UFO Contactee and Space Traveler
Introduction and Interview by Stuart Bush ~ Transcribed and Edited by Noel Huntley, Los Angeles, California
She stayed on the planet Meton for four months where she gave birth to and reared her space child, Ayling.
Particular interest was shown in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Defense and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now official.
Elizabeth's story has attracted the attention of many countries, in particular America, Britain and Russia.
In 1975 she was given a standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research in Germany.
In 1983 she addressed the House of Lords, in England and her paper was also read at the United Nations.
Elizabeth Klarer was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, where she grew up on a farm and soon learned to understand the Zulus very well. She was trained as a meteorologist at Cambridge, England. She later went to Trinity College, London, to study music, where she obtained a degree. She is also a pilot, and learned to fly the DeHaviland plane. During World War II she was employed by the South African Air Force Intelligence and during operations did work for the Royal Air Force decoding German communications. She was also trained to observe UFOs for the South African Air Force UFO Division. She has a son David, a daughter, Marilyn, who is now a medical specialist, and another son, Ayling ~ an astrophysicist living on another planet, which we will cover shortly.
Her fascinating story began at the age of seven when a flying saucer visited her near her home. Telepathic communication between Elizabeth and Akon, who was a crew member and scientist of the spacecraft, occurred several times. In April, 1956, on Flying Saucer Hill at Rosetta, Natal, the crew revealed themselves and Elizabeth Klarer was taken up into space and into the vintage mother ship. In November, 1957, on the high plateau of Cathkin Peak, in Drakensberg, Elizabeth Klarer entered the spacecraft to meet her new-found lover Akon.
During the next eight and a half months she endured harassment, especially from American intelligence forces, and on one occasion she was almost kidnapped by the Russians who wanted to capture the future space child. She was eventually taken by Akon to another solar system, our nearest neighbour, Alpha Centauri. There she stayed on the planet Meton for four months where she gave birth to and reared her space child, Ayling. Owing to the vibrations of the magnetic field being different on Meton, her heart was unable to adjust to the new pressures, and she was forced to return to Earth. Contact has been maintained and Akon and her son, Ayling, have both appeared to her visually in a projected holographic image.
In 1984 particular interest was shown in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Defense and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now official. Elizabeth's story has attractd the attention of many countries, in particular, America, Britain and Russia. In 1975 she was given a standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research in Germany. She was applauded by a group of scientists representing 22 nations where she gave a speech about the secrets of light. In 1983, she addressed the house of Lords in England, and her paper was also read at the United Nations. A few years ago she traveled to Switzerland to appear on a TV show. She has written a book entitled "Beyond the Light Barrier," and has now completed a second one, "The Gravity Files." (Editors Note: This book has not been published as far as we know.)
Interview With Elizabeth Klarer By Stuart Bush
Stuart Bush: Could you describe the flying saucer you flew in?
Elizabeth Klarer: She was perfectly circular, about 60 feet in diameter, with a very large hull and a flattish dome in the center with portholes around the dome. There were sets of three portholes encircling the entire dome and she had a silvery sheen about her. This wasn't a reflection from the sunlight, it was her own glow. It came directly from the skin of the ship and when the power was switched on the whole ship glowed and would set up this field differential around her, which, of course, she moves within. Inside she is very, very beautiful; simple but completely beautiful, and the colors so lovely. The entire floor is covered with a rose-red type of carpeting ~ very soft and very springy to walk on. The walls change color when the power system is on; they change from blue to green.
S.B.: Is there a functional reason for this?
E.K.: Yes, in harmonic interaction you are not only going to have the color in the electromagnetic wavelength of the universe, which, of course, is the whole basis of her power system, but the colors come in as well and the different movements, particularly when she is speeding through the atmosphere. These starships vary in size. The mother ships are very much larger and do not land. The ships can travel instantaneously from one place to another.
S.B.: What was the number of the crew in the ship you traveled in and what were their duties?
E.K.: Two, and they were both scientists. Both were astrophysicists but one was also a very great botanist which was a needed ability in understanding the flora and fauna of planets for their protection and in the preparation of planets for human habitation. This is a continuous activity.
S.B.: Tell us something about the outside construction of the ship.
E.K.: The ship is created in space from pure light energy into substance, and it takes naturally the celestial form. They then bring her to the surface of the planet and construct the interior. But the whole skin of the ship is created in space in order that this atomic structure of the skin of the ship is conducive to energizing. That's how you get the power and the different colors.
S.B.: I s the material metal?
E.K. No, it's not like a metal at all. It is more like a porcelain. It is made of an atomic substance from pure light energy which is the ultimate particle.
S.B.: How long does it take to create the ship?
E.K.: To create the complete shell, no matter what the size, you have to have the harmonic interaction of the measurement of that circle; it has to be perfectly in harmony. It takes, in earth time, about 15 minutes to create. And it is created and not constructed, from natural cosmic energy. Then when they take her to the surface of the planet to complete the interior, in earth time, it takes about a couple of weeks.
S.B.: Are they armed?
E.K.: No, all they have is a deflecting ray as a form of protection which will keep any hostile craft at bay and immobilize them. The shield effect completely protects her ~ from bullets, a missile or atomic bomb. The magnetic field is so tremendous.
S.B.: Is it vulnerable then, when it is at rest?
E.K.: No, there is an automatic switch. The approach of any intrusion causes the field to come on automatically.
S.B.: Could you tell us something about the vintage mother ship?
E.K.: She is a vast carriership with about 24 small landing craft each of which carry a crew of two people. The mother ship hovers about 1000 miles away in space and releases one of these landing craft to the surface of the planet. They accommodate at least 5000 people ~ including women and children. They are completely self-contained with an abundance of everything. They grow their own food on the ship using their own means of irradiation; sunlight is not necessary.
S.B.: How do you view outside the ship?
E.K.: The ship is completely enclosed but there are portholes which can be opened, and also inside there is the viewing lens which enables you to see outside in all directions. This device not only can see through barriers such as into cellars of buildings but can reveal the finest detail, such as beads on a necklace worn by a person on the ground. And similarly for sound.
S.B.: Are all the crew from Meton?
E.K.: They are from the one civilization ~ of seven planets. But they are preparing other planets for human habitation in the system of Vega. Vega is a young blue-white waxing star.
S.B.: Could you tell me how the people compare with humans on Earth?
E.K.: They are human but taller, better looking, more considerate and gentle; not aggressive and violent. They dress and eat more simply and are still young at an age of 2000 years of Earth time. Their star is not so violent. Our sun is a variable and produces rather harsh radiation which affects the skin, ages one, and can be dangerous. They wear simpler and less clothing made out of silk. Silk is beautiful and comfortable next to the skin. Everything is free and you can pick out your own clothes at a silk farm. There is an abundance of everything. No money or barter system is necessary.
S.B.: What was the planet itself like which you visited?
E.K.: It is similar in size to Earth, a little larger, covered with vast seas, and the lands are islands, not continents. Climate is beautiful, under control, and in fact, is really a utopia. They have everything they want. They are not only thousands of years ahead technologically from us, but are also spiritually very advanced.
S.B.: Could you describe the social systems on Meton?
E.K.: There are no politics, law, or the monetary system. Medicine is a scientific activity and not required for health since they are all in perfect health. Their way of thinking is quite different from what most people over here would understand. They are a loving, gentle and constructive people. Everyone industriously does their work which they like doing most. There is no need for law; there is no crime or police. Everyone is free and has a code of ethics. They constantly create beauty around them and in general there is complete harmony. Their homes are lovely. You can see from the inside out; the material is transparent one way. Regarding pets, they love their birds, in particular, and there is telepathic communication with them. Predatory animals are kept on a different planet.
S.B.: What about their educational system?
E.K.: They don't have schools or universities. Their education is completely visual ~ all done by what is called an electric mirage. They have a little phial about three inches long and they insert it into a niche in their home or the wall of a spaceship. A 3D scene fills the room ~ an advanced form of a holograph. There are no books. They travel a great deal. The young children are taken around the galaxy so they can learn from experience. They can use the electric mirage to go back to a former time in their history. They could, for instance, view our planet at the time of the dinosaurs. They have beautiful paintings and create lovely music ~ harmonic music and very uplifting spiritually, which relate to the harmonic music of the galaxy.
They communicate by means of telepathy and educational concepts can get transferred this way. They are capable of thinking in terms of the basic concepts not dependent on language ~ they perceive the feelingness behind words. There is no problem in the learning of languages such as any of those on Earth.
S.B.: What shape was the mother ship?
E.K.: She was more of a cigar shape with blunt ends and angles depending on the light effect. From certain angles she could look circular and may be five miles in length. These are city ships containing everything needed ~ trees and flowers, lakes, beautiful living quarters. Families are raised on the ships.
Some spacecrafts which land and are seen by people, are only holographs. This is part of the conditioning process so that earthman will become used to the idea of the existence of extraterrestrials.
S.B.: And what is this system they have of harmonic mathematics, and are there any books explaining this?
E.K.: Yes, I have books on it, written by professor William Conner from the U.S.A. I have his treaties on harmonic mathematics which explains the whole process. He's also done this with respect to my book "Beyond The Light Barrier." He has related the various figures, distance of Meton from Earth, Akon's age, etc. to harmonic mathematics; it's all there.
S.B.: Returning to the educational aspects, if there are no books, how is information imparted?
E.K.: It is done from mind to mind, telepathy ship works ~ how she is using the power system of the universe. You have to understand the physics of the power system. The physical body could go but not the mind. This knowledge was imparted to me by Akon. He just put his hand on my forehead and told me to relax and think and know exactly how the spaceship is utilizing the cosmic power to go from this system to the home system. His hand on my forehead enabled me to relax completely and understand how the ship was using the matrix of space to go through the ether. I had to be in complete harmonic relationship with the spaceship to go through the light barrier.
S.B.: What is the woman's life like on Meton?
E.K.: There are no chores as we have on earth. It is all done with a light ray. For example, a beam of light will bring you your food on a tray. Families are larger ~ most families have about seven children. You could have children while thousands of years old, as there is no problem with age. They use a natural contraceptive; a type of vegetable which they put in their food. There is no marriage and divorce. They simply find their mate and stay together for life. If there is an accident and a loss of life, the person simply reincarnates and comes back to their same mate.
S.B.: What about the gravity belts? Did you use one?
E.K.: Yes, I used one to go upstairs. There are just three knobs for starting, control and direction.
S.B.: You mentioned seven planets. What are the names of the others?
E.K.: They don't have names, just harmonic numbers. Akon gave me the name Meton for identification purposes.
S.B.: How important is time to them and how do they measure it?
E.K.: They don't measure time at all. Time varies too much in any case. With their triplet star system, they do not measure time as we do here, with night and day, since they don't have night and day. When the smaller star, Proxima sets, the other two rise so there is never any night.
S.B.: What are their sleeping patterns?
E.K.: They depend on sleep ~ it is a great health restorer. In terms of Earth time they would sleep nine hours.
S.B.: Regarding their eating habits, what are their views on how to eat?
E.K.: They don't cook, they eat the natural foods, vegetables, salads, etc. The only thing they heat, using electricity, are certain oat cakes, made of fresh whole oats, like bread. They are only heated briefly to bind them together. They never use chemical fertilizers for growing food.
S.B.: Why don't they have competitive sports on Meton?
E.K.: They don't think about it ~ it is not necessary for them. Earthman, when he is not involved with wars, etc., needs to release his aggression in sports and such competitive activities. The Meton people do not have this problem.
S.B.: Do they recognize creative aggression?
E.K.: Yes, one must have determination and drive to create, but it doesn't have to be aggressive!
S.B. What is their approach to health products? On Earth there is a growing enlightenment in this direction.
E.K.: Yes, well they eat the natural foods and know which contain the necessary ingredients for health. It is necessary to balance the chemical processes in one's food for proper utilization by the body. The important thing in growing natural foods is the soil to grow them in, and you cannot possibly, as you do here, use chemical fertilizers. They never use anything like that. They simply put back into the soil what they take out. They revitalize the soil by means of electricity, which is what lightning does. It brings the Nitrogen into the soil. This is why lightning and thunderstorms are so important, along with the light and radiation from the sun.
S.B.: So they would eat say, a raw potato?
E.K.: They do grow peas. They are a necessary source of protein, and they eat a lot of fiber, as this is vital. They have natural vegetables and fruits, which are scientifically improved and enlarged. For example, an apricot, which would be the size of an apple, would be enough for one meal. It would have all the vitamins in it you would need, because apricots are a tremendously nutritious source of food and have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
S.B.: Now, can you say anything about planet Selo, which was visited by Hal Wilcox (UFO contactee), and which is about 600 years ahead of us, yet is of the same Alpha Centauri system as Meton, which is how many more years ahead of us?
E.K.: About a hundred thousand!
S.B.: How is there a planet (Selo) in the same system so far behind?
E.K.: Planets vary. You have planets in certain stages of advancement, and planet Selo is closer to two major components of Alpha Centauri. These are the two larger stars, and these rotate about each other. Selo is closer to them in that vicinity, therefore Selo would receive greater intensity of radiation from these double stars. Proxima Centauri is very much farther away, but it still makes up a triplet system, which is known as Alpha Centauri, and Akon's home planet is in orbit about Proxima Centauri. There are seven planets there altogether (around Proxima Centauri) which is a star about the same size as our sun. So you have a different radiation output, which has a great effect on civilizations that exist on the orbiting planets. Radiation has a vast effect on the brain or mind, and consequently on development.
S.B.: As I understand it now, Selo has two suns and Meton has three suns, yet they are both in the same system. Does it mean this third sun is in a higher dimension?
E.K.: Meton, my home planet, only has one sun, and Selo has two suns, so that makes up the triplet system of three suns!
S.B.: But I gather that there is no nighttime on Meton!
E.K.: That's right. Because when Proxima Centauri sets in the planetary rotation, the two larger stars rise, and they are so big that their light is cast very far afield, and naturally Meton, being in this triplet system, gets the light from these two larger stars, but not the intensified radiation, because of the distance. You see, the two larger stars are young, waxing stars, and they give out intensified radiation, while Proxima, the third star, is smaller and a middleaged star, so it gives out a modified, highly intensified vibratory radiation, which has a very different effect in the formation and advancement of a civilization, because it does affect the brain.
S.B.: I would presume then that Meton is in a higher dimension than Selo.
E.K.: Yes, in a higher vibratory rates and very much farther advanced, and has a civilization which occupies all seven planets in that system. (Ed. But it is in the same physical dimension.)
S.B.: To get back to the mother ships or city ships (some cigar-shaped, and five miles long!), how were these constructed ~ out in space?
E.K.: Constructed in space, yes, but we don't talk about construction, we say they are created. They were created in the atmosphere of the planet. All the components were ferried up to her, to be put together in space. This was done more than 65 million years ago. It goes right back in the history of ths solar system, when Venus was alive. (Ed. ~ habitable in the third dimension.) Scienists of Venus in those days detected that the sun was a variable star (Ed. ~ irregular frequency), so they prepared to move out into space, and they built the vast mother ships to ferry all the people and as much as possible of the flora and fauna away from the planet to the Earth, which was the nearest neighbor.
S.B.: To get back to the mother ships or city ships (some cigar-shaped, and five miles long!), how were these constructed ~ out in space?
E.K.: Constructed in space, yes, but we don't talk about construction, we say they are created. They were created in the atmosphere of the planet. All the components were ferried up to her, to be put together in space. This was done more than 65 million years ago. It goes right back in the history of this solar system, when Venus was alive. (Ed. ~ habitable in the third dimension.) Scientists of Venus in those days detected that the sun was a variable star (Ed. ~ irregular frequency), so they prepared to move out into space, and they built the vast mother ships to ferry all the people and as much as possible of the flora and fauna away from the planet to the Earth, which was the nearest neighbor.The scientists recognized the Sun was a visible star, with maximum and minimum periods of sunspot cycles, which happens to this day, but at certain epochs in time it expands. Now the Sun is expanding and contracting all the time. It is pulsating like a heart, but at certain epochs it expands out more, in intensified radiation.Now this is what happened to Venus, and being closer to the Sun her seas had dried out, and what little fauna remained (and all the flora) were destroyed. And then of course the dinosaurs, which had dominated the Earth, were also destroyed through the intensified radiation. Thus the great civilization from Venus, which we call the mother planet, was able to get away from Venus, and landed on earth and the moon, as way-stations.So there we have the beginning of highlyintelligent human life on this planet because we were fathered by men from outer space. Certainly not descended from the primates of this planet, but in fact from cromagnon, an advanced human being, who created the great civilization of Atlantis, which, of course, was eventually destroyed.The civilization from Venus decided to leave Earth owing to the harsh nature of the variable Sun and move to a neighboring system that was more conducive to their way of life and thinking. They discovered Proxima Centauri, which was a star similar to the Sun only much older and therefore a stable star. They moved to Meton which is now the home planet because it is very similar to the mother planet, Venus, in atmospheric conditions, distance from the star and also, the more important of all, the higher vibratory rates, which is more compatible to an advanced civilization and consciousness. They had bases on the Moon, Mars and Earth which they still visit.The Venus people left a section of their civilization here on Earth to look after the planet and advance the mentality and consciousness of the indigenous people of this planet, which they are in the process of doing.
S.B.: Did they have anything to do with the age of Lemuria and Atlantis?
E.K.: Yes, definitely with Atlantis. Atlantis was, of course, their main base and they also had a base in South America. Some of the Incas are descendents of the space people. Now, in the region of the Andes there used to be a very tall, fair race of people, many redheads, and these people were from Venus. They remained there until the great upheavals of Atlantis, which resulted in the Andes being pushed up by volcanic eruptions and with the volcanic evolution of the planet generally. So what was once a very fertile area became barren and mountainous, as it is to this day. But you still have certain buildings that remain, and also under the sea. Some of the pyramids still remain in Central America and these are the most important ones because they are very beautiful and vast, and there is one pyramid which has just been uncovered by archeologists who thought it was a mountain. The Spaniards built a cathedral on the top. It was covered in trees and grass, and the excavations are now revealing a pyramid.
S.B.: Where do the rest of the Earth people come from if only a small portion came from Venus?
E.K.: The majority of people here on Earth are indigenous, with a certain percentage from the home planet Venus who had stayed here when the main civilization moved out from Venus before going on to Proxima Centauri. They remained to look after the planet, and also for educational purposes for the native people, which of course is being done to this day.So we're here to inform people of the truth of their origin. Also to bring Venus back to life by feeding the atmosphere with algae, which creates the storms, the rain and the lightning, the volcanic eruptions, and the life. And also to form the seas again, because Venus was originally covered with vast seas, as is Meton. That is why Akon's civilization moved out from earth to Meton because it is very similar to what Venus was in the past; islands and seas, with thick atmosphere, which filters the radiation, and above all has a higher vibratory rate for the advancement of a higher civilization, and particularly for the advancement of a consciousness into the fourth dimension.They have also come back to create bases on the Moon and Mars. They can bring back to life Mars as well as Venus, and this they plan to do since their main work throughout the galaxy is to prepare star systems for human habitation.
S.B.: How would this tie in with the information that the Sun is dying?
E.K.: The Sun is dying, but we don't talk about age, it is simply a metamorphosis. It is becoming cooler so something has to be done about it. It is going to be a double star system since Jupiter is a forming star. Jupiter will have a star burst in the very near future and we'll then have two stars in the skies of Earth. As the Sun cools down, Jupiter will heat up.
S.B.: How long do you think the Earth people have been in existence?
E.K.: The indigenous people of Earth go back to the time of the dinosaurs. Before the demise of the dinosaurs there was a very small colony of human kind, as there was also a very small colony of mammals, and they were not affected by the intensified radiation because they took refuge in caves and escaped the radiation by going underground. This was instinctive, and it was the same with the other mammals. But the giant creatures had nowhere to escape from the intensified radiation. The ultraviolet destroyed the vegetation so they had no food and became extinct. The mammals were intelligent enough to go underground and then lived on other life. Now many of our race today are descendents of these people from Venus. Generally they are not conscious of the fact that they are here to advance and educate the indigenous peoples of this planet, but many have had a race memory which has been activated by certain events ~ material in a book or seeing a spaceship in the sky. They have suddenly realized this is their purpose and that this is what their life is all about and they are here for a reason.
S.B.: To come back to Akron's spacecraft, when he visited you did his craft create the thunderstorms?
E.K.: Not always ~ sometimes. This is a very interesting question. The thunderstorm, particularly the hailstorm, which I described in my book, was quite natural. But it has happened in the past and very recently that his spaceship has created thunderstorms. This is due to the fact that when she come into the condensation level of our atmosphere the heat field around the ship condenses the molecules of the atmosphere into cloud and the result is that the gravity field retains the cloud around the ship, spinning it around in its lines of force ~ you can actually see this. This is what we call an inorganic cloud because it is created by the spaceship.As she moves, the cloud goes with her, and we have actually photographed this cloud effect with the spaceship in the middle. You can actually see the glow of the ship in the cloud. The Air Force takes infrared photographs of such a perfectly circular and rotating cloud with the glow in the middle of the ship. Now this is a very good form of camouflage and they (Akon) use it quite a lot.Just recently I experienced Akon's spaceship in Natal which created a most tremendous storm. I saw this circular cloud which had a grey edge to it, the perimeter was clear-cut in the blue sky and it was perfectly circular; in fact it looked rather like a mushroom cloud of an atomic explosion. The high center to the cloud was the spaceship dome. The cloud itself was almost an apple green cloud. In the center was this pink-orange color ~ it was quite beautiful. The resulting storm was tremendous, incessant lightning, rain and wind. It happened four times. It was a warning for me regarding making a decision. This happened in the last two weeks.
S.B.: Couldn't Akon have remained in the fourth dimension, in invisibility, to avoid the storm and still communicate to you? Why was it necessary to be so dramatic?
E.K.: He wished the effect to be observed by others. He wanted the people to understand the power of the spaceship and that it was there. Now I'm known by the natives as not just the star lady but also the storm lady.
S.B.: Are you a twin flame of Akon, that is, from the same source of consciousness or are you a soul mate in which the relationship has built up from many lifetimes together?
E.K.: We both originated from the same place so we have always been twin flames but we are also soulmates because we have the same consciousness, realization and ideas in life completely. I can't remember many past lives. I remember my previous life clearly with Akon on Venus, and we have always been together through the ages. I have only had this one life on Earth.At certain periods we have to be parted, for example, for me to do my work here and Akon to do his work in outerspace. My purpose here is involved with a vast educational system throughout the world to tell people about all this, to write about it. It is necessary for people to realize there is a greater authority and civilization out there who will intervene if we do not behave ourselves.
S.B.: The spiritual advancement is so great on Meton one might have thought that the people would have transcended the physical level and moved into a higher plane. Why are they still using physical bodies like us?
E.K.: So they can communicate more easily to other civilizations in the physical. There are no physical disadvantages: they keep in perfect health, and there are no injuries. So it is perfectly safe for them to retain the physical body, besides they seem to enjoy it.
Elizabeth Klarer died of cancer in 1994.
To purchase the book:
Beyond The Light Barrierby Elizabeth Klarer
1980ISBN 0 86978 178 2
Winje's FarmRussell WinjeStar Route Box 6BLake City, CA 96115
Contact : Winje's FarmPhone: (530)-279-2371Fax: (530)-279-6373e-mail: winje33@frontiernet.net
Introduction and Interview by Stuart Bush ~ Transcribed and Edited by Noel Huntley, Los Angeles, California
She stayed on the planet Meton for four months where she gave birth to and reared her space child, Ayling.
Particular interest was shown in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Defense and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now official.
Elizabeth's story has attracted the attention of many countries, in particular America, Britain and Russia.
In 1975 she was given a standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research in Germany.
In 1983 she addressed the House of Lords, in England and her paper was also read at the United Nations.
Elizabeth Klarer was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, where she grew up on a farm and soon learned to understand the Zulus very well. She was trained as a meteorologist at Cambridge, England. She later went to Trinity College, London, to study music, where she obtained a degree. She is also a pilot, and learned to fly the DeHaviland plane. During World War II she was employed by the South African Air Force Intelligence and during operations did work for the Royal Air Force decoding German communications. She was also trained to observe UFOs for the South African Air Force UFO Division. She has a son David, a daughter, Marilyn, who is now a medical specialist, and another son, Ayling ~ an astrophysicist living on another planet, which we will cover shortly.
Her fascinating story began at the age of seven when a flying saucer visited her near her home. Telepathic communication between Elizabeth and Akon, who was a crew member and scientist of the spacecraft, occurred several times. In April, 1956, on Flying Saucer Hill at Rosetta, Natal, the crew revealed themselves and Elizabeth Klarer was taken up into space and into the vintage mother ship. In November, 1957, on the high plateau of Cathkin Peak, in Drakensberg, Elizabeth Klarer entered the spacecraft to meet her new-found lover Akon.
During the next eight and a half months she endured harassment, especially from American intelligence forces, and on one occasion she was almost kidnapped by the Russians who wanted to capture the future space child. She was eventually taken by Akon to another solar system, our nearest neighbour, Alpha Centauri. There she stayed on the planet Meton for four months where she gave birth to and reared her space child, Ayling. Owing to the vibrations of the magnetic field being different on Meton, her heart was unable to adjust to the new pressures, and she was forced to return to Earth. Contact has been maintained and Akon and her son, Ayling, have both appeared to her visually in a projected holographic image.
In 1984 particular interest was shown in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Defense and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now official. Elizabeth's story has attractd the attention of many countries, in particular, America, Britain and Russia. In 1975 she was given a standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research in Germany. She was applauded by a group of scientists representing 22 nations where she gave a speech about the secrets of light. In 1983, she addressed the house of Lords in England, and her paper was also read at the United Nations. A few years ago she traveled to Switzerland to appear on a TV show. She has written a book entitled "Beyond the Light Barrier," and has now completed a second one, "The Gravity Files." (Editors Note: This book has not been published as far as we know.)
Interview With Elizabeth Klarer By Stuart Bush
Stuart Bush: Could you describe the flying saucer you flew in?
Elizabeth Klarer: She was perfectly circular, about 60 feet in diameter, with a very large hull and a flattish dome in the center with portholes around the dome. There were sets of three portholes encircling the entire dome and she had a silvery sheen about her. This wasn't a reflection from the sunlight, it was her own glow. It came directly from the skin of the ship and when the power was switched on the whole ship glowed and would set up this field differential around her, which, of course, she moves within. Inside she is very, very beautiful; simple but completely beautiful, and the colors so lovely. The entire floor is covered with a rose-red type of carpeting ~ very soft and very springy to walk on. The walls change color when the power system is on; they change from blue to green.
S.B.: Is there a functional reason for this?
E.K.: Yes, in harmonic interaction you are not only going to have the color in the electromagnetic wavelength of the universe, which, of course, is the whole basis of her power system, but the colors come in as well and the different movements, particularly when she is speeding through the atmosphere. These starships vary in size. The mother ships are very much larger and do not land. The ships can travel instantaneously from one place to another.
S.B.: What was the number of the crew in the ship you traveled in and what were their duties?
E.K.: Two, and they were both scientists. Both were astrophysicists but one was also a very great botanist which was a needed ability in understanding the flora and fauna of planets for their protection and in the preparation of planets for human habitation. This is a continuous activity.
S.B.: Tell us something about the outside construction of the ship.
E.K.: The ship is created in space from pure light energy into substance, and it takes naturally the celestial form. They then bring her to the surface of the planet and construct the interior. But the whole skin of the ship is created in space in order that this atomic structure of the skin of the ship is conducive to energizing. That's how you get the power and the different colors.
S.B.: I s the material metal?
E.K. No, it's not like a metal at all. It is more like a porcelain. It is made of an atomic substance from pure light energy which is the ultimate particle.
S.B.: How long does it take to create the ship?
E.K.: To create the complete shell, no matter what the size, you have to have the harmonic interaction of the measurement of that circle; it has to be perfectly in harmony. It takes, in earth time, about 15 minutes to create. And it is created and not constructed, from natural cosmic energy. Then when they take her to the surface of the planet to complete the interior, in earth time, it takes about a couple of weeks.
S.B.: Are they armed?
E.K.: No, all they have is a deflecting ray as a form of protection which will keep any hostile craft at bay and immobilize them. The shield effect completely protects her ~ from bullets, a missile or atomic bomb. The magnetic field is so tremendous.
S.B.: Is it vulnerable then, when it is at rest?
E.K.: No, there is an automatic switch. The approach of any intrusion causes the field to come on automatically.
S.B.: Could you tell us something about the vintage mother ship?
E.K.: She is a vast carriership with about 24 small landing craft each of which carry a crew of two people. The mother ship hovers about 1000 miles away in space and releases one of these landing craft to the surface of the planet. They accommodate at least 5000 people ~ including women and children. They are completely self-contained with an abundance of everything. They grow their own food on the ship using their own means of irradiation; sunlight is not necessary.
S.B.: How do you view outside the ship?
E.K.: The ship is completely enclosed but there are portholes which can be opened, and also inside there is the viewing lens which enables you to see outside in all directions. This device not only can see through barriers such as into cellars of buildings but can reveal the finest detail, such as beads on a necklace worn by a person on the ground. And similarly for sound.
S.B.: Are all the crew from Meton?
E.K.: They are from the one civilization ~ of seven planets. But they are preparing other planets for human habitation in the system of Vega. Vega is a young blue-white waxing star.
S.B.: Could you tell me how the people compare with humans on Earth?
E.K.: They are human but taller, better looking, more considerate and gentle; not aggressive and violent. They dress and eat more simply and are still young at an age of 2000 years of Earth time. Their star is not so violent. Our sun is a variable and produces rather harsh radiation which affects the skin, ages one, and can be dangerous. They wear simpler and less clothing made out of silk. Silk is beautiful and comfortable next to the skin. Everything is free and you can pick out your own clothes at a silk farm. There is an abundance of everything. No money or barter system is necessary.
S.B.: What was the planet itself like which you visited?
E.K.: It is similar in size to Earth, a little larger, covered with vast seas, and the lands are islands, not continents. Climate is beautiful, under control, and in fact, is really a utopia. They have everything they want. They are not only thousands of years ahead technologically from us, but are also spiritually very advanced.
S.B.: Could you describe the social systems on Meton?
E.K.: There are no politics, law, or the monetary system. Medicine is a scientific activity and not required for health since they are all in perfect health. Their way of thinking is quite different from what most people over here would understand. They are a loving, gentle and constructive people. Everyone industriously does their work which they like doing most. There is no need for law; there is no crime or police. Everyone is free and has a code of ethics. They constantly create beauty around them and in general there is complete harmony. Their homes are lovely. You can see from the inside out; the material is transparent one way. Regarding pets, they love their birds, in particular, and there is telepathic communication with them. Predatory animals are kept on a different planet.
S.B.: What about their educational system?
E.K.: They don't have schools or universities. Their education is completely visual ~ all done by what is called an electric mirage. They have a little phial about three inches long and they insert it into a niche in their home or the wall of a spaceship. A 3D scene fills the room ~ an advanced form of a holograph. There are no books. They travel a great deal. The young children are taken around the galaxy so they can learn from experience. They can use the electric mirage to go back to a former time in their history. They could, for instance, view our planet at the time of the dinosaurs. They have beautiful paintings and create lovely music ~ harmonic music and very uplifting spiritually, which relate to the harmonic music of the galaxy.
They communicate by means of telepathy and educational concepts can get transferred this way. They are capable of thinking in terms of the basic concepts not dependent on language ~ they perceive the feelingness behind words. There is no problem in the learning of languages such as any of those on Earth.
S.B.: What shape was the mother ship?
E.K.: She was more of a cigar shape with blunt ends and angles depending on the light effect. From certain angles she could look circular and may be five miles in length. These are city ships containing everything needed ~ trees and flowers, lakes, beautiful living quarters. Families are raised on the ships.
Some spacecrafts which land and are seen by people, are only holographs. This is part of the conditioning process so that earthman will become used to the idea of the existence of extraterrestrials.
S.B.: And what is this system they have of harmonic mathematics, and are there any books explaining this?
E.K.: Yes, I have books on it, written by professor William Conner from the U.S.A. I have his treaties on harmonic mathematics which explains the whole process. He's also done this with respect to my book "Beyond The Light Barrier." He has related the various figures, distance of Meton from Earth, Akon's age, etc. to harmonic mathematics; it's all there.
S.B.: Returning to the educational aspects, if there are no books, how is information imparted?
E.K.: It is done from mind to mind, telepathy ship works ~ how she is using the power system of the universe. You have to understand the physics of the power system. The physical body could go but not the mind. This knowledge was imparted to me by Akon. He just put his hand on my forehead and told me to relax and think and know exactly how the spaceship is utilizing the cosmic power to go from this system to the home system. His hand on my forehead enabled me to relax completely and understand how the ship was using the matrix of space to go through the ether. I had to be in complete harmonic relationship with the spaceship to go through the light barrier.
S.B.: What is the woman's life like on Meton?
E.K.: There are no chores as we have on earth. It is all done with a light ray. For example, a beam of light will bring you your food on a tray. Families are larger ~ most families have about seven children. You could have children while thousands of years old, as there is no problem with age. They use a natural contraceptive; a type of vegetable which they put in their food. There is no marriage and divorce. They simply find their mate and stay together for life. If there is an accident and a loss of life, the person simply reincarnates and comes back to their same mate.
S.B.: What about the gravity belts? Did you use one?
E.K.: Yes, I used one to go upstairs. There are just three knobs for starting, control and direction.
S.B.: You mentioned seven planets. What are the names of the others?
E.K.: They don't have names, just harmonic numbers. Akon gave me the name Meton for identification purposes.
S.B.: How important is time to them and how do they measure it?
E.K.: They don't measure time at all. Time varies too much in any case. With their triplet star system, they do not measure time as we do here, with night and day, since they don't have night and day. When the smaller star, Proxima sets, the other two rise so there is never any night.
S.B.: What are their sleeping patterns?
E.K.: They depend on sleep ~ it is a great health restorer. In terms of Earth time they would sleep nine hours.
S.B.: Regarding their eating habits, what are their views on how to eat?
E.K.: They don't cook, they eat the natural foods, vegetables, salads, etc. The only thing they heat, using electricity, are certain oat cakes, made of fresh whole oats, like bread. They are only heated briefly to bind them together. They never use chemical fertilizers for growing food.
S.B.: Why don't they have competitive sports on Meton?
E.K.: They don't think about it ~ it is not necessary for them. Earthman, when he is not involved with wars, etc., needs to release his aggression in sports and such competitive activities. The Meton people do not have this problem.
S.B.: Do they recognize creative aggression?
E.K.: Yes, one must have determination and drive to create, but it doesn't have to be aggressive!
S.B. What is their approach to health products? On Earth there is a growing enlightenment in this direction.
E.K.: Yes, well they eat the natural foods and know which contain the necessary ingredients for health. It is necessary to balance the chemical processes in one's food for proper utilization by the body. The important thing in growing natural foods is the soil to grow them in, and you cannot possibly, as you do here, use chemical fertilizers. They never use anything like that. They simply put back into the soil what they take out. They revitalize the soil by means of electricity, which is what lightning does. It brings the Nitrogen into the soil. This is why lightning and thunderstorms are so important, along with the light and radiation from the sun.
S.B.: So they would eat say, a raw potato?
E.K.: They do grow peas. They are a necessary source of protein, and they eat a lot of fiber, as this is vital. They have natural vegetables and fruits, which are scientifically improved and enlarged. For example, an apricot, which would be the size of an apple, would be enough for one meal. It would have all the vitamins in it you would need, because apricots are a tremendously nutritious source of food and have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
S.B.: Now, can you say anything about planet Selo, which was visited by Hal Wilcox (UFO contactee), and which is about 600 years ahead of us, yet is of the same Alpha Centauri system as Meton, which is how many more years ahead of us?
E.K.: About a hundred thousand!
S.B.: How is there a planet (Selo) in the same system so far behind?
E.K.: Planets vary. You have planets in certain stages of advancement, and planet Selo is closer to two major components of Alpha Centauri. These are the two larger stars, and these rotate about each other. Selo is closer to them in that vicinity, therefore Selo would receive greater intensity of radiation from these double stars. Proxima Centauri is very much farther away, but it still makes up a triplet system, which is known as Alpha Centauri, and Akon's home planet is in orbit about Proxima Centauri. There are seven planets there altogether (around Proxima Centauri) which is a star about the same size as our sun. So you have a different radiation output, which has a great effect on civilizations that exist on the orbiting planets. Radiation has a vast effect on the brain or mind, and consequently on development.
S.B.: As I understand it now, Selo has two suns and Meton has three suns, yet they are both in the same system. Does it mean this third sun is in a higher dimension?
E.K.: Meton, my home planet, only has one sun, and Selo has two suns, so that makes up the triplet system of three suns!
S.B.: But I gather that there is no nighttime on Meton!
E.K.: That's right. Because when Proxima Centauri sets in the planetary rotation, the two larger stars rise, and they are so big that their light is cast very far afield, and naturally Meton, being in this triplet system, gets the light from these two larger stars, but not the intensified radiation, because of the distance. You see, the two larger stars are young, waxing stars, and they give out intensified radiation, while Proxima, the third star, is smaller and a middleaged star, so it gives out a modified, highly intensified vibratory radiation, which has a very different effect in the formation and advancement of a civilization, because it does affect the brain.
S.B.: I would presume then that Meton is in a higher dimension than Selo.
E.K.: Yes, in a higher vibratory rates and very much farther advanced, and has a civilization which occupies all seven planets in that system. (Ed. But it is in the same physical dimension.)
S.B.: To get back to the mother ships or city ships (some cigar-shaped, and five miles long!), how were these constructed ~ out in space?
E.K.: Constructed in space, yes, but we don't talk about construction, we say they are created. They were created in the atmosphere of the planet. All the components were ferried up to her, to be put together in space. This was done more than 65 million years ago. It goes right back in the history of ths solar system, when Venus was alive. (Ed. ~ habitable in the third dimension.) Scienists of Venus in those days detected that the sun was a variable star (Ed. ~ irregular frequency), so they prepared to move out into space, and they built the vast mother ships to ferry all the people and as much as possible of the flora and fauna away from the planet to the Earth, which was the nearest neighbor.
S.B.: To get back to the mother ships or city ships (some cigar-shaped, and five miles long!), how were these constructed ~ out in space?
E.K.: Constructed in space, yes, but we don't talk about construction, we say they are created. They were created in the atmosphere of the planet. All the components were ferried up to her, to be put together in space. This was done more than 65 million years ago. It goes right back in the history of this solar system, when Venus was alive. (Ed. ~ habitable in the third dimension.) Scientists of Venus in those days detected that the sun was a variable star (Ed. ~ irregular frequency), so they prepared to move out into space, and they built the vast mother ships to ferry all the people and as much as possible of the flora and fauna away from the planet to the Earth, which was the nearest neighbor.The scientists recognized the Sun was a visible star, with maximum and minimum periods of sunspot cycles, which happens to this day, but at certain epochs in time it expands. Now the Sun is expanding and contracting all the time. It is pulsating like a heart, but at certain epochs it expands out more, in intensified radiation.Now this is what happened to Venus, and being closer to the Sun her seas had dried out, and what little fauna remained (and all the flora) were destroyed. And then of course the dinosaurs, which had dominated the Earth, were also destroyed through the intensified radiation. Thus the great civilization from Venus, which we call the mother planet, was able to get away from Venus, and landed on earth and the moon, as way-stations.So there we have the beginning of highlyintelligent human life on this planet because we were fathered by men from outer space. Certainly not descended from the primates of this planet, but in fact from cromagnon, an advanced human being, who created the great civilization of Atlantis, which, of course, was eventually destroyed.The civilization from Venus decided to leave Earth owing to the harsh nature of the variable Sun and move to a neighboring system that was more conducive to their way of life and thinking. They discovered Proxima Centauri, which was a star similar to the Sun only much older and therefore a stable star. They moved to Meton which is now the home planet because it is very similar to the mother planet, Venus, in atmospheric conditions, distance from the star and also, the more important of all, the higher vibratory rates, which is more compatible to an advanced civilization and consciousness. They had bases on the Moon, Mars and Earth which they still visit.The Venus people left a section of their civilization here on Earth to look after the planet and advance the mentality and consciousness of the indigenous people of this planet, which they are in the process of doing.
S.B.: Did they have anything to do with the age of Lemuria and Atlantis?
E.K.: Yes, definitely with Atlantis. Atlantis was, of course, their main base and they also had a base in South America. Some of the Incas are descendents of the space people. Now, in the region of the Andes there used to be a very tall, fair race of people, many redheads, and these people were from Venus. They remained there until the great upheavals of Atlantis, which resulted in the Andes being pushed up by volcanic eruptions and with the volcanic evolution of the planet generally. So what was once a very fertile area became barren and mountainous, as it is to this day. But you still have certain buildings that remain, and also under the sea. Some of the pyramids still remain in Central America and these are the most important ones because they are very beautiful and vast, and there is one pyramid which has just been uncovered by archeologists who thought it was a mountain. The Spaniards built a cathedral on the top. It was covered in trees and grass, and the excavations are now revealing a pyramid.
S.B.: Where do the rest of the Earth people come from if only a small portion came from Venus?
E.K.: The majority of people here on Earth are indigenous, with a certain percentage from the home planet Venus who had stayed here when the main civilization moved out from Venus before going on to Proxima Centauri. They remained to look after the planet, and also for educational purposes for the native people, which of course is being done to this day.So we're here to inform people of the truth of their origin. Also to bring Venus back to life by feeding the atmosphere with algae, which creates the storms, the rain and the lightning, the volcanic eruptions, and the life. And also to form the seas again, because Venus was originally covered with vast seas, as is Meton. That is why Akon's civilization moved out from earth to Meton because it is very similar to what Venus was in the past; islands and seas, with thick atmosphere, which filters the radiation, and above all has a higher vibratory rate for the advancement of a higher civilization, and particularly for the advancement of a consciousness into the fourth dimension.They have also come back to create bases on the Moon and Mars. They can bring back to life Mars as well as Venus, and this they plan to do since their main work throughout the galaxy is to prepare star systems for human habitation.
S.B.: How would this tie in with the information that the Sun is dying?
E.K.: The Sun is dying, but we don't talk about age, it is simply a metamorphosis. It is becoming cooler so something has to be done about it. It is going to be a double star system since Jupiter is a forming star. Jupiter will have a star burst in the very near future and we'll then have two stars in the skies of Earth. As the Sun cools down, Jupiter will heat up.
S.B.: How long do you think the Earth people have been in existence?
E.K.: The indigenous people of Earth go back to the time of the dinosaurs. Before the demise of the dinosaurs there was a very small colony of human kind, as there was also a very small colony of mammals, and they were not affected by the intensified radiation because they took refuge in caves and escaped the radiation by going underground. This was instinctive, and it was the same with the other mammals. But the giant creatures had nowhere to escape from the intensified radiation. The ultraviolet destroyed the vegetation so they had no food and became extinct. The mammals were intelligent enough to go underground and then lived on other life. Now many of our race today are descendents of these people from Venus. Generally they are not conscious of the fact that they are here to advance and educate the indigenous peoples of this planet, but many have had a race memory which has been activated by certain events ~ material in a book or seeing a spaceship in the sky. They have suddenly realized this is their purpose and that this is what their life is all about and they are here for a reason.
S.B.: To come back to Akron's spacecraft, when he visited you did his craft create the thunderstorms?
E.K.: Not always ~ sometimes. This is a very interesting question. The thunderstorm, particularly the hailstorm, which I described in my book, was quite natural. But it has happened in the past and very recently that his spaceship has created thunderstorms. This is due to the fact that when she come into the condensation level of our atmosphere the heat field around the ship condenses the molecules of the atmosphere into cloud and the result is that the gravity field retains the cloud around the ship, spinning it around in its lines of force ~ you can actually see this. This is what we call an inorganic cloud because it is created by the spaceship.As she moves, the cloud goes with her, and we have actually photographed this cloud effect with the spaceship in the middle. You can actually see the glow of the ship in the cloud. The Air Force takes infrared photographs of such a perfectly circular and rotating cloud with the glow in the middle of the ship. Now this is a very good form of camouflage and they (Akon) use it quite a lot.Just recently I experienced Akon's spaceship in Natal which created a most tremendous storm. I saw this circular cloud which had a grey edge to it, the perimeter was clear-cut in the blue sky and it was perfectly circular; in fact it looked rather like a mushroom cloud of an atomic explosion. The high center to the cloud was the spaceship dome. The cloud itself was almost an apple green cloud. In the center was this pink-orange color ~ it was quite beautiful. The resulting storm was tremendous, incessant lightning, rain and wind. It happened four times. It was a warning for me regarding making a decision. This happened in the last two weeks.
S.B.: Couldn't Akon have remained in the fourth dimension, in invisibility, to avoid the storm and still communicate to you? Why was it necessary to be so dramatic?
E.K.: He wished the effect to be observed by others. He wanted the people to understand the power of the spaceship and that it was there. Now I'm known by the natives as not just the star lady but also the storm lady.
S.B.: Are you a twin flame of Akon, that is, from the same source of consciousness or are you a soul mate in which the relationship has built up from many lifetimes together?
E.K.: We both originated from the same place so we have always been twin flames but we are also soulmates because we have the same consciousness, realization and ideas in life completely. I can't remember many past lives. I remember my previous life clearly with Akon on Venus, and we have always been together through the ages. I have only had this one life on Earth.At certain periods we have to be parted, for example, for me to do my work here and Akon to do his work in outerspace. My purpose here is involved with a vast educational system throughout the world to tell people about all this, to write about it. It is necessary for people to realize there is a greater authority and civilization out there who will intervene if we do not behave ourselves.
S.B.: The spiritual advancement is so great on Meton one might have thought that the people would have transcended the physical level and moved into a higher plane. Why are they still using physical bodies like us?
E.K.: So they can communicate more easily to other civilizations in the physical. There are no physical disadvantages: they keep in perfect health, and there are no injuries. So it is perfectly safe for them to retain the physical body, besides they seem to enjoy it.
Elizabeth Klarer died of cancer in 1994.
To purchase the book:
Beyond The Light Barrierby Elizabeth Klarer
1980ISBN 0 86978 178 2
Winje's FarmRussell WinjeStar Route Box 6BLake City, CA 96115
Contact : Winje's FarmPhone: (530)-279-2371Fax: (530)-279-6373e-mail: winje33@frontiernet.net
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At 1:25 PM,
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At 4:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi I'm Erika from South Africa. I have just finished her book and I was in tears. I think to live on a planet where there is only love must be wonderfull. I had an UFO encounter on the 10th of Jan.2008 and now they are communicating through automatic writing! But dont let them predict your future because the have no sense of time, rather stick with the basic questions.
At 2:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Elizabeth Klarer was a wonderful woman. I spent many hours talking to her and even arranged a meeting between her and a University professor here in South Africa, discussing Meton from a astronomical point of view. She showed me all her UFO photographs and she also had a bust of Akon at her cottage. I was supposed to accompany her to the Drakensberg one year to see the saucer land, but she went with an engineering friend. I was also present at her cottage when she was interviewed by Professor Hurtack and television crews. She was a very friendly and interesting person to be with.
At 1:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
this lady must have possessed a fertile imagination, what with having love affairs with space men and all that baloney, what a load of hogwash
belief in aliens = psychosis
At 1:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
what did her husband say about her roaming around the galaxy in a tin can and having affairs with space creartures, was he also nuts ?
At 1:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
i am compiling a report on flying saucer ergonomics and would like to know from anyone out there about the toilet arrangements on ufos, how do the aliens remove their defecations from the ships and what the general abolution facilites comprise ??
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
What an Irony. Klarer had all these contacts with super evolved beings and yet she died of cancer in 1994. I mean, Akon could`ve helped her with a cancer cure maybe? Also she mentioned that they use "electricity" to heat up things? Really? What a primitive way to heat things up when you have 5 miles long motherships.
At 2:22 AM,
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At 7:45 PM,
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At 6:19 PM,
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At 11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
An amazing book of personal fantasy!
There is simply no TRUTH in this stories. Time will prove that she has a very vivid imaginations and ideas but very little facts. There are too many mentioned technologies and known science that does not match with what is. It will be good to know about this book to be able to compare it with what it the TRUTH about ALPHA Centauri.
Be wise and learn for yourselves, for noone will be there to rescue you in believing this load of crap but you yourself and your own understanding of Reason. Any cause will always have an effect.
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At 12:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
South Africa’s First Lady of Space and environmentalist Elizabeth Klarer’s testimony of extraterrestrial contactee events remains the most trusted version of its sort to date. The prophetic message that she brought back from the planet Meton, via her supposed lover Akon and his people seem more valid now than it could ever be then. Never before were our current environmental dilemmas raised with such conviction...from another planet. Message or warning? Seems like good planets are indeed hard to find and that the sky is not the limit after all...
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At 12:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
I havent read the book yet but as far as Ive know didnt she have a stone or gem of some sorts from Menton which proved her story to be true. There was no known sample of this stone on earth?
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At 6:09 AM,
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At 7:45 AM,
Nashwa Mostafa said…
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أفضل شركة غسيل خزانات بالمدينة المنورة
تهتم الشركة بأعمال الغسيل و التنظيف والإزالة التامة الطحالب والرواسب والمتغيرات التى تتعرض إليه بأفضل الطرق والأساليب،
تشمل خدماتنا ايضًا:
مكافحة كافة أنواع الطيور والحمام
شركة مكافحة الحمام بالمدينة وشركة تركيب طارد الحمام
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أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات البيت بالمدينة المنورة
ويتم الاعتماد على مجموعه من الماكينات الحديثة والمعدات التى تساعد على كشط كافه الرواسب المتواجدة بجدران الخزانات والتى تمثل طفيليات
افضل شركة غسيل وتعقيم وتنظيف الخزانات بالمدينة المنورة
من خدماتنا:
شركة تنظيف منازل بالمدينة المنورة اسعارمميزة
شركة تنظيف شقق وغسيل كنب ومنازل بالمدينة
At 1:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 1:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 1:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 2:00 AM,
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At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
بهترین آهنگ خارجی با کیفیت بالا
At 2:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
ظروفها غالبا ما تكون سئية للغاية ومعظم ساكنيها ليس لديهم أي سندات ملكية سليمة. منذ العام 2005، قامت الحكومة التركية باستهداف هذه الأنواع من المنازل في اطار مبادرة ” التطوير والتحول الحضري “، حيث يتم تشجيع المصممين ومهندسي المعمار على اعادة تطوير تلك الشوارع وتلك المنازل العشوائية لتصبح مساكن حديثة وفخمة وعصرية. مشروعات التحول الحضري في اسطنبول نفذت بالفعل في عدة مناطق مثل بومونتي في مدينة شيشلس، وأجزاء من بيوغلو وكاراكوي. المبادرة أثبتت نجاحها بزيادة القيمة المضافة للعقارات ورفع شأن ومكانة الأحياء القديمة في اسطنبول لتصبح متطورة.
وعلى مشارف مدينة اسطنبول، ظهرت العديد من التطورات الجدية في العقارات، وبأسعار أقل مع عوائد ايجار تصل إلى 8% سنويا. وأسعارها تبدأ من 50 ألف يورو لوحدة سكنية من غرفة نوم واحدة، بسعر 1500 دولار إلى 2000 دولار للمتر المربع الواحد.
وبمقارنة هذه العقارات بمنزل فخم في شيشلي، حيث يمكن أن يصل المتر المربع الواحد إلى 10 آلاف دولار وما يزيد، بالإضافة إلى ذلك ان بعض هذه المساكن بنيت بشكل كامل بحيث لا تجد شيء ناقص فيها ترغبه.
ومع تحسين شبكات النقل والمواصلات عن أي وقت مضي مثل المتروباص ونظام المترو الجديد، هذه البلدات السريعة النمو و المتطورة لم يعد شيء بعيد عنها وتتطور بسرعة أكبر في إسطنبول.
بكونها موطنا لما يقرب من مليون نسمة، فمئات الجنسيات والأديان المختلفة تذوب داخل اسطنبول وتتشارك شيء واحد وهو أنها ترغب في الاستفادة من تلك المدينة وعقاراتها المذهلة على وجه الخصوص..
اسطنبول المتحركة والمتفاعلة هي واحدة من أكبر المراكز الاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية الأكثر أهمية في نصف الكرة الشمالي. إن قيم العقارات في اسطنبول ارتفعت أكثر من240 % ما بين عامي و2012، وذلك يرجع للتطورات العقارية والمجتمعية والحكومية ذات الجودة العالية التي شهدتها المدينة.
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At 2:17 AM,
Nashwa Mostafa said…
اشكال مظلات للحوش
1-إذا كانت مساحة فناء المنزل الذى تمتلكها مساحة واسعة فننصحك باختيار أشكال مظلات القبب المخروطية.
2-إذا كانت مساحة فناء المنزل صغيرة ننصحك باختيار مظلات التل المقوس.
مواصفاتمظلات الأحواش فى مؤسسة الاختيار الأول:
1-نستخدم سماكات حديد لا تقل عن واحد ونصف ملليمتر فى تفصيل المظلات.
2-نستخدم اللحام الإلكتروني فى لحام أقمشة المظلات التى نختارحا لكم بعناية من مظلات قماش البي في سي الألماني والكوري.
3-نستخدم فى دهان المظلات نوعين من الدهانات: دهانات نارية تأسيسية ودهانات الفرن الحراري.
نراعي عمل معاينة للموقع تحت إشراف المهندس المسئول بالمؤسسة لتحديد المظلة المناسبة ومواصفاتها وطريقة التركيب.
أجدد اشكال مظلات للحوش
At 8:09 AM,
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At 5:32 AM,
Nashwa Mostafa said…
الاختيار الاول لتركيب سواتر مجدول حديد و سواتر بلاستيكية و سواتر داخليه و سواتر قماش استرالي شركة سواتر
At 2:18 PM,
Nashwa Mostafa said…
مظلات خارجية للمنازل
نعرضها لكم فى مؤسسة مظلات وسواتر الاختيار الأول فمن الصعب أن تجد منزل يخلو من وجود مظلة سواء بغرض تزيين بهو ومدخل المنزل أو للتجمعات وإستقبال الأقارب كما هو الحال فى مظلات خارجية للحدائق ومظلات أسطح المنازل ومظلات الأحواش ومظلات البلكونات المنزلية.
مظلات بلاستيك للمداخل- مظلات مداخل الفلل
نقوم بتركيب مظلات بلاستيك لمداخل المنازل والفلل تسمح بمرور الضوء النهاري للمنزل.
نوفر أيضًا سواتر قماش بتغطيات البولي ايثيلين
و البي في دي إف حسب طلبك.
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At 4:45 PM,
نوال الخطيب said…
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هو عزل مائى مستورد من الخارج للحفاظ على الخزان من الشروخ وتراكم المياه الملوثة التى تجلب الجراثيم شركة عزل اسطح بالدمام لديها العمالة المتميزة فى تنظيف وعزل الخزانات العلوية والارضية وعزلها بالمواد المائية بعد التعقيم من الجراثيم.
احدث معدات وادوات عزل الخزانات الموجودة بالدمام للقيام بتنفيذ العزل المستخدم على السطح المائى والحرارى بالدقة العالية.
شركه عزل فوم بجدة افضل شركة عزل خزانات بالدمام التى تمتلك افضل المعدات الحديثة والمتطورة والعمالة المدربة على تركيب انواع العزل المستخدم للسطح بالحرفية العالية.
أفضل المواد المطلوبة فى عزل الخزانات الموجودة بالدمام لدى شركة عزل اسطح بالدمام لحماية وزيادة عمر الخزان الافتراضي.
شركه عزل فوم بالدمام عزل فوم بعنيزة هو افضل انواع العوازل فى الفترة الاخيرة المستخدم فى حماية الأسطح من الرطوبة العالية وتسربات المياه.
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At 4:45 PM,
نوال الخطيب said…
من مؤسسة رواد الحرمين المتخصصة فى عزل
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هو عزل مائى مستورد من الخارج للحفاظ على الخزان من الشروخ وتراكم المياه الملوثة التى تجلب الجراثيم شركة عزل اسطح بالدمام لديها العمالة المتميزة فى تنظيف وعزل الخزانات العلوية والارضية وعزلها بالمواد المائية بعد التعقيم من الجراثيم.
احدث معدات وادوات عزل الخزانات الموجودة بالدمام للقيام بتنفيذ العزل المستخدم على السطح المائى والحرارى بالدقة العالية.
شركه عزل فوم بجدة افضل شركة عزل خزانات بالدمام التى تمتلك افضل المعدات الحديثة والمتطورة والعمالة المدربة على تركيب انواع العزل المستخدم للسطح بالحرفية العالية.
أفضل المواد المطلوبة فى عزل الخزانات الموجودة بالدمام لدى شركة عزل اسطح بالدمام لحماية وزيادة عمر الخزان الافتراضي.
شركه عزل فوم بالدمام عزل فوم بعنيزة هو افضل انواع العوازل فى الفترة الاخيرة المستخدم فى حماية الأسطح من الرطوبة العالية وتسربات المياه.
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At 1:56 PM,
نوال الخطيب said…
افضل انواع العوازل فى الفترة الاخيرة المستخدم فى حماية الأسطح من الرطوبة العالية وتسربات المياه.
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مادة كويتية الصنع تستخدم بماكينات ضغط الهواء من خلال افضل مجموعة عمل مكونة من فنيين وعمالة مدربة فى تنظيف السطح ورش الفوم علية وتسليك شركة الكهرباء.
شركه عزل فوم بالجبيل
لا تجهد نفسك ونحن تحت امرك ورهن اشارتك .
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تركيب حجر فرعوني للمنازل
At 1:57 PM,
نوال الخطيب said…
افضل انواع العوازل فى الفترة الاخيرة المستخدم فى حماية الأسطح من الرطوبة العالية وتسربات المياه.
شركه كشف تسربات المياه بالاحساء
مادة كويتية الصنع تستخدم بماكينات ضغط الهواء من خلال افضل مجموعة عمل مكونة من فنيين وعمالة مدربة فى تنظيف السطح ورش الفوم علية وتسليك شركة الكهرباء.
شركه عزل فوم بالجبيل
لا تجهد نفسك ونحن تحت امرك ورهن اشارتك .
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At 4:24 PM,
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At 4:26 PM,
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