An extraordinary event occurred in my life a little over thirty years ago. At the time, I lived aboard a sailboat, a forty-seven-foot trimaran. This modern three-hulled vessel had been built by my partner and me in Portland, Oregon, and sailed down the Oregon-California coast in the spring of 1968. After several months in San Diego, California, we sailed on to Hawaii, a voyage of over twenty-four hundred miles. This sailboat was our home for over two years.
Early one morning just a couple of minutes after five a.m., I looked out the open skylight from my bunk at the beautiful early morning sky. The sailboat was tied to a dock in the Alawi Yacht Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. I had gotten up a littler earlier, dressed, made coffee, and then returned to stretch out on my bunk. My mind was filled with the events of the coming day. My partner and I had just sold the boat, and the new owner would take possession within a few hours.
Suddenly, I experienced a dazzling array of shimmering light followed by an intense tingling of energy, which filled the entire stateroom and engulfed me. My entire body began to vibrate as a beautiful woman materialized in the walkway right next to my bed. My first reaction was, of course, to believe that I was dreaming or perhaps hallucinating. She spoke to me and took my hand. In a matter of moments, I came to understand that she was real and much more alive than I. The energy aura that she emanated made my entire being vibrate at a level that could only be described as ecstasy. I asked, "Why have you come to visit me?" She replied, "Myself and others like me are friends, and we want you to come to a very important briefing." Moments after agreeing to go with her, an unparalleled series of events occurred.
First, I was teleported to New York City. I then boarded a saucer-like spacecraft and was transported to an extraterrestrial location for the briefing. The extraterrestrials orchestrated the briefing to give me and about fifty other guests a glimpse of Earth's history. They also showed us a dramatic and vivid view of humankind's potential destiny. After the briefing, I was asked to undertake a mission. I agreed to publish a story about my experience and to place an ad in a major newspaper, saying simply, If you have the spirit of adventure and are willing to work, come sail with us.
Upon returning to the sailboat, I realized that only thirty-three minutes had passed. However, from my personal perspective, it seemed like many unhurried hours had been spent with these incredible beings. To this day I remain convinced that the series of events were real and not a dream or delusion.
Of course, there is more to my experience than I have written in this brief account. Much of it is contained within the SafeSpace book which I published in 2003. Some of that story is fact, and some of it is fiction. If you attended this briefing or a similar one, or if you would simply like to help make a Safespace possible, I would like to hear from you. I can be contacted on the web at
Robert D. Miles
October 2006
New documentary film ‘Fastwalkers’ on UFOs, ETs premieres in Phoenix
Steve Hammons has worked as a journalist, editor, counselor, juvenile probation peace officer, public safety urgent response specialist, teacher, instructor and U.S. Government researcher. He graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, with studies in communications (journalism focus) and health education (psychology focus). Hammons’ two novels tell the story of a U.S. intelligence and joint-service military research team investigating emerging special topics. MISSION INTO LIGHT and the sequel LIGHT'S HAND introduce readers to the ten women and men of the "Joint Reconnaissance Study Group," their adventures exploring the unknown and their missions to help create a better world. Hammons recently completed a movie screenplay combining both novels. Visit the books' home page via the link below:
For those of you who have not seen the film "Fast Walkers" Steve Hammons attended a showing last evening and this is his write up about it. Thanks Steve!
author's web site
Steve Hammons
February 22, 2007
PHOENIX, ARIZONA – On February 21, 2007, Phoenix was again the location of an extraordinary event associated with UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors.
This time, it was the Phoenix premier of the new documentary film FASTWALKERS.
The film proved to be a fascinating, thorough and comprehensive overview of many major aspects of the UFO and alleged extraterrestrial visitation phenomena.
At the Phoenix premiere, FASTWALKERS was shown to an audience of invited guests and the general public.
Producer Robert Miles and director Anthony T. Miles were present and spoke to the audience as they introduced the movie.
Some of the experts, researchers and witnesses interviewed in FASTWALKERS were also present including UFO/ET disclosure advocate Steve Bassett, Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean (U.S. Army, ret.) and aerospace engineer Alan G. Toleman.
A question and answer session after the film with them provided additional insight for the audience.
The movie was filmed, edited and mastered in high-definition and the photos and film footage in FASTWALKERS provide convincing evidence that something very interesting seems to be occurring.
This film is at once a mysterious adventure, a straightforward educational tool, an insightful “open source intelligence” asset and an enjoyable movie experience.
The term “Fastwalker” is a code word that was created by the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) in reference to unusual and extremely high-speed objects caught on camera and radar that are “unknowns.”
From NORAD’s underground Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, site approximately 500 Fastwalkers are reportedly tracked yearly.
In FASTWALKERS, leading experts in the field of research on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation tell about the information and insight they have gained from years of investigation into these unusual circumstances.
Dozens of researchers and witnesses were interviewed for the film.
As the audience watched the movie premiere, they heard the many accounts from military personnel, airline pilots, investigators and others about fascinating incidents and evidence involving UFOs and ET encounters.
This movie provides a broad and deep overview, along with intriguing specifics. Particular sightings from all over the world are documented.
Events from human history are also examined in the context of extraterrestrial visitation.
Did ancient human cultures have UFO-related experiences? And has human development been influenced by ETs? What are the spiritual aspects involved?
What does the general public have “need to know” about the UFO/ET situation? This is one of the main questions addressed in the film.
Are the visitors from other planets, other dimensions or both? Are they friendly, hostile, indifferent? Do they want to save us from nuclear war, destruction of planet Earth and keep the human species going? These important questions are also explored from many angles in the movie.
And how many kinds of these visitors are “insiders” aware of? The surprising figure of possibly 50 or more kinds of ET races visiting Earth now and in the past is put forward.
The film looks at reports of “Grays,” “Tall Whites,” “Reptilians,” and those that are so like Earth humans that we could sit next to them and not realize they are from another planet or dimension.
Advocates for disclosure of information about this situation present their case in the film. They explain their ideas for ending the secrecy that has surrounded the UFO phenomena since at least the 1940s.
And those who promote "Exopolitics," cultural and psychological diplomacy with ET visitors, also persuade us that it may be time to face this reality with a practical approach that will take us forward.
Through the testimony of many highly credible eyewitnesses, viewers of this film may find that their lingering doubts about UFOs and ET visitation may be fading away. So, where do we go from here?
Many of the people in the film encourage us to face the fact of these circumstances with clarity and courage. Some strongly insist that the secrecy may be destructive to us at this time because new energy sources and other advances can help the human race at this crucial point in our history.
While some reasons for the secrecy, such as after the alleged Roswell crashes in 1947, may have had legitimate national security purposes, other aspects of the cover-up may be less noble, according to some of the researchers in the film.
Fear of public panic or disruption of human society may have been valid at one time, but now, maybe we can handle the truth and make this situation work in our favor, some investigators claim.
Another reason for secrecy that was explored in the film involves the familiar and reasonable explanation that the U.S. and other nations may have been attempting to acquire advanced technology from extraterrestrial visitors. Keeping the lid on these classified “black” activities protected important national security projects.
But who makes these decisions? This question is asked in the film and many possible answers are put forth. Certainly some of those in the militaries of the U.S. and other nations have access to parts of this information and these operations. Intelligence agencies obviously are also involved.
U.S. presidents and other government officials may or may not have had opportunities to learn about details of this situation or to modify related policies and operations.
Most likely, as many researchers claim, the gradual and safe process of disclosure is moving forward on many fronts and people around the world are being slowly brought into the loop about these mysterious circumstances.
FASTWALKERS is itself part of a solution to secrecy and confusion about UFOs and ETs.
The film helps greatly in providing solid information and insight. It also prepares us for the continuing emerging information that is steadily surfacing at this time.
Through projects like FASTWALKERS and the many dedicated people and efforts that are ongoing, maybe the human race will keeping going forward to a future full of exploration, discovery and progress.
FASTWALKERS is available on DVD. For more information, visit
Yesterday a friend from Canada told me about the demise of Graham Conway. I was so sad to hear that because Graham was a friend of mine. Graham was the one who named my magazine I published for 14 years, "The Missing Link". He also attended our convention we had every year here in Seattle, the Jorpah. A great researcher has left us and the world of UFOlogy will be sadder because of it.
Robert D. Miles
Used with permission
“My UFO Experience”
Used with permission
“My UFO Experience”
An extraordinary event occurred in my life a little over thirty years ago. At the time, I lived aboard a sailboat, a forty-seven-foot trimaran. This modern three-hulled vessel had been built by my partner and me in Portland, Oregon, and sailed down the Oregon-California coast in the spring of 1968. After several months in San Diego, California, we sailed on to Hawaii, a voyage of over twenty-four hundred miles. This sailboat was our home for over two years.
Early one morning just a couple of minutes after five a.m., I looked out the open skylight from my bunk at the beautiful early morning sky. The sailboat was tied to a dock in the Alawi Yacht Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. I had gotten up a littler earlier, dressed, made coffee, and then returned to stretch out on my bunk. My mind was filled with the events of the coming day. My partner and I had just sold the boat, and the new owner would take possession within a few hours.
Suddenly, I experienced a dazzling array of shimmering light followed by an intense tingling of energy, which filled the entire stateroom and engulfed me. My entire body began to vibrate as a beautiful woman materialized in the walkway right next to my bed. My first reaction was, of course, to believe that I was dreaming or perhaps hallucinating. She spoke to me and took my hand. In a matter of moments, I came to understand that she was real and much more alive than I. The energy aura that she emanated made my entire being vibrate at a level that could only be described as ecstasy. I asked, "Why have you come to visit me?" She replied, "Myself and others like me are friends, and we want you to come to a very important briefing." Moments after agreeing to go with her, an unparalleled series of events occurred.
First, I was teleported to New York City. I then boarded a saucer-like spacecraft and was transported to an extraterrestrial location for the briefing. The extraterrestrials orchestrated the briefing to give me and about fifty other guests a glimpse of Earth's history. They also showed us a dramatic and vivid view of humankind's potential destiny. After the briefing, I was asked to undertake a mission. I agreed to publish a story about my experience and to place an ad in a major newspaper, saying simply, If you have the spirit of adventure and are willing to work, come sail with us.
Upon returning to the sailboat, I realized that only thirty-three minutes had passed. However, from my personal perspective, it seemed like many unhurried hours had been spent with these incredible beings. To this day I remain convinced that the series of events were real and not a dream or delusion.
Of course, there is more to my experience than I have written in this brief account. Much of it is contained within the SafeSpace book which I published in 2003. Some of that story is fact, and some of it is fiction. If you attended this briefing or a similar one, or if you would simply like to help make a Safespace possible, I would like to hear from you. I can be contacted on the web at
Robert D. Miles
October 2006
New documentary film ‘Fastwalkers’ on UFOs, ETs premieres in Phoenix
Steve Hammons has worked as a journalist, editor, counselor, juvenile probation peace officer, public safety urgent response specialist, teacher, instructor and U.S. Government researcher. He graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, with studies in communications (journalism focus) and health education (psychology focus). Hammons’ two novels tell the story of a U.S. intelligence and joint-service military research team investigating emerging special topics. MISSION INTO LIGHT and the sequel LIGHT'S HAND introduce readers to the ten women and men of the "Joint Reconnaissance Study Group," their adventures exploring the unknown and their missions to help create a better world. Hammons recently completed a movie screenplay combining both novels. Visit the books' home page via the link below:
For those of you who have not seen the film "Fast Walkers" Steve Hammons attended a showing last evening and this is his write up about it. Thanks Steve!
author's web site
Steve Hammons
February 22, 2007
PHOENIX, ARIZONA – On February 21, 2007, Phoenix was again the location of an extraordinary event associated with UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors.
This time, it was the Phoenix premier of the new documentary film FASTWALKERS.
The film proved to be a fascinating, thorough and comprehensive overview of many major aspects of the UFO and alleged extraterrestrial visitation phenomena.
At the Phoenix premiere, FASTWALKERS was shown to an audience of invited guests and the general public.
Producer Robert Miles and director Anthony T. Miles were present and spoke to the audience as they introduced the movie.
Some of the experts, researchers and witnesses interviewed in FASTWALKERS were also present including UFO/ET disclosure advocate Steve Bassett, Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean (U.S. Army, ret.) and aerospace engineer Alan G. Toleman.
A question and answer session after the film with them provided additional insight for the audience.
The movie was filmed, edited and mastered in high-definition and the photos and film footage in FASTWALKERS provide convincing evidence that something very interesting seems to be occurring.
This film is at once a mysterious adventure, a straightforward educational tool, an insightful “open source intelligence” asset and an enjoyable movie experience.
The term “Fastwalker” is a code word that was created by the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) in reference to unusual and extremely high-speed objects caught on camera and radar that are “unknowns.”
From NORAD’s underground Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, site approximately 500 Fastwalkers are reportedly tracked yearly.
In FASTWALKERS, leading experts in the field of research on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation tell about the information and insight they have gained from years of investigation into these unusual circumstances.
Dozens of researchers and witnesses were interviewed for the film.
As the audience watched the movie premiere, they heard the many accounts from military personnel, airline pilots, investigators and others about fascinating incidents and evidence involving UFOs and ET encounters.
This movie provides a broad and deep overview, along with intriguing specifics. Particular sightings from all over the world are documented.
Events from human history are also examined in the context of extraterrestrial visitation.
Did ancient human cultures have UFO-related experiences? And has human development been influenced by ETs? What are the spiritual aspects involved?
What does the general public have “need to know” about the UFO/ET situation? This is one of the main questions addressed in the film.
Are the visitors from other planets, other dimensions or both? Are they friendly, hostile, indifferent? Do they want to save us from nuclear war, destruction of planet Earth and keep the human species going? These important questions are also explored from many angles in the movie.
And how many kinds of these visitors are “insiders” aware of? The surprising figure of possibly 50 or more kinds of ET races visiting Earth now and in the past is put forward.
The film looks at reports of “Grays,” “Tall Whites,” “Reptilians,” and those that are so like Earth humans that we could sit next to them and not realize they are from another planet or dimension.
Advocates for disclosure of information about this situation present their case in the film. They explain their ideas for ending the secrecy that has surrounded the UFO phenomena since at least the 1940s.
And those who promote "Exopolitics," cultural and psychological diplomacy with ET visitors, also persuade us that it may be time to face this reality with a practical approach that will take us forward.
Through the testimony of many highly credible eyewitnesses, viewers of this film may find that their lingering doubts about UFOs and ET visitation may be fading away. So, where do we go from here?
Many of the people in the film encourage us to face the fact of these circumstances with clarity and courage. Some strongly insist that the secrecy may be destructive to us at this time because new energy sources and other advances can help the human race at this crucial point in our history.
While some reasons for the secrecy, such as after the alleged Roswell crashes in 1947, may have had legitimate national security purposes, other aspects of the cover-up may be less noble, according to some of the researchers in the film.
Fear of public panic or disruption of human society may have been valid at one time, but now, maybe we can handle the truth and make this situation work in our favor, some investigators claim.
Another reason for secrecy that was explored in the film involves the familiar and reasonable explanation that the U.S. and other nations may have been attempting to acquire advanced technology from extraterrestrial visitors. Keeping the lid on these classified “black” activities protected important national security projects.
But who makes these decisions? This question is asked in the film and many possible answers are put forth. Certainly some of those in the militaries of the U.S. and other nations have access to parts of this information and these operations. Intelligence agencies obviously are also involved.
U.S. presidents and other government officials may or may not have had opportunities to learn about details of this situation or to modify related policies and operations.
Most likely, as many researchers claim, the gradual and safe process of disclosure is moving forward on many fronts and people around the world are being slowly brought into the loop about these mysterious circumstances.
FASTWALKERS is itself part of a solution to secrecy and confusion about UFOs and ETs.
The film helps greatly in providing solid information and insight. It also prepares us for the continuing emerging information that is steadily surfacing at this time.
Through projects like FASTWALKERS and the many dedicated people and efforts that are ongoing, maybe the human race will keeping going forward to a future full of exploration, discovery and progress.
FASTWALKERS is available on DVD. For more information, visit
Yesterday a friend from Canada told me about the demise of Graham Conway. I was so sad to hear that because Graham was a friend of mine. Graham was the one who named my magazine I published for 14 years, "The Missing Link". He also attended our convention we had every year here in Seattle, the Jorpah. A great researcher has left us and the world of UFOlogy will be sadder because of it.
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