Friday, September 29, 2006


By Gareth Edwards

It was a terrifying close encounter which led to the only case in British history of an alien sighting being the subject of a criminal investigation.

Exactly 25 years later, the case is still open on forestry worker Bob Taylor's brush with mysterious alien spheres on Dechmont Law.

Now on the anniversary of the event, UFO enthusiasts are set to descend on the site, to show that the truth really is out there. They have arranged to visit the site today to meditate in silence at the exact time of Mr. Taylor's encounter. (This was written in 2004)

The event has been organized by paranormal investigator Ron Halliday, Chairman of Scottish Earth Mysteries Research, who believes the encounter to be one of the most significant events in the history of UFOlogy. It is certainly one of the best-documented, and to this day defies rational explanation.

On November 9, 1979, at around 10:30 am, Mr. Taylor, then a forestry worker employed by the Livingston Development Corporation, parked his truck at the bottom of Dechmont Law.

He walked up the lower slope of the hill with his dog, and as he emerged into a clearing saw a large, circular, sphere-like object about 20 feet across. Mr. Taylor said it appeared to be made from a dark metallic material with a rough texture like sandpaper.

As he approached the object, two spheres, each about three feet wide with protruding metal spikes like old naval mines, dropped from the object.

The two spheres rolled towards him and despite his dog barking furiously, attached themselves to his trousers. There was an acrid smell that caused him to choke and he felt a sensation of being grabbed by the side of the legs and tugged forward.

The next thing Mr. Taylor remembered was waking up with his head pounding, a sore throat, and a bitter taste in his mouth. He calculated that he had been unconscious for at least 20 minutes.

"I was completely devastated afterwards," he recalled. "I couldn't walk and the doctor came to look at me. We went back with the police and found all these marks where it had been."

The police found unusual indentations in the ground, ladder-shaped marks where the craft was said to have stood and marks following the path of the mine-like objects.

They said they were "completely baffled" by the incident, which was treated as an assault.

Now 87, Mr. Taylor moved away from the area after the event, but on the eve of the anniversary he revealed it was still in his thoughts. "I stand by every word of my account of the incident," he said. "I told it as it happened and it's as clear as yesterday. It is the most amazing thing that ever happened to me.

"I know what I saw and it looked like a spaceship, a huge flying dome. I'm not surprised there has been so much interest in it over the years as it was such an incredible thing to happen."

Mr. Halliday believes going back to the site on the anniversary could yield some clues to the nature of the encounter, and has not ruled out the possibility of once again making contact.

"We want to go back to the site to mark this anniversary and perhaps by being there we will be able to make contact again with whatever it was Bob Taylor saw," he said.

"It is possible that this was something from another dimension which for a short period of time appeared in our world. That fits with what Taylor saw, as he said the object appeared solid but at brief moments was shimmering and partially transparent.

"Even skeptics believe he is telling the truth about what he saw, and no explanation has been given to what it could have been."

Mr. Taylor's encounter took place on the edge of the area known as the Falkirk triangle, one of the most "visited" UFO hotspots in the world. Around 300 UFOs are seen in Scotland each year, the highest concentration of UFO sightings on the planet.


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

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  12. Anonymous8:56 AM

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  13. Anonymous11:07 AM

    (And now what will become of us
    Without the barbarians
    They were a kind of solution.)
    Is it something other than what Cavafy the great greek poet and his people hoped; to escape the then miserable life they drowned in. Has the world become that shit .

  14. ET's and UFO's make for great drama, action, mystery and why not all of us go along with the program and jump on the bandwagon???????????? yea or nea it doesn't matter. The government will do whatever it wants to control our lives and if they want us deaf, dumb and stupid so be it. what can we do about it? Nothing!! that is what. if the stock market and organized religion wants us to be ignorant, so be it... we will be ignorant and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it....let's play along and have some fun with it....we will be dead someday and then we can forget about all this BS...i personally believe it is TRUE. but do i want to piss off the federal gov't...???? shit no! i have a fed. pension coming in and i don't want Uncle Sam screwing around with my little don't get all juiced about...just go with the flow and have some fun.....guadalupejoe

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  24. BigOldBlackie, don't let this retard racist bother you. He can't help it, he was born with an extra Y chromosome (from repetitive inbreeding), he has no girlfriend (except for his left hand), and resides in a little trailer with no friends. I guess all that cross burning has finally fried his little pea-brain.

  25. BigOldBlackie,
    dont feel sorry for this clown! He is just a bully, attempting to live out his childhood fantasies. I'm sure he grew up as a nerd who was always picked on, and got the snot beat out of him, never played sports, got picked last for team sports in gym class, played dungeons and dragons, never got attention from his parents, had one girlfriend his whole life, and she left him when she realized what a freak he was, was obsessed with Star Wars, went through a stage when he wore all black, dyed his hair, totally related to Kurt Cobain (made a shrine in his room when he died) etc...

    Now, he resides in a tiny little trailer with a computer he can hide behind, and attempt to relive his chilhood, only now he is the bully, or should I say coward. He associates with other cowards like the skinheads, and the KKK, who are also reliving their pitiful childhood, and blame all their problems on minorities, gays, women, liberals, conservatives, etc... How am I doing Zhell1313!!!

    So, dont feel sorry for this little worm, BigOldBlackie, he chose this road.

    Take care my brother

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  28. As part of my outpatient therapy it was suggested that I write about my terrible addiction and maybe publish it so that others suffering from the same illness might better recognize the various symptoms and, more importantly, know that treatment is readily available. And so, as I continue my rehab on the long road to permanent recovery, in an article entitled "666 STEPS: THE CONFESSIONS OF A CROWLEY BIBLIOMANIAC" in issue #6 of SUB ROSA MAGAZINE (go to for a free PDF download), I open up about my addiction to collecting those rare Aleister Crowley first editions, and also talk about my friend Danny Carey's habitual longing to purchase scarce volumes for his own Bibliotheca Crowleyana, a condition that I feel somewhat responsible for.
    (NOTE: A week ago I almost had a bit of a relapse. On a 'whim' I drove to the "Iliad" bookstore here in Los Angeles with hopes of finding something interesting to read. Once inside the used bookstore, it didn't take long before I found myself in the occult/metaphysical section. Although my intention was to only look for harmless reprints, it wasn't long before the owner approached me and mentioned that he had something that might be of interest in the collectible section. There, after being somewhat puzzled by the exorbitant price of a 1973 small format hardcover copy of Khing Kang King (had it really gone up that much in value!) by Ko Yuen (Aleister Crowley) I picked up a little hardcover book with a faded gold seal printed on its blue buckram boards. Immediately the Crowley biblioholic knew this was going to be trouble. I was right. It turned out to be a 1938 first edition of Crowley's "Little Essays Toward Truth" (privately issued by the O.T.O.), complete with the original fold out diagram, adverts for other Crowley works, and an addendum inserted (strangely enough) at the front of the book. With an asking price of $750.00, I examined the rare morsel for about 20 minutes, debating whether or not to buy it (after all, I had my new 'child' to think about). Showing incredible will power (or in this case, lack thereof), I placed it back on the shelf and left the store empty handed. When I got home, I rang Danny, who was eating breakfast (a bowl of "Quisp" that he'd purchased on e-Bay, I believe) to tell him about the book, and how I nearly "fell off the wagon." Hearing the news, he dropped his spoon, jumped on a motorcycle and raced to the "Iliad." As you can probably guess, he now has a 1938 "Little Essays Toward Truth" as part of his collection.)

    Besides the "collecting Crowley" article in issue #6 of SUB ROSA MAGAZINE, there are also features on ancient Egyptian mysteries by researchers Robert Bauval and Robert Schoch... and much more. As always, Greg Taylor and the staff at the Dailygrail site have done an excellent job! And if you happen to be interested in that copy of Khing Kang King (1973, Thelema Publications), it might still be available at the "Iliad" for $375.00. The Crowley bibliomaniac is glad that he only paid $20.00 for his about ten years ago.

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  30. If your ever in the area... Look me up. If you dare..I will make everone a real good deal.. Until...

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  32. Forget to take your Lithium clown?

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  34. Zhel1313 is living proof that indians had sex with buffalos.

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  38. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Remember Zhell, Lithium in the morning, Ritalin at noon, Prozac at night!

  39. Nigger talking about drugs??? Ironic?? I think not.

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  41. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Hey big mouth! Get the hell off your mommy's computer and start studying for your finals, you piss ant!

  42. Anonymous you chicken shit bastard motherfucker, how are you able to talk so clearly with my dick in your mouth??? You must another one of those stupid monkeys. Don't be pissing on my pot, you fuck stick, or you'll end up like all the other niggers... Hanging by your balls from a tree. Not that I have edified, what, I am, I will.

  43. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Shut the fuck up you shithead!

  44. Anonymous, you fucking ball licker, why don't you scroll up this post a little, and click on my web site, get the physical address of the site, and come visit me at my store, so that I can stuff my boot all up in your faggot ass. I am not a chicken shit pussy like you. I put down right were I am so you can find me, because I ain't scared of no pussy ass, chicken shit, nigger lovers... Censorship is cancer motherfucker, so if you want a piece of this, come get some. If not, pull the cock out your ass, and get to stepping. BONG!!!!!

    1. Zhell131311:31 AM

      Love this guy����

  45. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Shouldn't you be out burning a cross or branding a swatstika in your forhead asshole? You're a fucking amateur, piss ant! Rip your mouth of your mother's tit and get a job you lazy fuck!

  46. Anonymous11:09 PM

    P.S. You're a fucking pussy!

  47. Anonymous11:25 PM

    You fucking faggot!

  48. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Put your real name, address and phone number down for all of us to see you fuckhead!

  49. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Post your name, address and phone number here on this Blog you fucking faggot! Lets see your true colors pussy! Lets see how fucking brave you are now hard ass! You fucking homo! You fucking pecker breath! I can guarantee you don't have the balls to post it here on this blog! I have gone through hundreds of pussies like you pal! You're all alike, when it comes down to a confrontation you all bail out like the faggots that you are! You fucking pussy!

  50. Danny Carrey:

    120 North Topanga Canyon Blvd. #111

    Topanga, California 90290
    Touche, nigger lover.

  51. Anonymous1:23 AM

    His trailer is the one with the pink flamingo's and gnomes (with hoods over their heads),out front.

  52. Censorship is cancer. I will not be shunned because I have an opinion. I have, by the power of the white man, the right to free speech… Socome by and visit, and please attempt to harm me. I beg you. Prove to me all in which I say is true… Happy Holidays .

  53. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Live by the sword Danny Boy, and eventually you will...

    I'm sure you know the rest!

  54. How are all you ball licking motherfucker all pussys? Its one thing to have something to say, but to pussy to back it up with you motherfucking name? Fuck that.. Grow some balls and be a man for god sake. You all are what's wrong with this fucking planet. I will watch you all sink into the motherfucking tar pits...

    Oh, and the tar pits is where we bury all the niggers, that why tar is black...

  55. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I hope you have a good job, cause I need more public assistance! I'm also runnin low on my 40's, so work some more OT motherfuka!

  56. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Happy Kwanza zhell, and hope your havin yourself a Black Christmas!

  57. Read this the other day in the Wall Street journal while riding a train from Florence to Rimini. Thought it was worth sharing. From the Wall Street Journal editorial “Two Americas” by Senator Jim Webb "The politics of the Karl Rove era were designed to distract and divide the very people who would ordinarily be rebelling against the deterioration of their way of life. Working Americans have been repeatedly seduced at the polls by emotional issues such as the predictable mantra of “God, guns, gays, abortion, and the flag” while their way if life shifted ineluctably beneath their feet."

  58. Saturday: Dec 23,2006.
    As the solstice approaches, I'll be making my way Home to get cozy with my 2006 juice. Traveling has kept me more than arms length from the post crush process this year. So I'm very much looking forward to getting back and diving in not only the vino, but also some music. Claiming I'm homesick would be an understatment. However, before this European tour is over I will have had the opportunity to spend more than just a day off in a few places I have only dreamt of visiting. Porto, Florence, Venice, Turin (from whence my Italian blood flows), Kilkenny (from whence my Irish blood flows), Athens and Cairo. An excellent finale to an excellent year. What better way to end the year than to stare into the eyes of the Sphinx?

  59. Anonymous5:14 PM

    If ever you decide to travel into Cairo be sure to inform them that you are American, they will love that. Happy Kwanza, fuckhead!

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  61. Anonymous1:36 PM

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  63. What's up you nigger lovers, I'm back to fuck up. Just like onyx!!! So watch yo back, cause we be koon huntin' tonight!!

  64. SO I guess I either killed or scared off all you niggers. Well, what about you beaners??? I need some of you mutherfuckers to mow my lawn... So what do you say... Yes, or I'll kill you too. And send your body back to Mexico... He,he,he.

  65. Anonymous you nigger, jew, beaner, gook loving piece of shit, fuck off... I'll be coming for you to fucking kill you, just like I killed you mother. Thats right. It's me. I am back.. Back to fuck up... KKK is back and stronger then ever. Were coming for you don't think we can't find you bitches... Ha,ha,ha.

  66. Anonymous9:28 PM

    zhell your're a fucking pussy behind a keyboard! You fucking homo! You ass fuck! You fucking faggot!

  67. Anonymous, you chicken shit fuck. I not behind a keyboard, I am behind you nigger fucking mother, blowing her brains out with my Mack 10. You ain't nothing but a monkey lover and ain't going to do shit. If you were you would e-mail me straight up, and we would settle this, with a HANGING. What?? You don't have it...

    There you go, pussy. Lets see what you got. You can bring along all those illegal beaners you got hiding in your wifes cunt to back you up if you want... Crotch stained, nigger fucking, jew loving, spik sucking, slant eye gook licking, cock knocker.

  68. Anonymous10:51 PM

    You fucking white trash Wal-Mart working neo-nazi skinhead stack of dimes neck low IQ toothless stick figure!!

    You are alive only because I allow it!

    Fucking pecker breath!

  69. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Yo nigga!

    Black cat got yo tongue!
    You is so white trash!
    Git off yo hockey ass Waylon Jennins lisnen butt and makes me sum mo welfare divedends!

    Punk ass Bitch!


  71. Viagra mutherfucker, you can't get a hard on. You should do like me, and kill some niggers. That makes me hard as a rock, then I ass rape all them little nigger boys, right before I hang them...

    hitler rules


  72. Hey Viagra site, may you could get it up looking at the pictures of this 8 year old nigger boy I fucked. See my white dick going in and out his nigger ass... Let me know

    KKK all the way...


  73. Anonymous5:19 AM

    HA HA punk ass bitch pankake eatin clarence cleerwater revival lisnen hillbilly! you will be chokin on my roll of tar paper motherfucker! I will allow you the honor of opnen you mouth and injestin some pristine alabama blacksnake DNA! Walmart shoppin bitch! Now goes out and work for my welfares! Big old scarecrow white motherfucker!

  74. Anonymous3:49 AM

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  76. Anonymous9:06 PM


    Do yoself a big fava and open yur piehole nice and wide whiles I unroll mys alabama blake snake rights down yur throut. ill pump yur mouth a few times and let loose the millian man march army rites into yur fat hillbilly belly! HA HA! thats rite bitch! Afta dat I will lets ya watch me pop yo mammas ass and lick my dik clean! Yo momma will be knokin on my door afta the poundin I give her! Bitch, I wont even charge yoo and that inbred family any fee! HA HA Bitch! Keep on with yur trailer park hillbilly redneck pankake eatin, Walmart shoppin lifestyles, cuz Iles be back next week poppin yur mommas ashole! Punkass bitch!

  77. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Hey zhell,

    Suck my big fat mutha fuckin black cock just like yo moma does. I even let you clean it up afta. White trash scarecrow motha fuckan trailer trash walmart shoppin fox news watchin book reada!

  78. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Hey zhell,

    My boy iz yo prez!!! HaHa! Yea booooooooooooy!

  79. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Ha Ha! Whitebread! Da black cat gut yo tung! My man is in da white house now, we is in power now bitch! Dont go slinging yo shit round here no more, or my man the prez will fix yor ass! You is all done scarecrow muthafucka! You is silenced!

  80. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Dat fukhed is all dun. he noes we is in the power now. no more zehell1313 no more, he is a nigga fuk.

  81. Anonymous3:19 AM

    yeaaaaaah boooooooyz, we is rid of da white boy. no more of his dum comments. we are in powa now and he knows it. we are in control of deez posts not him no more. we is da man not da stupid head zhell1313. go get fucked off you whte fuk zhell1313.

  82. Anonymous4:25 AM

    GUESS WHAT NIGGERS, IM back! I was on a retreat killing some zulu niggers out east, but im here now. As I look around the room, I see you knuckle dragging fucks shit and piss all on yourselves in this cage you called life. Well, Zhell is here so lick that shit up, like your nigger mommas lick my nut. A couple of you niggers girlfriends came up preggo with my baby, so I had to put two bullets in them. One in da Belly, one in da dome. Now your get those sweet nigger lips cleaning this shit floor, or your all end up like that nigger mike tyson daughter. Dead like a bitch...

    KKK all the way.

    I love you hitler..

  83. Anonymous7:28 AM

    You is all thru zhell. Our man is yo prez now, we iz da powa now scarecrow. Our prez is yo prez and he is black like us! He is yo boss and tells you what to do, ha ha white bread! The prez is our man and pretecs us from you rednecks, he iz runnin dis country now and it belongs to the black man now, the riteful owners. We run dis land now and you lisen to us now. You is our bitch now white boy, the prez wuz elected and iz you boss now fukhead! You iz now our slave hansel! Ha Ha, now start payin me my dividends mutha fucka!!!!!

  84. Nigger what? Our Pres, isn't black! He's white as tiger woods. And I tell you another thing. Hitler will rise from the grave and eat your pres, if North Korea don't finish him off first.

  85. Besides, should you all, along wit big ole blackie be down in the tar pits cookin some good o' Alabama BBQ. That's all you niggers could do. Maybe I can't relate to you monkeys and spit some lyrics.
    I probably yo daddy, cause I nutted all up in yo mammy. Thats right, WHITE POWER.

  86. Anonymous6:34 AM

    You muthafuck, wait till Obama finds out what you says tu us. He is da powa now whitebred. You is all dun muthafuck. We is runnin things now and we be puttin all you red nek scarecrow bastids on a ship to an island and bomb it. Dis is our land now and you has gots to leeve punk. Our pres is all black and dats the way things is gonna be. You see what he dun to dat cop who tried fukin wif a educated harvid prfeser, well dats gonna be you mutha fuk! We own da usa now.

  87. Anonymous6:16 PM

    we is pissed now you fucka mutha. Obama is makin dis land ours and you will be livin in in cuba. them koreans dont dare mess wif our man, he dont take no shit from nobody espeshaly japs. you suck zehell, you days is so numbered wif da brotha in our whitehouse you dum fuk.

  88. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Dis rap is fo you shit fuk!

    whitefuk whitefuk you is threw
    whitefuk whitefuk my dick you blew
    keep on workin for my check
    whitefuk whitefuk noose for necks

    i needs some dividends so mail da check
    no mo methadone we is free of dat
    i likes knowin dat you is a slave
    just keep da checks a commin i wont behave

    obama is da beutfil black king
    you is our bitch workin fo my checks
    you will keep on workin for me
    black men everywhere is happy fo da checks
    you is a slavin now fo my big fat checks
    i love knowin dat you is da slave now
    i am proud of bein da black man now
    you keep da checks comin fo my escalade deluxe muthafuk

    this piece be da work of black art fukhead

  89. Anonymous2:40 AM


    we is winnin dis race war we is winnin dis cuntry we is winnin it alll muthafuk. you be drinkin our piss you be eatin our shit you be sukin our diks you is so stupid shitfuk. we is da supereor ones now shitfuk. we be livin in does white houses you be payin for our helthcare welfares acorns and whateva els our prz tells you to pay fo. you is da slave now fuka you is workin fo da man now muthafuk. you is stupid stupid stupid fuk. our prez will tax your white muthafukin ass back to da stone age and makes you da getto bitch. keep on workin cuz our repurations is cummin next muthafuk. suck my cock

  90. Anonymous4:45 AM

    zhell suks black dik zhell is da ugly fuk zhell you is da dum dum. you zhell suks da prez dik. zhell is da obama slave. ha ha stupid zhell ha ha suk da dik of mine!!!!! beutiful blacks rule dis cuntry muthafuk zhell we is da powa muthafuk you is da slave dik sukin slurpin whitetoast fuka!!!! we rules dis place and you needs to keep our checks cummin fuka reparatshins is next you fuk you keeps on workin for us you stupid you is slavin for the 40 i is drinkin now fuka my crack is paid by you stupid dum dum whitefuka!!!! stupid stupid stupid dum dum fuk!!!

  91. Anonymous4:30 PM

    zhell stay away this post belongs to the brothus now!!!!!!

  92. Anonymous6:21 PM

    dat zehell fuk nows da bruthas own dis howse

  93. Anonymous6:22 PM

    ha haa fukhed we is da powa

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  111. It won't work in reality, that's exactly what I consider.

  112. ZHell1313 is back, cause we about to get a white prez.... Bawwahahahaha

  113. So lets see what has happen since I have been gone. A nigger got in the white house and fucked shit up. WOW. big shocker! Heard he was a in on flying plans into fucking buildings in New York. Too bad it wasn't just niggers that died.

    Well guess what! I'M BACK. Back to clean up the streets from black bottom feeders of the earth. I had my boy do it in that theater in Colorado. But the fucker kept shooting white people to. Guess white people look black in the dark.

    Don't worry boys and girls. Zhell1313 AKA, your daddy, is back to make things right. Oh, and don't you worry Big ol blackie, and pantherpride ain't around any longer to stop the rebellion.

    KKK all the way!!

  114. Anonymous9:55 PM

    zhell1313 you no get it. der be mo of us den you fool. der is no way you whitefuckers can win no mo. we is runnin tings yoo is da slave now fool. keep payin dem taxes fo my welfares mutherfucka. i sell drugs on da side to bitch. keep workin hard fo me fool. dem tables be turned now pig. just wait till dem illegils can be votin. you neva get no whitebreds in again fool. we is here to stay. you da slave fool. keep workin fo me ass.

  115. Anonymous5:10 AM

    zhell yoo best stay off owr postis. dis be owrs. stay off of heres. dis post be fo dee obama followas not crakas. yooz keep workin hard fo our welfares yoo fool slave. i needs my 40 my my big tv my chips and grape sodas fool. git out der and work mofo owr pres be takin care of us. fool mofo

  116. Anonymous11:02 PM

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  117. Anonymous10:02 PM

    ha ha ha zhell be gone frum heer. we iz da pawa for dis posts. we own dis post. we iz frends wif da prez obama and hiz frends. zhell no dares to be heer cuz we iz in powa now. we rulez dis cuntry now and we iz da new world powa. no ova cuntry dares mess wif us now cuz we dont take theer shitz. they knoz owr prez will invade der cuntry if day says bad stuff about da bros. zhell stay owta here foreva no cummin back no bad tawkin but da bros. obama reeds dis stuff we rite and he wont let yooz talks bad bout da bros. he will send da gmen afta ya zehell yooz stays away fool.

  118. Anonymous11:41 PM

    BOING!!!!! dat's right craka we iz winnin evrytiing dat cums up fool. Da gun rights is gone fool, da illegals iz hear ta stay, da taxes iz bigga and you be payin dem, free college, free welfares, free phonze, free wheelz, free helthcares, free booz, free evryting you fuk. who da fukin slave now zhell you stupids fool. go da fuk outs and works fo me asswiper.

  119. Anonymous10:25 AM

    yeaaaaaah booooooooooy! we be takin away yooz crakas guns fool mofo. yoooz fools needs to pays us mo. we no needs yooz ta have dem guns fools. we needs em fo da hood life. it be dangerus owt heres fool. crakas no be shootin us no mo foolz. we da powa foolz. obama is owa king and savia. he savin da bros an be putin da crakas in chainz foolz. i rulz dis here postis yall.

    1. Zhell131311:40 AM

      You don’t rule shit! You just like the others.

      Tar pits.
      Bottom feeders.

      I rule this post. Check the comments.

      Who’s on top?? ZHELL1313

  120. Anonymous11:06 PM


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  124. Zhell131311:34 AM

    What ever happened to this guy? Guess he really is dead. Typical

  125. Zhell131311:37 AM

    Trump gonna build that wall. All you are gone.
    White man keeping the white man pockets filled.

    What y’all fools say about that??

    You thought I was gone??? Zhell1313 lives forever!
    That’s right. Decades later.. still here!
    Never gonna stop me!

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