by Brent Raynes
Alternate Perceptions Magazine
“That was what we called him,” Mark Boring, editor of the Monroe County Buzz of Madisonville, Tennessee, replied in regards to the mention of the “birdman” stories I had heard about from his area. He said that he had been “fairly skeptical” of it back then. He remembered how at the time a local radio station had mentioned it, made fun of it, and thinks the local paper might have run one story on it. “The Appalachian mountains to our east run northeast and southwest and you get into a valley here as you come out of the Smoky Mountains. In the valley here are north and south ridges. Coming out of the mountains they will run maybe 5 or 10 miles apart, and you’ll travel east and west and you’ll have another ridge line. One of the ridge lines is known as the Hiwassee Knob. That’s an old Indian word. It has an old fire tower on it that was built years and years ago. A lot of kids, back in the late 1960s and 70s, used to gather out near this old fire tower and build bonfires. It was a place just to go and hang out.
“As I remember, the first time there were maybe 10 or 12 kids who reported after one weekend that there was a bird-like creature in the knobs, and so, they didn’t say a whole lot more about it, but then it got my interest and that of a couple of my buddies, and so we started going to the bonfires and traveling around, and then one day a buddy of mine and I were driving in the knob area and actually caught a glimpse of something, you know, a huge bird that was actually too big to be a regular bird. It’s wings were outstretched, and it was soaring into the woods.
“Then some other people spotted it on the ground and chased it, reported that it ran like a man. These were buddies that I went to school with, and then I saw it again actually flying over the knob. There were several more sightings, and another buddy of mine actually took a picture of it on top of the town water tower, but he has since disappeared somewhere in the wilds of Utah and I guess taken the picture with him.
“There was a mother and some children that saw it, and of course it terrified them. It was along about maybe 1964 or 1965, until maybe 1971, 1972 or so. I left and went to work in New Orleans in 1970 and some of them that I communicated with told me that they saw it, and I came back and went to work in Chattanooga in 1972 or ’73, and there were a few more sightings, but by 1975 nobody was talking about it anymore. Nobody saw the ‘birdman’ anymore. So maybe for a ten year span you would see maybe two or three sightings a year.”
I asked about a story that I had heard about someone shooting the creature with an arrow. Mark replied: “Yes, and there was a guy who shot at it with a pistol too. One of the guys actually claimed to have shot part of the foot off of the ‘birdman’ with a bow. Either a piece of a toe or foot. He claimed that the Smithsonian came down and asked to take it and investigate, and he never heard from them again. Or so he claimed. You know, a lot of this is kind of metamorphosized into legend, you might say, or into the realm of a tall tale. Some of it we have told time and time again and so it’s kind of taken on an aura of a tall tale is all. My boys now just laugh at me now when I talk about it, so I’ve further enlarged the story from time to time with them, but not too many people believe that this ‘birdman’ happened. Some do. The lady who is next door to us, to my office, has a restaurant and so when we mentioned the ‘birdman’ in the paper she came over one day and said, ‘I remember that. I had forgotten all about that.’ You know, we’re looking back at 30 years or so.”
I asked Mark how big it generally appeared to be. He said, “A lot of people, and me, ah six or seven feet. It was as tall as a man. Like a tall man. I know some of the people said he was at least seven feet. I don’t know. It could have been. You don’t really get a chance to stand there and measure the ‘birdman.’ You see it and it just looks like a huge creature.”
I remarked that it must have had a real wide wingspan, and Mark responded, “Yeah, I would say 6 or 7 feet.”
At the conclusion of our interview I mentioned about the Mothman of West Virginia and how that was back in 1966 and on, and he paused and stated, “Oh, it was wasn’t it. That’s right. (laughed). I don’t know. It’s a strange world. I guess the older I get the more accepting I am of things and the more open I am for certain things to be real or not.”
The Lights
I asked Mark about the mysterious “lights” I had heard about that were seen around the Knobs, similar to the Brown Mountain “lights” of North Carolina. “I never did see any of the lights. I know that I heard about them. There’s another line of Knobs maybe 8 or 10 miles away to the east called the Notchey Creek Knobs that have more life and activity than the Hiwassee Knobs.”
Alternate Perceptions Magazine
“That was what we called him,” Mark Boring, editor of the Monroe County Buzz of Madisonville, Tennessee, replied in regards to the mention of the “birdman” stories I had heard about from his area. He said that he had been “fairly skeptical” of it back then. He remembered how at the time a local radio station had mentioned it, made fun of it, and thinks the local paper might have run one story on it. “The Appalachian mountains to our east run northeast and southwest and you get into a valley here as you come out of the Smoky Mountains. In the valley here are north and south ridges. Coming out of the mountains they will run maybe 5 or 10 miles apart, and you’ll travel east and west and you’ll have another ridge line. One of the ridge lines is known as the Hiwassee Knob. That’s an old Indian word. It has an old fire tower on it that was built years and years ago. A lot of kids, back in the late 1960s and 70s, used to gather out near this old fire tower and build bonfires. It was a place just to go and hang out.
“As I remember, the first time there were maybe 10 or 12 kids who reported after one weekend that there was a bird-like creature in the knobs, and so, they didn’t say a whole lot more about it, but then it got my interest and that of a couple of my buddies, and so we started going to the bonfires and traveling around, and then one day a buddy of mine and I were driving in the knob area and actually caught a glimpse of something, you know, a huge bird that was actually too big to be a regular bird. It’s wings were outstretched, and it was soaring into the woods.
“Then some other people spotted it on the ground and chased it, reported that it ran like a man. These were buddies that I went to school with, and then I saw it again actually flying over the knob. There were several more sightings, and another buddy of mine actually took a picture of it on top of the town water tower, but he has since disappeared somewhere in the wilds of Utah and I guess taken the picture with him.
“There was a mother and some children that saw it, and of course it terrified them. It was along about maybe 1964 or 1965, until maybe 1971, 1972 or so. I left and went to work in New Orleans in 1970 and some of them that I communicated with told me that they saw it, and I came back and went to work in Chattanooga in 1972 or ’73, and there were a few more sightings, but by 1975 nobody was talking about it anymore. Nobody saw the ‘birdman’ anymore. So maybe for a ten year span you would see maybe two or three sightings a year.”
I asked about a story that I had heard about someone shooting the creature with an arrow. Mark replied: “Yes, and there was a guy who shot at it with a pistol too. One of the guys actually claimed to have shot part of the foot off of the ‘birdman’ with a bow. Either a piece of a toe or foot. He claimed that the Smithsonian came down and asked to take it and investigate, and he never heard from them again. Or so he claimed. You know, a lot of this is kind of metamorphosized into legend, you might say, or into the realm of a tall tale. Some of it we have told time and time again and so it’s kind of taken on an aura of a tall tale is all. My boys now just laugh at me now when I talk about it, so I’ve further enlarged the story from time to time with them, but not too many people believe that this ‘birdman’ happened. Some do. The lady who is next door to us, to my office, has a restaurant and so when we mentioned the ‘birdman’ in the paper she came over one day and said, ‘I remember that. I had forgotten all about that.’ You know, we’re looking back at 30 years or so.”
I asked Mark how big it generally appeared to be. He said, “A lot of people, and me, ah six or seven feet. It was as tall as a man. Like a tall man. I know some of the people said he was at least seven feet. I don’t know. It could have been. You don’t really get a chance to stand there and measure the ‘birdman.’ You see it and it just looks like a huge creature.”
I remarked that it must have had a real wide wingspan, and Mark responded, “Yeah, I would say 6 or 7 feet.”
At the conclusion of our interview I mentioned about the Mothman of West Virginia and how that was back in 1966 and on, and he paused and stated, “Oh, it was wasn’t it. That’s right. (laughed). I don’t know. It’s a strange world. I guess the older I get the more accepting I am of things and the more open I am for certain things to be real or not.”
The Lights
I asked Mark about the mysterious “lights” I had heard about that were seen around the Knobs, similar to the Brown Mountain “lights” of North Carolina. “I never did see any of the lights. I know that I heard about them. There’s another line of Knobs maybe 8 or 10 miles away to the east called the Notchey Creek Knobs that have more life and activity than the Hiwassee Knobs.”
At 12:49 PM,
Star said…
I captured a phototwo of two big standing birds on 2005
read this
At 8:28 AM,
Feel Eel said…
Wow! My grand father in Mexico always told me stories of seeing something like that!
At 11:17 PM,
Hellsyeah55 said…
It was prob. eight years ago. I was in middle TN. back country returning from a friend of a friends house. It was late. after two in the morning. I saw a huge...I mean a huge bird. I am used to seeing wild animals. This animal had a seven to ten foot wing span. I was stunned when I first saw it. It looked almost prehistoric. I never relized that there was birdman sightings in TN. Though I would share this. Peace
At 5:58 AM,
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At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
There is a follow-up book to John Keel's, "Mothman Prophesies." It is the detailed eyewitness account of one of the original women who was in the car with the four people who originally sighted the Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. One of the details that she relates is that when they first came upon the Mothman, it was trying to free one of its wings that had been caught in a fence. It was pulling at its wing with one of its "winghands." If you can visualize that, it makes the encounter even more graphic and eerily real!
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At 1:31 AM,
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At 1:35 PM,
Unknown said…
I saw something like this about 3 or 4 years ago in Claiborne County, TN. My family and I were driving home to Knoxville from Middlesboro.
Three of them flew overhead from the field on our right into the field across the road on our left. They were solid black, men-like, but with silver wings that didn't flap. They were going really fast, two following the first one. And no sound. If we hadn't looked up just then, we would have totally missed it.
We stopped at the next gas station, that was also a diner and filled with a crowd of locals for lunch. My then-teenaged son told the room at large we just saw what looked like flying people and asked if they knew what it could've been. They all just stared at him like he was nuts, lol. But then one of these 2 ambulance guys that were at the checkout counter answered him. He had seen them before at night. He didn't know what they were, but they were very silent to be so big and so close.
At 2:20 PM,
Unknown said…
Correction, it was from the field on our left *to* the field on our right.
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At 9:54 PM,
Jeremy said…
I live in Bellevue tn, we just seen a huge bird like creature in a tree. Sounded like a man in the tree. It then flew off with a wing span of 6 to 7 feet. It was all black. It is foggy tonight, it just flew off and disappeared in the fog. Scared us to death. So I got on this sight seeing if someone else experienced anything like it. Really crazy.
At 9:55 PM,
Jeremy said…
I live in Bellevue tn, we just seen a huge bird like creature in a tree. Sounded like a man in the tree. It then flew off with a wing span of 6 to 7 feet. It was all black. It is foggy tonight, it just flew off and disappeared in the fog. Scared us to death. So I got on this sight seeing if someone else experienced anything like it. Really crazy.
At 8:11 AM,
Unknown said…
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At 10:00 PM,
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