By David Sereda
By David Sereda
In 1994 a professional photographer named Michael Boyle and Martyn Stubbs, program manager of a cable TV station in Vancouver, Canada, approached me and suggested that I conduct a scientific investigation into NASA UFO phenomena. Stubbs had recorded and archived thousands of hours of space shuttle mission video during live broadcasts at his cable TV station throughout the 1990s. He had been cataloging scenes of what appeared to be UFOs flying in close proximity to Earth during the missions. I saw the tapes and started a dialog with many of NASA's top scientists.
I have always believed in UFOs, because in 1968, when I was a small boy of seven, on my way home from school in Berkeley, California, I stood with a friend in a crowded street, staring in awe at a large UFO clearly visible about 3,000 feet above. Everyone was amazed. There was not a cloud in the sky, and we watched this thing for twenty minutes or so. Then it just blinked out, disappeared, as if into another dimension. Where it went would perplex me my whole life. How could a spacecraft just disappear?
In 1989 I had a long conversation with NASA's head of Propulsion, Power and Energy, Dr. Earl VanLandingham. He then went on to become NASA's head of Space Access and Technology under Dan Goldin. At the end of the conversation, I asked Dr. VanLandingham if NASA had ever made contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. He said, "No, when you consider the amount of energy it would take for a spacecraft to attain near the speed of light and travel to Earth from one of our nearest star systems (Alpha Centauri, 4.3 light-years away) in a reasonable amount of time, the energy (signal) emanating from the craft would be so massive we would detect the signal well in advance of the arrival of the spacecraft. And we haven't seen anything (a signal) like that yet."
According to Einstein, the speed of light cannot be attained or surpassed by mass or spacecraft, because as a craft tries to accelerate, it encounters resistance in the form of inertia. That inertia increases the mass of the spacecraft the faster it tries to go, so we have to increase the amount of energy in the form of propulsion to try to overcome the inertia. Mass can never attain the speed of light, because it takes an infinite amount of energy in the form of propulsion to increase any mass -- object or spacecraft -- to the speed of light since its mass keeps increasing as it accelerates. Hence, as its mass increases, the amount of energy needed to go faster increases as well and mass or spacecraft can never attain light speed.
Particle physicists accelerate subatomic particles like muons and protons in particle accelerators (Fermilab in Illinois) with energies of over 1 trillion electron volts (1 TeV, or 1 Terra electron volts) to allow these particles to attain 99.99 percent the speed of light. How much energy is 1 Terra electron volt? A nuclear explosion using plutonium releases a total energy intensity of 200 million electron volts (200 MeV). One trillion electron volts is five thousand times the energy intensity released in a nuclear explosion.
If a spacecraft were to be doing 99 percent the speed of light, it would have a massive energy signal at least five thousand times stronger than the energy released in a nuclear explosion (1TeV). A massive, 1-TeV signal would get picked up on every radio telescope and possible even radar on the planet. We would all know it was coming. And we all know we have not seen an energy signal like that yet.
There are other serious problems with a spacecraft going near light speed, such as experiencing severe gravitational (g) forces on subtle turns, heat and resistance or having to dodge planets, asteroids and even meteorites. So how are the alleged ETs propelling their craft at light speed and beyond, visiting Earth from other star systems?
In my film and book "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs", I introduce a new theory in Quantum physics that reveals a way to allow spacecraft to attain light speed and beyond without breaking Einstein's law. Essentially, the initial idea is quite simple, then it gets more complex.
The only thing we know that achieves light speed is light (photons). There had to be a quality, I thought, that photons possessed that could tell us how to get spacecraft to emulate photons and attain the same quality. Photons are supposed to be "mass-less" particles. Because they have no mass and because mass cannot attain light speed, it follows that an object or spacecraft with no mass could attain light speed.
But how could a spacecraft attain a state of zero mass? Each element on the atomic scale has its own charge or mass equivalent. For example, plutonium has a much greater mass than hydrogen. Therefore, in Einstein's equation, plutonium has more energy because it has more mass.
It was in the middle of my six-year investigation into NASA space-shuttle UFO phenomena when I realized that all of these UFOs appeared to be made of light. They were in the kind of state I knew was the only way to attain light speed and beyond. Spacecraft made of light -- how did they do it?
Suddenly I realized the quality light possessed that made it unique in contrast to ordinary mass or matter. Physicists discovered long ago that mass is both a particle and a wave -- particles are just moments of a wave's existence, in other words. Everything we know is in a particle-wave relationship. Planets are like giant particles that follow along waves (gravity orbits), which reveal the motion of the waves they travel in. Electrons spin around protons inside atoms the same way that planets spin around stars and suns, in a particle-wave relationship. On a small scale, light (photons/particles) travels also in waves and yet, as Einstein revealed, photons are both waves and particles at the same time. When particle physicists peer into component particles of atoms, the particles appear as squiggly waves, with no apparent particle appearance at all. This would mean that everything, at the subatomic level, is just waves.
All waves have frequency, and how frequently a wave vibrates per second can be measured. The unit for measuring the frequency of radio waves is hertz, after the 19th century physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. Light waves start as radio waves vibrating thousands of times per second, reaching billions of times per second in very high-frequency radio. Going even higher, we have light vibrating as TV waves, the microwaves and finally infrared radiation waves. Vibrating even higher is the visible light spectrum (the colors the human eye and brain can see): from the color red (vibrating more than a quadrillion waves per second) to orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet and then into the ultraviolet, the spectrum the human eye and brain cannot see. Going even farther are x-rays and then gamma rays, in which oscillations go far beyond an octillion waves per second, all the way toward a googol, a googolplex and infinity.
Suddenly I realized that the difference between mass and photons in the particle-wave relationship was that ordinary mass was in a state of very low-frequency waves. Planets and stars travel in very long and low-frequency waves, with such slow oscillations per second that they cannot even be measured -- perhaps the secret to identifying the mystery of gravity.
Contrary to most physicists, I believe that mass has an ultra-low charge, which I might be able to identify with a new wave-particle model I invented called a Galaxy Clock. The Galaxy Clock measure waves differently than an oscilloscope in that it only looks at waves in the way they actually appear -- in spirals or 3D. Oscilloscopes look at the number of peaks in a wave per second, a two-dimensional model that is not a reality. A Galaxy Clock measure light waves in oscillations or revolutions around the clock. Smaller oscillating waves orbit the Galaxy Clock faster per second than larger orbiting waves do; thus we determine frequency as it really appears in the wave-particle relationship.
Mass is in an ultralow-frequency wave state. Light is in an ultrahigh-frequency wave state. Therefore it dawned on me: What if mass -- or a spacecraft -- could be converted into light by raising its frequency to a state equal to light? What would happen then? On a Quantum level, photons (light waves) are born when electrons (lowest mass particle) start to oscillate at higher frequencies. This is easily demonstrated in Tesla coils, where we send electric current into a coil at 60 waves per second (hertz). When it goes through the coil, it oscillates at a much higher frequency, and light in the form of radio waves, TV waves and microwaves is born.
Watching the video of NASA mission number STS-75 (the 1996 mission), I was able to determine that many of the UFOs observed on that video were pulsing with energy waves. I studied the waves frame by frame and was able to see clear wave formations that I could measure on my Galaxy Clock. I found that the ETs were progressively pulsing their craft with a series of low-, medium- and ultrahigh-frequency waves of electro-magnetic energy. I could clearly see a progression of waves from low to high, the very signature I needed to identify to support my theory; that mass could be converted to light by raising its frequency. No thruster rocket engines of fire and fuel were propelling these UFOs, just these waves.
In theory, I could see what was happening: Essentially, the ETs were converting the mass of their spacecraft into light. Here was the very answer I was looking for and the only way for a spacecraft to attain light speed without proving Einstein wrong; mass cannot attain light speed, but zero mass can.
In 2001 I came across the work of a Canadian scientist and engineer, John Hutchison, who was pulsing steel and other mass objects with a series of low-, medium- and high-frequency radio waves generated by Tesla coils. Astoundingly, a seventy-five-pound steel cannonball started to levitate easily as it was pulsed by these waves. Here was the answer to the question of why so many UFOs could silently hover, with no signs of propulsion systems.
If giant UFOs are able to convert their heavy mass into light and it takes little energy in the form of propulsion to get it to light speed, NASA's mystery could be solved and the question of why we have a legitimate UFO phenomenon with no high-energy signal could be answered.
The UFOs are converting their mass into light by using high-frequency wave induction. Once these giant spacecraft are converted into light, they weigh nothing, and the energey required to go light speed now yields a very low Einsteinian energy signal.
Article excerpted from The Sedona Journal of Emergence by David Sereda
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