted host directed his thoughts into my mind, and I calmed down a little. "Please feel comfortable, my friend, as we are your brothers and wish only to make you feel at ease, so that you may gain some benefit from this encounter."

"You are one of many that we are contacting in this way, so as to let our presence be known upon your Earth - to prepare the people for the future plan that is beginning to unfold. I can see that your mind is bursting forth with questions, but please relax and I will attempt to answer your queries." "Your people of planet Earth have yet to realize that intelligent life is teeming, virtually throughout the universe, in advanced civilizations and levels of development that would completely defy description. The countless billions of stars that appear in your astronomers' telescopes are only a fraction of the overall magnitude of Infinite Creation - a Creation that had no beginning nor will there ever be an ending, as all worlds, stars, and even galaxies function in the orderly pattern of cyclic regeneration."

"We come from a planet outside your solar system, the name of which would mean nothing to you. As you can see, our craft is formed from a crystalline material that seems to sparkle and glow, emanating a soft but brilliant, phosphorescent-like illumination. This material is actually similar to your diamond, only in a highly refined form with certain electromagnetic properties that your most advanced scientists are unaware of. In the central portion of our cylindrical craft, you will notice a tube like configuration that runs vertically through the entire diameter of our starship."

"In this tube, you see a brilliant, pulsating, golden substance that is fluctuating iridescently in the various colors of the prismatic spectrum; this is the heart of our propulsion system. Through a process that would be difficult for you to understand, a sort of generating device begins an oscillation with this brilliant substance. It is actually a light plasma that polarizes our craft in a positive to negative phase reversal pattern; in other words, the electromagnetic properties of this plasma regenerate into an intense, high frequency condition. This begins a chain reaction in which the entire atomic structure of the craft is now vibrating in harmonic resonance with this initial chain reaction. Our starship is no longer subject to the physical laws of gravity and inertia, as we have passed beyond that particular frequency spectrum."

"In a way you could say that our ship is propelled by light radiation, although it is a much higher frequency than the visible light spectrum. So we travel on the electromagnetic radiation bands that crisscross throughout the cosmos, and only when we get to our particular destination or planet do we again change our craft back to its more gross, atomic form. Then, through a simple magnetic process of attraction and repulsion, do we land or depart from any particular point."


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