Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Daily Sun
Conway, NH
Nov. 24, 2006

My friend Peter Samuelson, 65, of Fryeburg, has been prospecting in these mountains for more than 40 years. Back in the late 1960s, when I was being introduced to the area by working summers up at the AMC, he was already prospecting far and wide in the mountains, carrying heavy packs of supplies in, and heavy packs of stones out.

His many stories about the mountains -- a few of which I have taken part in -- have been part of my own mythology of the White Mountains. Recently, with my interest in helping to save the Ossipee Range from the burden of a private racetrack on its fragile slopes, he approached me to remind me of his Sasquatch story in the Ossipees, and lightheartedly suggested I write a third column on the Ossipee Range, which might include his story.

At first I found the idea amusing and certainly possible. But, then I realized he had honestly told me the story of what he and his friend Holly saw that day in the mountains -- there is no reason to think otherwise -- and an interpretation of the events should be left up to the reader. Even Samuelson himself isn't sure at all what actually happened.

A story about the myth versus reality of the Sasquatch certainly emphasized the wildness of the Ossipee Range, a place that should be preserved for future generations instead of irresponsibly exploited in the name of a temporary addiction to oil.

It was midsummer, 1979. Samuelson, his dog named Kat, and his girlfriend Holly Swaffield, then of Wolfeboro, were out prospecting in the Ossipee Range.

"We drove in the Gilman Valley Road, parked at the gate and continued up the old road past the Tamworth/Ossipee town line," he said. "Then we cut into the woods on the right and headed west up Bald Mountain."

The legendary Bald Mountain is taller than Mount Whittier and is located just south of it. From its open leges, you can look diretly below to Connor Pond, located in the center of the range.

"We bushwhacked in two miles, up to the ledges on Bald," Samuelson said. "The area contains a lot of Conway granite and we were looking for contact zones, edges where two types of rock meet. Along these zones, it is possible to dig for pockets of beryl's or topaz crystals."

As the trees opened up before them, and Connor Pond became visible far below to their left, they saw a strange sight about 100 yards ahead on the ledges.

"It was a small structure, yet made of big stones, stacked on each other," he said. "The roof was flat and made of thatched hemlock bows. There was an opening, like a rustic doorway. We saw a giant manlike creature inside, about seven feet high, and back to us. It was totally covered with tangled gray hair about three inches long."

In the same instant that this all became visible to them, Kat began growling intensely and the creature started to make loud noises indicating it was upset.

"I can't describe the noise," said Samuelson. "Anyway, Holly freaked and we all felt threatened. We hightailed it out of there immediately, in the direction we had come. Only later, part way down the mountain, did we pause and ask ourselves, "What did we see?"

They had both carried cameras, but in the urgency to leave never thought to take a picture.

Over the next few days, they told various acquaintances of their experience. Asked how these people reacted, Samuelson said with a smile, "You know how."

A few months later, Holly excitedly called him and said she had been to the Wolfeboro Library and found a fascinating story. During a midwinter thaw in the 1890s, a person in a cabin on the shore of Connor Pond, located in the center of the Ossipee Range, saw an alarming thing. A dog had wandered out on the thawing pond. It fell through the ice and was floundering vainly for a long time to get out. Suddenly a large hair human-like creature came out of the woods from the direction of Bald Mountain, reached out long arms and rescued the dog, then immediately disappeared back in the woods from the direction it first appeared.

That old story added a little continuity to their own experience, no matter how unbelievable. Still, it took Samuelson a year to get his courage and curiosity up enough to return alone to the site of their mysterious and alarming encounter on Bald Mountain. Holly wouldn't go with him. As he walked out onto the leges, he was struck again, this time because there was absolutely no sign of the structure they had seen the year before. He picked over the area thoroughly, looking for the slightest dent in the ledges where the big stones might have rested, stones that would normally take two or three people to move.

There was nothing.


And now from Shogg:

It happened while I was going to high school, here in North Carolina (before I moved, so it was my junior year). One night my girlfriend and I were out enjoying a summer evening in the forest around where we lived. We had gone swimming in the pond where we had parked, had a campfire supper and were just messing around, enjoying the evening as it got dark. Well not too long after sundown all of a sudden we heard a shriek. We both looked at each other and asked each other "what the hell was that!" and then it went off again! Then a few seconds later we heard something obviously very large moving in the brush about 20 or 30 feet away! We got up, not even picking up our blanket and got in the car, locked the doors, and sat dead still and listened. For awhile we heard nothing but there was that weird feeling of being watched.

Aileen at this point I need to point out something that over the years I have found significant: Although we were both shaking, I, the guy was quite hyped and was planning on shooting it with my rifle I kept in my car. But Julie, although, shaking and hyped as well was just not what I would call scared looking back on it.
The reason I say this is because finally, after a few minutes, this big thing suddenly came out of the woods and very deliberately went for our car! Then a number things happened very quickly all at once.

I saw the dim outline of this thing in the dying campfire light. I immediately reached down for my rifle on the floorboard. The thing jumped on my car and rocked it.

Julie let out a gasp when the thing hit the car but then shouted " what are you doing?!" and grasped the barrel when she saw me attempt to pull up my rifle. Now of coarse we were inside the car but I was truly concerned that this thing was gonna break the glass to get to us so I was getting ready for that. But when Julie grabbed the barrel, I yelled at her to let go but she didnt. At that point the thing rocked my car again and I instantly let go of my rifle, started up the car and sped away.

We were freaked out and glad to be away from there. As we drove away I found myself saying "Damn bears! We're lucky to have made it to the car!" Without missing a beat Julie simply stated " that was no bear" and I said " What? Well if it wasn't a bear, then what do you think it was??'' She simply said "I just know it wasn't a bear."

Strange, we simply went home and told no one about the incident. It wasn't until days later I finally asked Julie why she grabbed the rifle. She told me it wasn't a bear and since if we didnt know what it was we shouldnt shoot it. I responded with "so we shouldnt defend ourselves??" Julie responded with "I think it was afraid we were going to hurt it first, which is why it was trying to scare us. We should have gone back and tried to communicate with it."

For years I thought she was crazy and now I have to say she was probably right!!


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  4. I need to to thank you for this fantastic read!!

  5. I definitely loved every little bit of it.
