From the ancient text, the BRIHAT KAHTA, we read how the ancient inhabitants of INDIA were aware of the flying craft which had been developed by certain GREEKS who were very possessive of their scientific and mechanical knowledge. In the ancient account we read:
Padmavit explains that Queen Vasavadotta wishes to fly in a chariot to visit the (other parts of) earth. Vasantoke, the Master of Entertainment, broke into a laugh and told her: "The women servants of the king have exactly that same desire. I have told them to suspend a swing between two high poles and to use this to go to and fro in the air. And if the queen wishes these aerial voyages, then she must content herself in the same fashion!" Everybody started to laugh, but Rumanavit cut in, "That is quite enough joking," he said, "now let us look at the facts." "We are talking in the void," Yangandharayame interrupted. "That is a problem for the artisans."
Rumanavit convoked the carpenters and gave them strict injunction to build a flying machine at once. The corps of artisans joined together and after a long period of shuffling about in an effort to avoid the whole problem, they finally sent their delegators, trembling in fear, to find Rumanavit. "We know of four sorts of machines," they told him, "those made of water, those made of air, those made of dust, and those composed of a great many pieces. But as far as flying machines are concerned, we have never even seen one. The Yavanas (Greeks) are the ones who know about them."
Then a Brahmin spoke of a carpenter, Pukrasaka, whom the King had told the existence of a certain Vicvita, who was mounted upon a mechanical cock. The foreign ambassadors whispered: "We should never reveal the secret of the flying machines to anyone whomsoever, be he artisan or other. It is too difficult to understand for one who is not Greek."
All of a sudden, a stranger (a Greek?) appeared. He called upon Rumanavit to supply him with necessary material, and he built a flying chariot in (the) form of Garuda (The eagle with a human body, the steed of "Vishnu"). It was ornamented with flowers.
"The queen and her husband flew around the world and then returned to their city..."
This ancient account, as we can see, indicates that the ancient East Indians and ancient Greeks were allies and were working together in the development of aerial craft. Could this explain the apparent involvement of neo-Grecian, and possibly East Indian and Mayan societies in connection with the human civilizations living in the various cavern systems beneath California?
There are other indications besides those that we've just mentioned which suggest that the ancient Greeks were very steeped in the intellectual sciences and used this knowledge to explore the unknown regions. It is possible that before the Grecian empire crumbled, certain members of that society continued to carry on their own version of their civilization in remote outposts beneath or beyond the earth. According to Judeo-Christian history and prophecy (book of Daniel), four world "empires" would run their course before the Messiah Himself finally reigned as king of an incorruptible Kingdom. The first was the Babylonian empire, second was the Medo-Persian Empire, followed by the Grecian empire which would subdue "the face of the whole earth" (see: Daniel 8:5,21). The last empire would be the largest, cruelest and most oppressive, the Roman Empire. It would rise and rule the nations, and then "fall" in a sense although still retain considerable control over the "religious" world (Revelation ch. 17-18) and then revive into a "10-horned" empire ruled by a counterfeit messiah.
The idea that the Grecian empire went about "on the face of the whole earth" might be significant if we consider that the "Hav-musuvs" for instance were connected with ancient Grecia. As for the highly intellectual nature of the Greeks, this was confirmed by the Apostle Paul, who alleged that during his visit to Athens, Greece, "... the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing." (Acts 17:21.) Actually, when we consider the possibility that an ancient Grecian-like race developed aerospace travel thousands of years ago and compare this with modern accounts of human UFOnauts, there are indications that a connection between the two may be found.
One very interesting account, which seems to indicate that hi-tech human societies on and within the earth did in fact colonize other planetary bodies thousands of years ago, appeared in Search magazine. The article, titled "Brace Yourselves," was written by an ex-NASA employee who identified himself only as "The Doc," who's account appeared in the winter, 1988-89 issue of that magazine. This ex-NASA employee related at the beginning of the article two very remarkable things that he'd heard while working at NASA. One of them included the discovery that the sun's surface was not a region of continuous thermonuclear explosions as has commonly been believed. Instead, scientists had found that it appeared to be a tremendous electromagnetic sphere which in turn generated the electromagnetic fields of the planets. In other words it seemed to be more of a gigantic electrical "light" than a gigantic thermonuclear reactor. This meant that the "heat" experienced from the solar orb on a planets' surfaces is not so much determined by their proximity to the sun, but more by the amount and type of atmosphere with which the solar rays interact to produce friction and heat. In simple terms, the sun is not "hot" in the sense that most believe, but the solar flares and explosions taking place on the surface of the sun are more consistent with tremendous electrical "arcs" than with nuclear explosions. The other "revelation" he received from other NASA employees was that the US Navy has for several years been making regular reconnaissance-observation trips to monitor alien "bubble cities" on the ocean floor.
Some years afterwards, while practicing homeopathic medicine in Phoenix, Arizona in 1984, "The Doc" met a young man who had come into his office to pick up some "UFO photos" he had loaned to a different doctor on a previous visit. The ex-NASA employee struck up a conversation with the young man. Following is an excerpt from the conversation which ensured between the young man and "The doc" during that visit. The young man said, after talking to "The Doc" about the photos:
Do you know anything about UFO's?
"Only what I've read since the 1950s and hear tell by others who have had encounters. How about yourself?"
"Well, there are such craft now in our atmosphere with bases underground and underwater. One group is very advanced and can take you anywhere in the universe."
"Should Einstein be upset to hear that?" I thought about it for a while.
"There is a whole science concerning traveling above the speed of light. These people are so advanced that most of the world is not ready to understand or appreciate their values and their scientific attainment."
"Well, no matter how advanced their technology, spiritually they have the same plight as we. We are all spiritual brothers and sisters and must solve the mystery of returning to our Source."
He looked at me penetratingly and continued.
"When I was eight years old and playing with a friend out in a field, a craft came down, landed not far from us and a man and woman came out and walked up to us, smiling and calling us by name. They seemed to know all about me, what school I was going to, what subjects I liked best and they told me that they would every so many years return and visit with me. They also said that they wanted me to do well in school."
"Did they return?" I asked, smiling, half in disbelief.
"Yes, surprisingly, they did. About five years later. I was about thirteen or fourteen. They told me that I was one of them and I was put on this planet to help them someday in the future."
"Incredible!" I played along with this.
"You haven't heard the best part. I was nineteen and was driving one night up through a wooded area in Connecticut, and suddenly this saucer swooped down over my car. I almost drove off the highway I was so shocked. It paced me, staying just above the car, and this voice came over my car radio speakers, but my radio wasn't even on! This voice knew my name and asked a number of times, "Dave (pseudonym), when will you return home? You have been gone so long."
"I was really shaken up by this, and then they somehow lifted my car off the highway and took me over a hill and brought me back down on the same highway, without my tires even squealing. They finally said that they would return again someday.
"I stopped at the first public phone and phoned my parents in Vermont. When my mother answered I was so shaken and anxious over the possibility of my parents having not told me the truth, I didn't bother to tell her what had happened on the highway. "Mom, who am I?" "Why, Dave, you're my son."
"Mother, who am I really? How did I get into this world?"
"Son, you got into this world just like other boys. I delivered you in a hospital."
"Mom, I don't believe it. Over and over I have been visited by people in starships who, somehow, know me. They say I am supposed to help them someday. Their ship just came down over my car, they called me by name and toyed with me about when I would come home to them someday. And then they picked up my car off the highway and gave me quite a shocker of a ride. I'm different, aren't I. I want to hear the truth."
"There was a long silence at the other end of the phone."
"All right. We were going to tell you someday as you have continued to mention these kind of things. Your father and I found you and your sister one evening as we were walking out behind the cabin like we did every evening after dinner. We found you and your sister wrapped in a blanket nestled between some boulders up on the hillside. We couldn't believe what we saw. You both were dressed in shiny one-piece suits. You were about a year old. We asked around and could not find anyone that might know your parents. We figured that you had been abandoned but we both had the strongest impulse to take care of you both until someone came into town and asked about you."
I was now shaking my head. "And have you continued to be visited by your friends?"
"Yes. More frequently, like a calendar."
"Where are they from?" He had me going now.
"Are you familiar with the Seven Sisters constellation?"
"I don't think so."
"It's also called the Pleiades constellation."
"Why are they, YOU HERE?"
"The won't interfere for the most part with the social problems and destiny of the Earth. It's a policy of theirs."
I was standing up now looking said, "I'm sorry to hear that..."
"The Doc" then gave him a checkup since the young man had originally come in for back problems. After he had informed the doctor that his back no longer bothered him, he told "The doc" that he had to rush to catch a flight to Switzerland, and left the clinic.
"As I was turning into my office," the doc continued, "one of the chiropractic physicians called as he was walking towards me down the hall carrying an X-ray. This guy is really different."
I looked at it. "Two extra cervical vertebrae."
"Also abnormally low vital signs (blood pressure, pulse). Not sure about the placement of the organs either."
I looked at the helpless expression on my associate's face. "Friend of yours?" (his associate asked)
"The guy that just left to catch a flight to Switzerland."
I found myself looking down an empty hallway, far off into the distance...
In his book "LIGHT YEARS" Gary Kinder reveals that the Swiss contactee Eduard "Billy" Meier was told by the star travelers he allegedly encountered that "they" were from the Pleiades, some 430 light-years from earth. However, the Pleiades are a relatively young system of stars which are unlikely to have developed life of their own and, in fact, the Pleiadeans claimed to have "terra-formed" certain planets in that sector to support life and that the actual place of origin is much closer to earth, in the Lyra systems, some 30-or-so light years from our Solar system. In other words, they migrated outwards from the general direction of the earth.
Since the books have come out by Billy Meiers he has revealed that the name of the people are the Plejarans. The reason he gave for using the name Pleiades was so that he could determine who was copying him and making up their contact stories. No one ever used the correct name except Billy.
From the ancient text, the BRIHAT KAHTA, we read how the ancient inhabitants of INDIA were aware of the flying craft which had been developed by certain GREEKS who were very possessive of their scientific and mechanical knowledge. In the ancient account we read:
Padmavit explains that Queen Vasavadotta wishes to fly in a chariot to visit the (other parts of) earth. Vasantoke, the Master of Entertainment, broke into a laugh and told her: "The women servants of the king have exactly that same desire. I have told them to suspend a swing between two high poles and to use this to go to and fro in the air. And if the queen wishes these aerial voyages, then she must content herself in the same fashion!" Everybody started to laugh, but Rumanavit cut in, "That is quite enough joking," he said, "now let us look at the facts." "We are talking in the void," Yangandharayame interrupted. "That is a problem for the artisans."
Rumanavit convoked the carpenters and gave them strict injunction to build a flying machine at once. The corps of artisans joined together and after a long period of shuffling about in an effort to avoid the whole problem, they finally sent their delegators, trembling in fear, to find Rumanavit. "We know of four sorts of machines," they told him, "those made of water, those made of air, those made of dust, and those composed of a great many pieces. But as far as flying machines are concerned, we have never even seen one. The Yavanas (Greeks) are the ones who know about them."
Then a Brahmin spoke of a carpenter, Pukrasaka, whom the King had told the existence of a certain Vicvita, who was mounted upon a mechanical cock. The foreign ambassadors whispered: "We should never reveal the secret of the flying machines to anyone whomsoever, be he artisan or other. It is too difficult to understand for one who is not Greek."
All of a sudden, a stranger (a Greek?) appeared. He called upon Rumanavit to supply him with necessary material, and he built a flying chariot in (the) form of Garuda (The eagle with a human body, the steed of "Vishnu"). It was ornamented with flowers.
"The queen and her husband flew around the world and then returned to their city..."
This ancient account, as we can see, indicates that the ancient East Indians and ancient Greeks were allies and were working together in the development of aerial craft. Could this explain the apparent involvement of neo-Grecian, and possibly East Indian and Mayan societies in connection with the human civilizations living in the various cavern systems beneath California?
There are other indications besides those that we've just mentioned which suggest that the ancient Greeks were very steeped in the intellectual sciences and used this knowledge to explore the unknown regions. It is possible that before the Grecian empire crumbled, certain members of that society continued to carry on their own version of their civilization in remote outposts beneath or beyond the earth. According to Judeo-Christian history and prophecy (book of Daniel), four world "empires" would run their course before the Messiah Himself finally reigned as king of an incorruptible Kingdom. The first was the Babylonian empire, second was the Medo-Persian Empire, followed by the Grecian empire which would subdue "the face of the whole earth" (see: Daniel 8:5,21). The last empire would be the largest, cruelest and most oppressive, the Roman Empire. It would rise and rule the nations, and then "fall" in a sense although still retain considerable control over the "religious" world (Revelation ch. 17-18) and then revive into a "10-horned" empire ruled by a counterfeit messiah.
The idea that the Grecian empire went about "on the face of the whole earth" might be significant if we consider that the "Hav-musuvs" for instance were connected with ancient Grecia. As for the highly intellectual nature of the Greeks, this was confirmed by the Apostle Paul, who alleged that during his visit to Athens, Greece, "... the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing." (Acts 17:21.) Actually, when we consider the possibility that an ancient Grecian-like race developed aerospace travel thousands of years ago and compare this with modern accounts of human UFOnauts, there are indications that a connection between the two may be found.
One very interesting account, which seems to indicate that hi-tech human societies on and within the earth did in fact colonize other planetary bodies thousands of years ago, appeared in Search magazine. The article, titled "Brace Yourselves," was written by an ex-NASA employee who identified himself only as "The Doc," who's account appeared in the winter, 1988-89 issue of that magazine. This ex-NASA employee related at the beginning of the article two very remarkable things that he'd heard while working at NASA. One of them included the discovery that the sun's surface was not a region of continuous thermonuclear explosions as has commonly been believed. Instead, scientists had found that it appeared to be a tremendous electromagnetic sphere which in turn generated the electromagnetic fields of the planets. In other words it seemed to be more of a gigantic electrical "light" than a gigantic thermonuclear reactor. This meant that the "heat" experienced from the solar orb on a planets' surfaces is not so much determined by their proximity to the sun, but more by the amount and type of atmosphere with which the solar rays interact to produce friction and heat. In simple terms, the sun is not "hot" in the sense that most believe, but the solar flares and explosions taking place on the surface of the sun are more consistent with tremendous electrical "arcs" than with nuclear explosions. The other "revelation" he received from other NASA employees was that the US Navy has for several years been making regular reconnaissance-observation trips to monitor alien "bubble cities" on the ocean floor.
Some years afterwards, while practicing homeopathic medicine in Phoenix, Arizona in 1984, "The Doc" met a young man who had come into his office to pick up some "UFO photos" he had loaned to a different doctor on a previous visit. The ex-NASA employee struck up a conversation with the young man. Following is an excerpt from the conversation which ensured between the young man and "The doc" during that visit. The young man said, after talking to "The Doc" about the photos:
Do you know anything about UFO's?
"Only what I've read since the 1950s and hear tell by others who have had encounters. How about yourself?"
"Well, there are such craft now in our atmosphere with bases underground and underwater. One group is very advanced and can take you anywhere in the universe."
"Should Einstein be upset to hear that?" I thought about it for a while.
"There is a whole science concerning traveling above the speed of light. These people are so advanced that most of the world is not ready to understand or appreciate their values and their scientific attainment."
"Well, no matter how advanced their technology, spiritually they have the same plight as we. We are all spiritual brothers and sisters and must solve the mystery of returning to our Source."
He looked at me penetratingly and continued.
"When I was eight years old and playing with a friend out in a field, a craft came down, landed not far from us and a man and woman came out and walked up to us, smiling and calling us by name. They seemed to know all about me, what school I was going to, what subjects I liked best and they told me that they would every so many years return and visit with me. They also said that they wanted me to do well in school."
"Did they return?" I asked, smiling, half in disbelief.
"Yes, surprisingly, they did. About five years later. I was about thirteen or fourteen. They told me that I was one of them and I was put on this planet to help them someday in the future."
"Incredible!" I played along with this.
"You haven't heard the best part. I was nineteen and was driving one night up through a wooded area in Connecticut, and suddenly this saucer swooped down over my car. I almost drove off the highway I was so shocked. It paced me, staying just above the car, and this voice came over my car radio speakers, but my radio wasn't even on! This voice knew my name and asked a number of times, "Dave (pseudonym), when will you return home? You have been gone so long."
"I was really shaken up by this, and then they somehow lifted my car off the highway and took me over a hill and brought me back down on the same highway, without my tires even squealing. They finally said that they would return again someday.
"I stopped at the first public phone and phoned my parents in Vermont. When my mother answered I was so shaken and anxious over the possibility of my parents having not told me the truth, I didn't bother to tell her what had happened on the highway. "Mom, who am I?" "Why, Dave, you're my son."
"Mother, who am I really? How did I get into this world?"
"Son, you got into this world just like other boys. I delivered you in a hospital."
"Mom, I don't believe it. Over and over I have been visited by people in starships who, somehow, know me. They say I am supposed to help them someday. Their ship just came down over my car, they called me by name and toyed with me about when I would come home to them someday. And then they picked up my car off the highway and gave me quite a shocker of a ride. I'm different, aren't I. I want to hear the truth."
"There was a long silence at the other end of the phone."
"All right. We were going to tell you someday as you have continued to mention these kind of things. Your father and I found you and your sister one evening as we were walking out behind the cabin like we did every evening after dinner. We found you and your sister wrapped in a blanket nestled between some boulders up on the hillside. We couldn't believe what we saw. You both were dressed in shiny one-piece suits. You were about a year old. We asked around and could not find anyone that might know your parents. We figured that you had been abandoned but we both had the strongest impulse to take care of you both until someone came into town and asked about you."
I was now shaking my head. "And have you continued to be visited by your friends?"
"Yes. More frequently, like a calendar."
"Where are they from?" He had me going now.
"Are you familiar with the Seven Sisters constellation?"
"I don't think so."
"It's also called the Pleiades constellation."
"Why are they, YOU HERE?"
"The won't interfere for the most part with the social problems and destiny of the Earth. It's a policy of theirs."
I was standing up now looking said, "I'm sorry to hear that..."
"The Doc" then gave him a checkup since the young man had originally come in for back problems. After he had informed the doctor that his back no longer bothered him, he told "The doc" that he had to rush to catch a flight to Switzerland, and left the clinic.
"As I was turning into my office," the doc continued, "one of the chiropractic physicians called as he was walking towards me down the hall carrying an X-ray. This guy is really different."
I looked at it. "Two extra cervical vertebrae."
"Also abnormally low vital signs (blood pressure, pulse). Not sure about the placement of the organs either."
I looked at the helpless expression on my associate's face. "Friend of yours?" (his associate asked)
"The guy that just left to catch a flight to Switzerland."
I found myself looking down an empty hallway, far off into the distance...
In his book "LIGHT YEARS" Gary Kinder reveals that the Swiss contactee Eduard "Billy" Meier was told by the star travelers he allegedly encountered that "they" were from the Pleiades, some 430 light-years from earth. However, the Pleiades are a relatively young system of stars which are unlikely to have developed life of their own and, in fact, the Pleiadeans claimed to have "terra-formed" certain planets in that sector to support life and that the actual place of origin is much closer to earth, in the Lyra systems, some 30-or-so light years from our Solar system. In other words, they migrated outwards from the general direction of the earth.
Since the books have come out by Billy Meiers he has revealed that the name of the people are the Plejarans. The reason he gave for using the name Pleiades was so that he could determine who was copying him and making up their contact stories. No one ever used the correct name except Billy.
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At 6:18 AM,
Edward said…
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At 5:40 AM,
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At 11:40 AM,
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At 10:47 AM,
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At 4:27 AM,
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At 4:54 AM,
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Heroin Male Max 100 hasn't reached the level of other drugs yet, but pharmaceutical opiate abuse is skyrocketing. Those drugs are more expensive than heroin, and that moves people to go from opiates to heroin.
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At 5:13 AM,
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Is a trend that has drug rehabs concerned. Recently, pain pill manufacturers have made it more difficult to abuse Acidaburn prescription drugs by making more time released capsules with special coatings that are hard to abuse. Also, many pain management clinics across the United States are being forced to shut their doors. These closings have driven up the street price of prescription pain pills
At 5:28 AM,
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Was because of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow Biocore Muscle throughout the body. This is the best method to use when it comes to curing erectile dysfunction. The problem with using this ingredient is that it can cause large decreases in blood pressure that can be very dangerous for men of any age. Most natural formulas utilize natural aphrodisiacs like Yohimbe and Epimedium because they do not come with adverse side effects and can be very potent on their own
At 5:57 AM,
james said…
ones that Keto Wave delight me. In The Myth of Male Power I documented the seven-to-one discrimination against funding for prostate versus breast cancer research, and stressed this on the flap jacket and in interviews. I am delighted to see the funding for both cancers has increased and the gap has decreased.
At 5:06 AM,
james said…
in natural Ezslimfit Complete Keto formulas in products that are advertised to be safe. Male Power Plus isn't the first product to be recalled because of complications from a dangerous drug that is in their formula, and will not be the last.
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