
This blog has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.

Monday, June 20, 2005

More UFOs in the Arecibo Radio Observatory

By Jorge MartínJournalistPuerto Rico
Tel. (787) 758-0692E-mail: jmartin@prcinternet.net

Many may not know about it, but the well-known Arecibo Radio Observatory, in Puerto Rico, although mainly used for radio-astronomy research, and allegedly belongs to the University of Cornell, is in fact a project that belongs to the Department of the Defense of the U.S.A., and has been used since the 60's to carry out studies on new intercontinental missile weapons of the Armed Forces of that nation, and in more recent years in studies of the high Earth atmosphere, especially of the ionosphere, with the intention to obtain more knowledge on its characteristics, in order to apply such knowledge in the controversial Project H.A.A.R.P. The Arecibo Radio Observatory has been used as an atmospheric heater.

On the other hand, although the scientists who operate the fabulous Arecibo Radio Observatory have always denied that the so called UFO phenomenon exists, or the possibility that alien beings from other planets of the Cosmos visit us on Earth, the truth is that they have covertly participated in investigations related to the UFO subject.

Evidence of this is an official internal memo of the State Civil Defense Agency of Puerto Rico, known today as the Puerto Rico Emergency Management Agency. In the memo, with date of October of 1991, its then director, Colonel José A. M. Nolla, states flatly that personnel from the Arecibo Radio Observatory was participating in a secret study that several U.S. military and security agencies, in addition to several Puerto Rican state government agencies, were making at that moment pertaining to the heavily strong incidence of UFO /alien related events of all type that affected the archipelago of Puerto Rico between the years 1991 and 1992. The memo indicated emphatically that what was happening in Puerto Rico was real.

Such a remark contradicts the statements of the Arecibo Radio Observatory scientific officers and technicians in the sense that there is no such thing as the UFO phenomenon or possible alien based incidents.

Also, as a matter of fact, there have been a series of very significant events in the zone where the Radio Observatory is located at, events that indicate that unidentified flying objects, or those who control them, watch closely the activities and research being made there.

We have previously published information about sightings of UFOs and incidents of encounters with their crew, given to us by residents in the sector where this important scientific center is located at. On this occasion we present here the declarations given to us recently by two officers who work in the Radio Observatory facility, while visiting the center together with an American couple, Mr. Douglas Taylor and his wife Serena, who live in California.
"They are here"

The first of them, officer Pedro Perez, revealed to us that he had personally seen a "... very rare flying device" while driving his personal car on highway #635, leaving the zone of the Radio Observatory in direction to the town of Lares. "It happened a little more to the south - he said -, south of the Radio Observatory area, not exactly above this site. I was with my son, and we both saw it. It was a quite large object, with a spherical shape, like a huge metallic sphere, silverplated, with a brightly polished surface. It was suspended up in the air, in the sky, totally motionless". He continued explaining: "It did not have any doors or windows, nor any motor or engine, nothing at all. It just remained there, suspended in the sky, and at one moment it made a sudden fast movement to the south and went away, and we lost it from sight".

According to Mr. Perez, the large silver-plated metallic sphere he observed did not emit any sound, and as already explained, was totally fixed in the sky in a position close to the Radio Observatory facilities, until the moment of going away.

"The so called OVNIs (UFOs) are real -he added -, we have seen them here, so I do not have any doubts about that any more. However, we have to find out where they come from and who are those behind them ", finally, said the security officer.

On the other hand, another one of the officers, Mr. Jose Vélez, declared to us that he has observed on several occasions "...some large mysterious spheres of light shining with a bluish-white tonality, like that of light emitted from electrical arc welding", which approach the Radio Observatory and suspend themselves over the area, increasing and diminishing their size. "For me - Vélez said - that growing and diminishing in size could very well be an optical effect, probably they are approaching and moving away and we perceive this as if they were growing in size or getting smaller".

"I have seen those balls of light several times - he added -, and I have tried to explain to myself what they are, but definitively they are something non identifiable, and they seem to be under an intelligent control".

Finally, we asked both officials if they had notified to the officials of the Radio Observatory about their sightings of such anomalous objects in the area, and they both responded "No".

They also responded to us when we asked them about it, that the scientific officers or directors of the Arecibo Radio Observatory have never prohibited them to speak out on the subject, but they also stated that as a matter of fact the UFO subject is not discussed there at all.

More events

The truth is that there have been many other such events at the site and in the surrounding area nearby. Here are only some of the reports we have received from serious and reliable witnesses, but there are many more:

1. Policemen have witnessed a large luminous cylinder shaped object suspended in the air at close distance right over the Radio Observatory.

2. Residents in the zone have observed landings of silvery looking metallic saucer shaped crafts and the emergence from them of both human type looking and humanoid looking crews, dressed in tightfitting silvery suits.

3. Witnesses have observed landed saucer-shaped silvery crafts take off into the sky after having had been in close contact with a human personnel that departs from the site in a white van type vehicle. The area where this has happened is a flattened out mound at the edge on road #10, close to the Radio Observatory facility.

4. Witnesses have observed fully armed U.S. military personnel in 'Hummer' type jeeps chasing brightly lit ovoid objects that fly into Rio Abajo forest, located right in the background sector of the area in which the Radio Observatory is located at.
Anyone interested in more information can contact us. Our contact information is shown above, in this article's heading.


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