Prof. R. N. Hernandez contact with Lya
by Wendelle Stevens
"One time I told you," Lya said, "that your world will not find itself prepared socially, nor economically, nor emotionally to confront the changes.""Yes," I said, remembering that occasion in which we profoundly analyzed the personality of the human being. Lya had explained to me in detail the special characteristics of the Earth humans."Remember," she said, "that speaking of the different characters demonstrated by one living being, I told you of other civilizations. You had asked me if there were beings more aggressive than the Earth humans inhabiting this Universe. I mentioned that there was and spoke about those who have been coming on various occasions to your world.""Yes, I remember that you told me that there exist races that are dedicated to the domination of others without regard for the means by which they accomplish this."... I thought pensively about what I wanted to say. "Then Lya, I asked you if those races were a danger to us and you told me that later, when you would be more sure you would answer that.""Yes, Professor, and now, not only I, but my community as well are sure that these races are lying in wait and studying your humanity, and they represent a real threat to you.""In what form?""In that they scorn mercy to your empiricism and the rickety form of science that you possess. They have been coming to your world with complete freedom and have captured living beings, children, ancients, men, women, animals, fish, and they rob you of oxygen, hydrogen and even absorb electric fluid of the supplies flowing to your great cities. Humans who, unfortunately, disappear and do not return any more have been kidnapped by them. Clearly, not all those who are lost have been carried away by that race, but they have been carried out innumerable captures. They also take specimens in danger of extinction, to implant races or to extract their DNA and clone all of the organism for later implantation or to create new creatures, and also with human beings they have achieved these implants. They have placed in danger a number of times the peace of Earth... and...""Only that?" I asked somewhat relieved, thinking that the problem was originating in the mind of Lya."No, not only that. In earlier years, this race, classified in our archives as XHUMZ had been coming to your world where they studied the ionosphere, the stratosphere, the atmosphere, the grades and densities of the gasses existing in the air; but above all they had placed in practice discoveries that at times have been harmful to the planet, in an attempt to dominate the planet slowly and silently.""Will they come to attack us?" I asked."Their gift to the Earth is not peacefulness. Over six thousand years ago they came to the Earth for the first time. Their elevated stature soon made it appear that they were above the terrestrials, but their knowledge surprised them in such a manner that they submitted completely to those beings. In that time they violated the women and took several thousands of human beings for their service. Nevertheless, they had not demonstrated a power superior to the terrestrials, speaking of those men of your actual civilization, of the technical capacity that you now possess, they still had the material dematerializing ray and the power of the control of gravity. They possessed flying ships that were a marvel to the beings of Earth. All of the rulers listened to the words of those powerful beings who came from the sky. Profiting from this advantage, they took slaves for themselves, being treated as Gods for that. Today they have become even more superior and are powerful in notable ways. The XHUMZ lack sentiments and experience no emotion at all . This is because their scientific ancestors achieved, more than two thousand years ago, the eradication of fear in their minds, for the purpose of which their world would live in optimum individual circumstances. The XHUMZ nevertheless achieved the eradication of all sentiment. They deprived themselves of love, of friendship, of benevolence, and finally of all sentiments that could obstruct their power. This was programmed for the civilizations that would follow. In your world emotions of that type predominated. They observed how the hypersensibility of the individual could be used to develop profound hate, and how the absence of love many times induces not only the suicide of one person, but the annihilation of a whole race. They, the XHUMZ, eradicate definitely from their race the conscience and all respect for life. This being the case, the XHUMZ could be, comparatively speaking, the antithesis of your world. They came to Earth a long time ago, and after arriving proceeded to analyze all types of life here. They knew perfectly well the vulnerable points of man and discovered then that man had suffered genetic alterations. After deliberations among themselves they determined that if the Earth human was on the other hand already predestined to disappear at the mercy of his own tendencies, the more appropriate it would be to condition him to serve them, for which they proceeded to appropriate him slowly at his own voluntude. They succeeded, according to their own purposes, in making the Earth a pilot planet, or auxiliary, destined for whatever emergency that might arise. They would implant laws in your planet itself that the inhabitants could not discard. Those who resisted would be subjected to simple annihilation. They conditioned the Earth human to a mental level, slowly, without recourse to grave confrontations of violence, utilizing products which, in combination with the atmospheric gases produced mental modifications in the race. They employed chemical elements in the air, in the waters and in the earth itself. They cast derivatives of SMOUNR (a liquid that can be produced in three states; gas, liquid and solid, according to our studies), in the oceans and seas, the rivers, lakes, clouds, etc. This promoted degenerative regressions in human life. In your world there are still no scientists who could study this kind of weapon. In this manner, depending on the grade of mental level presented by the human being, they could, favored by the same violence that propitiates this finality, provoke confrontations between the continents. The different countries that proceed at the head scientifically will find themselves suddenly before an unusual violence inexplicably provoked there by they themselves, escalated to a level beyond which it could not be returned. Then the XHUMZ will attack. The humans of Earth will be too occupied in belligerent confrontations with their neighbors to give much attention to the dangers that will overcome them in space. For when the human of Earth detects any anomaly, it will already be too late.""Is my planet left no alternative?" I asked pensively."If the scientists of your world can unite and analyze point by point all that has been discovered in the laboratories, and advance from there, not only sharing, but amplifying their knowledge, others, other worlds, other galaxies; not just the XHUMZ, who are a little more than one hundred light years from your planet, but some far beyond your own Galaxy, will contemplate your world with respect. This is the epoch in which they are planning to come back to this Solar System. They possess weapons unsuspected by your people, possess a technology superior to yours, are more than three thousand years in advance scientifically; you have a world degraded, contaminated, and violent. You beings, the humans of the Earth are destructive, liberal, incredulous... You do not have sufficient knowledge... not even the primordial which would be the unity of the human race. For example you are scarcely in the beginning of the atom, but of the capacity to unite them or provoke the antithesis which would be the "implosion." They, the XHUMZ, do not possess atomic arms. To annihilate the human beings they will then utilize inclusively, the hydrogen that every body stores in its own nature. They possess advanced technologies before which you would be devastated. It will require the union of all your whole planet to repel one attack of the proportion which can be expected. The XHUMZ have been dominating your world since the years from 1914, have been proposing that you yourselves annihilate each other, and perhaps when your world is desolated they will come and colonize it. Thus they would increase even more the territory which they dominate."
At 11:36 PM,
Unknown said…
May the reptillians leave us all in peace and may the ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY fail. Only OMNIGOD can save us now.
At 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have called too upon the star-celestial brothers of the Andromedans and much too I have also learned. May we build oursleves up in love as wholesome families , for when we degrade each other it is not a credible thing. And may the truth of whom I believe comes forth through Christ Yeshua (our great protector) prevail amongst all if it is all loving and all truth filled.
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Get a hold of "We are the Unveilers and We are Protected" contact at dwa9098@hotmail.com
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
You all who believe in martians from another planet are so clueless...
At 5:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are rewriting this timeline each day, CoCreating this new utopia with each intent towards unconditional love of all things Earth and Sky... The veil has thinned in this time of the Cycle's Cross... The Maji's "puppetmasters" are flailing in desperation... their Looking Glass hopelessly interlaced as we plummet towards the Our planets Z.T.R.... as reflected in the Gov's own D. of the C.T.P...
They are in internal struggle... for they are receiving their respective Catalysts of Experience... the men under the DarkMens' spells are awakening... some to the detriment of the health of their families... please send them the resilient strength to do what they KNOW is RIGHT against freakishly violent and insidious manipulations.
At 6:01 PM,
Yourtubeyourass21 said…
CLUELESS? You better wake the hell up man. If you think for a split sec that we are the only ones in this universe, you are good as a sleeping duck in a pond on a nice beautiful sunny day. WAKE UP MAN.
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 6:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorrie double post.
At 6:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Damn you corporate America!
It's nice to at least see some people reading this and responding in a coherent way!
Looks like we're going to be cutting this close, it's up to everybody on this bloody planet to not only begin to understand who/what they are but also to help all those around them do the same!
Cheers to Humanity!
At 8:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
As soon as I stop laughing, I'll leave a message .
At 12:21 AM,
Virgil said…
three conclusions that i have come to
A theres e.t. influencing everything
B there is a God and a Devil and they are both fightin for our souls
C humanity is insane and is splitting up into two races: the controllers and the ones who are controlled and ignorant (ie: shepherds and sheeple) Thus the earth human race is no more
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At 9:00 AM,
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At 9:02 AM,
Unknown said…
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At 9:07 AM,
Unknown said…
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