Monday, December 11, 2006


Ingo...35 Years Ago
By Cassandra 'Sandy' Frost 12-5-6

December 8, 2006 is the 35th anniversary of Ingo Swann performing the first successful "distance viewing" experiment at the American Institute of Psychical Research in NYC. Swann is a modern day shaman; Da Vinci in New Yorker's clothing. He's an internationally-acclaimed artist, psychic pioneer and the father of American remote viewing.

His web site should be enjoyed on a quiet Sunday morning with a sacramental cup of coffee so the secrets of your life can be uncoded as you adventure into one of the true wonders of our world.

But beware.
It will change your life forever.

When I met him at the 2002 remote viewing conference in Austin, Texas, I wept in his presence. When he asked me "What's wrong?" I replied, "Nothing. Everything is right."

To commemorate this landmark occasion, here, in his own words, is Ingo describing what he discovered on that winter day 35 years ago. Were it not for him participating in this one of over 750,000 clinical experiments, we'd not be Swann spawn and part of tribe RV.

"After the morning and afternoon OOB (Out of Body) practice sessions on December 8, 1971, and while I was still hooked up to the brainwave contraption, another American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) worker, Vera Feldman, then handed Janet Mitchell a sealed envelope. Through the intercom, Janet said (I remember her words very clearly): 'Ingo, I've got the envelope. Let me know when you're ready.'

'I'm ready,' I replied.

Through the intercom I could hear Janet tearing open the envelope. Then she breathed hard and said: 'The target is Tucson, Arizona.'

Now something wondrous and magical occurred. Of course I really had no idea how to 'get' to Tucson from the rather ugly experimental room in New York. And when I first heard the mention of Tucson, a picture of hot desert flashed through my mind. But then I had the sense of moving, a sense that lasted but a fraction of a second. Some part of my head or brain or perceptions blacked out ­ and there I was in Tucson.

It was something I would refer to years ahead as 'immediate transfer of perceptions.' So fast was the whole of this, or so it seemed to me, that I began speaking almost as soon as Janet had narrated the distant site through the intercom.

'Am over a wet highway, buildings nearby and in the distance. The wind is blowing. It's cold. And it is raining hard.'

Having said as much, I noted that there was water glistening on the highway. I then said, 'That's it! Tucson's having a big rainstorm.'

'That's it?' questioned Janet through the intercom.

'Yeah, that's it, only that I'm slightly dizzy. I thought this would take longer. It's raining and very cold there.'

'Okay,' Janet replied, again breathing hard.

Through the intercom I heard her dialing the number of the weather service in Tucson. I was sweating, and started to pull off the electrodes. I noticed that my spine was tingling, if that's the correct word. Before I could stand up, though, Janet said through the inter-com: 'Well, you're right on, baby. Right now, Tucson is having unexpected thunderstorms and the temperature is near freezing'."

Swann further writes, "I would like to emphasize that if Hal Puthoff and I had not gotten together, it is completely likely that there would be no story to tell."

A year later, Swann read Puthoff's "The Physics of Psychoenergetic Processes" research proposal (1971, unpublished), and the next morning wrote him a letter.

On June 6, 1972, Puthoff, working at Stanford Research Institute's International Radio Physics Lab (SRI) in Menlo Park, California, tested Swann to see if he could mentally affect a device buried under a concrete floor that used magnetic fields to detect the presence of quarks. The experiement was successful and the efforts of Swann, Puthoff and Russell Targ later came to the attention of Army LT. F. Holmes (Skip) Atwater and remote viewing, as an intelligence gathering tool for the United States government, went operational a few years later.

Swann discussed another incident that happened between 1975 and 1976 when he was asked to remote view Soviet submarines. "This was one of those 'big test' things that went on with witnesses," he wrote.

"The room was filled with top brass. I said, 'Hal, I don't know what to do. I think this submarine has shot down by a UFO or the UFO fired on her. What shall I do?'

And Puthoff went pale. He looked at me and whispered, 'I don't know, it's your show. You do what you should do.'

So I sketched this picture of a UFO, and this two or three-star general sitting on my right grabbed it and said, 'What's that, Mr. Swann?' I said, 'Sir, I think it's rather obvious what that is.'

And he took the paper and stood up, and when he stood up, everyone else left. So Puthoff and I went back to the hotel and I said, 'Oh, Christ, we've blown the program.'

So we went out and got drunk.

Three days later, Puthoff got a call.

The caller said, 'Okay, how much money do you want.''

Swann's success helped SRI obtain research program funding from the CIA.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
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