Sent in by Nick via Karin Stenius
By Linda Moulton Howe
By Linda Moulton Howe
Jim Sparks describes his life-changing encounter with reptoid aliens, whose message for saving planet Earth may veil their true intentions.
Higher intelligence takes advantage of, and uses, lower intelligence sort of the way we humans use cattle. And with the privilege of use, comes the responsibility of caring. A farmer tends to his animals by feeding them and taking care of their medical needs. If the pasture became contaminated, the farmer would be the first to protect his investments.
Jim Sparks, Abductee, 1996 Fort Myers Beach, Florida, USA
In 1995, I met a man named Jim Sparks who says he has had completely conscious encounters with "small, grey, drone worker types; taller true aliens, or supervisors; and tall reptoids with big, human-shaped bodies covered with scaly, reptile skin. Sparks sees himself as an interpreter or translator -- or at least an elementary grade student in an alien "school." He says he has been forced to learn English letter and number equivalents to alien symbols.
Jim Sparks permitted me to tape record hours of our discussions about his experiences. This chapter emerged from those conversations and his efforts to visualize and write down what has happened for his own book manuscript.
After eight years "of being close enough to breath their rotten-egg-smelling skin," Sparks thinks he has some insights into the alien agenda, but admits he has "a thousand more questions than answers." He is frustrated that he cannot prove his contacts with alien beings.
Sparks was born to Italian parents on November 15, 1954. The formal name on his birth certificate is Vincent Sparacino. He grew up in southern Florida, graduated from high school and spent a couple of years in a local college studying real estate. He moved on to Houston, Texas, in 1979, and then to North Carolina where he purchased raw land and divided lots for housing construction -- but always felt a strong need to preserve the trees at his developments. Happy, married and thriving, by 1988 at age thirty-four, Sparks suddenly came fact to face with other beings from other worlds.
Sparks at first thought he had lost his mind. He says he was kept totally conscious through most of the interactions, including the agony of being "pulled" from his bed at night to a craft.
"I'm usually pulled the same way, which I call the 'hard way', and it's completely physical. My whole body is taken. The first thing I hear is a low-pitched, whirling sound in my head, like a whip going around in the air. This is usually after I go to bed and am asleep. Normally for me, it's 3:30 am in the early morning. I don't know why. I wake up from my natural sleep, and then there's the whirling sensation in the pit of my stomach and it feels like its' coming up into my chest. when it gets up to my heart area, my heart starts beating fast, just racing in my head, and the whirling sound starts picking up rpm and is tremendously loud. It starts low and rises in pitch and screams in your head. The fear is like you're going to die. Your heart is racing a million miles an hour and then you get this acceleration feeling, but I always feel like I'm being pulled down; I never feel like I'm being pulled up. It's like I go down a rollercoaster, only a hundred times faster, and whoom-you black out and you're there, where it is you're going to be, usually on board a craft."
Sparks told me why he thinks that most of the time he is actually "pulled" physically from bed and literally moved through the walls or ceiling as other abductees have also described.
"It's their technology. I know the aliens rely heavily on a created field. This field produces several things: the ability to be invisible, the ability to work in one dimension and be partially in another, and the ability to move us poor humans through solid matter.
"How exactly it works, I don't know. But I know it's a field. When the field is in action, you can feel it, you can sense it; you almost feel like you are a magnet or static electricity. It takes a wall as you would normally see it and makes it transparent. You walk right through it. So, it's a field that somehow separates molecules, changes your physiology when you're in it."
I asked Sparks if he has been awake and conscious while actually seeing doors and walls become transparent.
"Only rarely. And it freaked me out. Most of the time I black out before that moment and then I'm on board the craft. I know this all sounds weird as hell, but I'm doing the best I can under very bizarre circumstances not to be scared to death, not to be intimidated, and to figure out what these bastards are up to. And I know that their technology renders different ways of transport, and one is the 'hard way' and I'm there in the flesh, not out of body!"
In early 1995, Jim Sparks had an abduction experience that changed him forever, he says, and left him obsessed with saving the rainforests and stopping the human slashing and burning-by-fire that is destroying them. This experience, excerpted here with Jim's permission, is puzzling because yet another alien type is introduced. These reptilian entities also provoke questions about a possible connection to viper references in Enoch of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Genesis in the Bible.
Jim Sparks encounter with reptilian humanoids, their warning and possible agenda, follows:
"The pulling started the usual way with a low-pitched, whirling sound -- only this time, it didn't speed up as fast or get as loud and it was more gentle. I was paralyzed again, but I momentarily regained consciousness before the final transport sequence was complete and I could see where I was going. That was a first!
"As my eyes opened, I saw that I was at least a thousand feet above the ground and slowly descending. Below me was an abandoned carnival park. I was floating over a large, old-fashioned wooden rollercoaster and I wasn't scared! I was calm and relaxed, and the ride was so gentle I was actually enjoying it.
"When I was twenty or thirty feet from the ground, I started to slowly rock back and forth several times like a pendulum-almost like I was being guided to a target and this was the final adjustment. Then I saw the profiles of about a dozen large creatures standing in a semicircle. Although it was night, I could make out the shapes of their body size -- and they were large, even by human standards. A few inches from the ground, I blacked out.
"As I began to regain consciousness, I was standing and heard telepathically, loud and clear:
'We would have given it to you, but we knew it wouldn't have meant anything unless you earned it. It was the only way you could possible understand what you have been a part of and what you have to do.'
"I now know the 'it' was knowledge. I was clear-headed and wide-awake conscious. There were twelve large, humanoid creatures standing in almost a complete circle in which I was a part. The creatures appeared to be at least six feet tall. All of them had their heads turned towards the alien who was standing to my immediate left.
"The only apparent light source was on the face of this creature, like a hologram of a human face superimposed and glowing over the alien's face. It was radiating light, and this was done to disguise his true appearance. He had done this to make me feel less apprehensive. The creatures didn't take into consideration that as this holographic face spoke and moved its lips, there was no audible sound.
"The voice being communicated telepathically was out of sync with the lips! Plus, the face was obviously a hologram because it was slightly off center from the body. But it worked, nonetheless, because I wasn't scared.
"As the reptoids transmitted telepathically, I noticed that each alien seemed to be concentrating its thoughts to the creature on my left. One thing for sure; they were of one mind, and it said:
'There are some things you need to understand. Yes, it's true that we have been in contact with your government leaders and heads of power. It is also true that agreements have been made and kept secret from your people. It is also true that, in the past, some of your people have lost their lives or have been badly hurt to protect this secret. Our hands had no part in this.
'We contacted your leaders because your planet is in grave trouble. Your leaders said the vast majority of your population wasn't ready for anything like us yet, so we made time agreements with your leaders as to when your people would be made aware of our presence. This part of the agreement has not at all been kept.
'It was also agreed that, in the meantime, steps would be taken to correct the environmental condition of your planet with our advice and technology. We say advice, because we respect the fact that this is your planet, not ours. Your government also broke this agreement.'
"I felt an awful emotion of abandonment from these aliens. They are different. I never sensed true emotion from the other aliens before. But the feeling wasn't at all good. It felt like great loss. I couldn't help asking, 'You aren't giving up on us, are you?'
"There was a long pause of silence and I had a strong feeling of tremendous loss. So I asked again, 'Well, are you?' There was another long pause.
"Then finally:
'No. We are now concentrating our energy on the average person. Your air and your water are contaminated. Your forests, jungles, trees and plant life are dying. There are several breaks in your food chain. You have an amount of nuclear and biological weapons which include nuclear and biological contamination. Your planet is overpopulated. Warning: It is almost to the point of being too late unless your people act now. There are better ways of deriving your energy and food needs without causing your planet any damage. Those in power are aware of this and have the capability to put these methods into worldwide use.'
I asked, 'Why aren't we doing it now?' There was silence, and the whole thing was so strange because I could see that the whole group was thinking and speaking its mind at one time. It felt good because I was a participant in an honest-to-goodness meeting! The best part was that for the first time I was getting direct answers to my questions. 'Why aren't we putting these new methods into use now?'
'Those in power view it (technology for clean energy and abundant food) as a military and security threat.'
"Then I got angry as hell and said, 'You mean to tell me our people in power have the ability to save and better this planet and they aren't doing it?!' The thought that technology was being held back from the public because of paranoia and greed outraged me, and the aliens saw my anger. But was it true?
"What do you mean"
'Complete amnesty. To those in power, the governments and the leaders who have been suppressing the truth. They can't be held liable for any past wrong deeds. It is the only way these leaders can come forward with the truth. It is necessary that you do this in order to work together and survive.'
"There was silence for a while, as it they wanted me to think about what was just said. This was a hard truth to swallow. If anybody had a good reason to hate their government for covering up this information, it was me and others like me. Most abductees still consider themselves victims who constantly suffer ridicule. When your own government's policy is to say 'You're just plain crazy,' it only deepens the pain.
"But this is a time when intelligence should rule over emotions. So I asked, 'How do I fit in all this? What can I possibly do?'
'What you are doing already. We will share much more knowledge with you in the future. Although you understand a lot, we will show you much more. Continue to work with people that come to you. We are aware of the small groups that are forming around the world. These are people who are prepared to learn and we consider them the core. Most important is the condition of your planet. The first step in solving this serious problem is amnesty. We have advice. You will receive more knowledge in the near future.'
"As this was going on, it started to rain. I mean, it was pouring! The creatures didn't even budge or try to get out from under it. They didn't have to: we weren't getting wet. Although we were standing completely outdoors with no roof, not one drop of rain touched us. I guess we were being protected by some sort of electric field. I could hear drops as they fell, but there was a clear detectable line (around us) between rainfall and no rainfall. Then they said:
'It's time to go.'
"A thought flashed into my mind. 'Wait, please! I have a request. I want to see what you look like.' I'll never forget their response as long as I live:
'It will strike fear in your heart.'
"I answered, 'It won't scare me so much if you don't stand there and stare at me. It would help if you would just wave at me. Just don't stare. Promise me you'll wave.'
"Now I can't believe how stupid that request was. I had, in the flesh, face to face, probably some of the most intelligent creatures from the far reaches of the galaxy, with answers that have been plaguing mankind since the dawn of time. And what did I say? 'Could you wave at me?'
"The strangest thing started to take place. A spinning white light with a hint of green began to radiate over their faces and upper bodies, all dozen of them. The intensity of the light slowly got brighter and it was radiating from no direct or detectable source. I could see they were huge. Their upper torso was strong, with huge shoulders and a thick, strong neck like football linebackers. As the light became bright and details clearer, fear and shock zapped through me.
"I said, 'You have scales!' Their faces looked like a cross between a lizard and a snake -- nothing at all like the little grey guys. Their eyes were small like ours, only diamond-shaped, and the pupils were a red color. Their heads were in normal proportion with their bodies, but bigger than ours. The skull looked like their brains stuck out over their foreheads, covered by skin. This feature was slightly different among all dozen of them.
"I said in a scared whimper, 'You promised to wave.' And each and every one of them slowly lifted their arms and waved in front of their faces. Their hands were huge with thick, club-like fingers, too thick to work fine instruments. But you have to keep in mind that their technology is thought-activated.
"I stood there and stared at them for a while in silence, absorbing this spectacular sight. Their message kept running through my mind. I was sure that my country has been involved with aliens. Most Americans believe there's been a cover-up. But what really got to me was the message about the poor condition of our planet! Then I felt the acceleration pull and blacked out.
"I understood better their nature and agenda. They are neither benevolent nor evil. The have been among us in secret for thousands of years, maybe longer. But the length of time isn't as much the issue as whey they have been among us. I believe they have been farming us for raw materials.
'We humans have been a self-perpetuating crop, a crop that doesn't need much tending and continues to reproduce, at least up to now and all the Earth problems. Thank goodness they don't kill us; they just use us. This system has worked well for the aliens for a long time. But now there's a problem and their investment is in trouble. They have spent a lot of time, travel and effort to farm us. But we are on an almost irreversible path of self-destruction. Nuclear and biological weapons and their waste have polluted the air, land and water. Forests, jungles and trees are being cut down or are dying. Now there are breakdowns in the food chain and the rest of the food chain is contaminated. Overpopulation, disease and viruses beyond our grasp, with new and more complicated illnesses cropping up every day. These are just a few of the problems we humans have rated.
"Most of us are blind or numb to this reality because we can still go to the grocer and buy food. We can go to work and back and not see this death and dying. All seems almost normal. But if we environmentally destroy ourselves, the aliens still have an excellent insurance policy. They've been collecting seeds from plants, animals and humans. Through semen and ova extraction, the aliens can start us, or other Earth life, all over again, here or somewhere else."
Echoing the Jim Sparks experience, the major concern expressed by abductee Anna Hayes in Voyagers, the Sleepy Abductees was competition and conflict among non-human intelligence's over Earth life and their employment of the same sophisticated technologies to manipulate, deceive and inspire.
"Just as the original creators of the human prototype desired to see the fulfillment of our species as guardians of the Earth, there also exist forces of great power that do not wish this plan to succeed. If humans are able to fulfill their evolutionary blueprint, the Earth and many other reality fields will no longer be free for exploitation."
Hayes stressed that if humans had truth about their extraterrestrial genetic connection and understood how many outsiders have taken advantage of human ignorance and used sophisticated technologies to manipulate and deceive for their gain, the human family could change and evolve in strength, not weakness.
In conversation, she told me: "Both negative and positive agendas are producing hybrids and androids, and both sides are emphasizing the need to save the Earth's environment for their various vested interests. Guardian aliens are promoting healing the planet, but the negative groups are also trying to 'help the planet' by offering new technologies so they can have a clean place to take over. I understand the negative ones have had time agreements with the US Government about introducing their species to humans.
"Lately, I think the negative ones have told the government they will introduce themselves to the public if the government does not. So, the government is supposedly setting the stage to introduce the negative ones, and the negative aliens are planning to help the government 'clear its reputation' by staging false events with holographic inserts. Human minds won't be able to tell what's real and what's not."
Whatever we ultimately learn about the truth in these highly strange cases in which dire warning are given to humans about the Earth's future, the face is that by the fall of 1997, Jim Sparks was still pretty much in the same place he had been after the carnival park meeting. He had no specific instructions about how to carry out his "mission" to save the environment and to move the US Government towards amnesty for all military and intelligence people who had signed oaths of secrecy about UFO-related matters.
However, Sparks had a nighttime visitation by one of the little grey "drones." He said he woke up and was conscious of "the little guy" standing at the foot of his bed. Then he got a clear mental picture of Rome burning and then a rainforest burning, along with the strong telepathic communication, "You must put out the fire!"
Jim is confused about the association between Rome burning and the rainforest destruction, but says he wants to do something to save the trees:
"Linda, I need to get better known in order to have influence. I want to get to a situation where I can speak publicly so I can talk about the rainforest problems and other issues facing the Earth's environment."
But meanwhile, Jim, every second of every day, the forests are on fire.
"Thats right."'
So what is being accomplished? Have you contacted groups that are already trying to save the rainforests and joined up with them:
"No. I have always cared about what happens to the Earth, but I've never got myself involved with any groups. This is something new to me. What am I going to say? I'm being advised by ETs?"
What details did the reptoids give about air and water damage?
"They didn't give me exact details. They told me that we've got problems with the air and water and food chain. I was told (in March 1995) that we've got about a decade to turn this thing around. Not that the world will end. But there will be problems in reversing all the damage. And the reptoids said someone in political power already has this knowledge and technology and (they) are hoarding it for security and defense reasons. And probably for greed, too.
"Those Black Budget Boys aren't coming forth with the truth because their asses are on the line. They've got all the secret organizations out there who have taken advantage of this knowledge while everything else goes to hell. That's why the amnesty thing makes sense. Then the BBB guys can tell the truth finally about alien contact, getting alien technology, making money from it, and even maiming and killing people to protect that secret. With amnesty, they can come forward with the truth and won't be prosecuted.
Echoing the Jim Sparks experience, the major concern expressed by abductee Anna Hayes in Voyagers, the Sleepy Abductees was competition and conflict among non-human intelligence's over Earth life and their employment of the same sophisticated technologies to manipulate, deceive and inspire.
"Just as the original creators of the human prototype desired to see the fulfillment of our species as guardians of the Earth, there also exist forces of great power that do not wish this plan to succeed. If humans are able to fulfill their evolutionary blueprint, the Earth and many other reality fields will no longer be free for exploitation."
Hayes stressed that if humans had truth about their extraterrestrial genetic connection and understood how many outsiders have taken advantage of human ignorance and used sophisticated technologies to manipulate and deceive for their gain, the human family could change and evolve in strength, not weakness.
In conversation, she told me: "Both negative and positive agendas are producing hybrids and androids, and both sides are emphasizing the need to save the Earth's environment for their various vested interests. Guardian aliens are promoting healing the planet, but the negative groups are also trying to 'help the planet' by offering new technologies so they can have a clean place to take over. I understand the negative ones have had time agreements with the US Government about introducing their species to humans.
"Lately, I think the negative ones have told the government they will introduce themselves to the public if the government does not. So, the government is supposedly setting the stage to introduce the negative ones, and the negative aliens are planning to help the government 'clear its reputation' by staging false events with holographic inserts. Human minds won't be able to tell what's real and what's not."
Whatever we ultimately learn about the truth in these highly strange cases in which dire warning are given to humans about the Earth's future, the face is that by the fall of 1997, Jim Sparks was still pretty much in the same place he had been after the carnival park meeting. He had no specific instructions about how to carry out his "mission" to save the environment and to move the US Government towards amnesty for all military and intelligence people who had signed oaths of secrecy about UFO-related matters.
However, Sparks had a nighttime visitation by one of the little grey "drones." He said he woke up and was conscious of "the little guy" standing at the foot of his bed. Then he got a clear mental picture of Rome burning and then a rainforest burning, along with the strong telepathic communication, "You must put out the fire!"
Jim is confused about the association between Rome burning and the rainforest destruction, but says he wants to do something to save the trees:
"Linda, I need to get better known in order to have influence. I want to get to a situation where I can speak publicly so I can talk about the rainforest problems and other issues facing the Earth's environment."
But meanwhile, Jim, every second of every day, the forests are on fire.
"Thats right."'
So what is being accomplished? Have you contacted groups that are already trying to save the rainforests and joined up with them:
"No. I have always cared about what happens to the Earth, but I've never got myself involved with any groups. This is something new to me. What am I going to say? I'm being advised by ETs?"
What details did the reptoids give about air and water damage?
"They didn't give me exact details. They told me that we've got problems with the air and water and food chain. I was told (in March 1995) that we've got about a decade to turn this thing around. Not that the world will end. But there will be problems in reversing all the damage. And the reptoids said someone in political power already has this knowledge and technology and (they) are hoarding it for security and defense reasons. And probably for greed, too.
"Those Black Budget Boys aren't coming forth with the truth because their asses are on the line. They've got all the secret organizations out there who have taken advantage of this knowledge while everything else goes to hell. That's why the amnesty thing makes sense. Then the BBB guys can tell the truth finally about alien contact, getting alien technology, making money from it, and even maiming and killing people to protect that secret. With amnesty, they can come forward with the truth and won't be prosecuted.
At 4:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
i think that if any other life form existed it would have been mentionned by our lord jesus christ so i think the author is mentally sick and needs help
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think anonymous needs a mental enima.
At 4:45 AM,
50306th said…
In genesis it says "WE" will make man in "OUR" image. It also says God made the heavens and earth. In one of the books taken from the Bible there is a report from the Centurion Guarding Christ's Crypt. He said they all saw a light go from the sky to the ground and two "boys" floated out, paralyzing the Roman soldiers as they approached. The "boys" pointed to the huge Stone covering the crypt and it moved. The "boys" took Christ out and took him to the light. The light left and the next we hear from Jesus is he comes back alive.
Gensis also has a perfect description of a modern operation where "the lord God" puts Adam to sleep, cuts out his rib, sews him up and wakes him. We know now that a rib has all you need for cloning, blood from Marrow, Bone from the rib and skin cells from the marrow. The Tree of life must be some sort of genetic device.
If one believes the Bible Adams offspring lived hundreds of years. Farmers have to know seasons to plant. Even if they counted a season as a year, which would be moronic for a farmer to do, Adams offspring would have lived to be 200 to 300 years on a 4 to 1 ratio. It can't be explained, it must be believed.
There is plenty of evidence, evidence that would convict murderes and sentence them to death, that we have had regular contact with extra-terrestrials for many decades and in some cases centuries.
Edgar Casey, a highly religious man, talked about our origins and the cosmic records.
I have heard Jim sparks speak. He is logical, believable, convincing and shows no signs of mental illness to me. Part of my job is to tell is our clients are mentally off balance so I have some experience to share in that area.
I have often thought it was odd that people war with each other, like the Irish and the Middle Easterners over small disputes of dogma. All people are basically the same. They have families, love their Children, feel pain when hurt physically or emotionally and want recognition for their efforts.
Every since the industrial revolution started in England in the early 1700's man has progressed swiftly but has used toxic substances to do so. Even in Rome this was true, where they used lead pipes and lead eating utensils.
If every part of Jim Sparks story is untrue except that we must save the earth, we have to heed it. The chinese took the giant step to limit birth to one child.
Think of just one country the Phillipines. After WWII only about 9 Million filipinos were left alive. Now there are 91 Filipinos living there and a few million more scattered over the world. That's a 10 fold increase of population while we treat the ocean as a giant toilet.
We need to heed what Jim Sparks is saying. -- Brad Henschel, JD
At 4:45 AM,
50306th said…
In genesis it says "WE" will make man in "OUR" image. It also says God made the heavens and earth. In one of the books taken from the Bible there is a report from the Centurion Guarding Christ's Crypt. He said they all saw a light go from the sky to the ground and two "boys" floated out, paralyzing the Roman soldiers as they approached. The "boys" pointed to the huge Stone covering the crypt and it moved. The "boys" took Christ out and took him to the light. The light left and the next we hear from Jesus is he comes back alive.
Gensis also has a perfect description of a modern operation where "the lord God" puts Adam to sleep, cuts out his rib, sews him up and wakes him. We know now that a rib has all you need for cloning, blood from Marrow, Bone from the rib and skin cells from the marrow. The Tree of life must be some sort of genetic device.
If one believes the Bible Adams offspring lived hundreds of years. Farmers have to know seasons to plant. Even if they counted a season as a year, which would be moronic for a farmer to do, Adams offspring would have lived to be 200 to 300 years on a 4 to 1 ratio. It can't be explained, it must be believed.
There is plenty of evidence, evidence that would convict murderes and sentence them to death, that we have had regular contact with extra-terrestrials for many decades and in some cases centuries.
Edgar Casey, a highly religious man, talked about our origins and the cosmic records.
I have heard Jim sparks speak. He is logical, believable, convincing and shows no signs of mental illness to me. Part of my job is to tell is our clients are mentally off balance so I have some experience to share in that area.
I have often thought it was odd that people war with each other, like the Irish and the Middle Easterners over small disputes of dogma. All people are basically the same. They have families, love their Children, feel pain when hurt physically or emotionally and want recognition for their efforts.
Every since the industrial revolution started in England in the early 1700's man has progressed swiftly but has used toxic substances to do so. Even in Rome this was true, where they used lead pipes and lead eating utensils.
If every part of Jim Sparks story is untrue except that we must save the earth, we have to heed it. The chinese took the giant step to limit birth to one child.
Think of just one country the Phillipines. After WWII only about 9 Million filipinos were left alive. Now there are 91 Filipinos living there and a few million more scattered over the world. That's a 10 fold increase of population while we treat the ocean as a giant toilet.
We need to heed what Jim Sparks is saying. -- Brad Henschel, JD
At 5:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's good to be skeptical , but also remember it's still are world and we have to deal with the problem. I do remember something talked about on , possibly, coast to coast talk show about a weather weapon the government had , but my memory is vague at this moment on the subject. If Jim is able to help heal the planet that is all that really matters(Even though it's everyone responsibility). The planet effects every form of life and should be taken very seriously. I don't know if this was the name of the experimental weapons program that supposedly the government has that deals with the weather I think it was called h.a.r.p. I could be mistaken so. On a more personal note i've never meet or heard Jim speak, whether his experience is true or not makes no difference, the earth is still the main focus which should be dealt with. You can worry about the aliens once the earth is healed.
At 10:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, My name is Rafiq and I totally Believe in this, But what I would like to know is how do the Soul and our Creator GOD fits in. PLese send me a message so that we can talk more ( AnyOne including Jim Sparks ) Thank You.
At 8:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
no doubt something is happening to our consciousness on one level or another.
if these things occurences actually have a physical component one can guarantee that the government is well aware of what is going on and is part of the process.
it is good that we can at least discuss this subject without the hysteria of religious paranoia and fear.
keep up the good work.
At 9:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
There's only 2 possibilities here.Jesus of Nazarus,bastard child of Mary, died on the cross,nothing special,,the most common form of Roman execution,sometimes up to 10,000 people could be found crucified on the roads to Rome.Now, he either died and his buddies stole the corpse or he didn't and his buddies revived him. Read the book,all of the herbs taken into the tomb were regarded as healing herbs NOT embalming herbs.READ, I dare U. There is a village in India that claims that Jesus moved to and died there and his grave is revered. Think,,if you survived you had to get the hell out of T.R.E. .Trade with India was common then.Easy
At 7:29 PM,
The Reluctant Muse said…
I just think it's very odd that most of the comments posted so far seem to be pushing some apocalyptic or extreme religious viewpoint; the degradation of the environment that Jim Sparks describes has been scientifically demonstrated. Strip the ETs from his account, and you're left with a sobering message that does not require "belief"; it's quite real, though only just beginning to emerge into mainstream consciousness. If we are to confront our crisis, we must leave our fears and dogmas behind.
I heard Art Bell's interview with Sparks, and I thought that Sparks was probably the only credible abductee (outside of Whitley Strieber) that I've heard on Coast to Coast. Most genuine abductees are averse to public promotion and wouldn't be caught dead on a national radio show. But Jim Sparks came across as sincere, ordinary, and believable--quite in contrast to the other abductees/contactees on C2C. I've ordered his book and I'm looking forward to reading it.
At 2:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jim---I have heard george noory and art bell talk about u ,but have never managed to hear u on c2c--but I most definitely will-plan to watch c2c's schedule of programs.I live in Houston-have had some ufo experiences but have never seeked out anyone to talk to.My son (he is now 36 )we witnessed some of these together and also I had an experience in the Ozarks around the late 90s
actually I ready for more!!!
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would consider myself a contactee of sorts. I have enough experience and personal development to know there is a great divide between what we are told and what is truth. It takes great courage to tell the truth, after much self examination and processing of the experiences some of us are given. Jim Sparks has told the truth. I believe him. He has risked great humiliation and the challenge of indignation. Well done Jim. I have ordered the book too. When our people allow the truth to sink in and wake up to the reality staring them in the eye then we humans have a chance to begin to love the earth back to health. We cannot possibly understand our higher brothers and sisters out there but we can grow up and start taking responsibility for ourselves. The message is fairly simple I think. I would like to hear from anyone interested in sharing their experiences.
Robert in Australia robfreeman6@yahoo.com.au
At 1:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think everyone here is in need of some in depth and comforting professional help, including Jim.
It is not healthy to encourage mental illness.
At 8:32 AM,
mark said…
how can people possibly say that others are mentally ill without first meeting them. i belive there must be other alien life forms out there in the galaxy (most of which is still unexplored.) to think we are the only life form is stupid. how many people stop to think that we live on a planet which is floating in space and somehow have everything we need around us in order to live. we should stop killing each other in silly petty wars over oil and start trying to make contact with other life forms in order to maintain our future existance. people should stop beliving everything they are told on television and by governments as they are all corrupt as we have found out many times. just open your eyes to other possibilities, there is no greater sceptic than me but i am convinced we are not alone
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Everyone has differnt beliefs such as religions or the Values they follow. Just because people believe they have been abducted by aliens doesnt mean they are mental. Maybe if you think they are mental you should look at urself because its very possible people like Jim Sparks are the key to learning what will come next for man kind.
At 12:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
He seems sincere and believable. I've had my own experiences as well, although they felt more like dreams than being taken, but the dreams felt like something beyond the normal dreams I would have before. I've had some very interesting things that have happened, totally unexplainable in my life-- some of which seem to meld these dreams with my "supposed" real life. Over time the "whys" I had in my head about all of it began to make more and more sense. It is revealing a greater message(s) that seem to involve all of humanity. More and more is constantly being revealed, like a process of getting from one level to a deeper level of understanding. Just like his 6 year "prepping" process. Unless you've had these kinds of experiences, you all are going to react with such messages as he's mentally ill, etc. Be more open to the possibility that something else is going on. Yes, I do think some of it is government, but not all of it.
At 10:53 AM,
EyeCanC4MilesAndMiles said…
Jim Sparks, my fellow Italian- American,
You speak the truth about your experiences. I know it. I've got your book and a 5-hour podcast of you in an interview with Art Bell. I listen to it over and over again. The Star People are not demons or angels- no more than we humans are. I don't know why so many Christians and others are so frightened about the truth that these extraterrestrial biological entities exist. I am a Christian myself, and have fully accepted the possibility since childhood. There are billions upon billions of stars in our galaxy alone. Each one of those stars has a very good possibility of having planets in orbit. Many of those planets can support life. It is my firm belief that many do exist, just as we do.
You see Jim, I'm writing a defense of the existence of E.T.'s as an extension of God's infinite creation from an historical Reformed Christian perspective. We need to open our minds, fellow Christians.
Let's examine the following facts:
God is Eternal.
God is by nature a Creator.
Since God exists eternally, He has been creating for an eternity.
That having been said, God is also Sovereign. That is to say, God can create whatever He wants whenever He wants, and He doesn't have to tell us about it for it to be true.
The Bible's sole purpose is a pointer to Christ, in order to direct lost souls to salvation-from Genesis to Revelations. The Old Testament was only a shadow of what was truly to come in the New Testament, and God's real "chosen people" are those who put their faith in Jesus, the Messiah. The Bible should not be treated like a Biology textbook. Rather, God has given us minds so that we will explore His wonderful creation and figure it out for ourselves. Just because we do not have an account of it in our modern Bible does not mean that it cannot be. I wonder why Christians don't believe in pizza or hamburgers either. These foods aren't mentioned in the Bible. In fact, they are not even very healthy foods, and our bodies are "temples" of the Living God. Come to think of it, I think the above mentioned foods must be from the devil- since they're not "in the Bible" and aren't healthy. Oh yeah, and the world is flat, and black people must be from the devil too, since they're black- the color of darkness. We really need to get our minds out of the dark ages, and stop being so darn judgmental.
Jim, there are Christians out here just like you and me who have come to accept the truth about the existence of Extraterrestrials. My faith in Christ hasn't become weaker because of it, but stronger. I know that God and His creation is much much more vast than our finite minds can even imagine. Please don't let so many of these narrow-minded fundamentalists turn you off to the faith once delivered to the Saints. That true living faith that cannot be shaken regardless of what new information we receive about the universe, or multiverse.(Quantum Mechanics)
Keep up the good work, Jim. I stand behind you 110% If these Star People or Reptilians want my cooperation as well, I would be honored to help them help us be the "Keepers" of God's Garden like He designed us to be.
At 7:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Jim, I know you tell lthe truth because I also am an abductiee. I have been taken all my life science age 10 years of age. My son and daughter also have been taken science they were 10 years of age. I have woke up and not able to move after they brought me back. I have scares all over my body, because of this I know when they get me. I am not afraid of them. My daughter remembers being taken at age 12 while living in Co. Spgs. She remember them putting a long needle in her stomach. They have allways taken her in all of her prgances. I just wish they would let me remember . A beleiver in Texas.
At 7:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
If your quoting scripture the bigges tlie ever told you are lost heres on universal truth no book man or priest can tell you the path to the creator or god only you can and until you learn to throw this bs away you will be reincarnated over and over till your soul can be set free.
Step away from the bible its the biggest lie ever.
If you believe those teachings you are lost from the begining.
At 5:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am Jesus. And I am bit surprised by the fact that everyone wears crosses!! Remember I was crucified on one. Yes and I am my self Alien as well. Verdant actually. Save the earth save the planet. The evil corporations are the evil doers right now. But they will also learn in time.
At 1:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I pray the peace of God covers and protect your minds, and that you be lead by the holy spirit's leading. Mental illness is real. I've had a family member with a severe mental illness and can talk to you just as convincingly about anything as though he was telling the truth and it would be a flat out lie, an illusion that he believed the things he was saying was true even though it never happened. Only close family members and his doctors knew he had this illness at first, but as he got older it got worse. We prayed that through the power of the holy spirit that the mind that is in Christ be in him also, so that he can make a conscious decision to seek God for himself for the help (along with the meds) that he needed. He isn't totally delivered but he can live a normal life and doesn't hear voices and make things up anymore like he used to. God is real and His power is real. Seek Him first, ask for forgiveness of your sins, acknowledge that His only begotten Son , Jesus, died on the cross so we can live and have an everlasting life with Him in the Kingdom of heaven. God is real, He's coming back soon! Be ready!! God Bless you all. Jesus LOVES you!!
At 11:47 AM,
Abductee said…
I am an abductee also I remember 60% of my abduction. I need help. My story is posted at www.myspace.com/ufoabductee. I would love to talk to anyone involved in writing or contacting Jim Sparks. many things go what with he said. I met humans born in space. I was put in a breathable gel. They took me to the moon. I know it sounds crazy but they called me a prophet and downloaded the past present and the future in to me like you would a computer. this is real. I have alot to tell. I need help. Thank U. -Ricky G.
At 11:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is are times where boys will be separated from man and girls be separated from women. Allow me to also share my views on this overwhelming awakening. First of all i believe that it`s about time that we human beings who belong to this homeworld to take a look at the events that have unfolded in the past times within our homeworld. We may also think about rewriting our history and adjusting our perspectives on things as it`s obvious to me that everything we were made to believe it`s true was indeed a lie and that which some of us don`t want acknowledge even at this moment in time turns out to a very frightening truth. I also feel that this truth as bizzare as it is it`s just the tip over the ice-berg. I have never had direct experience with this creatures being mentioned here but conciously there seems to be something that agrees with this overwhelming truth within the depth of my being and the more i do my own research is the more i get more and more convinced about this truth. It`s crazy indeed but its okay well get around this one. I really feel sorry about those of our brethrens who are refusing to give this truth a second chance
but i don`t neccesarly blame them surely they are scared to death whoever they are or they being sent to disinform? Well only God knows...good people we beter wake up before it is too late, it`s prooven that our planet has reach a time of possible extinction and believe you me the implemantion of the "New World Order" is the beginning to this potential disaster. Stop sitting around watching your goverment making decissions that are not to your best interests, how long will you be sitting around for? Does this democracy give a freedom to think as a free being or is it implimented to get to think,feel and even behave in a certain way? Is it part of the whole system? I`m really sorry good people but i have to say this...not everything you consider good and pure is really good and pure for example i think most of you should really ask themselves that if the human race has been manipulated for such a long time what other places has babylon managed to apprehend also? I already mentioned the fact that we should consider re writting our history as if that is too bad we need to change also our perspectives on things those secret society`s are created for fantasy something bigger than Goerge W Bush is going on here and i bet it makes his spin shiver as hell when he thinks about it but at least he knows where he belongs of course and i`m bot really sure whether he has emotions or not. Still this gets bigger, what i dare you to take a close look at our Earthly religions and see what we can find intersting more especially "Christianity" yes, thats what i mean. Go on you may swear as you like this beast won`t go away till you learn to acknowledge the fact that you`ve been taught to accept things as they are and you were never given an opportunity to ask questions to such extend that you end up asking about "Jesus`s" credility, believe i`m not trying to decieve you on this i just want you to use your own freewill for once in your lifetime, be your own god for the first time in your life and rule your own world, be in control of your thinking proccess (Ask all questions,Learn something and answer nothing) We are living in difficult times of course and we need to know ourselves as individuals, as a collective comminity and we need to acknowledge those who are among us in this galaxy. We cannot be denying things we nothing about till we get to proove whether they are false or what. It`s about time that we stand up and fight for the survival of our homeworld and we should do that at all cost even if it means exposing "Christianity" as a fraud that really is. Take this as you like i`m not here to beg, we human beings have been manipulated with everything form our very own history,asronomy to religion and down to the water you being urged to drink to this day. We are being destroyed upside-down from spirituality to our very own physical structures and we wonder why is it there are so many deseases in our homeworld some of them can`t even be cured. What the hell does that bullshit mean, are we going to be slaughted out of our own will, oh yes we are being prepared for a major event that will enslave humanity out of his own will and once the system starts there will be no getting away for it for hundreds to thousands of years that`s if we don`t wake up at this moment in time. If you catch a criminal transpassing at your house to rape,rob and murder your whole family surely you wouldn`t wait for him to do all those detestable things to your and take action after he has finished with his evilious deed instead you would hit him fast without thinking about the fact that you`ll get in trouble for that afterwards instead in you state of mind by that you wouldn`t even care whether techinically you are wrong or not. Let`s take into consideration that this is our homeworld and we need to do anything we have to do in order to protect it for we do not know if whether or not there shall be a second chance for us to prevent this scenerior in fact this is the only time we have left, believe you me so much damage has been done to our homeworld that we cannot let this trend continue anymore. I`m also happy about the fact that we have surpport from our elder brothers "The Gudian Alliance" which is willing to help us save Planet Earth. To those of you denying the existance of the Reptiallian race which are called the "Chitauri" in my continent should consider finding another playground for this is a serious matter and the last thing we need is being locked up in a debate of this other race exists or not, all i can say to you is that you should do your homework and come here when you know that you are not going to suffocate on us. Once more please good people stop hidding your faces under the bibel as you cannot be hidding forever come out here to face the reality that exists here and now. We are not living in a book and we are certainly not going to be held back to the past as most of the the things that were relevant to those people back then may not be relevant to us the present people. I don`t know about the "new testament" i never banked my faith on it i guess brainwash was never too good for my health. This is a wake up call from a person who has never came into contact with the "Chitauri" but has every right to believe that this creatures does exist and they know us more than we know our ownselves what more do you want. USAZOZWA!(WATCH-OUT).
At 10:25 PM,
D. said…
actually, if Jesus had existed, outside of mere religious myth, he wouldn't even be mentioned by such a beast as Western religion, except by the mentally dead.
At 12:53 PM,
Lonnie said…
I have been reading the comments regarding Mr Spark's abduction and his claimed relationship with reptilians. Whether or not these creatures are actually from another planet is subject to debate and conjecture. I think it is a possibility, but I also believe that caution is in order. The Bible speaks about how Satan is a deceiver, and that he sometimes can appear as an angel of light. I too, believe in life on other worlds. It just seems like logical thinking, given the fact that there are millions and millions of suns out there, most probably having planets orbiting them! I see God as a master creator-and to think that the earth is the only planet He made that has intelligent life makes no sense to me. I am a Christian who has the Holy Spirit baptism, and believe in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit such as tongues, prophecy, discerning of spirits, etc. I'd love to have Mr Sparks respond to me. And he's scheduled to appear on George Noory's Coast to Coast program here in Portland on our own KEX 1190 AM radio station, and I plan on taping at least some of the interview. I welcome any email, especially from people who are prophetically gifted. I want to contact someone who I can dialogue with about spiritual matters. I and my wife are active in a full-gospel church in North Potland, and I play in our praise team as well as sing occasionally. My email is:musicmahn41@yahoo.com.
Best regards,
Mr Lonnie Lee Lillard
At 3:35 AM,
toby said…
jim, he be so smartt how kud he be rong. (sic).
At 9:10 AM,
Unknown said…
I believe that Jim Sparks has encountered something. Some of his experiences smack of experiences I have had also.
But I would just like to bring out a few points that may shed light upon the situation. One, these beings are interdimsional, and two, they communicate telepahtically.
What beings comes from a different realm, and communicates telepathically? Yes, they are the spirit creatures in "heavenly places." We do not fully understand them, we cannot grasp or comprehend their magnificence because they come from another realm which we cannot see into.
Jim, I know that perhaps you have been given this suggestion before, but I propound it here to you, what if what you have encountered are the fallen angels. Demons are not able to speak openly with mankind, nor are they able to materialize human bodies. But they can try their best imitation they can, and they do have tremendous power, and are extremely intelligent.
The fact that they are extremely intelligent, and the fact that they are trying to deceive people should be enough to come to the conclusion that they are deceiving you.
At 12:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Jim, After reading just a few of the comments, I'd have to say - yikes! No wonder other world beings can't "hang" w/ us.
Basically, I'm not too sure about "your" dudes, I mean they use torture and deciet this is actually a very severe degree of Karma, I mean they have technology, but very little compassion - obviously they can exist together, but frightening that they don't in this case.
At 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
The account given here by Mr. Sparks is very overwhelming indeed in its contents. But I have some questions concerning this. What was the political makeup of this team of Reptoids? Were they scientific, military, or civilian ambassadors? I would wonder what the U.S. Military may have come to understand about the agenda of the Reptoid Race if they have been in negotiations with them. There may be concerns that the Reptoids have not expressed to Jim. Before we let them tell us how to live our lives, let us send an Ambassador to their planet to scope out their utopia society. Compare what we might learn from them. Everybody here writing seems to be somewhat bent on deep rooted theology principals of their own concerns. Jesus did tell us, some obviously don't understand what they read in the Bible. Its easy to understand the Christian faith has not progressed to and exceptability of other cosmic cultures interacting within our universe. It will probably be the Christians who will nail Jesus to the cross for the second time when he returns "Riding on a Cloud". The human race is brainwashed in all religious concerns from birth. Who is to say who is right yet you judge your fellow man. Jim, when can I enroll in their school?
At 7:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
dear jim i refuse to put my faith in just
one group of aliens if their was such a concern from space it woould come from a federation of enities and not from one group alone it would come from a group effort this is why i believe that the ones that you are speaking of are of the evil type and do nothave our good interest at heart
ihave a bad feeling you have been deceved you should alsolet your readers know of this possibility and not to jump to one possible conclution that they are our saviors be aware of those bearing strange
gifts they could mean our destruction think about it
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why wouldn't these aliens simply take into their trust intellectual thinkers, scientists and leaders so they could teach or show the problems of the earth to. Why do they seem to always take common people instead? Maybe they have been teaching the scientists and it has been a well covered secret. However, seems like someone would have talked by now.
They try to teach Jim their alphabet, why not just teach someone who is quickly able to comprehend such things? If they want us to know their alphabet, why not just chart it for us to make it that much easier.
At 5:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
why is it so hard to believe that some one else apart from us exists in the universe. alien encounters have been reported in the past,in cave drawings and now with modern viedo images.
abduction is an event which unfortunately cant be proved and so is laughed at.
some how it is slowly becoming apparent that a deliberate attempt is being made to brush these events under the carpet.covering up most probably would not help anyone and finally it will be too late.it is very obvious that the planet is in danger due to over usage of all the resources.if the governments wont take responsiblity ,its time for people of the world to take matters in their hands.
At 11:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
It seems that everyone seems to forget that God is not a human, he is not from here, nor does he live here. We are just humans, and stupid humans at that. Logic should tell you that God is indeed an alien by our terms. The only question we should be asking is are these UFO vehicles and pilots working for God? I find it hard to believe these UFO and pilots could come and go, interacting with humans without God's knowledge or consent.
I have seen several UFO's, several times, up close and personal. They are amazing machines and very real. It would be easy to understand why the military would want to capture this technology and keep it quiet.
At 7:13 AM,
Balu said…
It is quite interesting to see..what he says.....fits in the big puzzle of the ufo phenomenon....
i have researched this topic for almost 2 years now...
from religions..politics...and the humanrace...economy....history...from every point that is possible.
and how everything is tied to the ufo phenomenon..
what he says...is one small part of the big picture....and it fits perfectly...
At 6:32 PM,
keri in interlachen florida said…
I just got done reading jim's book and it was very interesting and insightful. i was married to a abductee for 8 years and i saw alot of things that were as people woukd say are unxplainable. one night we were sitting in our kitchen face to face at the table talking and laighing, have a good ole time when i noticed these strap marks across his chest wrists thighs and ankles. they were red like he had been strapped down to a table or something and had struggled to get free. when i asked him where the marks came from he was hesitant to tell me. i kind of changed the subject to the universe and if there really was other life out there and his thoughts on it. he agreed with me that we were naive to think that we were the only life forms in the entire universe. then i asked if he beleived in abuctions and he just looked at me with a blank look on his face. i said is that whats been going on with you? is that how those strap marks got there? his response was and i quote: I DONT KNOW, BUT IF I EVER GET MY HANDS ON ONE OF THOSE LITTLE MOTHER FUCKERS I'LL KILL 'EM! any ways i believe that is the case i have found tiny spots of blood on his pillows. i have woke up late some morning so tired and groggy unable to shake it for hours and i remember him saying the same thing to me about being exhausted. one night we were going to town and we witnessed a UFO hovering about 1000 feet above the ground it was a pulsating whittish orangish ball just hovering in one spot. i remember asking him to stop cause i wanted to get out of the car and he wouldnt he sped up instead. i was curious but i think i was scared.
now i have always had a deep down urge to save our planets flora and fauna. i'm 38 and i am going back to college to finish my degree in zoology. i hope to open a refuge/ preserve for injured wildlife and do breeding programs for endangered species to reintroduce back to the wild. and those injured that cant be rereleased can live out their lives in the preserve. i want to open it to the public and give tours and educate the public the importance of these animals and where they fit into our circle of life. i never could understand why people as a whole are so destructive and why they are desicrating our one and real home mother earth. its not like we can pack up and move after we have greedily sucked her dry. AHH PEOPLE WAKE UP!!! do you live at your house in squaller? then why turn our most precious home into a waste land. once its gone thats it. so are we. we wont be able to survive without air and trees make air. hell the amazon produces over 70% of the planets oxygen. and we are destroying 1000"s of acres a day. whats it gonna take to make us realize we are in big trouble?
also on a personal note to Jim, a quick question: why only is 10% going to your fund thats only ten dollars out of one hundred. shouldnt it be at least 30 or 40%?
At 9:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi I'm 34 years old and I was born and live and work in London (UK).
I have never been abducted and I've never met anyone who has but having read this blog I feel compelled to write about my own unexplainable experience.
It happened in 1994 when I was involved as a vollunteer with a charity organisation in the UK called Raleigh international.
In a nutshell, Raleigh is a charity that provides self development opportunities to young people by setting up projects in countries like Chille, Zimbabwe, and Botswana and Beleze to name a few.
Around 100 young people from the UK and 100 from other parts of the workd have to fundraise money to work on projects within the destined country.I had a choice of choosing to do my expedition in Chille, Belieze or Malaysia.
I chose Malaysia as this expedition involved a scooberdiving project and a Jungle trekking project (both things I really wanted to experience).
My expedition was to consist of taking part in work on four projects starting with a bridge building project in a rural village called Tinangol.
We travelled to Tinangol in a convoy of four landcruisers, a loathsome journey that took us on bumpy logging tracks through the rainforest, it took us about 48 hours toreach Tinangol and much to everyones horror we saw massive logging trucks going past us every couple of hours loaded with the huge carcasses of trees that had been felled (probably illegaly).
At Tinangol we compleated the first phase of a bridgebuilding project which was to demolish the remains of a rope suspension bridge that was going to be rebuilt by vollunteers on consecutive phases of that particular project. The nex project was a one and a half week cross-fronteer trek through the rainforest travelling from Tinangol to Sarawak (Indonesia).
Tinangol is a village where people live in wooden houses built on stilts to keel snakes and whatever out, no electricity and people actually growing rice in paddyfields for food.
It was a thousand miles from the comforts of home in the UK, for reasons that will become significant later in the storey (should you bear with it longenough to discover) I was not haveing a very good time and all I wanted to do was go home, I wasn't used to the mosquitos the snakes the leeches, the millipieds, the air was humid and soggy and I didn't really seem to be getting on well with the other 20 or so members of my group.
I was learning the real meaning of home sickness here.
I had arrivedin Malaysia in mid-October which was supposedly meant to be the rainey (monsoon season) which explained the constant humidity all the time, but one and a half weeks in I had not seen any rain at all.
There was still no rain when we set off on our jungle trek either but is was very hard walking all day through jungle terrain with a 50lb rucksac on.
I cant remember if it was the first or second day of the trek but on the day this happened I witnessed the coming of the monsoon rain under the canopy of the Borneo rainforrest - believe me that was something to witness (we don't get rain like in the UK that's for sure! From the moment the rain stared it did not cease for the whole day.
So as I'm not enjoying my experience to start with you can imagine my misery on this day having to walk all day then set up camp at night before the deep dark of the forest swallowed up the daylight.
Having to construct a basher (streacher-like bed made using improvised a-frame structures at head and feet and a roll of canvass) I set mine up near a stream on the bank of a river and my 20 or so peers, I got mine up just in time before the night set in (all the while rain pounding like you wouldn't beleieve!).
I tried to sleep beeing quite comforted by the sound of the rain bouncing off the tarpoling I had set above me.
At sometime in the early morning mabe about 3am, for some reason (although it get's so dark under the jungle canopy that you cant see your hand in front of your face) I had the urge to open my eyes and look around.
As a turned to my left (towards the river bank) I could see nothing but blackness and on the forrest floor I could make out the shapes of dead leaves that had fallen and were now covered in a mould that glows a silvery colour in the dark.
I turned over to look to my right (out into the dense jungle) and I could see nothing but the same mould on the floor, everywhere else I looked was just blackness - then something caught my eye.
I saw what appared to be a glowing greenish object that was perhaps 30 feet away and shaped long and thin like a snake or a tube floating at about three feet off the ground and moving around.
I could see the shape dissapearing and re-emerging as thought it was moving around the unseen tree trunks in the forrest.
As it was so dark I ratinalised this by thinking that it's just my eyes playing tricks cos its pitch dark and I ofter see blobs of colour when I close my eyes to sleep.
I watched staining my eyes to try to see if what I was seeing was really there.
After a few minuites in my mind I just dismissed what I was seeing as my eyes playing trickes in the dark.
I went to roll back onto my back to get some sleep but what I saw as my Eyes fixed on the (now visible) tarpoling I had set up to keep the rain off shocked and scared me so much that my only recation was duck my head into my sleeping bag and pull the drawstring (sort of like Kenny from Southpark) and there I lay ABSOLUTELY PETRIFIED at what I'd just seen.
I had seen a light that was above the tarpoling and making the tarp louminous. The there were a number of trees that were lining the bank of the river I had set up next to and up in the canopy amoungst the (now visible) leaves was what I can only describe as a cloud that was a sort of greenish colour and seemed to have this growing gatheringness to it (hard to describe) it seemed to envelope the whole of the tree canopy on the bank of the river.
NOW I know that here some of you smart asses will say that what I was seeing was the rarely seen mating frenzey that is enjoyed by the glowbugs in Malaysia. I have seen footege of this myself and agree that anyone seeing this who didn't have a clue about the mating habits of glowbugs would mistake this phenominon as something supernatural.
I can say that I saw many glowbugs when I was out there but this was not swarm of glowbugs, if you read on you will see why..
So as I said I was in a state of shock with my heart beating out of my chest, cowering under my sleeping bag when I heared my own voice in my head say as clear as if I'd heared my self say it, "If theres something out there, it can see you -o you'd might as well look at it!"
Acknowledging the truth of this I decided to take another look. It must have took me another 10 minuites to work up the courage to loosen the straps on my sleeping bag and stick my head out for another look.
So I undid the top of my sleeping bag, took a breath and looked in the same direction where I had seen the strange cloud.
Unfortunately what I saw this time sent me straight bag into fetus position, under my sleeping bag like Kenny Heart beating like never before.
What I has seen this time was an entirely different sight than what was there before, the greednish cloud was gone, but what was happening now was just as unbelievable -(bear with me as I do my best to describe what I can only describe as a disco light show happening in the jungle.
For the 1 second I has the guts to look, what was compleatly invisible to my eyes only 20 minuites before was now visible, I could see the little bushes under the trees on the river bank, I could see the tree trunks and branches and the leaves.
The green cloud had dissapeared but I was seeing a silver light that was emmiting from the trees and the bushes. It flashing but not in ant uniform way but in all at once in a chaotic.. dance for want of abetter description.
I was again petrified inside my sleeping bag wondering what on earth I had seen and then again I heared my own voice in my head saying calmly exactly as before "If theres something out there, it can see you - so you might aswell look at it".
Again I recognised the sense in this and struggled for the next ten minuites to get enough courage to look again.
I stuck my head out again and to my wonder this light show thing was still happening!
The only sound was the pounding of the rain which had not stopped all day.
I lay there watching light coming out of the trees and bushes along this river bank as far as I could see.
It was coming out of individual leaves, it was coming out of the branches and twigs, out of the tree trunks and all random but all at the same time like a night club light show.
But it was a silver light that was so bright it was actuall casting shadowes back.
I must have layed there about 15 minuites watching this and the strangest thing was that having been more scared than I'd ever been in my life, as I watched all this going on I began to relax, so much so that it seem like I'd forgotton my fear and just lay there awe struc watching.
I even realised during all this that a leech must have gotten into my sleeping bag and was now biting my back.
So I laid there rubbing this leeches back (removal technique) whilst watching it all happening around me.
As I said there were about another 20 people on this trek and yes the thought did occur to me to shout to get someones attention to know someone else witnessed this aswell. The truth is that I was too scared to shout out. On my third emergance from the sleeping bag I had heared one of my peers clear their throat as I was watching the "show" which made me think at least theres one other person watching this.
Now I don't remember actually seeing this thing end, I kknow that I layed watching it for a good 15 minuites b ut I don't remember it ending so I either fell asleep (watching the most incredible thing I'm ever likley to see happen) or something else happened that I can't remember.
What I can say is that the next morning I woke up and asked everyone in the party if they had seen anything, I even asked the local guides who were escorting our trek and not one person could say that they did - (I know how that sounds).
The other thing I have to mention here is that up untill that night I had been having the worst time in my life I hated being there and I hated everything about the expedition and wanted to quit.
After that night though all my homesickness had left me. I no longer felt like I was having the worst time and I actually began to enjoy my experiences on the expedition even the demanding ones.
Well if you have stayed with me this far then not only do you deserve a medal but you are now privy to a storey that few peolple have heared.
I'm not saying it was a UFO or an alien - I haven't got the faintest idea what to think. I am hoping that someone oujt there has had a similar experience and would like to hear from them.
I was 21 when it happened and now I'm 34 and none the wiser.
I just seemed to get the feeling that it was an earthly thing that I witnessed. I felt like it was the trees that were celebrating the coming of the monsoon.
What do you think???
Thanks for reading
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi in relation to the storey above written by myself (Darren).
If anyone wants to copy and paste it to any other forums on this subject I would appreciate that as I doubt that I will be writing it again.
- thanks
At 6:54 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
I really get it. I am not going to try to preach, nor tell anyone how to manage their spirituality. that is your own business, to believe in what has touched you to do so. getting it means , maybe the story is true and maybe it is not, the point is the bottom line. and if it isn't true, its a darn fascinating story, the most interesting abduction tale i ever heard.for the sake of considering all possibilities, say it is true, ok? I wondered about your personality in that case, Jim. for instance, you were a church going man, however, towards the aliens, for six years, you were just plain not a guy who would work with them just to be the style that the chuch recommends, as well as getting angry at them not having human social skills, and you mention having wanted to break their skinny little neck. no matter what a persons spiritual beliefs, all of these have in common peace and harmony, etc. so in short, the type of man that was going to the church was not one who was aware that his heart did not match the concepts he thought that his attention to the responsiblity of attending to religion was not actually driving him to reach the goals that the concept of the religion aspires to.the problem i have with accepting the total story as reality maybe unfair, but this is not my wish, so i will tell you again, Jim, what i told you in an e mail before, and i think it is much easier than attempting to entice the top people to adopt amnesty. i am a female and only one year older then you Jim, but there are things each of us knows and the other does not, we can both benefit as all can by sharing knowlege, so don't get you machoness or whatever male ego is , ( serves no purpose for advantageous reasons , far as i can tell, but lots of men act like roosters.(in the hen house) Jim, the ones in position to grant amnesty have no reason to do so. you do not think you and alot of same minded people are going to find the kindness co-ordinates in their heart, do you? If any of them cared, the situation would have changed long ago.don't you see, it does not bother those who maintain the status quo at the top, because if they were not contenet, they would modify the status quo. things work a certain way, like the laws of science, on the earth, that is. stir salt into fresh water and you get salt water. why change the way it is, is what the ones who could change it think, they have it the way they arranged it, and they arent really concerned with the rainforest like you are, or they'd have changed it long ago. do you see what i am saying?if as your story relates, the humans in control at the top of this issue, have not stuck to the agreement with enormous e.t. reptile folks, and not to stick to the agreement with the grays, why on earth would these people want to be exposed to have to give amnesty, see, if they have to give amnesty, they will lose their individual anonynmity. and this, Jim, will not happen. never never never. i am sorry but i see reality in this scenario, whether it is a fantasy or an actuality. Amnesty is a way to show that the leaders of this agenda have been very naughty, excuse the euphamisim, and the bad spelling, but this idea will not fly, i cannot see why the control people would stick their necks darn near in a noose, because of those peasants, us , that is who request they change. large numbers of people? so what, remember the fuss we made in the 60s to stop the war in vietnam? the war stopped when those who were in charge decided it was time to stop the war.Amnesty? don't make me laugh, no stop me from laughing to hard. sorry, but i sure would love a chance to have some type of communication, even via a symbolic code with the e.t.s.if they were hugh in size, i would only be stunned for a second, maybe not at all, since i already know to expect what i have seen for years in hollywood, and on halloween. and even know some humans who are a bit difficult at first second on the eye, but that becomes invisible when the communication and the learning and knowing each other begins. once you get to smile at a being or to connect through feeling or thought, it does not matter if the person looks like frankenstein with a hangover, the spirit makes all the exterior things irrelevant. i am not talking about a situation where you are going to do the wild thing with another. so, then the fact that they have, according to your story, a force field that keeps it from even raining on you. well, lets take stock. one, they and you know that the leaders arent going to listen to peasants any more than they followed the contract with the visitors. two, the e.t.s have the ability to keep the rain off your head, they have the ability to stop the fire in the rain forest.beam up the bosses of those who set the fires, in front of those workers, relocate the bosses to oh, somewhere, like the outback, or wherever, it matters little, right?, and i guarantee you that not one of those workers will enter the area again, ever. sure a few new bosses will show up, and relocate them , like on animal planet. problem solved.I would be happy to talk or think to them myself, and you are more then welcome to volunteer my services, if i can assist in the cause, thanks for your time..i wish you the best.
At 6:54 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
I really get it. I am not going to try to preach, nor tell anyone how to manage their spirituality. that is your own business, to believe in what has touched you to do so. getting it means , maybe the story is true and maybe it is not, the point is the bottom line. and if it isn't true, its a darn fascinating story, the most interesting abduction tale i ever heard.for the sake of considering all possibilities, say it is true, ok? I wondered about your personality in that case, Jim. for instance, you were a church going man, however, towards the aliens, for six years, you were just plain not a guy who would work with them just to be the style that the chuch recommends, as well as getting angry at them not having human social skills, and you mention having wanted to break their skinny little neck. no matter what a persons spiritual beliefs, all of these have in common peace and harmony, etc. so in short, the type of man that was going to the church was not one who was aware that his heart did not match the concepts he thought that his attention to the responsiblity of attending to religion was not actually driving him to reach the goals that the concept of the religion aspires to.the problem i have with accepting the total story as reality maybe unfair, but this is not my wish, so i will tell you again, Jim, what i told you in an e mail before, and i think it is much easier than attempting to entice the top people to adopt amnesty. i am a female and only one year older then you Jim, but there are things each of us knows and the other does not, we can both benefit as all can by sharing knowlege, so don't get you machoness or whatever male ego is , ( serves no purpose for advantageous reasons , far as i can tell, but lots of men act like roosters.(in the hen house) Jim, the ones in position to grant amnesty have no reason to do so. you do not think you and alot of same minded people are going to find the kindness co-ordinates in their heart, do you? If any of them cared, the situation would have changed long ago.don't you see, it does not bother those who maintain the status quo at the top, because if they were not contenet, they would modify the status quo. things work a certain way, like the laws of science, on the earth, that is. stir salt into fresh water and you get salt water. why change the way it is, is what the ones who could change it think, they have it the way they arranged it, and they arent really concerned with the rainforest like you are, or they'd have changed it long ago. do you see what i am saying?if as your story relates, the humans in control at the top of this issue, have not stuck to the agreement with enormous e.t. reptile folks, and not to stick to the agreement with the grays, why on earth would these people want to be exposed to have to give amnesty, see, if they have to give amnesty, they will lose their individual anonynmity. and this, Jim, will not happen. never never never. i am sorry but i see reality in this scenario, whether it is a fantasy or an actuality. Amnesty is a way to show that the leaders of this agenda have been very naughty, excuse the euphamisim, and the bad spelling, but this idea will not fly, i cannot see why the control people would stick their necks darn near in a noose, because of those peasants, us , that is who request they change. large numbers of people? so what, remember the fuss we made in the 60s to stop the war in vietnam? the war stopped when those who were in charge decided it was time to stop the war.Amnesty? don't make me laugh, no stop me from laughing to hard. sorry, but i sure would love a chance to have some type of communication, even via a symbolic code with the e.t.s.if they were hugh in size, i would only be stunned for a second, maybe not at all, since i already know to expect what i have seen for years in hollywood, and on halloween. and even know some humans who are a bit difficult at first second on the eye, but that becomes invisible when the communication and the learning and knowing each other begins. once you get to smile at a being or to connect through feeling or thought, it does not matter if the person looks like frankenstein with a hangover, the spirit makes all the exterior things irrelevant. i am not talking about a situation where you are going to do the wild thing with another. so, then the fact that they have, according to your story, a force field that keeps it from even raining on you. well, lets take stock. one, they and you know that the leaders arent going to listen to peasants any more than they followed the contract with the visitors. two, the e.t.s have the ability to keep the rain off your head, they have the ability to stop the fire in the rain forest.beam up the bosses of those who set the fires, in front of those workers, relocate the bosses to oh, somewhere, like the outback, or wherever, it matters little, right?, and i guarantee you that not one of those workers will enter the area again, ever. sure a few new bosses will show up, and relocate them , like on animal planet. problem solved.I would be happy to talk or think to them myself, and you are more then welcome to volunteer my services, if i can assist in the cause, thanks for your time..i wish you the best.
At 7:25 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
why get so upset about leaving the sperm donation? its not as if there was time for much of a love life getting abducted every night?
At 7:29 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
i asked the grey why they always make crop circles, and he said because they lost one of the oars.
At 7:31 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
i asked an alien what is the biggest difference from their world to the human world. he said the fashion industry.
At 7:49 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
the alien was going to take his family on a vacation. they had reservations on animal planet. i wanted to know what an intimate difference was between humans and aliens. he said g force and g spot.what was his opinion of gravity? a grave situation. and worm holes? well thats what happens when you don't but the apples in the fridge. what did he think about anti gravity, he said he didn't believe the issue have any weight to it. I asked the alien was it them who were stealing and harming the cows? he said not one abductee ever saw a cow on any space ship,he was being set up to take the rap. but when i asked if he needed an attorney, he said, never mind, its not possible to lie to a telepath.he also said that the cell phone companies don't want aliens on earth, because telepaths don't buy cellphone plans.the bad thing about telepaths though, is that its rough if you play polker.the good thing is if you are in school you can read the teachers mind for the answers to your tests.aliens also save because they don;t need doorbells, they'll know you are coming to visit. I asked the alien about personal privacy if they could read each others minds, how is that working out? he said that it saved a lot because it wasn't necessary to buy porno.on the other hand there are no lotto tickets for sale on his planet, because,,, well you can read my mind and finish this for yourself. of course these are all original jokes, mine now, yours. nobody else would claim them.
At 7:49 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
the alien was going to take his family on a vacation. they had reservations on animal planet. i wanted to know what an intimate difference was between humans and aliens. he said g force and g spot.what was his opinion of gravity? a grave situation. and worm holes? well thats what happens when you don't but the apples in the fridge. what did he think about anti gravity, he said he didn't believe the issue have any weight to it. I asked the alien was it them who were stealing and harming the cows? he said not one abductee ever saw a cow on any space ship,he was being set up to take the rap. but when i asked if he needed an attorney, he said, never mind, its not possible to lie to a telepath.he also said that the cell phone companies don't want aliens on earth, because telepaths don't buy cellphone plans.the bad thing about telepaths though, is that its rough if you play polker.the good thing is if you are in school you can read the teachers mind for the answers to your tests.aliens also save because they don;t need doorbells, they'll know you are coming to visit. I asked the alien about personal privacy if they could read each others minds, how is that working out? he said that it saved a lot because it wasn't necessary to buy porno.on the other hand there are no lotto tickets for sale on his planet, because,,, well you can read my mind and finish this for yourself. of course these are all original jokes, mine now, yours. nobody else would claim them.
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
These beings are called the sons of God in the bible and are fallen angels, in other words they are demons. And they will trick you into believing them so you dont come to truth in Jesus. They apear spiritual and physical at will just like angels. That is why you see flying saucers vanish at a flash of an eye, its not thats its super fast, its just that their spiritual and can move from the spiritual realm to the physical. A good book on this is Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates.
At 5:07 PM,
thewhyfiles said…
at this time, our knowlege of many things is not yet conclusive. we belive in scientific facts, because we can test the results and control the tests. with spiritual and non earth life forms, we can agree, can we not, that we are dealing with theoretical and or, faith based concepts of belief. we have no current technological tests to prove , as we do with mathematics, for example, the scientific proof of such beliefs. we cannot yet determine who is correct and who isn't. my equally theoretical and equally unproven idea about the reason that the ufo is gone in a flash, i think is similar to when a person observes fan blades, which appear to blur as the rotation of the spin of the blades is increased. i have no formal training, but i think the reason we see a blur is because our human eyes are not able to follow the speed of the blades equally, however our eyes are slower. this is based on the photos that can be taken at fast speed which show that the fan blades have not changed their shape. and as far as the ufo going into a different dimension or level, why not, maybe it does. at this juncture, we have no conclusive evidence to prove it either way. maybe you are right , maybe you are wrong , concerning your theory. the same applies to my theory which is different from yours. i consider our ideas as theories of possibilities, that are not resolved yet.
At 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
at this time, our knowlege of many things is not yet conclusive. we belive in scientific facts, because we can test the results and control the tests. with spiritual and non earth life forms, we can agree, can we not, that we are dealing with theoretical and or, faith based concepts of belief. we have no current technological tests to prove , as we do with mathematics, for example, the scientific proof of such beliefs. we cannot yet determine who is correct and who isn't. my equally theoretical and equally unproven idea about the reason that the ufo is gone in a flash, i think is similar to when a person observes fan blades, which appear to blur as the rotation of the spin of the blades is increased. i have no formal training, but i think the reason we see a blur is because our human eyes are not able to follow the speed of the blades equally, however our eyes are slower. this is based on the photos that can be taken at fast speed which show that the fan blades have not changed their shape. and as far as the ufo going into a different dimension or level, why not, maybe it does. at this juncture, we have no conclusive evidence to prove it either way. maybe you are right , maybe you are wrong , concerning your theory. the same applies to my theory which is different from yours. i consider our ideas as theories of possibilities, that are not resolved yet.
At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
where the hell did all the jesus freaks come from? please go back to sleep in the coziness of the bible and stop bothering folks who actually use their brains. if you would like to educate yourself, then please do, and return with a comment that doesn't parrot your preacher. yawn.
ps: this stuff is real. all of you better pray this does not happen to you. the earth is in trouble, and it ain't satan my friends.
At 11:33 AM,
cosmiccarl2 said…
I have noticed that negative people leave nasty comments. No wonder our planet is in trouble. It makes me sad. If we put love in our hearts, we can make a better world.
At 6:21 PM,
Indigo said…
Sigh.....It has taken a while to get to where I am in terms of awareness, searched every crevice of knowledge, understood the secrets of some spiritual teachings...and it gets back to the same questions. Go beyond your religions and jesus christ, go beyond earth, imagine the totality of the universe, of the life, of the multi-dimensional energies at work. Go beyond the veil, the barrier and begin to think for yourself. You will notice entities come visit you all of a sudden- some of them who DONT want you to do this. A group of reptilian and grey beings messed with me for about 2 months because of this awareness rising up in me...but getting rid of their influence is the same as changing your thought patterns.
It is time for all of us to wake up, we DONT have much time..Earth- is a troubled planet, and we have not been allowed to evolve to our full potential because of jealousy on BOTH sides. Jealousy because we have genes from NANY different races, and carry the 12dna genetic marker contained hidden within our morphogenetic templates and silicate matrix. None can be trusted, we must take the power back from our governments, use the technology to SAVE this place- and show our worth. The good guys will help us if we can show them this...
At 12:36 AM,
thewhyfiles said…
i can't see what all the fuss and the big deal is about. all anyone has to do is to blow up the nasa photos of the rover mission and the moon missions to triple or four times, at about six fifty or seven hundred percent, even with eyes closed it is there the structures, etc. the rover mission with the guy who looked like he was using the toilet on mars, blow it up to seven hundred percent and to the right of the statue you will see a dwelling on the hill by the left hip of the statue, a human looking riding a flying surf board. do it with the photos from all the nasa stuff, even what the professors show , i have done it, there is life, beings like people and other living beings, and it is not a big deal. the technology is flight , there are people like flying on surfboards with handles, and large ships of all sizes and shapes and dimensions. there are caves and homes built into hills, there are big huge sculptures in the topography, there are odd animals and so forth, roads, lights vehicles, and maybe very large too, many balls in the air crafts of all shapes and sizes, even like star trek or disney land and water, like oceans with craft that goes above and below, and written communication, and energy outlets that seems to have craft get energy from outer electrical charges, like lightening. it isn't fantasy, enlarge the photos from jpl and nasa yourselves. so what? are the authorities afraid of the problem with those who are religion ideals folks, or the population to get out of control if the fear of god is not kept as status quo? or the public to worry the govt can't save them if there is a threat from out side our own planet. they probably can't. so? hopefully they would attempt to , but the fact is that if there was a real threat due to out world civilizations or beings, they would and could have done away with humans a long time ago. so why worry now about something that nobody can do anything about anyhow/ i am happy that we as human beings are not the only things that think and make stuff, because that is a sorry thought, since we don't even know how to live without killing each other off. you know what i mean?
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
way to go sparkie ,
next time they abductee u
bring some film , that u can hide
in your trowsers , im sure they
wouldnt check there.
At 7:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I totally believe what Jim Sparks writes about as I have had experiences with the grays and had sightings also. The author Jim Sparks is very sane. There is so much we do not know about the universe and planets. I am very open minded since my experiences happened to me. I always felt we had other beings somewhere out there. Now I know-I just can't prove it and that is what makes this whole subject so frustrating. There are other worlds-other beings. The Tuth Will Be Revealed In Time.
At 9:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
I believe Jim.
I have seen things too, and woke up
with "knowledge" I didn't go to sleep with. We really need to pull together as humans - we have to give up all this infighting. If one doesn't believe all this stuff, why even read the blog about UFOs? Read something you believe in! Looking for an argument is ridiculous and a waste of time in your precious lives. Reality is objective, not subjective. That's one of the first things I learned. So the non believers will always be, and even if an ARMADA of ships come down, they'll see them differently than the believers.
Do what you can, with what you know.
Love one another, despite your differences. Respect your Earth - it's the only one of it's kind. We are unique - and we have help, as Indigo said. But we have to show them that we're capable - by loving and respecting our fellow humans, and our home, Earth. Peace and Love for you All.
At 3:06 PM,
Unknown said…
At 11:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 5:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you guys watch movies in theater or on internet? I use to rent DVD movies from [b]Blockbuster.com[/b]. Recently I discovered that we can watch all new movies on internet on day, they are released. So why should I spend money on renting movies??? So, can you guys please tell me where I can [url=http://www.watchhotmoviesfree.com]watch latest movie The Heights 2010[/url] for free?? I have searched [url=http://www.watchhotmoviesfree.com]Youtube.com[/url], [url=http://www.watchhotmoviesfree.com]Dailymotion.com[/url], [url=http://www.watchhotmoviesfree.com]Megavideo.com[/url] but, Could not find a good working link. If you know any working link please share it with me.
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Lord Jesus Christ Said himself, "I am not from here, I come from another world." You've got to understand that such a long time ago people couldn't really grasp the idea of inner stellar gateways/technologies. It would have seemed like a story or fantasy. Do not let ingorance block the imagination and/or realities that take place up to this very day. There are photo's of countless witnessing's. There are thousands of stories that corraborate (w.e. the word) what Jim SParks is saying about reptoids and the Greys. Watch the mainstream movie "The Fourth Kind" as Jim Sparks feeling the 'Hoplesness' & waking up at 3:30. The exact same cases are taking place in Nome, Alaska. Just let your mind wander and try to accept certain things to put two & two together. Magnificent things...
At 9:08 AM,
lion said…
No wonder alien contact is rare - just scan these comments : we are a SCARY SPECIES!!!!!
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I do believe this man's story of abduction, I have friends that have had simular experiences, and was wondering if Jim goes to different states to tell his story?
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Listen on youtube to:
the story of walt willis
You may better understand why I beleive Jim's story.
At 11:05 AM,
Lauri said…
Wow, Fascinating comments! We must all believe somewhat or we wouldn't have come to this website to begin with, right? We are obviously not the only planet with life when there are so many other galaxies out there, not to mention other dimensions, so why does it seem impossible that we have been visited by some other beings? With the internet you can look up almost anything now. So I have read MANY books. When you read something and you get a feeling inside that what you're reading is truth, then it probably is. I felt that way when I read both of Jim's books. There are so many other people that say the same things as Jim so there must be truth in it. Some of the most fascinating information I have read yet though is written by Dolores Cannon. She is 81 years old and has been a regression therapist since the 1970's and has come across some fascinating information! One of her books is called "Keepers of the Garden". I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to know about the Earth's beginnings. I would also recommend any of her books. They will boggle your mind. There is so much more to life and the Universe and Creation than we can even immagine. The more information I learn about, the more I realize that we don't know. There is so much to learn but you will only learn if you have an open mind and really want to learn more."Seek and ye shall find" is so true, but only if you are ready for the truth, as the truth is not what we have been taught in school or chuch. Happy learning and Love to all, as we are all family!
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
they will not leave they say they want me. i can fight them off they cant take me they try but it doesn't work. if i some how slip they say they will not let me go. emmn what dose that mean wish i could talk to someone. im scared
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks Jim,
I told my story to Mel Fabrigas last May of 2012 and feel much better after have kept it a secret for more than 50 years.
I know you are telling the truth because it also happen to me as well.
go to youtube and type:
"the story of walt willis"
There you will see why I beleive your report.
Lets hope more folks will share what they know as well...
walt willis
At 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 11:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
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skiff in the chips on next door and drained much of each tryst observing the workers.
At 2:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Unified period, a construction set turned up to start edifice a post on the inconsequential lot.
The [url=http://kamachu.000space.com/ndf.html]228564[/url] 408913 [url=http://poa7.000space.com/suh.html]182827[/url] [url=http://daclac.000space.com/jyd.html]701373[/url] 597093 teenager wisdom's nearest's 5-year-old daughter obviously took an enlist forth in all the
force growing on next door and drained much of each lifetime observing the workers.
At 9:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 1:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Perhaps christ would not have mentioned something so plaiñly that would serve no purpose for relationship wjth. This neither gives credit towardyout testament of christ nor any acknowledgement of his grand awesome power. How diluted could one be to think that an all powerful infinite being steadies at a climax of a pathetically remdered general human as his only intelligent creation. What do you think angels are? I mean really, one should think carefully before making any such claims as to the extent of our universes creation. All of which is contained in many more dimensions than we could literally imagine. That's all for now. Thanks have a blessed life...
At 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
More than mental, as I must imagine...
At 9:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
There is so much deceit right now not only from our govts but alien from abductions. I believe there are two or more groups presently involved. Prior to 18oo AD there were ufo sightings - not even air balloons were launched prior to this time period yet so many ufo sightings often fighting with each other. (ref. physisist Jacques Vallee book: Revelations.
Some of these groups possibly come from 4th density (where our soul will go next after our present 3rd density level- read scientific study of harmonics as per the Tree of Life structure) )who have discovered how to materialize back to our lower 3rd density and appear like they want to us in many forms: alien, humanoid, leprauchauns, Jesus, Mary - whatever it takes to get acceptance from us during contact.(occultic phylosophy practiced on 3rd and 4th density))
Then I believe the combination of alien contact and reverse engineering with the wrong hands happened in late 1890's - research funded by the creators failed Ostara religion group then by reforming and creating the young Nazi group to overthrow Germany and then the world. This group financed Germany for reverse engineer UFOs and anti-gravity, the war for Hitler while at the same time lent money to England and the USA to fight together only to lend out more more of their money again for these countries to rebuild themselves. This group appears as several organizations ( Illuminati, Bilderberg group, Trilateral group, - same names as the ones who own the World Bank and the US Federal Reserve). As these countries all owed money to them - the 1945 war treaty allowed this principle creditor to get first dibbs on assets: first - reverse technology anti-gravity saucers to later be used to convince us of the presently declared need for ONE World Order.( In the 90's there were 57 countries that separated from their countries and only 3 did it peacefully without war). Imagine trying to get the world to merge willingly into this one world order.
Read William Lyne Aliens of the Pentagon ( IMO what he says is true except his ego on Tesla technology maybe too big LOL)
Yes I believe that we were created on earth and not by magic hocus pocus but with DNA manipulation ( see definition of Original Sin in encyclopedias.) Yes we are cattle to those creators.What bad aliens do not understand is that they are not our God - the one that created them and the others incl. the universe is our God creator who wants us all to be creators of good. Our true creator has no EGO - if he did he would have appeared in front of us to feed such ego.
Right now we have too many sides being deceitful to fully understand. The best video that explains all of this in simple form is by Foster Gamble (Proctor Gamble family)with the : Thrive The Movie.
Any comments you can reach me at:
At 12:08 AM,
Ed Case said…
It's high time to put religion aside, recognize the big picture that we are a part of, and do the right thing. Give the bastards amnesty, lets get beyond money and make the world a better place for all. The people who have been hiding all that information for the detriment of society will meet their maker someday and have to account for what they have done. As for the rest of us, lets move on to an understanding that we are a galactic entity now, like it or not, we must work with those people who can help us whether or not weve simply been farm animals. Forget about all of than, this is for our own good.Only the truth can prevent us from ourselves. We must take our heads out of the sand and act asap. Welcome disclosure, demand it. Implement new technologies, stop al war and greed, get rid of corporations based on a monetary system, and live with free energy while ceasing the burning of fossil fuels. These entities are our friends. If they were our enemies the world would not be here.
At 12:11 AM,
Ed Case said…
It's high time to put religion aside, recognize the big picture that we are a part of, and do the right thing. Give the bastards amnesty, lets get beyond money and make the world a better place for all. The people who have been hiding all that information for the detriment of society will meet their maker someday and have to account for what they have done. As for the rest of us, lets move on to an understanding that we are a galactic entity now, like it or not, we must work with those people who can help us whether or not weve simply been farm animals. Forget about all of that, this is for our own good.Only the truth can prevent us from ourselves. We must take our heads out of the sand and act asap. Welcome disclosure, demand it. Implement new technologies, stop all war and greed, get rid of corporations based on a monetary system, and live with free energy while ceasing the burning of fossil fuels. These entities are our friends. If they were our enemies the world would not be here.
At 12:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mister Jim Sparks is an honest true speaking person. I admire his spirit. All good for him.
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At 8:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
The word alien and extraterrestrial didn't exist during the times of Jesus. Maybe he did mention them but used the words of the times to decribe the events.
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At 12:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
RE: Article. The answer to Rome is burning is found in e.g. whites America in Propehcy and seventh day adventist book.
Also, I had an experience.
I used to receive visitations that usually started while I was lying in bed, just after I woke up or just after I went to bed.
It would feel like a cat moving by my feet, the bed would sink and blankets tighten.
After many visitations it began to speak to me telepathically.
Eventually, even giving me it's name and presenting itself as a demon though, not an alien.
One time it even breathed into my ear and I could feel it's breath on me and hear it. Sounded like a dog or pig sniffing. (cross between)
I reached out and grabbed ahold of it, and it was very muscular.
I could not see anything though as it was invisable to me, but I had a good grip on it.
It shook loose with tremendous force. I can describe it only to compare it to a paint can shaking in one of those mixer machines. I recall telepathically sensing a feeling of extreme shock when I grabbed onto it.
Upon another visitation it was very aggressive, and just about had me driven to suicide.
In deperation I realized that if this demon was real then so must Jesus Christ.
So I begged Jesus to "come down to me and make him go away" just repeating that.
What happened next was eventually I felt very calm and layed down similar to how you see Jesus on the cross.
I could not move my body, fingers or anything. Just my eyes and I felt like my body was now just a shell.
Out of my eyes gushed what i thought was water, it flowed with a width and strength similar to turning on a sink faucet on full blast.
It streamed down my cheeks and onto my neck. I do not know for how long but it seemed awhile.
Then I was able to move again, and I felt my shirt collar and face expecting them to be drenched and wet, but it was dry.
My face felt tingly though as if I had been crying hard.
The visitations stopped after that.
I began to have dreams and have Jesus talk to me.
Many experiences followed.
Fast forward, after reading the Bible and tryng to check out Christianity because of my belief in Jeus and knowing he was real I felt discouraged.
I prayed one night to Jesus and told him that I knew he was real, but I didn't truly love him. I didn't understand the book of revelation, or why there were so many churches. I was not going to pray anymore, just believe he existed.
Then I went to sleep.
I was awaken the following moring by a random phone call from a Seventh Day Adventist pastor wanting to do a Bible study with me.
I had co idea what a SDA was, but saw it as a sign and ended up doing those studies.
All my questions were answered, and the dreams and visions increased.
It was apparent that Jesus wanted me to go to this Church, the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
11 yrs later, through reading e.g. whites books and the sanctuary and revelation propehcy studies of the sda church I have a very complete picture of what is happening.
I think people should be reading E.G whites books and the Bible and learning the message God gave the SDA people to give.
Time is short.
May God bless all of you in your search for truth.
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At 6:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Religious beliefs are practiced in this world, for the sole purpose of control! Religion helps keep people “sane”.
I used to be a religious person but realized it’s not for me. I see soo many religious people do “ungodly” things to others. It’s not right.
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