The following is a synopsis of a talk given by Wendelle Stevens March 27, 1999 at the Aztec 1999 UFO Symposium. He is the co-author of the book UFO Crash at Aztec along with William S. Steinman.
The book, UFO Crash at Aztec is the book that started the revival of the investigation of the landing near Aztec, New Mexico. Back in 1947 when it happened, the event began with a radar sighting of an alien vehicle in distress. It was descending at an angle that they could calculate. Helicopters were launched from the first IPU up at Camp Hale Army unit stationed there. The first Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit was based at Camp Hale. It served all the area west of the Mississippi.
To back up, I will explain how the book started. Bill Steinman picked up a copy of Frank Scully's Behind the Flying Saucers in a US bookstore sometime in the early to mid 1970's. Bill Steinman was a quality control inspector at the aircraft industrial plant in the Los Angeles area. He was a civil service employee, working for the government. He had about eighteen years tenure in his job, so he thought he had job security because in civil service rules, if you get eighteen years they assure you the last two years to a twenty year retirement plan even if you have to change jobs or take a lower job to do it. So he was quite comfortable in what he was doing at the time.
He became very curious about Scully's book mostly because of all the attacks on Frank Scully himself. Frank Scully was a good investigative reporter writing for the Hearst city newspapers. He was writing for Variety. He submitted an article for a couple of monthly magazines. When he got onto a story he stuck with it until he got all of the details.
Frank Scully met Silas Newton at the Sportsman's club where Silas Newton told him a little bit about the story of the crash at Aztec. When he picked up the Scully book at the bookstore he realized he now had in his hands a document describing what Silas Newton had mentioned to him. He read the book and made a lot of notes on the details in the book and became obsessed, over time, with the contents of the book and the attacks on Scully and why it was being suppressed. He took his summer vacation and came to Aztec to see what he could find.
He had prepared himself in this fashion. After reading the book and becoming very much interested in it, since Silas Newton was alive, he managed to locate Silas. Through Newton he got Scully's address and went to his home to talk to him. He found Scully had passed on by this time but Scully's wife was still living in the same household. She had a number of notes which Scully had collected in the preparation of his book Behind the Flying Saucers. Whenever you write a book you take material which fits the patterns which fit the theme of the book and try to make it all fit together. What doesn't really fit is put aside. So every book which is written has almost as much as is in the book set aside someplace which didn't quite fit the plan at the time. This was the case with Scully's book.
Alice Scully had a lot of Frank's notes and there was quite a bit more information in there. Frank Scully, in fact, had interviewed many of the scientists that handled the crash material. They were referred to as a collective "Mr. G" in Scully's book. This was to protect the identity of the real scientists that were directly involved. One of those was Silas Newton, another was Leo GeBauer, and there were several others. Dr. Carl A. Heiland, who has passed on now, was one of the scientists and there were others associated in the magnetics field of research.
When the residue from this crash at Aztec was recovered, they concluded from evidence in the residue that magnetics played a substantial part in its design and possibly its propulsion. So they took parts to the magnetics research department of the physics laboratory at the University of Colorado (I think it was) in Denver. Dr. Carl A. Heiland was the head of the magnetics department there.
How Newton got involved was through Mr. Leo GeBauer. Leo GeBauer was a self educated magnetics expert who didn't have any degrees or doctorates or anything like that. He was enough of an expert in magnetics that he participated with the English team attempting to adapt radar to new MAD gear (Magnetical Aero Detection ) that was to be mounted on aircraft to look for submarines underwater from airplanes. In fact, that worked. We had a whole fleet of MAD research aircraft that were looking for submarines underwater and found them.
Having worked with that project, GeBauer had ideas that could be further developed into something else more useful in a commercial way. By further modification, initiated by GeBauer and Carl Heiland, they developed an adaptation of the MAD gear to look through the ground to look for cavities in the soil. This was just a slight change from looking for submarines underwater. They needed to change their filters and their methods of reading. They did find they could reveal cavities underground. With more practice and more analysis and further refinement they could identify bodies underground. A cavity filled with oil, for instance, makes a different shadow from a cavity filled with gas or a cavity filled with coal or a mineral of some other kind. Over time they learned how to differentiate between the shadows and they could pretty accurately predict whether the cavity was an oil field cavity, gas field cavity, coal field cavity or something else.
That was the gear that Leo GeBauer had taken to Silas Newton who was an oil prospector from Texas. Newton was quite a successful oil prospector even before that. He was a multi-millionaire from his oil investments. Once he met GeBauer, who was designing this equipment and looking for somebody to test it with, he interested Newton and Newton provided the money to further refine it. He prospected a number of places. It began to sell searches, searches of suspected oil property to owners. They would use this equipment to find out if there were oil deposits under the property and how deep they were. In some cases they could tell. They were more than 80% successful though they did have some misreading where people drilled and got a dry well.
One of these people who got a dry well was eventually persuaded to file a fraud complaint with the government. The government took it from there and charged Silas Newton and Leo GeBauer with fraudulent dealings and fraudulent promises of finding oil for the prospective customers. They took it into court, got a conviction and they received prison sentences.
How they got the conviction was really strange and was typical of what goes on in this kind of business. The prosecuting attorney had agents, police officers and investigators searching GeBauer's and Newton's properties all over the place. They looked everywhere and they could not find the equipment that GeBauer and Newton were using because they had successfully stashed it, anticipating such a thing.
They charged them with the offence so it had to come to trial within a certain time period. Before that time expired, the government still had not found the mysterious black boxes. The prosecuting attorney sent another attorney to a military bone yard to buy up some black boxes which they then stacked on a table in front of the jury. The prosecuting attorney kept pointing to the black boxes and said, "They say these things will find oil. Well I can assure you that they can not find anything." And that was correct. They couldn't find anything with them because they were aircraft residue and had nothing to do with the radar systems at all. But that's how they got the convictions. And that's how GeBauer got the reputation of being a con man, and Silas Newton also.
I met Silas Newton through Harry Meyer, Sr., who was the science consultant for the Los Angeles Times. All strange phenomena were referred to Harry Meyer for consultations, to look into to see what he could find out. It was through the mysterious equipment that was finding oil that he met Silas Newton and he found Silas Newton to be a very personable man. He spent a lot of time with him and they became pretty good friends. They visited each other for some time so Harry Meyer knew Silas Newton quite well.
How I met him was this way. Harry Meyer was the father of a young military man who was a captain and our supply officer in our squadron at George Air Force Base in 1958. Young Harry Meyer, Jr. was holding weekly metaphysical discussions in his home in Victorville, California. I was interested in metaphysics. One of the times he invited me to come to the house to see what they were doing and I went. They were holding sessions with Richard Miller who was a voice channel.
Richard Miller was the man who was also channeling the same space entities that George Hunts Williamson was channeling. Now Mr. Meyer, senior, because of his experience (he was an older man in his 60's at the time and had examined a number of cults and a number of false claims and was pretty well known as an expert in the field) was sort of the moderator for the meetings being held at his son's home. He would drive up from North Hollywood where he lived to Victorville, about a three hour drive, to sit in on the meetings at his son's house. He would moderate questions on things that we didn't understand.
We were getting information from this discarnate voice that was coming through Richard Miller that none of us in the group knew anything about. Often Harry didn't know anything about it either but he would find out and come back.There were a number of remarkable things which developed there. One thing which came up was the crash that was recovered at Aztec, New Mexico. After that came up, the next time Harry Meyer, Sr. brought Silas Newton to the meeting so he could tell us what he knew about it. That was my first contact with him. I didn't know anything about Frank Scully at the time.
Frank Scully was consulting Silas Newton and using some of Silas Newton's advisors and scientists who were working with him and Leo GeBauer to gather information on the magnetics field associated with the crash residue as well as perfecting the mechanism they were using to find cavities in the ground.
After Bill Steinman became interested in the Scully case he took his vacation and went to Mr. Scully and other scientists first. Then the next year he took his vacation and came up here to Aztec, New Mexico. Using all the leads and information he had he quickly got to the Hart Canyon site. Once he was in the Hart Canyon area and nearby he started asking everybody he met what they knew about it. He found a man and wife that knew about the crash, that knew where it had come down. They took him to the site the first time and showed him where it had landed. There were big mesquite trees bent over, singed on one side, and had branches broken on another one. There was a spot where all the rocks in the area had a black upper surface for an area of about 200 feet in diameter. They said that's where it had come to rest. He made notes of that and took pictures of it.
He stayed in town and tried to get information from the newspaper but they had nothing. He went to the county Sheriff's office but the Sheriff had nothing. He talked to other people around town but nobody really knew anything about the crash that had been recovered years before. It took three days to get it all together, picked up and hauled away but nobody seemed to know anything about it.
Knowing the place where the impact happened he went to the owner of the property whose initials were H.D. but H.D. wouldn't talk to him at all. But his older daughter would answer some questions and not answer other questions. She was very evasive and she told him that if her father wouldn't talk that she shouldn't be talking either, that he was under some kind of promise of security. It meant a lot to him because it could effect his medical support, a pension he was getting, and several things.
So Bill Steinman, now knowing where it was and the property it was on, went to downtown Aztec to the courthouse and looked at the records for that piece of land. He found the records and he found that by the time he got here, they remembered that he'd made noise about this for a year already. People knew that he was investigating the crash at Aztec. When he got to the records office and they looked for that site there was an entry in the book showing that a rectangle in the middle of the H.D. ranch had been condemned and turned back to the Bureau of Land Management. He thought that was strange so he asked the recorder, an elderly lady there in the records office. She looked up the records and said, "I make all the entries in the records here. I've made them for thirty years and I didn't make that entry." There was a new entry in the books. So he noted that.
Bill Steinman was collecting notes like this all over the place and making notes to himself. Then he started writing them in a chronological pattern of his investigations and his discoveries. These are chapters 1-9 of that crash book. When he got that far, he had a lot of data and a lot of information. He decided that he ought to do something with it but publishing wasn't his field. He had read the Berlitz book The Roswell Incident so he went to Charles Berlitz' ghost writer, William Moore. At the time William Moore wrote The Roswell Incident he was not into UFO's at all. He lived up in Wisconsin and was an English language teacher at a high school. He was moonlighting as a ghost writer for various authors, one of whom was Charles Berlitz. At some point in time, Charles Berlitz brought a package of notes and information to William Moore to organize in a readable fashion. He hired Moore to write it up in a decent form which became The Roswell Incident.
If you remember, when the book first came out it showed the author, Charles Berlitz name in pretty sizable letters on the bottom half of the page. Underneath that it says in small letters it gave William Moore's name. The next reprint which came out showed Charles Berlitz and William Moore in the same size. It was a popular book and sold a lot of copies. Bill Moore fussed about not getting his share of recognition and his share of the proceeds from the book. The third time it was printed he had negotiated a new agreement with Berlitz and it read Charles Berlitz and William Moore in equal letters with Berlitz in white and Moore in red. I think the last printing shows that the book was written by William Moore with Charles Berlitz.
William Moore served in the intelligence services hoping always to get some fresh information from the inside which they kept promising but he never got. His name was out there associated with the crash at Roswell so Bill Steinman went to Bill Moore and offered him his notes to put into book form like The Roswell Incident. William Moore looked at him and said, "I don't believe any of that stuff. I haven't had a chance to investigate it myself. I've already done one book. As far as I'm concerned the only crash that ever happened was the one over at Roswell."
Bill Steinman was a little disenchanted at the reception and he took his notes and went home.Some time in here he had encountered the book, UFO Contact from Reticulum. When this young man, who was first an observer and then became a contactee, the first time he was aboard the alien spacecraft, which he photographed before he went aboard, when he asked the aliens aboard the craft during his abduction why him, they told him it was because they had a favor for him to do for them. The first response to his question of why him was that he was selected. He asked how and they said they had studied the life patterns of eleven other people besides William Herman and they had put all the data on those people in their computer system. The computer system called itself the Lexicon. It translated their ideas to ours and Lexicon means a word base. They had collected information on a dozen people including their education level, their social level, their history, the size of their families, their belief system (what religion they belonged to, what thoughts and ideas they had), where they worked and the kind of work they did, their knowledge in many fields. That was all put into this Lexicon and the Lexicon rationalized the bunch to find out which one could contribute the most new knowledge to the fund of knowledge of earth humanity by these extraterrestrial visitors that had picked Bill Herman up.
Bill Herman was the one that their society had authorized to have what they call direct observance with, which meant a physical contact, a face to face contact. They had Bill Herman aboard the craft, involuntarily abducted, scared the dickens out of him. After waking up on an examining table they invited him to take a tour of the ship with them. They showed him the control room, the navigation room. He asked about the power and they showed him power generating unit. They showed him scenes on the viewing screen aboard the craft of the control systems. He observed the features of the control cabin and saw the kind of instrumentation they seemed to have.His communicator spoke to him without opening his mouth, without moving his lips, it was telepathic. He thought he heard it like surround sound.
When he asked what he could do for them his escort said they had a problem that they thought he might be able to help them with. They had lost some of their craft in the western part of the his land due to what they first had considered hostile actions. They wanted him to intercede with his authorities to get permission for them to pick up the remains of the crafts and their bodies and take them back to their own society. He told them that he was nobody, that he didn't have any clout, no connections, that he couldn't do anything for them in that respect. He asked why they didn't do it themselves.
The little being, a little creature about four feet tall, a typical gray, said, "We tried. We sent an emissary to your authorities." He said they didn't listen to his request but instead tried to capture him. He successfully escaped in his vehicle and successfully took off and escaped from them without harm.
They said to him, "Your society is too belligerent to deal with. Your government, your authorities are too belligerent to deal with and we thought you might be able to make a representation from your level of understanding of the government and make them understand our wishes." He said he would do what he could but he didn't have any idea that he could help them in any way.
That was what Steinman read in the book. So now he had a confirmation that an alien society had lost vehicles in the western part of Bill Herman's land which is our country and particularly out here. In Steinman's mind the connection was with what he was doing. One of them might have been the crash here in Aztec. So he came to me with his notes and said, "What do you think of this?"I said, "Well I happen to have been collecting material on crashes ever since I got this information from the Reticulums." I said, "I have quite a collection of material that doesn't seem to fit too well."So he left me his chapters to read, which I did, and they fit very well. They fit so well that I didn't change anything in the first nine chapters. I left them just the way Bill Herman wrote them. He had them in hand written packs of yellow paper. I typed them up and as I did so I added a lot of footnotes and added from four to nine exhibits after each chapter. This was material I had collected which fit what was being collected in that particular chapter.
I prepared the lead-in parts for the book. It has three parts, a preface, an introduction and a forward. I wrote the preface first. After I had gone through all his material and had the book in final form I decided it was not enough. It told why he did it but some other things needed to be connected. So I then wrote an introduction to the whole story to try to explain how the data provided by William Steinman fit with material that I had collected over several years time myself. I explained that I would add additional material as an appendices. I ended up having eleven appendices, making the book twice as big, after I finished with the material furnished by Steinman. I wrote the conclusion, the three forward parts, the footnotes, the exhibits and all the appendices. That is my contribution to the book. But the basic story was all written and done by Bill Steinman.
I am here (in Aztec) in the place of William Steinman who was invited earlier. They tried to get him to come last year and he didn't make it and they tried to get him to come this year but he didn't. They finally got him to call in but he wouldn't tell where he was or give return telephone number and declined to come again this year. I'll tell you why.
First of all there was a lot of interference in putting the book out. I had previous experience with manuscripts being taken out of the mill so I knew that this happens and I knew that this was a sensitive subject. I had telephone calls about it warning me not to proceed, not to go any further with it. I ignored them. Nothing has ever happened to me.Bill Steinman has been turned down by William Moore and he has come to me and I have agreed to type the material up and submit it for him. We have it in final form with a camera ready copy and I have sent out dummy packages to three printers to see if they would go through it because I have had it taken out of the mill before. In this case none of the dummies arrived at their destination. So I knew that the postal system wouldn't work. Somebody is taking them out of the postal system.Next I went to UPS and I prepared another dummy package and mailed it to one of the printers. They record every movement, every time the package gets loaded or unloaded it gets checked. UPS loaded it onto one truck and it didn't come off that truck at its final destination for it to be broken down and distributed. They lost it some place in between and couldn't account for it. They started an internal search and to this day have not found what happened to that package. It just disappeared into thin air.We then tried Greyhound Parcel Service. You can send anything through the bus. This time we waited until just enough time to turn the package in before the bus left so that we could see what was happening to it. We stayed there until it was processed and loaded onto an outgoing bus. That package arrived. So I made one more attempt. I tried the mail again and this time I used Priority Mail and sent another dummy package to my friend Leo in Arizona. It only goes through one breakdown in Phoenix between Tucson to Pine Top. That package, to this day, has never arrived.So now I realize that I am being watched and I haven't produced the original camera ready copy yet which I didn't even hold. As I was putting it together with all the interference I had in doing this I decided it was not safe to keep it at home. As a matter of fact my home has been entered so many times while I was working on it that the agency broke their key off in my door one time and I had to get a lock smith to come and change the lock. It only took them one trip to get new keys to fit my doors. They were very careful. They didn't take money that I left out to tempt them. They didn't take anything but material pertaining to the chapters that I was writing and materials on this case right here. Those two cases. They did take original photographs out of my files from this case and they took some of the personal messages and notes that William Herman had written me in his own hand. I don't know what they took those for.I knew I was being watched. I also discovered that I had a radio pickup over my dining table. They could listen to anything said around the dining table and knowing that was there I suspected there were others. Before we discovered that one over the dining table my phones were swept by an expert company and they found a bug in the phone. They removed it. It was an AT&T device that was inserted into the hand held part of my telephone. We took it out and the agency which took it out took it with them. They got approached by a government agency warning that they were interfering with intelligence matters and that they could be prosecuted for such activity. They were forced to give the device back.
After that was taken out of my phone we still were getting clues that my conversations were being listened to and I would get feed back from them. I called them down again and this time they found the bug not in my house, not in the telephone but out in that little box out in the street in the alley behind the house. The tap was out there so we removed that one. This time we took it directly to AT&T and said, "You've lost something in the box out here behind my house. Its got your numbers on it and we want you to have it."It was a short time after that I was sitting out on my back porch and I leaned back in my chair and looked up. One of those ventilator panels on the side of my house under the eaves with the holes in it had been removed and put back. But it wasn't put back exactly in the same place and there were white lines where the paint had been broken by the removal and reinstallation. So I called my friend down again with his detector and he found there was field powered unit about the size of a cigarette laying along side the power line to the light over my dining table. Every time that light is turned on there is an active microphone up there. So we decided to leave it there and use it to our advantage.
At that point I'm sure there were others in my house so we never discussed anything like this in my house, always elsewhere. It was about around this time I became concerned about what was happening to the camera ready copy that I had typed up. I took it to Bob Deeds. He was Deputy Sheriff of the county. At the time he was a retired Senior Master Sergeant. He came to Tucson and he went to work for the Sheriff's department and rose in rank. He was a rather high ranking deputy by this time. He would come to my house in this deputy police car and we would discuss UFO things. He never allowed any of this discussion publicly because of his position but he was also the senior board member of Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization. They had five board members and he was the senior one. So I could talk with him because of his position in that role. I didn't get along too well with (Coral Lorenzen, head of APRO) because she had an abrasive personality and she was an alcoholic. However, I was given the keys to the office and he said I could let myself in. I would go down there and read the foreign UFO magazines since I didn't have any of my own and they had a pretty good file. I was keeping Bob updated on what I was doing most of the time. But I wouldn't tell her because she always argued about everything.
We couldn't get the camera ready manuscript to a printer. We tried to figure out what our next step could be. I had been discussing this experience with Bob all along. So Bob was holding the final manuscript, the camera ready copy in his possession. I didn't even know where he had it so that if someone tried to listen to what I was saying I wouldn't slip and give it away.
About this time Bob got a call from an old army buddy who had been transferred to the Air Force, gone through pilot training and had become a fighter pilot. He was flying from some base in Los Angeles across country, getting his cross country training flight. All pilots were required to get a minimum of four hours of flight per month to keep their flying status current. They usually are encouraged to take this on cross country's because they go through a lot of the normal procedures. So this guy had landed, called Bob, said he was in town and would like to get together with him and discuss old times. He suggested they meet at the restaurant at the Tucson airport. So they did and had lunch. As they were breaking and getting ready to leave the pilot pushed back his chair and stood up and said, "Look if there's ever anything I can ever do for you just let me know."Bob said, "Did you say you were going to Detroit?" Now I'm trying to get the manuscript to Ann Arbor, Michigan. That's the real destination for it and I can't get it there because all the dummies have gone another direction. So he said, "Yea."Bob said, "Could you contrive a fuel stop at Ann Arbor for me and drop a package?"He said, "Well I don't know why not."Bob said, "Come home with me. It is all ready and I want you to take it to an address I'll give you. You just land at Ann Arbor and take a taxi. I'll give you money for it. Take it to this address and give it to this man and be on your way and I'll be happy."So after all the interference by the government and government agencies, the government delivered the package to the printer in Ann Arbor, Michigan in an Air Force fighter jet airplane.
That's pretty much the history of this book, UFO Crash at Aztec. Its got a lot of information in it though its not well written.
Great story Wendelle! (as usual)
The book, UFO Crash at Aztec is the book that started the revival of the investigation of the landing near Aztec, New Mexico. Back in 1947 when it happened, the event began with a radar sighting of an alien vehicle in distress. It was descending at an angle that they could calculate. Helicopters were launched from the first IPU up at Camp Hale Army unit stationed there. The first Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit was based at Camp Hale. It served all the area west of the Mississippi.
To back up, I will explain how the book started. Bill Steinman picked up a copy of Frank Scully's Behind the Flying Saucers in a US bookstore sometime in the early to mid 1970's. Bill Steinman was a quality control inspector at the aircraft industrial plant in the Los Angeles area. He was a civil service employee, working for the government. He had about eighteen years tenure in his job, so he thought he had job security because in civil service rules, if you get eighteen years they assure you the last two years to a twenty year retirement plan even if you have to change jobs or take a lower job to do it. So he was quite comfortable in what he was doing at the time.
He became very curious about Scully's book mostly because of all the attacks on Frank Scully himself. Frank Scully was a good investigative reporter writing for the Hearst city newspapers. He was writing for Variety. He submitted an article for a couple of monthly magazines. When he got onto a story he stuck with it until he got all of the details.
Frank Scully met Silas Newton at the Sportsman's club where Silas Newton told him a little bit about the story of the crash at Aztec. When he picked up the Scully book at the bookstore he realized he now had in his hands a document describing what Silas Newton had mentioned to him. He read the book and made a lot of notes on the details in the book and became obsessed, over time, with the contents of the book and the attacks on Scully and why it was being suppressed. He took his summer vacation and came to Aztec to see what he could find.
He had prepared himself in this fashion. After reading the book and becoming very much interested in it, since Silas Newton was alive, he managed to locate Silas. Through Newton he got Scully's address and went to his home to talk to him. He found Scully had passed on by this time but Scully's wife was still living in the same household. She had a number of notes which Scully had collected in the preparation of his book Behind the Flying Saucers. Whenever you write a book you take material which fits the patterns which fit the theme of the book and try to make it all fit together. What doesn't really fit is put aside. So every book which is written has almost as much as is in the book set aside someplace which didn't quite fit the plan at the time. This was the case with Scully's book.
Alice Scully had a lot of Frank's notes and there was quite a bit more information in there. Frank Scully, in fact, had interviewed many of the scientists that handled the crash material. They were referred to as a collective "Mr. G" in Scully's book. This was to protect the identity of the real scientists that were directly involved. One of those was Silas Newton, another was Leo GeBauer, and there were several others. Dr. Carl A. Heiland, who has passed on now, was one of the scientists and there were others associated in the magnetics field of research.
When the residue from this crash at Aztec was recovered, they concluded from evidence in the residue that magnetics played a substantial part in its design and possibly its propulsion. So they took parts to the magnetics research department of the physics laboratory at the University of Colorado (I think it was) in Denver. Dr. Carl A. Heiland was the head of the magnetics department there.
How Newton got involved was through Mr. Leo GeBauer. Leo GeBauer was a self educated magnetics expert who didn't have any degrees or doctorates or anything like that. He was enough of an expert in magnetics that he participated with the English team attempting to adapt radar to new MAD gear (Magnetical Aero Detection ) that was to be mounted on aircraft to look for submarines underwater from airplanes. In fact, that worked. We had a whole fleet of MAD research aircraft that were looking for submarines underwater and found them.
Having worked with that project, GeBauer had ideas that could be further developed into something else more useful in a commercial way. By further modification, initiated by GeBauer and Carl Heiland, they developed an adaptation of the MAD gear to look through the ground to look for cavities in the soil. This was just a slight change from looking for submarines underwater. They needed to change their filters and their methods of reading. They did find they could reveal cavities underground. With more practice and more analysis and further refinement they could identify bodies underground. A cavity filled with oil, for instance, makes a different shadow from a cavity filled with gas or a cavity filled with coal or a mineral of some other kind. Over time they learned how to differentiate between the shadows and they could pretty accurately predict whether the cavity was an oil field cavity, gas field cavity, coal field cavity or something else.
That was the gear that Leo GeBauer had taken to Silas Newton who was an oil prospector from Texas. Newton was quite a successful oil prospector even before that. He was a multi-millionaire from his oil investments. Once he met GeBauer, who was designing this equipment and looking for somebody to test it with, he interested Newton and Newton provided the money to further refine it. He prospected a number of places. It began to sell searches, searches of suspected oil property to owners. They would use this equipment to find out if there were oil deposits under the property and how deep they were. In some cases they could tell. They were more than 80% successful though they did have some misreading where people drilled and got a dry well.
One of these people who got a dry well was eventually persuaded to file a fraud complaint with the government. The government took it from there and charged Silas Newton and Leo GeBauer with fraudulent dealings and fraudulent promises of finding oil for the prospective customers. They took it into court, got a conviction and they received prison sentences.
How they got the conviction was really strange and was typical of what goes on in this kind of business. The prosecuting attorney had agents, police officers and investigators searching GeBauer's and Newton's properties all over the place. They looked everywhere and they could not find the equipment that GeBauer and Newton were using because they had successfully stashed it, anticipating such a thing.
They charged them with the offence so it had to come to trial within a certain time period. Before that time expired, the government still had not found the mysterious black boxes. The prosecuting attorney sent another attorney to a military bone yard to buy up some black boxes which they then stacked on a table in front of the jury. The prosecuting attorney kept pointing to the black boxes and said, "They say these things will find oil. Well I can assure you that they can not find anything." And that was correct. They couldn't find anything with them because they were aircraft residue and had nothing to do with the radar systems at all. But that's how they got the convictions. And that's how GeBauer got the reputation of being a con man, and Silas Newton also.
I met Silas Newton through Harry Meyer, Sr., who was the science consultant for the Los Angeles Times. All strange phenomena were referred to Harry Meyer for consultations, to look into to see what he could find out. It was through the mysterious equipment that was finding oil that he met Silas Newton and he found Silas Newton to be a very personable man. He spent a lot of time with him and they became pretty good friends. They visited each other for some time so Harry Meyer knew Silas Newton quite well.
How I met him was this way. Harry Meyer was the father of a young military man who was a captain and our supply officer in our squadron at George Air Force Base in 1958. Young Harry Meyer, Jr. was holding weekly metaphysical discussions in his home in Victorville, California. I was interested in metaphysics. One of the times he invited me to come to the house to see what they were doing and I went. They were holding sessions with Richard Miller who was a voice channel.
Richard Miller was the man who was also channeling the same space entities that George Hunts Williamson was channeling. Now Mr. Meyer, senior, because of his experience (he was an older man in his 60's at the time and had examined a number of cults and a number of false claims and was pretty well known as an expert in the field) was sort of the moderator for the meetings being held at his son's home. He would drive up from North Hollywood where he lived to Victorville, about a three hour drive, to sit in on the meetings at his son's house. He would moderate questions on things that we didn't understand.
We were getting information from this discarnate voice that was coming through Richard Miller that none of us in the group knew anything about. Often Harry didn't know anything about it either but he would find out and come back.There were a number of remarkable things which developed there. One thing which came up was the crash that was recovered at Aztec, New Mexico. After that came up, the next time Harry Meyer, Sr. brought Silas Newton to the meeting so he could tell us what he knew about it. That was my first contact with him. I didn't know anything about Frank Scully at the time.
Frank Scully was consulting Silas Newton and using some of Silas Newton's advisors and scientists who were working with him and Leo GeBauer to gather information on the magnetics field associated with the crash residue as well as perfecting the mechanism they were using to find cavities in the ground.
After Bill Steinman became interested in the Scully case he took his vacation and went to Mr. Scully and other scientists first. Then the next year he took his vacation and came up here to Aztec, New Mexico. Using all the leads and information he had he quickly got to the Hart Canyon site. Once he was in the Hart Canyon area and nearby he started asking everybody he met what they knew about it. He found a man and wife that knew about the crash, that knew where it had come down. They took him to the site the first time and showed him where it had landed. There were big mesquite trees bent over, singed on one side, and had branches broken on another one. There was a spot where all the rocks in the area had a black upper surface for an area of about 200 feet in diameter. They said that's where it had come to rest. He made notes of that and took pictures of it.
He stayed in town and tried to get information from the newspaper but they had nothing. He went to the county Sheriff's office but the Sheriff had nothing. He talked to other people around town but nobody really knew anything about the crash that had been recovered years before. It took three days to get it all together, picked up and hauled away but nobody seemed to know anything about it.
Knowing the place where the impact happened he went to the owner of the property whose initials were H.D. but H.D. wouldn't talk to him at all. But his older daughter would answer some questions and not answer other questions. She was very evasive and she told him that if her father wouldn't talk that she shouldn't be talking either, that he was under some kind of promise of security. It meant a lot to him because it could effect his medical support, a pension he was getting, and several things.
So Bill Steinman, now knowing where it was and the property it was on, went to downtown Aztec to the courthouse and looked at the records for that piece of land. He found the records and he found that by the time he got here, they remembered that he'd made noise about this for a year already. People knew that he was investigating the crash at Aztec. When he got to the records office and they looked for that site there was an entry in the book showing that a rectangle in the middle of the H.D. ranch had been condemned and turned back to the Bureau of Land Management. He thought that was strange so he asked the recorder, an elderly lady there in the records office. She looked up the records and said, "I make all the entries in the records here. I've made them for thirty years and I didn't make that entry." There was a new entry in the books. So he noted that.
Bill Steinman was collecting notes like this all over the place and making notes to himself. Then he started writing them in a chronological pattern of his investigations and his discoveries. These are chapters 1-9 of that crash book. When he got that far, he had a lot of data and a lot of information. He decided that he ought to do something with it but publishing wasn't his field. He had read the Berlitz book The Roswell Incident so he went to Charles Berlitz' ghost writer, William Moore. At the time William Moore wrote The Roswell Incident he was not into UFO's at all. He lived up in Wisconsin and was an English language teacher at a high school. He was moonlighting as a ghost writer for various authors, one of whom was Charles Berlitz. At some point in time, Charles Berlitz brought a package of notes and information to William Moore to organize in a readable fashion. He hired Moore to write it up in a decent form which became The Roswell Incident.
If you remember, when the book first came out it showed the author, Charles Berlitz name in pretty sizable letters on the bottom half of the page. Underneath that it says in small letters it gave William Moore's name. The next reprint which came out showed Charles Berlitz and William Moore in the same size. It was a popular book and sold a lot of copies. Bill Moore fussed about not getting his share of recognition and his share of the proceeds from the book. The third time it was printed he had negotiated a new agreement with Berlitz and it read Charles Berlitz and William Moore in equal letters with Berlitz in white and Moore in red. I think the last printing shows that the book was written by William Moore with Charles Berlitz.
William Moore served in the intelligence services hoping always to get some fresh information from the inside which they kept promising but he never got. His name was out there associated with the crash at Roswell so Bill Steinman went to Bill Moore and offered him his notes to put into book form like The Roswell Incident. William Moore looked at him and said, "I don't believe any of that stuff. I haven't had a chance to investigate it myself. I've already done one book. As far as I'm concerned the only crash that ever happened was the one over at Roswell."
Bill Steinman was a little disenchanted at the reception and he took his notes and went home.Some time in here he had encountered the book, UFO Contact from Reticulum. When this young man, who was first an observer and then became a contactee, the first time he was aboard the alien spacecraft, which he photographed before he went aboard, when he asked the aliens aboard the craft during his abduction why him, they told him it was because they had a favor for him to do for them. The first response to his question of why him was that he was selected. He asked how and they said they had studied the life patterns of eleven other people besides William Herman and they had put all the data on those people in their computer system. The computer system called itself the Lexicon. It translated their ideas to ours and Lexicon means a word base. They had collected information on a dozen people including their education level, their social level, their history, the size of their families, their belief system (what religion they belonged to, what thoughts and ideas they had), where they worked and the kind of work they did, their knowledge in many fields. That was all put into this Lexicon and the Lexicon rationalized the bunch to find out which one could contribute the most new knowledge to the fund of knowledge of earth humanity by these extraterrestrial visitors that had picked Bill Herman up.
Bill Herman was the one that their society had authorized to have what they call direct observance with, which meant a physical contact, a face to face contact. They had Bill Herman aboard the craft, involuntarily abducted, scared the dickens out of him. After waking up on an examining table they invited him to take a tour of the ship with them. They showed him the control room, the navigation room. He asked about the power and they showed him power generating unit. They showed him scenes on the viewing screen aboard the craft of the control systems. He observed the features of the control cabin and saw the kind of instrumentation they seemed to have.His communicator spoke to him without opening his mouth, without moving his lips, it was telepathic. He thought he heard it like surround sound.
When he asked what he could do for them his escort said they had a problem that they thought he might be able to help them with. They had lost some of their craft in the western part of the his land due to what they first had considered hostile actions. They wanted him to intercede with his authorities to get permission for them to pick up the remains of the crafts and their bodies and take them back to their own society. He told them that he was nobody, that he didn't have any clout, no connections, that he couldn't do anything for them in that respect. He asked why they didn't do it themselves.
The little being, a little creature about four feet tall, a typical gray, said, "We tried. We sent an emissary to your authorities." He said they didn't listen to his request but instead tried to capture him. He successfully escaped in his vehicle and successfully took off and escaped from them without harm.
They said to him, "Your society is too belligerent to deal with. Your government, your authorities are too belligerent to deal with and we thought you might be able to make a representation from your level of understanding of the government and make them understand our wishes." He said he would do what he could but he didn't have any idea that he could help them in any way.
That was what Steinman read in the book. So now he had a confirmation that an alien society had lost vehicles in the western part of Bill Herman's land which is our country and particularly out here. In Steinman's mind the connection was with what he was doing. One of them might have been the crash here in Aztec. So he came to me with his notes and said, "What do you think of this?"I said, "Well I happen to have been collecting material on crashes ever since I got this information from the Reticulums." I said, "I have quite a collection of material that doesn't seem to fit too well."So he left me his chapters to read, which I did, and they fit very well. They fit so well that I didn't change anything in the first nine chapters. I left them just the way Bill Herman wrote them. He had them in hand written packs of yellow paper. I typed them up and as I did so I added a lot of footnotes and added from four to nine exhibits after each chapter. This was material I had collected which fit what was being collected in that particular chapter.
I prepared the lead-in parts for the book. It has three parts, a preface, an introduction and a forward. I wrote the preface first. After I had gone through all his material and had the book in final form I decided it was not enough. It told why he did it but some other things needed to be connected. So I then wrote an introduction to the whole story to try to explain how the data provided by William Steinman fit with material that I had collected over several years time myself. I explained that I would add additional material as an appendices. I ended up having eleven appendices, making the book twice as big, after I finished with the material furnished by Steinman. I wrote the conclusion, the three forward parts, the footnotes, the exhibits and all the appendices. That is my contribution to the book. But the basic story was all written and done by Bill Steinman.
I am here (in Aztec) in the place of William Steinman who was invited earlier. They tried to get him to come last year and he didn't make it and they tried to get him to come this year but he didn't. They finally got him to call in but he wouldn't tell where he was or give return telephone number and declined to come again this year. I'll tell you why.
First of all there was a lot of interference in putting the book out. I had previous experience with manuscripts being taken out of the mill so I knew that this happens and I knew that this was a sensitive subject. I had telephone calls about it warning me not to proceed, not to go any further with it. I ignored them. Nothing has ever happened to me.Bill Steinman has been turned down by William Moore and he has come to me and I have agreed to type the material up and submit it for him. We have it in final form with a camera ready copy and I have sent out dummy packages to three printers to see if they would go through it because I have had it taken out of the mill before. In this case none of the dummies arrived at their destination. So I knew that the postal system wouldn't work. Somebody is taking them out of the postal system.Next I went to UPS and I prepared another dummy package and mailed it to one of the printers. They record every movement, every time the package gets loaded or unloaded it gets checked. UPS loaded it onto one truck and it didn't come off that truck at its final destination for it to be broken down and distributed. They lost it some place in between and couldn't account for it. They started an internal search and to this day have not found what happened to that package. It just disappeared into thin air.We then tried Greyhound Parcel Service. You can send anything through the bus. This time we waited until just enough time to turn the package in before the bus left so that we could see what was happening to it. We stayed there until it was processed and loaded onto an outgoing bus. That package arrived. So I made one more attempt. I tried the mail again and this time I used Priority Mail and sent another dummy package to my friend Leo in Arizona. It only goes through one breakdown in Phoenix between Tucson to Pine Top. That package, to this day, has never arrived.So now I realize that I am being watched and I haven't produced the original camera ready copy yet which I didn't even hold. As I was putting it together with all the interference I had in doing this I decided it was not safe to keep it at home. As a matter of fact my home has been entered so many times while I was working on it that the agency broke their key off in my door one time and I had to get a lock smith to come and change the lock. It only took them one trip to get new keys to fit my doors. They were very careful. They didn't take money that I left out to tempt them. They didn't take anything but material pertaining to the chapters that I was writing and materials on this case right here. Those two cases. They did take original photographs out of my files from this case and they took some of the personal messages and notes that William Herman had written me in his own hand. I don't know what they took those for.I knew I was being watched. I also discovered that I had a radio pickup over my dining table. They could listen to anything said around the dining table and knowing that was there I suspected there were others. Before we discovered that one over the dining table my phones were swept by an expert company and they found a bug in the phone. They removed it. It was an AT&T device that was inserted into the hand held part of my telephone. We took it out and the agency which took it out took it with them. They got approached by a government agency warning that they were interfering with intelligence matters and that they could be prosecuted for such activity. They were forced to give the device back.
After that was taken out of my phone we still were getting clues that my conversations were being listened to and I would get feed back from them. I called them down again and this time they found the bug not in my house, not in the telephone but out in that little box out in the street in the alley behind the house. The tap was out there so we removed that one. This time we took it directly to AT&T and said, "You've lost something in the box out here behind my house. Its got your numbers on it and we want you to have it."It was a short time after that I was sitting out on my back porch and I leaned back in my chair and looked up. One of those ventilator panels on the side of my house under the eaves with the holes in it had been removed and put back. But it wasn't put back exactly in the same place and there were white lines where the paint had been broken by the removal and reinstallation. So I called my friend down again with his detector and he found there was field powered unit about the size of a cigarette laying along side the power line to the light over my dining table. Every time that light is turned on there is an active microphone up there. So we decided to leave it there and use it to our advantage.
At that point I'm sure there were others in my house so we never discussed anything like this in my house, always elsewhere. It was about around this time I became concerned about what was happening to the camera ready copy that I had typed up. I took it to Bob Deeds. He was Deputy Sheriff of the county. At the time he was a retired Senior Master Sergeant. He came to Tucson and he went to work for the Sheriff's department and rose in rank. He was a rather high ranking deputy by this time. He would come to my house in this deputy police car and we would discuss UFO things. He never allowed any of this discussion publicly because of his position but he was also the senior board member of Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization. They had five board members and he was the senior one. So I could talk with him because of his position in that role. I didn't get along too well with (Coral Lorenzen, head of APRO) because she had an abrasive personality and she was an alcoholic. However, I was given the keys to the office and he said I could let myself in. I would go down there and read the foreign UFO magazines since I didn't have any of my own and they had a pretty good file. I was keeping Bob updated on what I was doing most of the time. But I wouldn't tell her because she always argued about everything.
We couldn't get the camera ready manuscript to a printer. We tried to figure out what our next step could be. I had been discussing this experience with Bob all along. So Bob was holding the final manuscript, the camera ready copy in his possession. I didn't even know where he had it so that if someone tried to listen to what I was saying I wouldn't slip and give it away.
About this time Bob got a call from an old army buddy who had been transferred to the Air Force, gone through pilot training and had become a fighter pilot. He was flying from some base in Los Angeles across country, getting his cross country training flight. All pilots were required to get a minimum of four hours of flight per month to keep their flying status current. They usually are encouraged to take this on cross country's because they go through a lot of the normal procedures. So this guy had landed, called Bob, said he was in town and would like to get together with him and discuss old times. He suggested they meet at the restaurant at the Tucson airport. So they did and had lunch. As they were breaking and getting ready to leave the pilot pushed back his chair and stood up and said, "Look if there's ever anything I can ever do for you just let me know."Bob said, "Did you say you were going to Detroit?" Now I'm trying to get the manuscript to Ann Arbor, Michigan. That's the real destination for it and I can't get it there because all the dummies have gone another direction. So he said, "Yea."Bob said, "Could you contrive a fuel stop at Ann Arbor for me and drop a package?"He said, "Well I don't know why not."Bob said, "Come home with me. It is all ready and I want you to take it to an address I'll give you. You just land at Ann Arbor and take a taxi. I'll give you money for it. Take it to this address and give it to this man and be on your way and I'll be happy."So after all the interference by the government and government agencies, the government delivered the package to the printer in Ann Arbor, Michigan in an Air Force fighter jet airplane.
That's pretty much the history of this book, UFO Crash at Aztec. Its got a lot of information in it though its not well written.
Great story Wendelle! (as usual)
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