Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Excerpted from God Like Productions web site

I hardly ever post at GLP, but when I do you can take it to the bank that I have something to say of import and backed by non related sources. We are approaching some very strange and some rather bazaar times. The planet has been virtually controlled by a very ancient class of entities from the Constellation Draco who settled here on Earth 300,000 years ago in what we call today, "Lemuria." They have remained here and consider this planet their own. They are the reason for the dragon myths of ancient times as well as being spoken of in Genesis referencing the serpent race.

They were banished underground by the Atlantians, who came from a different star system and who look like us simply because we are direct descendants of them. The reptilian race have remained underground ever since. The higher echelon of the reptilians are very aggressive and have wings, thus giving rise to such things as the Mothman legends of West Virginia.

The reptilians have overseen many of our wars and have assisted our secret government in such projects as the mind control projects of Montauk, an underground facility of 8, some say 9, levels at the end of Long Island. This facility is but one of many deep underground facilities where deep black projects are underway involving genetic experiments, time travel, mind control, and weaponry to be used against aliens at war against the reptilian/grey union here on Terra Firma.

The purpose of this post is to alert you to the fact that the reptilians have directed movie scenarios in the past to prepare us for their reappearance back on the surface! They will appear in mass in the near future as our overt overlords in the New World Order fascist regime being readied now by their hybrid descendants spoken of by David Icke as "reptilian shape shifters."

These shape shifters are a royal bloodline, actually several bloodlines emerging from the biblical Nephilim, that maintain their human appearance by means of a very evil and terrifying way you can read about on Icke's website. You can bet that the Bush's are of this bloodline. Most of our recent presidents have been from this bloodline. They are all part of the super elite that have been promised a role of leadership in the forming totalitarian police state ruled by the alien Illuminati.

I will expect most readers of this thread to call me whacko and worse, but when the reptilians begin to surface and live among us, remember this post and the fact that you are THEIR slaves.

Peace and Light to you all

Author unknown


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    We will need to declare war on them, and kill every one of them.

  2. Anonymous8:39 PM

    War is not the answer

  3. Anonymous8:42 PM

    This post is not the truth. It is writen by some schizophrenic ignoramous that hasn't a clue.

  4. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I wonder- let's wait and see.Jesus said watch and pray

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Jesus said: "Sit and watch and kiss your ass goodbye!". It is probably too late for us (humans).

  6. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I found an audio file of David Icke in an interview talking about why bloodlines are so important. I'd say it's worth a listen.

  7. Anonymous4:30 PM

    One thing that David Icke mentions is the fact that the way the reptilians hold their control isn't that pyhsical, it's more about that they control our minds. That we accept the manufactured reality handed to us by them, and by doing this we are their slaves. The way to break free is to create your own reality, to reject theirs.

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    To UFOwatcher

    First you say war is not the answer, and then you say this is all bollocks anyway?
    I've been in contact with the lower fourth dimension myself, and consequently experienced demonic possesion.(Ha, ha, yeah really!)
    I propose it's you who don't have a clue.

    As to methods of overcoming this situation, above the lower forth dimensions, there are other astral planes, inhabited by so-called "guides" and angels. The are helping us in unseen ways every day.
    They are trying to wake us up to what's going on.

    But be aware of the plan to implant microchips in the bodies of the global population.
    This is, in my opinion, what is referred to in the last book in the bible where it says something about a beast putting his mark on either the hands or foreheads of all people, to restrict trading.

  9. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Are all you people serious? Please tell me this is all tongue in cheek... if not you are all so whacked it is just hard to fathom...

  10. Anonymous11:34 AM

    i found your theoris interesting and some of then just out rught stupid...yes these interdimenshional energy leaches are leal i may hav even encountered one my self tho im not shure..but you hae to look at the facts here humans kill human rapetheir young chances of us surviing this war is verly slim i suges we all stop caling eachother wackjobs and stop the serpent in its track, we should stop killing we should stop destroying our home earth human are beings of love and light be have the esenc of got and im shure such a being does not deserve to leave in slavary over a demonick race humans should wake up or were all just fucked.

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    You people and your reptilian conspiracies are hysterical ! I'm howling so hard with laughter I can barely type. Nuts- all of you.

  12. Anonymous7:06 AM

    i agree completely people who do not believe in aliens are extremely ignorant people. they usually believe in a god that is made up of what? he is not human but an energy? that is more far fetched. there is not one god but many gods and they are aliens that just altered are dna just like we do to animals and even are own.

  13. Anonymous6:03 AM

    its all true, and i for one will not bow down, i will join the resistance when the time comes and become a soldier against the annukki and these reptillian beasts.

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  18. truth is redemption6:23 PM

    everyone listen, in know the world is going to shit and most of the "humens" of this world are controlled and maipulated by the draconian race of reptilian aliens! but (i believe) the only way to stop them is truth and the power of love. war is not the answer though it seems like it would get the job done thats just what the aliens want us to do becuase they would completly anialate us.i believe we need to awaken the world with truth,love,and the light energey that we are. only this way can we connect with the earth and universe again to repel the aliens. we must engage who we are and what they are. we need to spread the love and remember our power will be in numbers!

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  24. Anonymous5:37 PM

    This is so true... Now the time has come, that they want to laugh on us overtly. They hate our light energy the most. Soon it will come to the battle. Don't be naive, don't believe a single word they say. The only thing they want is to KILL you. By "you" I don't only mean your body, but your soul, too. Why didn't they attack us overtly? They fear the fury of our Creator. If the consciousness of what is happening here spreads throughout the Universe, they will have no place to hide, then they are done. They CAN be beaten! Resist by all means.

  25. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I think they are waiting until the next crossing of the dwarf star and then many will already be dead. I think the government cooperates with them in order to survive the crossing which is going to be a bad one. Maybe they know they need the underground facilities to survive and the Reptilians are already adapted and helping them with technology.

  26. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I hope they are easier to kill than termites and ants. Seems you can never get them all and they just keep coming back.

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