Tuesday, February 20, 2007




This story was first related years ago by three Indians on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona and New Mexico. Since additional proof of the migration of the White Indians has come forth we feel it is appropriate at this time to publish it. It is of interest to recall that Charles H. Lindbergh is said to have flown over a beautiful city in lower Mexico around 1928 or 1930, while surveying an air route from Washington to Panama, and to have later returned in his own plane but strange to say, could not find it again.

The Great Indian Conventions which have been held in Michocan, Mexico, have resulted in the complete amalgamation of all the Indian tribes and nations of the Western Hemisphere, a united people under the Great White Chief. So impressive was this Great White Chief, Eachta Eacha Na, (Mighty and Wise One) that he was unanimously elected as chief of all chiefs and their law giver and teacher. Under his leadership they have determined to be and remain a united people, by casting aside all enmity, hatred, malice, and bickering and by recognizing the blood brotherhood of their people under One God and one leadership. The following story of the Indian movement we pass on to you for all it is worth, knowing that many will find it of great interest at this time.

The Chigarau Indians are a nation of very light skinned Indians living in the southern part of Old Mexico. Their beautiful walled city lies in an almost inaccessible section of the high mountainous regions deep in the south of Mexico almost as far as Guatemala. It lies at an elevation of about 1200 feet, within this secluded valley, where it has remained untouched and unspoiled by the evils of civilization. It was built long before the time of Christ. Their habitations cover an area about nine and one half miles long by about eleven miles wide, or about a hundred square miles.

At the northern end of the valley steep rock cliffs two or three hundred feet high form an effective barrier, while on the east, west and south sides is a wall built of stone that varies from five to twenty feet in height. This completes their protective encirclement. Guarded gates are the only means of entrance and exit. The laws of the land of the Chigaraus decree that only those who speak the Indian languages and in whose veins flow Indian blood shall enter their dominion, and the white man has thus far been effectively barred as well as warlike Indian tribes. All the buildings, homes and temples are very light or white in color; inside as well as outside and present a very attractive appearance, forming a city which approaches perfection in its layout and architectural design.

The people are tall and stately, being from five feet-eight to six feet-three inches in height. Their skin is very light; their hair is brown to very black. The color of their eyes varying from hazel to a deep blue or black. Their clothes are all woven by hand and differ from all other tribes considerably. Instead of wearing the customary shirt and trousers, they wear long white robes that reach almost to the ground and which they fastened down the front with three sets of strings, a girdle wrapped about the waist, and the long sleeves are sometimes tied at the elbow with a string. A cowl-like hood is worn over the head and white tanned moccasins over the feet, and certain symbolic marks are placed upon the robes over the breast, naval, and on the hood over the forehead. People regard these symbols as sacred. Men, women and children dress alike in these hand woven woolen robes and all of them live a life of simplicity that is very near perfection in its order and arrangement. One does not say "this is mine or that is yours," but all possess everything together and use it according to their need. The farmer, for instance, puts whatever he raises into the great storehouse. The wool weavers, pottery makers and leather workers do likewise with their products, and then all is made available for the common use of all the people as needed. They have no money and need none for themselves. All commerce with other Indian tribes is carried on by barter or exchange. There are no rich, nor poor, and every one shares the abundance of all. Once I was presented with a beautiful pair of moccasins and I offered a handful of pesos in return for them only to be rebuked by the Great White Chief with soft spoken words, "My son, our hills are full of that metal. We find it useful only for tools and ornaments!" They are a very clean people and have no vices nor bad habits, such as the use of tobacco and liquors. They live principally upon a vegetarian diet of fruits, melons, and raw vegetables, and are all very healthy and beautiful, walking erect with excellent posture that gives an impression of most effortless motion or gliding movement. They are a very devout people and follow the belief, "I am my brother's keeper." Should any sickness or sorrow fall upon any one of them, everyone is ready to do everything possible for the unfortunate one. No ill feelings or motives for such conditions do not exist among them; they are all very happy and they know nothing of greed, hatred, malice or scorn, and because their substance, welfare and happiness are shared, theirs is the perfect life. Their mode of living has been with them for many generations just as firm traditions and beliefs have been handed down from generation to generation that they should live this way.

Many years ago, according to their belief, as many as there are stars in the sky, a great event happened to their ancestors living in this valley. The legend tells of a great storm with fearful earthquakes and thick darkness for several days; then after the darkness was lifted, a Great White God descended from heaven. He was draped in a beautiful white robe. This Being stayed with the people for a short time and taught them how they should put away their evil ways and live by the laws that he had taught them. Before he departed he promised them that if they would live faithfully by these laws and abide by them and his other teachings, someday he would return and live among them again. During rainstorms or heavy wind and hailstorms that are attended by darkness which remind them of the Legendary Times when their Great White God came to them, the Chigarau people prostrate themselves in prayer upon the earth and firmly believe in the return of this Great White God. Each sincerely voices his feelings as how he would welcome his return among them again and to keep their faith alive.

The Indians have a set of records written on books of buckskin, which they have handed down from generation to generation. The records are regarded by them as highly sacred, for they contain the history of their people for many generations prior to the coming of the Great White God. They are the only Indians as far as I know possessing a set of records originating in BC times. They are written in a language no longer spoken by them except for the Mighty and Wise One who learned it from His Father as a responsibility handed down from the beginning of their family.

They have also followed an unusual custom of birth control which has resulted in their population remaining limited to its present size of about three thousand (1955) This condition, custom, or law requires that a woman may bear a child only once every seven years. Hence the birth and death rates have remained about the same so that they have not spread beyond the limits of their walled city and their own culture and customs.

The Chigarau Indians are ruled by a Great White Chief called Eachta Eacha Na, meaning Mighty and Wise One. This title has been held by the chieftain's father before him for many generations. Eachta Eacha Na is now a man of about 90 years of age. However, in his bearing and vigor and appearance, he seems to be like a man of 45. He seems to float along rather than plod along as men of that age do. He has a commanding figure, and one immediately senses deep spiritual qualities in him that make him a man of might midst thousands, yea, millions. Not of his own mind does he speak, but it is what the Great White Spirit whispers through him and one instinctively wants to obey his words.

At the Great Amalgamation of the Indians in May 1938, Eachta Eacha Na, Chief of the White Chigarau Indians, called his runners to the Great Council House and told them to deliver a special message to the Indian tribes nearby and to have them in turn deliver it and relay it as far as the bird flies to the North and to the South until all Indian tribes receive it. His runners then took his message to the chiefs of the nearby tribes and told them that at the beginning of 1939 they, the chiefs, were to send representatives to a great Indian conference to be held at Lake Michocan. Each in turn was to send runners to the tribes beyond them until the message had reached all the tribes in the hemisphere. The response to this message was tremendous and the conference was held in April 1939. Government officials of Old Mexico estimated that more than 130,000 Indians representing every tribe on the continent had gathered at Lake Michoacan to attend this mighty conference at the request of the Great White Chief.

After one week of meeting together during which good will was firmly established among them, the Great White Chief invited them to return again in 1940 during the same season. Accordingly, in 1940, a similar large number of Indian delegates from all the tribes on the continent responded and this time by unanimous vote, they determined to merge into one great nation, with Eachta Eacha Na as chief of all chiefs and the chief of all the Indian people throughout the continent. This was done with results that now every Indian everywhere holds Eachta Eacha Na, the Mighty and Wise one, in great esteem, and all of them look to him for guidance. Once each year then, he has called them to this great annual conference where he has presided and taught them of his ways and laws for more righteous living. The Indian delegates take his teachings back to the tribes where they endeavor to live up to them and teach them to their brothers.


It is planned that all Indians involved in the migration will gather first at their great meeting place at Lake Michoacan. They will leave in two large groups about five days apart. The first group numbering as many as the "stars in the heavens," will journey many days to the North until they come to the west-east flowing river (Rio Grande) which they will cross, and they will journey many days toward the rising sun until they come to another river, a mighty river, that flows from north to south (Mississippi). They are to go up this river until they come to some special stones (at these rocks they will wait for their directions) which will indicate to them where they are to build the temple, and they will then settle down and then the shipping of their supplies and materials to this location will begin. When the second group arrives at the Rio Grande on the Pan American Hiway near Laredo, Texas they are to go to the West, not many days until they find a range of mountains where only the morning sun shall shine. They shall follow certain marks, and signs, and symbols and the two shall amalgamate together. They shall travel many, many days toward the rising sun where they shall find their brethern and they shall assist them in building the great temple and the beautiful city with a wall. Later as time goes on, other bodies of Indians will arrive at the spot and addition after addition will be erected in the city; homes and public places will be built of stone, polished wood and furnishings will be transported by barges and ships from the quarries before mentioned.

At the Great Indian Conference at Lake Michoacan, the Great White Chief repeated again, "What the water has taken from the land, and the land has taken from the water; what man has taken from man; each by the command of the Great Spirit shall come back to its own." By this he meant that all things shall revert and be restored to their original status as God first designed it, in a great restitution of all things. He repeated this statement on several occasions and at the last conference he spoke of the years that go fast by saying, "Another milestone is past. There is so much to do but so little time in which to do it."

East of Superior, Arizona broad steps were found in the desert like they had been made for a huge building. Very near there two people were hiking on a trail. All of a sudden the one behind was missing! The front man turned around and in the trail was a hole that the man had fallen through. In the hole were large urns, some were sealed with a clay like substance, others were open. The hikers rushed to tell what they had found. When they came back the urns were gone. I heard later that the University of Arizona had those urns. Could it be possible that the steps and the urns belong to the Indians that went north and built the temple?

Also near Superior a woman that lived near there found an opening in the mountain and inside she found a table, symbols on the walls of the universe and other interesting artifacts.

If anyone knows any more about the above please e-mail me and we will add it to this story.

Thank you



  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Be very dubious of this account, because of certain comments on their manner of dress and lifestyle I believe this account to be written by a mormon, more then likely a fundamentalist mormon trying to use the Lamanite angle to suport their beliefs. Don't you think if such events have been occuring annually we would certainly know about it by now?

    Book of Mormon Warrior
    -resident Book of Mormon believing non-mormon.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM


    I purchased a softcover book called "The Coming of the Great White Chief" at a vintage shop. Your UFO blog was one of the only places on the web I found mention of it at all. It's a good read, but I wonder if you know something more about it? Finding information about the author, Dorothy Thomas, has been difficult as well. Any additional information you could pass on to me would be appreciated.

    Thank You,


  4. that sightings was so common in the indians reserves, this ancient cultures had many sightings of flying saucers, if you noticed there's a lot of paiting in the caves.

  5. the whole letter isn't here. The portion that is missing actually states the writer who is a Navajo that happened to be there at the original gathering in 1939. "Natoni Nez-bah, graduate of Carlyle and Haskell Indian Universities, is a full blooded Navajo and is a fully authorized member of his tribe’s chief high council of sixteen, holding the position of tribal historian. Mr. Nez-bah majored in archeology and scientific research and has since served on many archeological expeditions throughout North, South and Central America with the Smithsonian and Carnagie Institutions. He is also a linguist of considerable ability, speaking some three or four modern languages and twenty-seven Indian dialects."
    I to am very curious about how much truth exist in this account and if it is a considerable amount what has taken place since and what have we been missing all this time. I believe that the great migration has yet to come about and that would be why we haven't seen it but look at our world there are great forces at work on one side or the other.

  6. I think that it is one of the most interesting stories , I will try to get more similar ones, I know that Indians on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona and New Mexico are so important to the culture!22dd

  7. I have a copy of this letter that my grandmother had in with her family history papers. It is an amazing story. I wish ther was nmore information out there about this.

  8. This tribe does exist. This I know for a fact. I once traveled south of Mitla, Mexico. I wont say anymore than this. However I am mostly white, but my great grandmother on my mothers side was a pure blooded Cherokee, but she was stolen by another tribe when she was a little girl... I hope if Gods Willing to go to this tribe in the future , AFTER i am invited..

  9. This tribe does exist. This I know for a fact. I once traveled south of Mitla, Mexico. I wont say anymore than this. However I am mostly white, but my great grandmother on my mothers side was a pure blooded Cherokee, but she was stolen by another tribe when she was a little girl... I hope if Gods Willing to go to this tribe in the future , AFTER i am invited..

  10. I am in full agreement with the sundin clan comment. I wait for the day I am invited to go meet these beautiful people. Robert pierce wrote the book The great white chief. and as I have researched where he got his account, it was collected from Mary Mae Maiers account of her own personal contact with the chief...(she was NOT Mormon)

  11. ...........for the record...who cares if it DID come from a Mormon. Truth is truth.

  12. Sorry, correction........Norman Pierce not Robert....

  13. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Been living in and near Mitla and the mountains for 10 years. Those ready for more line upon line in this topic may seek and find. Reach out to an authorized runner @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Echa-Tah-Echa-Nah/343261429028570?ref=hl

  14. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Does this correlate with the cave site found in Arizona of the Wingmakers?

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