The Dark Gods
By Life Science Fellowship
The notion that humankind was created by some type of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, according to some researchers, is the actual basis of the creation stories found in the ancient Sumerian records and the later Hebrew scriptures. This idea is set out in detail in the work of Israeli scholar Zecharia Sitchin, who uses the Sumerian records to argue that modern homo sapiens were created by beings from outer space called "Nefilim". He believes that the Nefilim created humans by genetically modifying homo erectus, then mated with them and argued over what to do with them.
In 1989 Zecharia Sitchin's radical hypothesis was taken a major step further with the publication of the book The Gods of Eden, appropriately subtitled: The chilling truth about extraterrestrial infiltration - and the conspiracy to keep humankind in chains. The author, a Californian lawyer going by the nom de plume "William Bramley" brought together all the major themes found in earlier ‘ancient astronaut’ research and merged them with a unique ‘conspiracy view of history.’ Bramley’s thesis, shocking and confronting to nearly all established popular beliefs, is:
Human beings appear to be a slave race breeding on an isolated planet in a small galaxy. As such, the human race was once a source of labor for an extraterrestrial civilization and still remains a possession today. To keep control over its possession and to maintain Earth as something of a prison, that other civilization has bred a never-ending conflict between human beings, has promoted spiritual decay, and has erected on Earth conditions of unremitting physical hardship. This situation has existed for thousands of years and it continues today. (The Gods of Eden)
The idea that human kind is the product of genetic engineering carried out by extraterrestrials from outside our tiny planet challenges both Darwinian evolution and creationism. Have the dogmas of science and religion blinded us to the truth of our origins?
The Christian church proclaims that a supposedly all-knowing, all-powerful ‘God’ created our first parents from ‘mud’, in much the same way as a potter moulds clay. Only when Adam and Eve broke their Creator's rules were they subject to pain, sickness and death. By disobeying this ‘God’, they also condemned their offspring — all humanity — to be ‘sinners’. Christianity derives the unfortunate tale of Adam and Eve from Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament.
If we interpret the Bible literally, regarding it as an infallible historical document, we are introduced to a creator ‘God’ (Jehovah/Yahweh) who, by his own admission, is jealous, wrathful and full of vengeance. The fear of the "Lord" (Jehovah) is constantly stressed throughout the Old Testament. He is expected to reward those who worship him and are not delinquent in their observance of the ritual law, by gratifying their worldly desires for material gains and worldly power. One cannot help but note that this cruel, bloodthirsty, and selfish ‘God’ bears a striking resemblance to the capricious gods of Sumeria.
This all too human ‘God’, according to Genesis, took a walk in the "cool of the day," unaware that his prize humans had spoiled his creation by eating the ‘forbidden fruit’. After this, having chased the first human couple out of Paradise, he threatens their descendants with his wrath until the day when he drowned the whole world in a flood.
This ‘God’ Jehovah, as the historian Gibbon observed in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, is a "being liable to passion and error, capricious in his favour, implacable in his resentment, meanly jealous of his superstitious worship, and confining his partial providence to a single people and to this transitory life."
Research indicates that the Hebrew Bible, far from being an infallible historical text authored by the Supreme Being, is a heavily revised compilation of at least two entirely separate works. Fused together in the Book of Genesis are two separate works known to scholars as the northern "E" and southern "J" traditions, which are supplemented by additional revisions and inserts. In "E" (the Elohist passages) resides the pre-Judaean tradition of the northern peoples who exalted the Most High God El and the subordinate Elohim (Shining Ones). The "J" or "Jehovist" passages describe a totally alien entity, the evil and contending Jehovah (YHWH), the "Lord". According to Max J. Dimont in Jews, God and History: "In the 5th century B.C. Jewish priests combined portions of the ‘J’ and ‘E’ documents, adding a little handiwork of their own (known as the pious fraud), which are referred to as the ‘JE’ documents, since God in these passages is referred to as ‘Jehovah Elohim’ (translated as ‘Lord God’)."
This is why within the Bible we encounter contradictory and conflicting images of the Supreme God. We find Jehovah, a tribal god, masquerading as the Supreme Being. The first chapters of Genesis describe an awesome struggle between two rival powers. There is the Most High God and His Elohim who create through their own manifest spirit; and the malevolent Lord God, Jehovah, who created a synthetic being composed of dirt. Jehovah is actually Satanael, a Shining One who rose in revolt against the Supreme God. Though later called the One God, the early Hebrews knew Jehovah as only one of many Elohim. They quoted the Song of Moses to distinguish between the Most High and the usurper Jehovah:
When the Most High (El) gave the nations
their heritage,
When He divided mankind,
He fixed the territories of the peoples
According to the number of the sons of God;
But Jehovah’s (YHWH) share was his people,
Jacob was his inherited possession. (Deuteronomy 32:8)
The Gnostic Christians of the early centuries AD, who preserved the original teachings of Jesus, distinguished between the Heavenly Father and the god of the Hebrew Bible. Jehovah (YHWH) was not the Father revealed by Jesus. While the Hebrew Bible revealed a tribal god, the God of Jesus was the universal Supreme Being of all humanity. The Hebrew god was a god of fear, Jesus’ Heavenly Father was a God of love. In fact, Jesus never referred to the Heavenly Father as Jehovah. The Gnostic Gospel of Peter states that the Hebrews were under the delusion that they knew the Supreme Being, but they were ignorant of him, and knew only a false god, an impostor, whose true nature was unknown to them.
The Gnostics, based on their thorough study of the Book of Genesis, exposed Jehovah as Satanael the Demiurge, the creative power of this fallen material world, who is hostile to the Supreme Being. One Gnostic teacher told how the unknown Father made the angels, the archangels, powers and dominions. The world, however, and everything in it, was made by seven particular angels, and man too is a work of the angels. These angels he described as rebellious feeble artisans.
Saturninus (90-150), who established an important Gnostic community in Syria, taught that the One True God, the Heavenly Father revealed by Jesus, dwells in the highest Realm of Light. Between this transcendent Realm of Light and our finite world exist vast intermediate hierarchies of archangels, angels and spiritual powers; the builders of the universe and the fashioners of man. In foolishness and vanity Satanael rebelled against the Realm of Light, leading astray a company of angelic beings. Satanael and his minions contrived to trap spiritual beings in physical bodies. Saturninus told how Satanael’s creator angels endeavoured to create physical human bodies in the image of spiritual beings. This way they planned to keep spiritual beings permanently attached to physical bodies.
In Saturninus’ account of creation, Satanael’s creator angels could only form a primitive android. It was necessary to animate it with a spirit being from the upper realms. Satanael therefore lured down into his soulless universe a light-spark from the heavenly realms and trapped it within the material body of Adam. According to Apelles, another early Gnostic teacher, spirit beings were enticed from their place in the heavenly realms by the opportunity of physical experience, through the machinations of Jehovah, after which he bound them in bodies of flesh. Generation succeeded generation, as the light-sparks took embodiment in human forms. Soon these spiritual beings became so engrossed in the material world that they lost all awareness of their origin in the Realm of Light. They found themselves captured in the world of the Demiurge Satanael. Indeed, they became slaves to the malevolent creator angels and the things of their world.
The Catholic Church, by accepting the Hebrew Bible in its literal interpretation, mistook the tribal god Jehovah for the Supreme Being. In imitation of old Israel, the Church set about establishing a political and religious empire. Only the Gnostic Christians stood in their way. The Gnostics quickly found themselves viciously denounced as heretics, their sacred books banned and burnt. Thanks to the miraculous discovery of several Gnostic scriptures at Nag Hammadi in Egypt, just fifty years ago, we can gain a better insight into the Gnostic Christian communities of the early centuries AD.
A Gnostic work uncovered at Nag Hammadi called The Apocalypse of Adam, is an enlightening account of the creation of Adam and Eve. This book, dating from the first century, may be an attempt to reconstruct the original Genesis.
Adam is said to declare:
When god had created me out of the earth along with Eve your mother, I went about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth [Realm of Light]. She taught me a word of knowledge of the eternal God. And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god who had created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know.
Then god [the Demiurge/Satanael], the ruler of the aeons and the powers, divided us in wrath. Then we became two aeons. And the glory in our heart(s) left us….After those days the eternal knowledge of the God of Truth [Heavenly Father] withdrew from me and your mother Eve. Since this time we learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognised the god [Demiurge] who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery.
The Gnostics understood that there are many different orders of beings. Their writings refer to numerous hierarchies of spiritual entities, both of the Light and of the Darkness. These beings not only move in the subtle frequencies, but can also take form in the physical dimension. Like the Essenes and Jesus, the Gnostics recognised the ability of "angels" to embody themselves in the flesh. The fallen angels were most often termed rulers or Archons, and the chief Archon known by various names such as Satanael, Jehovah, Ildabaoth, Sacklas, Satan, Sammael, etc. They possessed the power to create bodies and believed themselves to be ‘gods’. As a consequence of their degraded state, they are hostile to humanity and attempt to prevent mankind from attaining to spiritual liberation.
John A. Keel, author of Disneyland of the Gods, and Our Haunted Planet, argues that the late 20th century interest in extraterrestrials, aliens and UFOs is just a modern day attempt to come to terms with the same forces other peoples and cultures once identified as "demons" or "fallen angels":
The flying saucers are merely another frame of reference to provide us with acceptable explanations for some of these grotesque events. An invisible phenomenon is always stalking us and manipulating our beliefs. We see only what it chooses to let us see, and we usually react.
The notion that the human body is the work of malevolent creator angels remarkably parallels the idea that extraterrestrials engaged in genetic engineering to ‘create’ homo sapiens. Are we dealing with exactly the same phenomenon? Did the Gnostics know the truth about Man’s real origin and the unseen powers that seek to keep human beings in bondage? Are the malevolent creator angels who, say the Gnostics, stole spiritual beings and trapped them in physical bodies, the same as the extraterrestrial creator gods of Sumeria?
Consider the following observation of a modern Gnostic scholar, Dr. Stephen Hoeller:
The star-angels and other ruling spirits appear as tyrannical, limiting agencies in this Gnostic view. They are usurpers who lord it over humanity and creation in order to enhance their own self-importance and glory. It is incumbent upon the knower to realize this and to extricate himself from the grasp of these powers whenever possible. The existential predicament of human life lies in the uncomfortable dominance to which these lesser godlings subject the spirits of human beings, and from which only the experiential realization of Gnosis can extricate them. (Jung and the Lost Gospels)
The creator angels or Archons are also characterised as terrible powers or forces of negativity and illusion. They are cosmic Prison Warders seeking to keep their human charges bound to the Earth. Caught up in the illusions of material existence, Man believes he is just a body and he cannot grasp the truth of his origin. This condition perpetuates spiritual blindness, leaving human kind in captivity to the Prison Warders.
However, the Gnostics never ceased from proclaiming that Man’s True Being is not his body, and the material world is definitely not his true home. Man is a spiritual being and his purpose is to realise his higher Self, that light-spark exiled in the physical body. His destiny is to return to the Realm of Light, his true home beyond the stars.
We must be reawakened to our origin, where we came from, how we became trapped on this planet, and how we can achieve liberation. The Gnostics urge us to escape from the trap of the world and open our eyes to our true origin.
© Copyright New Dawn Magazine,
Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice.
At 12:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow ! so many things changed here since my last visit!I am now working with the magic spells network and feeling so much better! cya around
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Much has been written and many hypothesis proposed regarding the enochian historical records. However, one must also look just as deeply for more 'earthbound' explanations for these myths. One such explanation can be found in the work of Andrew Collins in his book 'FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS:
The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race', a preview of which can be found at Andrews website.
He seems to have put much effort into his research and after a few careful readings, answers many questions regarding Elohim, Watcher's, Nephilum and the rest of the fallen angels with much more prosaic earthbased explanations.
That said, when talking ETH, just about everything is on the table.
At 7:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
the nephilim were NOT from "the heavens", and in fact, they were the offspring of god(s) who "entered unto" human women, and were referred to as being "giants".
At 11:58 AM,
jomama said…
Sitchin says in his book, The Twelfth Planet that our creators from the planet Nibiru will be back for a visit soon.
I expect that if we were created by extraterrestrials, they gave us short life spans so we couldn't get too uppity. Few can learn much during a short human life span.
At 11:21 PM,
Shamus said…
Interesting stories.
At 1:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOW...that's all that can come out of my mouth....who are we?... so many questions
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Another great South African author is Michael Tellinger and "Slave Species of god". He relates a lot of physical evidence such as 50,000 year old gold mines in his home area with the agenda of the Sumarian gods. He also covers all the major religeons and their relation to the gods. Great reading for history lovers! ..Jon
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Fact is, the simple, Zen-like sayings of Jesus contained in the "Q" or source combined with the proto-Thomas gospel is the full text of his true teachings. Everything else was added later and is not authentic. Nobody needs the bible to follow the Way of Jesus--in reality the bible is a corrupt collection of conflicted and conflicting documents calculated to lead people astray from the truth. The early so-called "gnostics" did indeed have it right.
At 11:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Serpent in the Adam & Eve story was not a villain, an opinion christians has promoted for centuries, but rather the liberator/saviour of mankind. God is a slavemaster as previously stated and Lucifer is the true lightbringer, not the malevolent force as christians, treats him/her.
At 8:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
well said
At 3:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting reading and i suppose
a small percentage of this is true..
...HOWEVER...the arguement that we are somehow 'slaves' to alien Gods or angels begins to fall apart when
you understand that YOU CHOOSE TO BRING YOUR SORRY ASS SPIRIT TO EARTH IN THE FIRST PLACE no one forced you to incarnate here to be
an alleged 'slave' to anyone. You KNEW what you were doing before you incarnated and here you are today. We are all masters of our own destiny reaping what we sow along the way as we make our way back home....where ever that is.
At 12:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
The "modern Gnostic scholar" Dr. Stephen Hoeller is a rather questionable source of information on either early or modern Gnosticism, as his personal ecclesiastical agenda strongly colors his work and writings.
At 9:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
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I-MATE SP4m ......... $120
I-MATE JAM Black ........ $150
I-MATE JAM ......... $160
I-MATE PDA2 ......... $190
I-MATE PDA2k ......... $168
I-MATE SP3i ......... $130
I-MATE SP3 ......... $135
I-MATE Pocket PC ......... $140
I-MATE Smartphone2 ........ $110
I-MATE Smartphone ........ $115
Treo 700...............$200usd
Treo 600...............$150usd
Treo 650...............$160usd
Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition: $290 US
Nokia 8800 GOLD: $340 US
Nokia 8800: $170 US
Nokia N73: $130 US
Nokia N72: $120 US
Nokia N80: $140 US
Nokia N93: $180 US
Nokia N95: $160 US
NOKIA E61: $130 US
Nokia E60: $120 US
Nokia 7380: $160 US
Nokia 8801: $130 US
Nokia 9300: $130 US
Nokia 3250: $150 US
Nokia 6126: $140 US
Nokia N90 $200
Nokia N91 220$
Nokia 6060 150$
Nokia 6111 170$
Nokia 6270 170$
Nokia 6270 190$
Nokia 6280 180$
Nokia Vertu 250$
Nokia 5140i 140$
Nokia 6230i 140$
Nokia 6021 140$
Nokia 6030 140$
Nokia 6680 140$
Nokia 6681 120$
Nokia 6101 110$
Nokia 6822 110$
Nokia 7710 110$
Nokia 6170 140$
Nokia 6260 140$
Nokia 3510i 90$
Nokia 6630 120$
Nokia 9300 110$
Nokia 7260 120$
Nokia 7270 110$
Nokia 7280 120$
Nokia 6670 110$
Nokia 6020 120$
Nokia 3220 65$
Nokia N-GAGE QD 70$
Nokia 7610 120$
Nokia 9500 145$
Nokia 5140 85$
Nokia 6610i 120$
Nokia 7200 133$
Nokia 6230 145$
Nokia 6820 120$
Nokia 7600 105$
Nokia 6600 120$
Nokia 6800 105$
Nokia 6220 120$
Nokia 6620 120$
Nokia 7250i 65$
Nokia 8910i 120$
Nokia 6100 95$
Nokia N70 AT jUST....220USD
NOKIA 9500 AT JUST....$200USD
Nokia 8800.....$180USD
NOKIA 6260 AT JUST ...$180USD
NOKIA 6600 AT JUST ..$1400
NEXTEL I860 AT JUST ...$110usd
NEXTEL I930 AT JUST.....$130
Nokia N71.......$155USD
Nokia 8800......$150USD
Nokia 7710.......$145USD
Nokia 8801..........$190USD
Nokia 7610.......$120usd
Nokia 9300......$145USD
Nokia 9500......$170USD
Nokia 6600......$100
20GB iPod 20GB iPod .............45USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Pink M9435LL/A ......40 USD
Apple 40 GB iPod photo....................40 USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Silver M9160LL/A ....40 USD
Apple 60 GB iPod Photo M9830LL/A..........60 USD
Apple 60 GB iPod photo ...................55 USD
Apple 30 GB iPod Photo M9829LL/A..........50 USD
Apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle MP3 Player......40 USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A.......45 USD
Apple 2 GB iPod Nano......................50 USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Nano......................60 USD
Apple 30 GB iPod Vidoe...................110 USD
Apple 60 GB iPod Vidoe...................150 USD
play station 1......... $120
play station 2 ....$130
play station 3.....$150
Sony PSP Limited Edition: $140 US
Sony PSP Entertainment Pack: $150 US
Sony PSP Value Pack: $120 US
Sony PSP Bundle: $130 US
xbox 360.......$200
this games are brand new sealed in black company Box.
Send your enquiry
At 1:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
We are one of the leading mobile phone distributors.We are Legitimate registered
Company under licensed number(RC43215).We ship via FedEx or DHL, and your
ordered items will get to your door step within 48 hrs(Two Working Day).We sell
all kinds of mobile phones such as Nokia, samsung, motorola, Sony Ericsson,
Nextel, Juicy Sidekick
II, PDAs phones,eg Qtek900 I-mate Jasjar, o2 xda exec, Dopod 900 and many
more. and we also have all
the model of Apple ipod, Xbox 360, Sony PSP and Sony PS3.
For further enquiry forward your mail to We look
forward in serving you better.
JANE moore(e-marketers)
HP 6515 Cell Phone/PDA: $140 US
HP iPAQ hw6915/6915: $160 US
Orange SPV M3100 PDA: $200 US
02 XDA Mini S Mobile Phone: $150 US
QTEK 9100: $110 US
Imate K-jam PDA: $130 US
PDA phone dopod 838 pro hermes wizard q-tek O2 mda: $240 US
Treo 650: $250 US
Sprint Palm Treo 700wx: $220 US
E-TEN M600+ Pocket PC Phone WiFi 2MP Camera: $180 US
T-Mobile Sidekick III 3 Camera Cell Phone: $170 US
Juicy SIDEKICK I...........$100USD
SIDEKICK II..........$120
SIDEKICK 3..........$220
02 Phones
o2 xDA Exec ........ $250
02 XDA Atom ........ $220
02 XDA NEO ........ $220
02 XDA mini S ....... $240
02 XDA II mini ...... $180
02 XDA IIi ......... $150
02 XDA IIs ......... $160
O2 X2i ......... $120
02 X4 ......... $130
02 X3 ......... $120
02 x7 ......... $140
SAMSUNG D600 ......140$
SAMSUNG P860 ......145$
SAMSUNG P850 ......145$
SAMSUNG E730 ......145$
SAMSUNG D510 ......140$
SAMSUNG Z700 ......130$
SAMSUNG D720 ......140$
SAMSUNG Z130 ......110$
SAMSUNG Z500 ......120$
SAMSUNG Z300 ......110$
SAMSUNG E350 ......140$
SAMSUNG E720 ......135$
SAMSUNG B100 ......140$
SAMSUNG X640 ......140$
SAMSUNG X480 ......135$
SAMSUNG X460 ......135$
SAMSUNG D500 ......140$
SAMSUNG P730 ......140$
SAMSUNG P710 ......120$
SAMSUNG D900........200$
Mitac MIO 8930......$280usd
Motorola razor v3.........$100usd
Motorola razor v3 pink edition....$120usd
Motorola v3X...................$150usd
Motorola Q................$180
Motorola MPX300.,...$150usd
Motorola V3i D&G: $160 US
Motorola V6: $140 US
Motorola K1 KRZR: $130 US
Nextel Sprint Motorola ic502 Hybrid: $140 US
Motorola A1200 PDA: $140 US
Motorola I580: $100 US
Nextel i930.........$130usd
Nextel i870.........$120usd
Nextel i860.........$100usd
Nextel i90c.........$75USD
Nextel i95cl........$90USD
Sony Ericsson p990.....$140usd
Sony Ericsson p910i....$125usd
Sony Ericsson w900i....$140usd
Sony Ericsson K750i....$130usd
Sony Ericsson k800i....$170usd
Sony Ericsson k700i....$120usd
Sony Ericsson W800i....$145usd
Sony Ericsson W900 ....$190usd
sony Ericsson w600i....$130usd
Sony Ericsson d750i....$150usd
Sony Ericsson z1010....$180usd
Sony Ericsson W850i: $110 US
Sony Ericsson W810i: $120 US
Sony Ericsson W950i: $190 US
Sony Ericsson W900i: $140 US
Sony Ericsson K800i: $140 US
Sony Ericsson Z520i: $190 US
Sony Ericsson P990i: $200 US
Qtek 8500 ....... $130
Qtek S200 ....... $180
Qtek 9000 ....... $250
Qtek 8310 ....... $200
Qtek 8300 ....... $185
Qtek 9100 ....... $270
Qtek 8100 ....... $150
Qtek S110 ....... $175
Qtek S100 ....... $190
Qtek 9090 ....... $200
Qtek 8020 ....... $190
Qtek 8010 ....... $140
Qtek 2020i ...... $220
Qtek 2020 ....... $200
Qtek 1010 ....... $140
LG KG800(CHOCOLATE)........$160USD
I-MATE Smartflip ....... $140
I-MATE JAMin ......... $240
I-MATE JASJAR ........ $250
I-MATE K-JAM ......... $180
I-MATE SP5 ......... $150
I-MATE SP5m ......... $155
I-MATE SP4m ......... $120
I-MATE JAM Black ........ $150
I-MATE JAM ......... $160
I-MATE PDA2 ......... $190
I-MATE PDA2k ......... $168
I-MATE SP3i ......... $130
I-MATE SP3 ......... $135
I-MATE Pocket PC ......... $140
I-MATE Smartphone2 ........ $110
I-MATE Smartphone ........ $115
Treo 700...............$200usd
Treo 600...............$150usd
Treo 650...............$160usd
Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition: $290 US
Nokia 8800 GOLD: $340 US
Nokia 8800: $170 US
Nokia N73: $130 US
Nokia N72: $120 US
Nokia N80: $140 US
Nokia N93: $180 US
Nokia N95: $160 US
NOKIA E61: $130 US
Nokia E60: $120 US
Nokia 7380: $160 US
Nokia 8801: $130 US
Nokia 9300: $130 US
Nokia 3250: $150 US
Nokia 6126: $140 US
Nokia N90 $200
Nokia N91 220$
Nokia 6060 150$
Nokia 6111 170$
Nokia 6270 170$
Nokia 6270 190$
Nokia 6280 180$
Nokia Vertu 250$
Nokia 5140i 140$
Nokia 6230i 140$
Nokia 6021 140$
Nokia 6030 140$
Nokia 6680 140$
Nokia 6681 120$
Nokia 6101 110$
Nokia 6822 110$
Nokia 7710 110$
Nokia 6170 140$
Nokia 6260 140$
Nokia 3510i 90$
Nokia 6630 120$
Nokia 9300 110$
Nokia 7260 120$
Nokia 7270 110$
Nokia 7280 120$
Nokia 6670 110$
Nokia 6020 120$
Nokia 3220 65$
Nokia N-GAGE QD 70$
Nokia 7610 120$
Nokia 9500 145$
Nokia 5140 85$
Nokia 6610i 120$
Nokia 7200 133$
Nokia 6230 145$
Nokia 6820 120$
Nokia 7600 105$
Nokia 6600 120$
Nokia 6800 105$
Nokia 6220 120$
Nokia 6620 120$
Nokia 7250i 65$
Nokia 8910i 120$
Nokia 6100 95$
Nokia N70 AT jUST....220USD
NOKIA 9500 AT JUST....$200USD
Nokia 8800.....$180USD
NOKIA 6260 AT JUST ...$180USD
NOKIA 6600 AT JUST ..$1400
NEXTEL I860 AT JUST ...$110usd
NEXTEL I930 AT JUST.....$130
Nokia N71.......$155USD
Nokia 8800......$150USD
Nokia 7710.......$145USD
Nokia 8801..........$190USD
Nokia 7610.......$120usd
Nokia 9300......$145USD
Nokia 9500......$170USD
Nokia 6600......$100
20GB iPod 20GB iPod .............45USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Pink M9435LL/A ......40 USD
Apple 40 GB iPod photo....................40 USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Silver M9160LL/A ....40 USD
Apple 60 GB iPod Photo M9830LL/A..........60 USD
Apple 60 GB iPod photo ...................55 USD
Apple 30 GB iPod Photo M9829LL/A..........50 USD
Apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle MP3 Player......40 USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A.......45 USD
Apple 2 GB iPod Nano......................50 USD
Apple 4 GB iPod Nano......................60 USD
Apple 30 GB iPod Vidoe...................110 USD
Apple 60 GB iPod Vidoe...................150 USD
play station 1......... $120
play station 2 ....$130
play station 3.....$150
Sony PSP Limited Edition: $140 US
Sony PSP Entertainment Pack: $150 US
Sony PSP Value Pack: $120 US
Sony PSP Bundle: $130 US
xbox 360.......$200
this games are brand new sealed in black company Box.
Send your enquiry
At 6:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
We have all kind of Mobile Phones For Sale. They include Nokia,
Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola, Nextel, Qtek, BenQ, Os and other kind
of Mobile Phones.we also sell computer(both laptop and PDA) and electronics like DvD, Television and others. Our Mobile Phones are:-
1) Brand new gsm phones (this includes accessories, Manuals, software and boxes)
2) Unlocked / sim free
3) Brand oem (original manufacturer) box - no copies
4) All phones have English language as default
5) All material (software, manual) - Car chargers - Home chargers - USB
data cables - holsters/belt clips - Wireless headsets (Bluetooth) -
Leather and non-leather carrying cases - Batteries.
6) We also provide receipt for every product sold out of the company.
If you are interested, Forward your questions and enquires to us via
email with your order and Shipping details.
We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to Our costumers, our
phones are company class 1 tested And approved by global standard
organization of Wireless industries, brand new phones with complete
Accessories, extra charger and battery.
NOTE: Beware of illegal companys,They are all thieves.
NOKIA 8850 ..... ..$150 usd
NOKIA N90 .........$190 usd
NOKIA N91 .........$230 usd
NOKIA N93..........$230 usd
Nokia N92..........$200 usd
Nokia N93i.........$250 usd
Nokia N95..........$250 usd
Nokia E90..........$250 usd
Nokia 6060........ $175 usd
Nokia 6111........ $175 usd
Nokia 6270 ........$175 usd
Nokia 6270....... .$175 usd
Nokia 6280 ........$175 usd
Nokia N70 .........$155 usd
Nokia Vertu .......$255 usd
Nokia 5140i .......$145 usd
Nokia 6230i .......$145 usd
Nokia 8800 ........$265 usd
Nokia 6021 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6030 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6680 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6681 ........$120 usd
Nokia 6101 ........$110 usd
Nokia 6822 ........$110 usd
Nokia 7710 ........$110 usd
Nokia 6170 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6260 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6630 ........$120 usd
Nokia 9300 ........$205 usd
MOTOROLA MPX 300.........$150 usd
MOTOROLA MPX 200 ........$155 usd
MOTOROLA RAZR V3 ........$155 usd
MOTOROLA E895 ..............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V1150 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V8 .................$120 usd
MOTOROLA V6 .................$120 usd
MOTOROLA A1010 ..........$100 usd
MOTOROLA E1060 ..........$122 usd
MOTOROLA E1120 ..........$110 usd
MOTOROLA V560 ............$130 usd
MOTOROLA K600 ............$100 usd
MOTOROLA V635 ............$100 usd
MOTOROLA A668 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V980 ............$130 usd
MOTOROLA C980 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V600 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V600i.......... .$120 usd
SONY ERICSSON P910.......$160 usd
SONY ERICSSON P900.......$150 usd
SONY-ERICSSON S600 ......$185 usd
Sony Ericsson w800i .....$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K600 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K700i .....$145 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K500i .....$120 usd
SONY-ERICSSON D750 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K750i .....$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON W800 ......$175 usd
SONY ERICSSON W950i......$230 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K750 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON J300 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K600 ......$155 usd
SONY-ERICSSON Z800 ......$155 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K300 ......$175 usd
1996 Transfer Case: Sidekick 1996, and 1997 automatic....$140 usd
Sidekick Basic Kit.......................................$150 usd
Sidekick II T-Mobile Cell Phone with Color Screen........$130 usd
T-Mobile Sidekick 2 Danger Cell Phone....................$130 usd
T-Mobile Sidekick II TMO to Go Prepaid Phone.............$140 usd
Mobile Sidekick II.......................................$110 usd
ProTop 2 Piece Hardtop Suzuki Vitara / Chevy Tracker.....$150 usd
Protop 2 Piece Hardtop for Sidekick / Tracker ...........$160 usd
Original Extended Carbox Package 1989-1998...............$140 usd
Original Extended Carbox Sidekick/Tracker 2 &............$130 usd
T-Mobile Sidekick 2 Danger Cell Phone....................$130 usd
SIDEKICK 3 for just......................................$160 usd
SAMSUNG D600 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG P860 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG P850 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG E730 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG D510 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG Z700 ......$145 usd
SAMSUNG D720 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG Z130 ......$110 usd
SAMSUNG Z500 ......$120 usd
SAMSUNG Z300 ......$110 usd
SAMSUNG E350 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG E720 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG B100 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG X640 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG X480 ......$155 usd
SAMSUNG X460 ......$155 usd
SAMSUNG D500 ......$175 usd
SAMSUNG P730 ......$155 usd
SAMSUNG P710 ......$120 usd
Apple iPod nano 2GB Black MP3 Player...................$100 usd
Apple iPod Video 30GB Black MP3 Player.................$1oo usd
Apple iPod Video 30GB Black MP3 Player.................$150 usd
Apple iPod Mini 4GB 18hour battery - Pink MP3 Player...$120 usd
Apple iPod nano 4GB Black MP3 Player...................$150 usd
and many more.................
Sprint Nextel NOK3205SPR Cell Phone........$90 usd
Sprint Nextel LG535KIT Cell Phone..........$130 usd
Sprint Nextel SCP5500KTS Cell Phone........$110 usd
Play station 1.............................$120 usd
Play station 2 ............................$130 usd
Play station 3.............................$150 usd
Xbox 360...................................$200 usd
GARMIN 396.................................$150 usd
Palm Zire 72 PDA........$100usd
Sony PEG-SJ33 Color CLIÉ Handheld PDA............$120 usd
Sony CLIÉ PEG-UX50 PDA...........................$150 usd
HP iPAQ Pocket PC hx4705 PDA.....................$160 usd
Palm Tungsten E PDA..............................$60 usd
Palm Tungsten T5 PDA.............................$80 usd
Palm LifeDrive Mobile Manager PDA................$100 usd
HP iPAQ Pocket PC HX4700 PDA.....................$200 usd
Sharp Mobilon HC-4100 PDA........................$100 usd
o2 XDAII MINI integrated Pocket PC & GSM phone...$300 usd
o2 XDAIIS integrated pocket PC & GSM Phone.......$330 usd
HP Ipaq HX4700 Pocket PC ........................$200 usd
HP Ipaq HX2700 Pocket PC ........................$300 usd
and many more available in store .........
Dell Latitude C640 1.8GHz P4 Laptop w/CD-RW............................$350 usd
Dell Inspiron XPS M140 Notebook Computer for Home......................$480 usd
Sony VAIO FS540P - Pentium M 730 1.6 GHz - 15.4" TFT...................$500 usd
Sony Intel Pentium M 100GB Notebook Computer with DVD+/-R/RW Drive.....$550 usd
ThinkPad G40 2389 - C 2.5 GHz - 14.1" TFT IBM..........................$580 usd
Panasonic Toughbook 18 Touchscre.......................................$500 usd
HP Compaq Business Notebook nc8230 - Pentium M 760 2 GHz - 15.4" TFT...$950 usd
HP Compaq Mobile Workstation nw8240 - Pentium M 760 2 GHz - 15.4" TFT..$780 usd
and many more..............
Panasonic DVD-LS5 DVD Player.....$150 usd
Mintek MDP-5860 DVD Player.......$90 usd
Panasonic DMR-E50S DVD Recorder..$190 usd
Samsung DVD-L200 DVD Player..... $150 usd
and many more..................
Panasonic TH-42PD50U Television.....$600 usd
Panasonic TH-42PX50U Television.....$1000 usd
Panasonic TH-50PX50U Television.....$1500 usd
Panasonic TH-42PWD6UY Television....$500 usd
Panasonic TH-42PD25U/P Television...$400 usd
Panasonic TH-42PHD8UK Television....$450 usd
Panasonic TH-65PHD7UY Television....$2500 usd
Pioneer PDP-5050HD Television.......$1000 usd
Panasonic TH-37PX50U Television.....$500 usd
Panasonic TH-42PX500U Television....$800 usd
Sony KLV-32M1 Television............$400 usd
Sony PFM-42V1/S Television..........$500 usd
Sony KDE-61XBR950 Television........$5000 usd
Sony KDE-42XBR950 Television........$1000 usd
Sony PFM-42X1/S Television..........$500 usd
Sony KDE-42XS955 Television.........$550 usd
Sony FWD-50PX1/S Television.........$1200 usd
Samsung HP-R4252 Television.........$500 usd
Samsung LN-R328W - LCD TV - 32......$500 usd
Samsung LN-R408D - LCD TV - 40......$800 usd
Samsung LT-P326W - LCD TV - 32......$650 usd
Samsung LTM 225W - LCD TV - 22......$500 usd
Samsung PPM63H3-plasma panel 63.....$2000 usd
Samsung HP-P5071 50-inch 1366X768 HD Plasma TV Ref.....$800usd
Samsung HPP5031 - plasma panel - 50.$1000 usd
Pioneer PDP-5050HD Television.......$1000 USD
Sharp 32" Aquos HD-Ready LCD TV.... $500 usd.
Contact us today at
Sales Management.
At 6:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
We have all kind of Mobile Phones For Sale. They include Nokia,
Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola, Nextel, Qtek, BenQ, Os and other kind
of Mobile Phones.we also sell computer(both laptop and PDA) and electronics like DvD, Television and others. Our Mobile Phones are:-
1) Brand new gsm phones (this includes accessories, Manuals, software and boxes)
2) Unlocked / sim free
3) Brand oem (original manufacturer) box - no copies
4) All phones have English language as default
5) All material (software, manual) - Car chargers - Home chargers - USB
data cables - holsters/belt clips - Wireless headsets (Bluetooth) -
Leather and non-leather carrying cases - Batteries.
6) We also provide receipt for every product sold out of the company.
If you are interested, Forward your questions and enquires to us via
email with your order and Shipping details.
We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to Our costumers, our
phones are company class 1 tested And approved by global standard
organization of Wireless industries, brand new phones with complete
Accessories, extra charger and battery.
NOTE: Beware of illegal companys,They are all thieves.
NOKIA 8850 ..... ..$150 usd
NOKIA N90 .........$190 usd
NOKIA N91 .........$230 usd
NOKIA N93..........$230 usd
Nokia N92..........$200 usd
Nokia N93i.........$250 usd
Nokia N95..........$250 usd
Nokia E90..........$250 usd
Nokia 6060........ $175 usd
Nokia 6111........ $175 usd
Nokia 6270 ........$175 usd
Nokia 6270....... .$175 usd
Nokia 6280 ........$175 usd
Nokia N70 .........$155 usd
Nokia Vertu .......$255 usd
Nokia 5140i .......$145 usd
Nokia 6230i .......$145 usd
Nokia 8800 ........$265 usd
Nokia 6021 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6030 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6680 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6681 ........$120 usd
Nokia 6101 ........$110 usd
Nokia 6822 ........$110 usd
Nokia 7710 ........$110 usd
Nokia 6170 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6260 ........$145 usd
Nokia 6630 ........$120 usd
Nokia 9300 ........$205 usd
MOTOROLA MPX 300.........$150 usd
MOTOROLA MPX 200 ........$155 usd
MOTOROLA RAZR V3 ........$155 usd
MOTOROLA E895 ..............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V1150 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V8 .................$120 usd
MOTOROLA V6 .................$120 usd
MOTOROLA A1010 ..........$100 usd
MOTOROLA E1060 ..........$122 usd
MOTOROLA E1120 ..........$110 usd
MOTOROLA V560 ............$130 usd
MOTOROLA K600 ............$100 usd
MOTOROLA V635 ............$100 usd
MOTOROLA A668 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V980 ............$130 usd
MOTOROLA C980 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V600 ............$120 usd
MOTOROLA V600i.......... .$120 usd
SONY ERICSSON P910.......$160 usd
SONY ERICSSON P900.......$150 usd
SONY-ERICSSON S600 ......$185 usd
Sony Ericsson w800i .....$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K600 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K700i .....$145 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K500i .....$120 usd
SONY-ERICSSON D750 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K750i .....$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON W800 ......$175 usd
SONY ERICSSON W950i......$230 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K750 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON J300 ......$175 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K600 ......$155 usd
SONY-ERICSSON Z800 ......$155 usd
SONY-ERICSSON K300 ......$175 usd
1996 Transfer Case: Sidekick 1996, and 1997 automatic....$140 usd
Sidekick Basic Kit.......................................$150 usd
Sidekick II T-Mobile Cell Phone with Color Screen........$130 usd
T-Mobile Sidekick 2 Danger Cell Phone....................$130 usd
T-Mobile Sidekick II TMO to Go Prepaid Phone.............$140 usd
Mobile Sidekick II.......................................$110 usd
ProTop 2 Piece Hardtop Suzuki Vitara / Chevy Tracker.....$150 usd
Protop 2 Piece Hardtop for Sidekick / Tracker ...........$160 usd
Original Extended Carbox Package 1989-1998...............$140 usd
Original Extended Carbox Sidekick/Tracker 2 &............$130 usd
T-Mobile Sidekick 2 Danger Cell Phone....................$130 usd
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At 8:11 PM,
Lillith said…
I think there is a fine line between too much sci fi and the truth. Gather the facts that suit you best from whichever story you fancy. Is it really so complex and hard to believe the simplicity of it all would insult our overactive minds? I too belive we chose to come here, life is charted, we picked our kindred spirits and we'll keep coming back until we get our theme right. The thoughts of the mind manifest in to many levels of this so called life and yes I think there is a wasteland that we created. This is hell in it's finest form. But we chose this world/planet over many others either to speed up Perfection process or we forgot what it was like. We are simply created with too many emotions. Emotions a society has always tried to supress instead of encouraging.
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