The prediction should have read: #103. Planet doomed from a July explosion and many people die.
Oh my goodness, didn't notice the rest of it! "Then the aliens will help us - this year - around Las Vegas on July 13" - earth changes. I don't know if those are separate events the predictor made or it is all one thing??
Isn't that interesting! Prophet Yawheh has said he would have 45 days to prove to people about Yawheh coming down with his ship. This week the 45 days is up. I would be afraid to see what is in that ship to tell you the truth. Some of the things he has been sending out were horrendous! If you are near there stay away as far as you can!
This is interesting to contemplate.
In 1987 Jim V.A. and Nell Z, with myself, investigated a case in Elma, Washington where a witness had observed a huge craft hovering over a beaver pond lake. While he watched the UFO sucked up water. The water that was being sucked up was in the shape of an hour glass. After the UFO flew effortlessly away, the lake was lowered by two feet. This was not a small lake. It was approximately 800 feet across.
Here is another one.
The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) reported a number of incidents in Victoria, Australia, where UFO sightings have been associated with large water losses. (No date mentioned but APRO went out of business years ago.)
In a typical case, George Blackwell, a farm caretaker, was awakened at 1 a.m. on the morning of September 30, 1980, by a strange screeching, whistling noise. He investigated to find "cattle were bellowing and a horse was running around in a state of panic."
Blackwell said he saw an object topped with a white dome about eight feet off the ground with orange and blue lights on its surface. He said the white dome topped an orange section with small portholes around it. Both parts rotated in a counter-clockwise direction.
It flew across the field toward a concrete water tank and hovered above it. Riding his motorcycle, Blackwell approached within 30 to 50 feet of the craft. The noise increased to "an awful scream" and a black bag appeared around the base of the object and inflated to an enormous size. With a bang, the UFO lifted off.
A blast of hot air almost knocked Blackwell off his bike as the UFO left, but the beam of his headlight let him see six spokes around the base of the craft.
The next morning an 18-inch ring 28 feet in diameter stood out from the paddock grass. Six "spokes" were evenly spaced around the ring which consisted of blackened grass flattened in a counter-clockwise direction. The green grass within the circle, except for where the six spokes were, had been plucked clean of yellow flowers growing elsewhere. And the water tank was missing 10,000 gallons of water!
Don't forget to send me any articles you think would pertain to the UFO subject. I would appreciate it very much!
Oh my goodness, didn't notice the rest of it! "Then the aliens will help us - this year - around Las Vegas on July 13" - earth changes. I don't know if those are separate events the predictor made or it is all one thing??
Isn't that interesting! Prophet Yawheh has said he would have 45 days to prove to people about Yawheh coming down with his ship. This week the 45 days is up. I would be afraid to see what is in that ship to tell you the truth. Some of the things he has been sending out were horrendous! If you are near there stay away as far as you can!
This is interesting to contemplate.
In 1987 Jim V.A. and Nell Z, with myself, investigated a case in Elma, Washington where a witness had observed a huge craft hovering over a beaver pond lake. While he watched the UFO sucked up water. The water that was being sucked up was in the shape of an hour glass. After the UFO flew effortlessly away, the lake was lowered by two feet. This was not a small lake. It was approximately 800 feet across.
Here is another one.
The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) reported a number of incidents in Victoria, Australia, where UFO sightings have been associated with large water losses. (No date mentioned but APRO went out of business years ago.)
In a typical case, George Blackwell, a farm caretaker, was awakened at 1 a.m. on the morning of September 30, 1980, by a strange screeching, whistling noise. He investigated to find "cattle were bellowing and a horse was running around in a state of panic."
Blackwell said he saw an object topped with a white dome about eight feet off the ground with orange and blue lights on its surface. He said the white dome topped an orange section with small portholes around it. Both parts rotated in a counter-clockwise direction.
It flew across the field toward a concrete water tank and hovered above it. Riding his motorcycle, Blackwell approached within 30 to 50 feet of the craft. The noise increased to "an awful scream" and a black bag appeared around the base of the object and inflated to an enormous size. With a bang, the UFO lifted off.
A blast of hot air almost knocked Blackwell off his bike as the UFO left, but the beam of his headlight let him see six spokes around the base of the craft.
The next morning an 18-inch ring 28 feet in diameter stood out from the paddock grass. Six "spokes" were evenly spaced around the ring which consisted of blackened grass flattened in a counter-clockwise direction. The green grass within the circle, except for where the six spokes were, had been plucked clean of yellow flowers growing elsewhere. And the water tank was missing 10,000 gallons of water!
Don't forget to send me any articles you think would pertain to the UFO subject. I would appreciate it very much!
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تنظيف يحتاج للاشياء معقدة من الادوات ، مثل الغرف المنزل لها ادوات التنظيف الخاصة، الصالون المدهب يحتاج لمنظف الخاص ، وسطح فى المنزل يتطلب مواد متخلفة ، فكثير من المنظفات المطلوبة حتى تكون عملية التنظيف سهلة ومن المنظفات : مبيض التواليت ، منظف الحمام، المطهرات ، المنظف للنوافذ والارضيات والغسيل ، سائل الغسيل و اعمال المنزل الصغيرة يمكن انجازاها بفوطة جافة ومنظف جيد ، المنظف المصنوع بقل الامكنيات ، معلقتين من الخل الابيض مع لتر من الماء الساخن وضعهم فى بخاخة . بيكربونات الصوديم لتنظيف البلاط يمكن مزج ثلاثه اجزاء من الماء الساخن مع جزء من الصودا لتنطيف الفرن والثلاجة ، وبيكربونات الصوديم بقليل من سائل الجلى يتكون معجون سميك صالح لتنظيف الحمام ، يمكن استخدام بيكربونات الصوديم وضعه فى صحن صغير ولطرد الروائح الكريهة من الثلاجة ، كربونات الصوديم فعالة فى ازالة البقع الدهنية لانها قلوية ويجب لبس قفازات لاستخدامها . شركة تنظيف موكيت بالخبر
الخل الابيض وعصير الليمون يمكن تنظيف السطوح الزجاجية والخشبية المصقولة ، ويمكن استخدام الخل الابيض والليمون للتخلص من الروائح الكريهة والتعطير .
عند التنظيف يجب لبس القفازات لحماية الايدى من المواد المنظفه ، ويمكن لبس الفقازات عند غسيل الصحون وتكون مخصص لعمل فى المطبخ .
والمنزل النظيفة من غير فوضوى أجمل بكثير وافضل ،وإذا توفر جميع الادوات النظافة داخل بيت تكون عمليه النظافة سهلة ،شركة تنظيف كنب بالخبر
للتنظيف المنزل من اعلى الى اسفل ، اى تنظيف الغبار من اعلى الى اسفل ويمكن استخدام الاجهزة الكهربائية فى عملية التنظيف .
تنظيف النوافذ باستخدام قطعة قطنية فى مسح الزجاج وللتجفيف بورقة من الجرائد ، وتنظيف الاسطح الزجاجية للمنضدة باستعمال عصير ليمون ودعكها ثم تجفيفها بفوطة ورقية. ويمكن استعمال معجون الاسنان فى ازالة الخدوش الصغيرة من الزجاج . شركة تنظيف واجهات وزجاج بالخبر
لتنظيف الاثاث استعمال منظف على قليل من نشادر ، عدم وضع الاثاث فى أشعه الشمس فالشمس تجفف الأثاث ، للتخلص من الحلقات التى تكون على المنضدة بقليل من المنظف مع النشادر ثم مسحها بفوطة جافة ثم تلميعها بالملمع . شركة تنظيف خزانات بالخبر
لتنظيف الحمام باستخدام الادوات النظافة الخاصة للحمام فى الحمام ، تنظيف السيراميك والمرايا باستخدام مطهر الجراثيم وتنظيف كل شئ فى الحمام مثل مقبض الباب ومفتاح الكهرباء ، والتخلص من القاذورات فى الاركان الضيقة فى الحمام ، تنظيف الخلاطات المياه ومسحها بقطعة قماش مغموسة فى خل او زيت الطعام ، لتنظيف الحمام باستخدام المناديل المعقمة ومسح منطقة الدش والمرحاض .
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يمكن وضع جدول زمنى لتنظيف المنزل : ترتيب السرير وتغير ملايات السرير كل اسبوع ، غسيل الملابس اذا كانت العائلة مكونة من الاطفال يقومون بتوسيخ ملابسهم بشكل متكرر فيجب تنظيف البقع سريعا .
وغسل الاوانى الطعام باليد او فى غسالة الاطباق وغسلها يوميا لا نها تشكل العفن وقد تنيجة خطر ويسبب امراض .
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