Location. Over Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia
Date: October 21 1978 Time: 1906
20-year old pilot, Frederick Valentich, was attempting to rack up flying time for his commercial license, flying his single engine Cessna 182 to King Island some 130 miles south of Melbourne Australia. He failed to touch down at the King Field airstrip on schedule. At 1906 his last radio transmission was received by Melbourne Flight Service Control on Saturday, October 21, which makes this disappearance unique (not quite) 1980 Humanoid Reports.doc in the annals of aviation history.
Just before his voice was abruptly cut off after making contact with Melbourne flight controllers, Valentich reported he could see four bright green lights---1,000 feet above his position: “It is approaching from due east toward me---it seems to be playing some sort of game---flying at a speed I find impossible to estimate…” And then: “It is not aircraft, it is…” Finally a long silence, broken when communication was initiated by ground control asking for an identification of the object in question. The young pilot’s answer: “It’s not an aircraft…” and the contact was lost---permanently.
The text of the radio message between the aircraft and ground control---for a time stubbornly withheld from the public---began when Valentich requested information on the other traffic 5,000 feet below in his vicinity. When ground control responded, assuring Valentich there was no other traffic in his area below 5,000 feet, Valentich went on to describe 4 bright lights: “They appear to be lights”. He radioed, “Aircraft has just passed over me, about 1,000 ft above”. He repeated that the aircraft was coming for him. Then ground control heard metallic scratching, which replaced the voice of the pilot. Valentich was not heard from again. According to the Australian Transport Department, the transmission ended 6 minutes after it began, at precisely 1912 when the pilot no longer responded to emergency calls from ground control. However, before the transmission was broken off completely, Valentich described how the object seemed to be stationary. “I am orbiting (circling) and the thing is orbiting on top of me also”, he radioed.
An intensive land, sea and air search was begun by the Australian Navy and Air Force, centered on Bass Strait, 130 miles south of Melbourne and 25miles north of King Island---the point of Valentich’s last radio contact. But the search failed to turn out any trace of the pilot or his aircraft. It was determined that weather conditions at the time of disappearance were ideal, with almost unlimited visibility and a mild breeze.
The pilot’s father Guido Valentich strongly believed his son was still alive---that he was being held by someone from another world. More importantly, the elder Valentich said his son had been interested in UFOs for many years and even reported sighting one about 10months before.
There were numerous other witnesses who called police that same night claiming to have seen a UFO on Saturday night. According to a Royal Australian Air Force spokesman, about 10 reports of UFO sightings were logged during the same weekend of the disappearance.
A witness, Stephen Villages, a Queensland man saw a long object hovering in the evening sky, he could definitely see four green lights which came from the craft’s underbelly. Similar accounts have come from Sydney, Port Jackson, New South Wales and Victoria all describing four bright green lights flashing across the Australian skies.
Five years after, a real bizarre development:
One evening in August 1982 near the village of Iman, Primorskiy kray, Far East, Russia Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valerianovich Kazantsev, Commander of a frontier guard detachment near the hamlet of Iman, received a report of a suspicious man arrested by soldiers from his unit near the Soviet-Chinese border. One of the soldiers, Nikolay D (later to become a resident of Sevastopol, Crimea) in 2003 wrote to the Simferopol based “Secret Doctrine” Newspaper, confirming that he took over the watch on that date to watch over the Russian-Chinese border.
Approaching evening near the foot of one of the hills they saw smoke from a fire and soon detained a man about 40-years of age, dressed in a cowboy shirt, thick wide trousers, outfitted with “complete tourist gear”. The man assured the KGB sergeant that he had the necessary permission from local authorities of Primorskiy kray to do some prospecting in the area. Orders were given to detain the mysterious “geologist”. He was taken to the unit duty officer. During a search the soldiers found a very powerful searchlight and a strange dark elongated object, like a small flask with two dozen dots printed on its upper section without any visible pattern. The dots formed a strange image. Nikolay D paid special attention to the strange dot-like markings on the object.
The stranger showed a document indicating that his name was Sarychev (possibly an AKA, real name being possibly V. Sosnin). He also showed a letter from Academician Vsevolod S Troitskiy, correspondent-member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Chairman of the Commission for Study of Anomalous Phenomena. (Such a commission did truly exist). The man stated that he was engaged in prospecting in the area, but soon admitted under the pressure of interrogation the he was indeed involved in “UFO research”.
The strange black flask or capsule attracted everyone’s attention. The man stated that he found the capsule at an altitude of 1204 (m over sea level). Inside the capsule a plate rolled like a tube was found. When the KGB officer extracted the plate, it immediately straightened up emitting a slight rustling sound. The plate had an English text, written with a substance bright orange in color. The text was later translated to Russian and following is an approximate translation:
“I am Frederick Valentich, Junior, pilot. I was captured together with my plane Cessna-182 by a UFO on October 21 1978 145 miles south of Melbourne. Because of very limited time and of extreme danger to my state, here is what is most important.
What was proposed to me was beyond my imagination. Later I came to the conclusion that several factors influenced my psyche, at first, the reality of the UFOs and their pilots, and secondly, their proposal for me to become the pilot of one of their aircraft (!).
Here is proof of contact with another civilization and the man who achieved this is I, Frederick Valentich. That was what I thought. But the most tempting was their fantastic proposal for me to stay in my same physical body, so I have not aged over my current 25 years of age (my age when I signed such a “contract” with the aliens). This proposal “eclipsed everything” even those few purely human affections I’ve had. At the moment of the deal I remembered only that my mother had died, I am single with no children. I didn’t even remember my aunt and two of my ex girlfriends I have been close with, this is additional evidence of a strong psychological influence put upon me.
The giant UFO I have to work in is a “cargo ship”. The crew, except those humans which were captured just like me, are 2-3 aliens. All belong to a civilization located in the Pleiades constellation and represent an interplanetary organization with 6 civilizations from Orion, Swan and the Big Dog constellation; our Solar system is also part of it.
Like us they’re also albumen organic entities, breathing oxygen and of similar body build.
Answering such questions like, what are they doing here, they stated on numerous occasions that they were engaged in research work. But according to my own observations that is only a mere screen covering their “real” activities and to calm the conscience of other earthlings who signed such compelling contacts like mine.
Our basic load from Earth---is liquid oxygen obtained from plants installed onboard the ship. These “researchers” impudently steal the most valuable part of Earthly atmosphere. And idiots like me are actively helping them in this. The main route of our craft—Earth and Jupiter’s satellite Callisto where a huge constantly operating base is located.
Oxygen is loaded into balloons made of plastic-metal. Volume can be estimated in weight---the large balloon weighs no less than 110 pounds, the smaller ones—2 times less than that. The maximum quantity of balloons that our ship has taken for one flight to Callisto is more than 12,000 large and 5k small balloons. Imagine how much oxygen they take from Earth! We make 2 flights per week sometimes. God help me and those who find this letter! Russian or Chinese---I ask to give this capsule to the Australian embassy and to the representatives of our embassy, give it to scientists for further study!!!”
To establish the authenticity of this material evidence, it was sent to several scientific research laboratories of the USSR for secret analyses. Results of the research exceeded all expectations. Documents with the results of the study were compiled, stamped and signed by the expert laboratory of KGB USSR, document dated September 29 1982. Institute of Astronomy of USSR dated October 10 1982. Institute of the Technical Physics USSR, Chelyabinsk-40 (nuclear military industrial center), and dated November 12 1982, all the documents were classified TOP SECRET.
Here is the opinion of a member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Dr. Nechai PhD, addressed to the special expert commission in the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. “The amazing physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, their uncommon chemical compound and structure allow to make the following conclusions:
- …materials obtained by the technologies, unknown yet to humankind and apparently outside the Earth. The plate is the source of unknown radioactive emanation of colossal penetrating ability and spoils all other types of cinema and photo films…
- Many other facts, described by Valentich were summoned to the systematic analyses according to modernized authorship-detection program created in our institute. The result, the author, Frederick Valentich couldn’t invent all of that alone and even to extract that from known science fiction literature, actually being taken onboard a UFO in 1978…”
What happened to the material evidence next is the following. The mysterious plate was transferred to the Australian embassy. A special commission was created there; a graphic, logical study was made. Style and grammar of the letter was compared with other material written by Valentich, obtained from the Melbourne Air Club (like flight records written by Valentich). The Australian commission came to the conclusion that the text on the plate and the records in the flight journal from the Melbourne aviation club belonged to one and the same person---none other than Frederick Valentich. The evidence was so strong that it was ready to go to court.
Unfortunately for humanity the cover up was effective and everything was classified TOP SECRET, possibly with the participation of the American CIA. Where the alien capsule with the letter is now, is not known, possibly in the USA (in a deep basement under the Pentagon?).
Perhaps even more alarming is a case investigated by Spanish researcher Manuel Carballal. According to the testimony of a number of witnesses, a young man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who mysteriously disappeared in 1978 was alive and well in 1990 at Plaza del Charco, a seaport square on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Displaying an Australian passport to prove his claim, Valentich told those with whom he spoke on several occasions that he now belonged to a group of humans who had been “recruited” by extraterrestrials. It is also worth noting that the supposed Valentich showed no signs of aging, and resembled the photos circulated around the time of his disappearance at the age of 20.
HC addendum
Source: Yuriy Belikov quoting Emil F Bachurin in “Komsomolskaya Pravda”
Moscow January 17 1998
“Oxygen from Earth taken to Callisto?” in “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev D+ issue # 5 2004
Valentin Psalomszikov PhD “NLO” Saint Petersburg # 21 May 21 2001
Letter from Nikolay D “Frederick Valentich---UFO Pilot?” in “The Secret Doctrine”
Simferopol # 1 2003
Iskander Trano “Interesnaya Gazeta” D+ block Kiev # 19 2005
Crimean Time # 14 January 24 1998
Lawrence McBridge Australian Editor of UFO Update # 3 summer 79 Type: G
Scott Corrales, “Human-like Ufonauts reported in many countries” Mufon Journal #405, January 2002.
Comments: Perhaps the most famous of the “permanent abductions”. The latter part of the story is indeed complicated and hard to swallow but who knows where many of those who “disappear” go? What if anything are visiting aliens taking from Earth?
Our thanks to Albert Rosales, Humanoid Sighting Reports for this update
Date: October 21 1978 Time: 1906
20-year old pilot, Frederick Valentich, was attempting to rack up flying time for his commercial license, flying his single engine Cessna 182 to King Island some 130 miles south of Melbourne Australia. He failed to touch down at the King Field airstrip on schedule. At 1906 his last radio transmission was received by Melbourne Flight Service Control on Saturday, October 21, which makes this disappearance unique (not quite) 1980 Humanoid Reports.doc in the annals of aviation history.
Just before his voice was abruptly cut off after making contact with Melbourne flight controllers, Valentich reported he could see four bright green lights---1,000 feet above his position: “It is approaching from due east toward me---it seems to be playing some sort of game---flying at a speed I find impossible to estimate…” And then: “It is not aircraft, it is…” Finally a long silence, broken when communication was initiated by ground control asking for an identification of the object in question. The young pilot’s answer: “It’s not an aircraft…” and the contact was lost---permanently.
The text of the radio message between the aircraft and ground control---for a time stubbornly withheld from the public---began when Valentich requested information on the other traffic 5,000 feet below in his vicinity. When ground control responded, assuring Valentich there was no other traffic in his area below 5,000 feet, Valentich went on to describe 4 bright lights: “They appear to be lights”. He radioed, “Aircraft has just passed over me, about 1,000 ft above”. He repeated that the aircraft was coming for him. Then ground control heard metallic scratching, which replaced the voice of the pilot. Valentich was not heard from again. According to the Australian Transport Department, the transmission ended 6 minutes after it began, at precisely 1912 when the pilot no longer responded to emergency calls from ground control. However, before the transmission was broken off completely, Valentich described how the object seemed to be stationary. “I am orbiting (circling) and the thing is orbiting on top of me also”, he radioed.
An intensive land, sea and air search was begun by the Australian Navy and Air Force, centered on Bass Strait, 130 miles south of Melbourne and 25miles north of King Island---the point of Valentich’s last radio contact. But the search failed to turn out any trace of the pilot or his aircraft. It was determined that weather conditions at the time of disappearance were ideal, with almost unlimited visibility and a mild breeze.
The pilot’s father Guido Valentich strongly believed his son was still alive---that he was being held by someone from another world. More importantly, the elder Valentich said his son had been interested in UFOs for many years and even reported sighting one about 10months before.
There were numerous other witnesses who called police that same night claiming to have seen a UFO on Saturday night. According to a Royal Australian Air Force spokesman, about 10 reports of UFO sightings were logged during the same weekend of the disappearance.
A witness, Stephen Villages, a Queensland man saw a long object hovering in the evening sky, he could definitely see four green lights which came from the craft’s underbelly. Similar accounts have come from Sydney, Port Jackson, New South Wales and Victoria all describing four bright green lights flashing across the Australian skies.
Five years after, a real bizarre development:
One evening in August 1982 near the village of Iman, Primorskiy kray, Far East, Russia Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valerianovich Kazantsev, Commander of a frontier guard detachment near the hamlet of Iman, received a report of a suspicious man arrested by soldiers from his unit near the Soviet-Chinese border. One of the soldiers, Nikolay D (later to become a resident of Sevastopol, Crimea) in 2003 wrote to the Simferopol based “Secret Doctrine” Newspaper, confirming that he took over the watch on that date to watch over the Russian-Chinese border.
Approaching evening near the foot of one of the hills they saw smoke from a fire and soon detained a man about 40-years of age, dressed in a cowboy shirt, thick wide trousers, outfitted with “complete tourist gear”. The man assured the KGB sergeant that he had the necessary permission from local authorities of Primorskiy kray to do some prospecting in the area. Orders were given to detain the mysterious “geologist”. He was taken to the unit duty officer. During a search the soldiers found a very powerful searchlight and a strange dark elongated object, like a small flask with two dozen dots printed on its upper section without any visible pattern. The dots formed a strange image. Nikolay D paid special attention to the strange dot-like markings on the object.
The stranger showed a document indicating that his name was Sarychev (possibly an AKA, real name being possibly V. Sosnin). He also showed a letter from Academician Vsevolod S Troitskiy, correspondent-member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Chairman of the Commission for Study of Anomalous Phenomena. (Such a commission did truly exist). The man stated that he was engaged in prospecting in the area, but soon admitted under the pressure of interrogation the he was indeed involved in “UFO research”.
The strange black flask or capsule attracted everyone’s attention. The man stated that he found the capsule at an altitude of 1204 (m over sea level). Inside the capsule a plate rolled like a tube was found. When the KGB officer extracted the plate, it immediately straightened up emitting a slight rustling sound. The plate had an English text, written with a substance bright orange in color. The text was later translated to Russian and following is an approximate translation:
“I am Frederick Valentich, Junior, pilot. I was captured together with my plane Cessna-182 by a UFO on October 21 1978 145 miles south of Melbourne. Because of very limited time and of extreme danger to my state, here is what is most important.
What was proposed to me was beyond my imagination. Later I came to the conclusion that several factors influenced my psyche, at first, the reality of the UFOs and their pilots, and secondly, their proposal for me to become the pilot of one of their aircraft (!).
Here is proof of contact with another civilization and the man who achieved this is I, Frederick Valentich. That was what I thought. But the most tempting was their fantastic proposal for me to stay in my same physical body, so I have not aged over my current 25 years of age (my age when I signed such a “contract” with the aliens). This proposal “eclipsed everything” even those few purely human affections I’ve had. At the moment of the deal I remembered only that my mother had died, I am single with no children. I didn’t even remember my aunt and two of my ex girlfriends I have been close with, this is additional evidence of a strong psychological influence put upon me.
The giant UFO I have to work in is a “cargo ship”. The crew, except those humans which were captured just like me, are 2-3 aliens. All belong to a civilization located in the Pleiades constellation and represent an interplanetary organization with 6 civilizations from Orion, Swan and the Big Dog constellation; our Solar system is also part of it.
Like us they’re also albumen organic entities, breathing oxygen and of similar body build.
Answering such questions like, what are they doing here, they stated on numerous occasions that they were engaged in research work. But according to my own observations that is only a mere screen covering their “real” activities and to calm the conscience of other earthlings who signed such compelling contacts like mine.
Our basic load from Earth---is liquid oxygen obtained from plants installed onboard the ship. These “researchers” impudently steal the most valuable part of Earthly atmosphere. And idiots like me are actively helping them in this. The main route of our craft—Earth and Jupiter’s satellite Callisto where a huge constantly operating base is located.
Oxygen is loaded into balloons made of plastic-metal. Volume can be estimated in weight---the large balloon weighs no less than 110 pounds, the smaller ones—2 times less than that. The maximum quantity of balloons that our ship has taken for one flight to Callisto is more than 12,000 large and 5k small balloons. Imagine how much oxygen they take from Earth! We make 2 flights per week sometimes. God help me and those who find this letter! Russian or Chinese---I ask to give this capsule to the Australian embassy and to the representatives of our embassy, give it to scientists for further study!!!”
To establish the authenticity of this material evidence, it was sent to several scientific research laboratories of the USSR for secret analyses. Results of the research exceeded all expectations. Documents with the results of the study were compiled, stamped and signed by the expert laboratory of KGB USSR, document dated September 29 1982. Institute of Astronomy of USSR dated October 10 1982. Institute of the Technical Physics USSR, Chelyabinsk-40 (nuclear military industrial center), and dated November 12 1982, all the documents were classified TOP SECRET.
Here is the opinion of a member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Dr. Nechai PhD, addressed to the special expert commission in the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. “The amazing physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, their uncommon chemical compound and structure allow to make the following conclusions:
- …materials obtained by the technologies, unknown yet to humankind and apparently outside the Earth. The plate is the source of unknown radioactive emanation of colossal penetrating ability and spoils all other types of cinema and photo films…
- Many other facts, described by Valentich were summoned to the systematic analyses according to modernized authorship-detection program created in our institute. The result, the author, Frederick Valentich couldn’t invent all of that alone and even to extract that from known science fiction literature, actually being taken onboard a UFO in 1978…”
What happened to the material evidence next is the following. The mysterious plate was transferred to the Australian embassy. A special commission was created there; a graphic, logical study was made. Style and grammar of the letter was compared with other material written by Valentich, obtained from the Melbourne Air Club (like flight records written by Valentich). The Australian commission came to the conclusion that the text on the plate and the records in the flight journal from the Melbourne aviation club belonged to one and the same person---none other than Frederick Valentich. The evidence was so strong that it was ready to go to court.
Unfortunately for humanity the cover up was effective and everything was classified TOP SECRET, possibly with the participation of the American CIA. Where the alien capsule with the letter is now, is not known, possibly in the USA (in a deep basement under the Pentagon?).
Perhaps even more alarming is a case investigated by Spanish researcher Manuel Carballal. According to the testimony of a number of witnesses, a young man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who mysteriously disappeared in 1978 was alive and well in 1990 at Plaza del Charco, a seaport square on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Displaying an Australian passport to prove his claim, Valentich told those with whom he spoke on several occasions that he now belonged to a group of humans who had been “recruited” by extraterrestrials. It is also worth noting that the supposed Valentich showed no signs of aging, and resembled the photos circulated around the time of his disappearance at the age of 20.
HC addendum
Source: Yuriy Belikov quoting Emil F Bachurin in “Komsomolskaya Pravda”
Moscow January 17 1998
“Oxygen from Earth taken to Callisto?” in “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev D+ issue # 5 2004
Valentin Psalomszikov PhD “NLO” Saint Petersburg # 21 May 21 2001
Letter from Nikolay D “Frederick Valentich---UFO Pilot?” in “The Secret Doctrine”
Simferopol # 1 2003
Iskander Trano “Interesnaya Gazeta” D+ block Kiev # 19 2005
Crimean Time # 14 January 24 1998
Lawrence McBridge Australian Editor of UFO Update # 3 summer 79 Type: G
Scott Corrales, “Human-like Ufonauts reported in many countries” Mufon Journal #405, January 2002.
Comments: Perhaps the most famous of the “permanent abductions”. The latter part of the story is indeed complicated and hard to swallow but who knows where many of those who “disappear” go? What if anything are visiting aliens taking from Earth?
Our thanks to Albert Rosales, Humanoid Sighting Reports for this update
At 5:42 PM,
ChAnDoN said…
i think this is so interesting. i dont know what to believe since im not exactly sure where the source of information is coming from. especially since the capsules location is not known. if he was really found alive again then why dont we now more about him now?
ever since i was born i was always interested in aliens and ive always wanted to be a pilot. i share several similarities with him and it makes me wonder what may happen to me in the future and how closely related i am to him...
-Chandon Valentich
At 5:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
the lack of any kind of evidence makes this a bad sci-fi. the so called facts presented are rather childish. hauling air? that's rich!
At 3:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a load of BS. Honestly, who wrote this trash?
As has beem\n said, this sounds like a D-grade sci fi novel.
Would it be normal for a light aircraft pilot to carry his passport with him just for a short flight between states? Of course I don't have a license or anything but I've flown Cessna's in Tasmania before. Not much different to driving down the highway. Why would he carry his passport? I can easily check this out. If it's not normal practice then how does he have a passport now?
And even if he's been brainwashed and can't remember anything about his family, it wouldn't take him long before he discovered Google at an internet cafe in Tenerife and worked everything out... Why not contact his dad? Oh. I forgot. That was probably part of the contract too
At 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just a quick qeustion, this data was checked based on real reviews or interviews? I mean makes a lot of sense, we've heard similar cases throughout the years, but just wondering how genuine is this data
At 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
To anonymous @ 3.44 am... Yes, good point: there is no reason why he would have needed to take his passport with him on an intra-Australian flight -- unless he had intentions of faking his disappearance, maybe. But even that wouldn't make a lot of sense as authorities would have been on the lookout for anyone with his passport.
I certainly never bothered to take my passport with me when I made short-range flights in Australia. Never occurred to me.
At 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is such a load of bullS*it... why do some people bother living.
At 8:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
These aliens that are pumping O2 from our atmosphere. I have one word.
we extract O2 from water, beat that you bug eyed, bald headed, skinny little pricks!
At 11:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am Vaentich.... They have allowed me to communicate with you for such a time as this.... you are in peril. Unless you chanege you will die
At 5:26 PM,
Matey said…
Pretty good story but I think its a hoax.
People should not make jokes about a serious matter. This man's father was very upset, and this is worse than death because you cannot put an end to it.(closure)
I think this story is a hoax because I caught something in there, I am not going to say it because then these people make their lies more believable in the future.
I am still concerned about this man and want to know what the hell happened to him? I also wonder if his father is still alive? I feel terrible for him.
At 12:12 PM,
Unknown said…
I am researching this story and have found one obvious error: there is no Melbourne Air Club.
At 11:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Err. Yes there is -
At 10:23 AM,
BD said…
Weird, but possible. The transcipt might be a haox, but there's obviously too much evidence that supports the kid encountering a UFO that night. Who knows, maybe he crashed in a place that was never searched or wasn't searched very well.
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
To do such a obvious fabrication is not only sad but pathetic. Cruel to the family and friends that are left wondering what happened. Some ppl are just, I am unable to find words for it. Im fasinated by the possiblities of life outside of our planet. But for goodness sake. Come on now.
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
What do you mean come on now ... this sounds not only plausible but likely, and a miracle as well. I'm glad to hear that's what happened to him. I suspected (hoped)some nice Galactic Federation Member made a deal he couldn't refuse. He'd be a great member of their team I'm sure they'd been watching him for awile.
Does anyone know where he is now, or whether he communicated with his father? B/c the father was sad but believed he'd come home some day.
At 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
What do you mean come on now ... this sounds not only plausible but likely, and a miracle as well. I'm glad to hear that's what happened to him. I suspected (hoped)some nice Galactic Federation Member made a deal he couldn't refuse. He'd be a great member of their team I'm sure they'd been watching him for awile.
Does anyone know where he is now, or whether he communicated with his father? B/c the father was sad but believed he'd come home some day.
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
great post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you know that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.
At 6:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
It was in 1978 not 1906!!!!!
At 10:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nothing can explaine this .. no one will ever know the truth no matter how much evidence or therioes anyone have .. it will be an unknown mistery thoughout a life time.
At 8:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
There is one huge problem i found with this story. We get to read his exact transcript that the russians found yet all evidence is locked up under the pentagon somewhere? How is that even possible? Someone just happened to get a copy of the transcript and the only people to ahve ever seen it are UFO freaks? DOUBT IT! Next time atleast include some photoshopped pics.
At 5:47 AM,
mobile hair extensions pontefract said…
wow interesting story. Is it the last anyone has heard from him in 1990? I wonder if there have been further sighting since then and if he has aged at all.
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
School holidays bring out the best stories
At 12:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good story, I guess. Can't expect much more from this field.
Now, what is the reality? There's a reality out there. We're here on earth, doing our earthly things. There IS a reality outside earth. What's going on out there? Who knows. We will find out in time, excepting any major global disasters. We're making steady progress in technology and understanding. Another 100 years of this and it'll be quite impressive. What's out there is life's many mysteries.
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Pure garbage, made up BS.
This isn't even a good story, obviously written by someone with childish ideas about what is available in the universe.
Quadrillions of tons of water ice are out in space, in just our solar system, any advanced culture in need of O2 would simple build machines to convert that water ice into oxygen and hydrogen using electrolysis.
At 7:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is fantastic! It just proves what I said about Men In Black being based on a true story....I just hope they leave some O2 for us.
At 7:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure what is more entertaining the story or you jackwagons that get on here and try to post some comment that throws out scientific facts. one is reading your post and going...geeeez that guy sure is smart! Give it a rest and enjoy the story.
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Here is an excerpt of the Moncla case. Not UN-similar to the Valentich case.
On November 23, 1953, a US Air Force F-89C jet fighter interceptor was dispatched from Kinross Air Force Base near Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, to identify an intruder that had appeared on radar.
For thirty minutes, the jet raced out over Lake Superior under guidance from radar operators at a remote station on the Keweenaw Peninsula.
Suddenly, the return from the jet merged with that of the bogie it was chasing.
The IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) signal from the jet was lost. The radar blip from the F-89 never reappeared.
An extensive search of the lake and shoreline over the next five days yielded no trace of the F-89 jet or its crew, pilot Lt. Felix Eugene Moncla Jr. and radar operator Lt. Robert L. Wilson.
Continue reading at:
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Possibly a very cruel bit of deception that does nothing to assist the family in their time of grief and loss. This is about putting up of shutting up. Show us the proof.
At 1:45 AM,
consoladores said…
Well, I don't really think it may have success.
At 8:13 PM, said…
Interesting but I think it's a hoax. Are you telling me that he wouldn't have mentioned his Dad or family at all..What about his girlfriend..You mention two ex-girlfriends, but he had a girlfriend at the time he vanished.
At 4:49 PM,
mary roos said…
i think this is so fake. i think frederick valentich fake his death
and living somewhere.but he not dead.people fake there death all the time. there was know ufo. just look at travis walton he said he was taking by a ufo and came back five days later. i think he just did it for the money.there is know life out the and there know ufos so people get of the pot and meth like really!!!!!!!
At 5:31 PM,
Sludge said…
I knew Fred because I worked with him on the docks where he was earning the money to pay for his pilot training. We called him Skippy. He was an officer in the air cadets for a number of years. I too was in the cadets. He was avery serious fellow & knew a lot about aircraft. For him not to know what was buzzing him, tells me that there is a lot more substance to the story than is being acknowledged.
At 5:08 PM,
Keith Basterfield said…
I have recently located the Australian Department of Transport investigation file on Valentich, in the National Archives of Australia. See the blog entry in
Keith Basterfield
At 8:28 AM,
Generic Cialis said…
There are a lot of stories which shoes us that pilots have had many sights around the world, I think that some of them have been forced to keep those things in silence.
At 10:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mary Roos, that has gotta be the dumbest comment posted here. The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the person making the claim! If Valentich is alive and/or faked his disappearance, I ask you WHAT is the evidence for this??? Also: LEARN TO SPELL.
At 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
here is a documentary about it....
At 1:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank u!! My thoughts exactly!
At 12:15 AM,
Pauline Wilson said…
The Australian government's Department of Transport files on the Valentich disappearance have been released. Please see the post at
At 4:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
1906 is 7:06 pm,have you not learnt that a day has 24 hours?
At 3:22 PM,
Moe said…
If the story is true, the 'balloons' that he describes might explain the many orb-like things seen in the sky throughout the world... My issue with the oxygen harvesting theory is that it does not seem like there would need to be such a prolonged mission...
At 2:03 AM,
Unknown said…
The author of this rubbish has made a few technical errors. Fred was 20years old when he disappeared, not 25. His mother is still alive, I met with her last week.
It's very disturbing that stupid people write such inaccurate crap like this. Frederick was a very family orientated young man, and If he had managed to get away from his "captors" he would have phoned his father ( pre 1999).
The general story is correct, and still true, Frederick did disappear in October 1978, and has NOT been seen since, Either in Russia or anywhere else. His family still have no answers, it is still an unsolved mystery.
George Simpson . Director , Victorian branch, Australian UFO Research Network.
At 1:13 AM,
Unknown said…
1906 means 7:06 dumbass
At 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Funny that an Australian guy consistently uses American spelling in his letter, e.g. "civilization"
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
I got a new transmission. It flew out of the center of a newly-picked cantelope I sliced just this morning. It contained 3 words "IT's A COOKBOOK".
At 5:52 PM,
Unknown said…
Anonymous has been working very hard to convince everyone it's all a lie & make people feel foolish for believing it. I wonder if he secretly works for the American government, or is just scared of what it could mean if true & doesn't want to believe it. As for the passport some people carry it like birth certificate & drivers license. You can use it for ID. Doesn't take a genius to know that.
At 5:56 PM,
Unknown said…
Anonymous has been working very hard to convince everyone it's all a lie & make people feel foolish for believing it. I wonder if he secretly works for the American government, or is just scared of what it could mean if true & doesn't want to believe it. As for the passport some people carry it like birth certificate & drivers license. You can use it for ID. Doesn't take a genius to know that.
At 4:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
What doesn't jive is why would they recruit humans to fly ufos? Intergalactic labor strikes? I can just see the line of striking aliens with their inflated rat and holding signs yelling "SCAB!". Or whatever alien union members do.
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bruh, do interstellar beings know you spell like that?
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*explain, *theories, *mystery
At 11:22 AM,
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Your post is barely legible, yet you suggest that everyone else "get off the pot and meth like really" (I quoted you but also fixed your errors.) Please do yourself a favor, next time you choose to take such a condescending tone, do a spell check, learn the basic principles of grammar and for the love of God stop kidding yourself and being so naive that you actually believe we are alone in all of time and space
At 12:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
There may be some explanation on this site-
At 2:43 AM,
Unknown said…
Properly not real at all.If Aliens abducted him and he worked with them.They would never let him go.The aliens were not going to ruturn him to tell his story.They would have wiped his memory and the letter sounds fake too.The guy proberly crashed into the sea after a UFO hit him.
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At 2:43 AM,
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At 3:09 AM,
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At 3:42 AM,
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At 6:02 AM,
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At 2:34 AM,
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At 1:49 AM,
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At 2:20 AM,
care olders said…
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At 2:29 AM,
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At 3:23 AM,
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يمكنك التواصل مع فريق عمل صيانة فريجيدير التي تتوفر لديها كل ادوات ومعدات صيانة الاجهزه الكهربائية بالاضافه الي حملات صيانة بشكل دوري مع فريق عمل متميز وباقل الاسعار مع صيانة جنرال اليكتريك تواصل معنا الان في اي وقت يوميا لارسال اسطول الصيانة .
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