I met Amaury Rivera Toro at the International UFO Congress in Las Vegas. He was too frightened to speak but he endeavored. His story is very unusual. This is his story in his own words.
New York
I was born and raised in New York City. I was working as a waiter in one of the major hotel chains when I received an alarming phone call from one of my aunts. She informed me that my grandmother was terribly ill. My grandmother was the woman whom I considered to be my mother. I just had to go to Puerto Rico where she lived to see her.
Puerto Rico 1988
When I arrived on the island I was amazed by its beauty. After being there a few days my grandmother recuperated and I was able to make my brief visit a real vacation. Upon returning to New York City I found myself constantly thinking about Puerto Rico. Something was pulling me -- drawing me in like a magnet. I phoned my aunt out in PR and expressed to her my feelings. I told her that I wanted to come out and live on the island. She reminded me that the employment situation on the island was pitiful.
Without knowing why I lifted my roots. I either sold, or gave away, everything that I owned and headed towards the island. Even though it was the birth place of my parents I really didn't know PR. I was like a stranger in my own land. Even its roads were unfamiliar to me.
One of my cousins had heard over the radio about a job opening at a local night club. The waiters job suited me perfectly. I landed the job and bought myself an old jalopy of a car as a means of transportation to and from my new job.
Everything went fine until the night before Mother's Day. A few days before this event the same cousin who had helped me obtain my job called me up to ask a favor of me. She asked me to please photograph one of her favorite musical groups, which was going to be appearing at the night club where I was working.
The night before Mother's Day I arrived at the nightclub toting my cousin's 110 Instamatic Camera. The club was packed and I was barely able to snap some pictures of the musical group called "El Gran Combo." I managed to take a few. When the night was over I headed home. My feet were aching and all I could think at the time was about getting home and having something to eat.
I took the usual route home, the one which one of my other relatives had showed me to utilize going to and from the night club. I was driving very slowly. It was about 4:30 a.m. I had to keep in mind what some of my family members had warned me about; they said that while driving along these country roads one had to watch out for stray cows or horses that often wandered on to the roads. What they really should have warned me about was something else!
As I drove through this lonely stretch of unpopulated country road named "La Bajura" (literally translated means "the low part"), I came across a thick mass of fog, I didn't find this strange because I had encountered this cloud of fog other times on my way home from work. I slowed down even more so and kept my eyes on the road at all times. Suddenly I heard what I initially thought were the sounds of hooves on the paved road. Calves? The sound was coming from the left side, the driver's side, my side.
I turned my head towards where the sound was emanating from and to my great surprise what I saw in that moment changed my whole sense of reality. Jogging alongside my old car was a... midget? child? "What the ____ is it?", I remember thinking to myself. My mind was going wild. I didn't know what to think. Demons? "Oh, my God, it's a demons," I thought. I was scared beyond description. This thing was about three or four feet tall. It had a huge head and black bulging eyes. The eyes are what really freaked me out. The being looked at me with those black pools it had for eyes and it had a strange effect on me. This thing had eyes that seemed to penetrate my very being. They were like those of a Pekingese dog except a lot larger. Its skin was white, almost like if it were wearing clown makeup. The nose was a pugged one and the mouth was no more than a slit. It wore what seemed to be a small one piece suit; the color being olive green. What in hell was this? The farthest thing from my mind was that this strange creature was an extraterrestrial being. At that place in time I didn't think about space beings or UFOs. My mind did not ponder into those realms.
I didn't believe in UFOs so I didn't think about UFOs or their occupants. I was so frightened and nervous that when I attempted to speed away from the horror, instead of stepping on the accelerator I stepped on the brakes. When I was about to move on I see movement on the right hand side in front of my car. Coming in from the fog was that same creature. How could this be? I though. How did it get from where it was running beside my door to where it was located now? In those few precious moments in which I debated whether to run the thing over with my car something even more unexpected occurred. Someone or something opened my car door. I jerked my head to the left and then it was staring at me. There were two. Not one -- but two. I gasped and held tight to the steering wheel. My foot felt like lead on the brake pedal. Mentally I prayed to God and asked him to forgive my many sins. I urinated in my pants and helplessly passed out.
When I woke up I had no idea of my whereabouts. I was still seated in my car but I was no longer on the road. I found myself in a strange place where there were other cars. These other cars were empty. I distinctly remember looking around for a sign that would read "Exit." There were none in this place that looked like an underground parking lot. There were no doors that I could see; no windows either. The colors of the walls were a non metallic light gray. As I sat there confused and gripping the steering wheel, the thing appeared next to the drivers seat door -- mine. This time I did not hear it approach my car. I just happened to look towards my left in search of a way out and there it was. Those eyes! It reached out to me with its skinny arm. The hand, I noticed, had five fingers but they were all about the same length. With his white hand he, or it, touched me. He placed the palm of its tiny hand upon my forehead. With this action on the creatures behalf, I faded into darkness.
When I gained my mind I found myself seated in another room along with 14 other people. This room was also the same color as the previous one; a light gray. There were no light fixtures visible to the eye, yet the place was illuminated. I saw no doors or windows. The rest of the people looked as terrified as I felt. None of us spoke. Out of what seemed nowhere, from some point of departure behind us, walked in the two small beings and right behind them came a man.
This man was dressed in a black shirt and black pants. His shoes were of the same color. His skin was a dark tan complexion. Like the skin color of an Arab or a Hindu. He did not appear to be tall; maybe 5 feet 7 inches or so. He stood before us and the two small beings situated themselves -- one to his right, the other to his left. This man with long black shoulder length hair spoke to us in perfect Spanish. He claimed to be as human as we are but from a different planet, another world which rotates around an alien star (sun).
In this room the extraterrestrial human displayed to us all various projections which seemed to be totally real in appearance. At the end of these events, the small beings (the ones that the ET human had informed us were in fact made by his people) touched every one of us on the forehead. Everything went away and I awoke seated in my car.
It was now daylight outside and I was in a different area of my home town. At the time I didn't have any idea of where I was. I knew this was not the "Bajura Road." Where was I? I had woken up in a total state of confusion and I couldn't stop crying. The Bajura was a paved road and this was a dirt road.
The next thing I knew, I heard the roar of military jets flying above. When I looked out the window of my car I saw it for the first time. It was hovering without making a single sound. The F-14 Tomcats were on their way back. Like a zombie I took hold of my cousin's camera and found the disc-shaped object through the lens. I just stood there observing it through the lens when suddenly out of nowhere I started to hear a strange beeping sound. Automatically I would snap a photo on every second beep. Beep-beep-snap-beep-beep-snap.
The disc tilted itself at an odd angle and shot off straight into the sky. The jets flew into formation and they took off frustrated in their attempts to ground the alien aircraft.
After this experience my life was never the same. These photographs have brought me lots of grief. In the near future I hope to be able to publish my book which I'm now completing, where my experience in its totality will be described in depth. There are many wonderful things out there awaiting us, but let us not forget the many wonderful things that we have right here on earth... Amaury Rivera Toro
What makes these photos so unique is the afct that they show an F-14 Tomcat in pursuit of the craft. There are no other photographs in the public domain that show an alien spacecraft and a military aircraft in the same single exposure of film.
Given this, it is no wonder that Mr. Rivera Tora has been harassed and had his home searched from top to bottom by Government agents looking for the negatives and photographs of this spectacular event. What they didn't know, after ransacking the home, was that Amaury had pasted the pictures inside the dog house under the roof. The feds never found them.
Amaury Rivera Tora gave the UFOCCI exclusive rights to publish his story in the Missing Link magazine we published at that time, along with the documentation that substantiates his claim. I am sure that you will find his experience just as fascinating as I have.
Perhaps Jorge Martin can give us an update on Amaury and if anything else has happened to him since that time.
New York
I was born and raised in New York City. I was working as a waiter in one of the major hotel chains when I received an alarming phone call from one of my aunts. She informed me that my grandmother was terribly ill. My grandmother was the woman whom I considered to be my mother. I just had to go to Puerto Rico where she lived to see her.
Puerto Rico 1988
When I arrived on the island I was amazed by its beauty. After being there a few days my grandmother recuperated and I was able to make my brief visit a real vacation. Upon returning to New York City I found myself constantly thinking about Puerto Rico. Something was pulling me -- drawing me in like a magnet. I phoned my aunt out in PR and expressed to her my feelings. I told her that I wanted to come out and live on the island. She reminded me that the employment situation on the island was pitiful.
Without knowing why I lifted my roots. I either sold, or gave away, everything that I owned and headed towards the island. Even though it was the birth place of my parents I really didn't know PR. I was like a stranger in my own land. Even its roads were unfamiliar to me.
One of my cousins had heard over the radio about a job opening at a local night club. The waiters job suited me perfectly. I landed the job and bought myself an old jalopy of a car as a means of transportation to and from my new job.
Everything went fine until the night before Mother's Day. A few days before this event the same cousin who had helped me obtain my job called me up to ask a favor of me. She asked me to please photograph one of her favorite musical groups, which was going to be appearing at the night club where I was working.
The night before Mother's Day I arrived at the nightclub toting my cousin's 110 Instamatic Camera. The club was packed and I was barely able to snap some pictures of the musical group called "El Gran Combo." I managed to take a few. When the night was over I headed home. My feet were aching and all I could think at the time was about getting home and having something to eat.
I took the usual route home, the one which one of my other relatives had showed me to utilize going to and from the night club. I was driving very slowly. It was about 4:30 a.m. I had to keep in mind what some of my family members had warned me about; they said that while driving along these country roads one had to watch out for stray cows or horses that often wandered on to the roads. What they really should have warned me about was something else!
As I drove through this lonely stretch of unpopulated country road named "La Bajura" (literally translated means "the low part"), I came across a thick mass of fog, I didn't find this strange because I had encountered this cloud of fog other times on my way home from work. I slowed down even more so and kept my eyes on the road at all times. Suddenly I heard what I initially thought were the sounds of hooves on the paved road. Calves? The sound was coming from the left side, the driver's side, my side.
I turned my head towards where the sound was emanating from and to my great surprise what I saw in that moment changed my whole sense of reality. Jogging alongside my old car was a... midget? child? "What the ____ is it?", I remember thinking to myself. My mind was going wild. I didn't know what to think. Demons? "Oh, my God, it's a demons," I thought. I was scared beyond description. This thing was about three or four feet tall. It had a huge head and black bulging eyes. The eyes are what really freaked me out. The being looked at me with those black pools it had for eyes and it had a strange effect on me. This thing had eyes that seemed to penetrate my very being. They were like those of a Pekingese dog except a lot larger. Its skin was white, almost like if it were wearing clown makeup. The nose was a pugged one and the mouth was no more than a slit. It wore what seemed to be a small one piece suit; the color being olive green. What in hell was this? The farthest thing from my mind was that this strange creature was an extraterrestrial being. At that place in time I didn't think about space beings or UFOs. My mind did not ponder into those realms.
I didn't believe in UFOs so I didn't think about UFOs or their occupants. I was so frightened and nervous that when I attempted to speed away from the horror, instead of stepping on the accelerator I stepped on the brakes. When I was about to move on I see movement on the right hand side in front of my car. Coming in from the fog was that same creature. How could this be? I though. How did it get from where it was running beside my door to where it was located now? In those few precious moments in which I debated whether to run the thing over with my car something even more unexpected occurred. Someone or something opened my car door. I jerked my head to the left and then it was staring at me. There were two. Not one -- but two. I gasped and held tight to the steering wheel. My foot felt like lead on the brake pedal. Mentally I prayed to God and asked him to forgive my many sins. I urinated in my pants and helplessly passed out.
When I woke up I had no idea of my whereabouts. I was still seated in my car but I was no longer on the road. I found myself in a strange place where there were other cars. These other cars were empty. I distinctly remember looking around for a sign that would read "Exit." There were none in this place that looked like an underground parking lot. There were no doors that I could see; no windows either. The colors of the walls were a non metallic light gray. As I sat there confused and gripping the steering wheel, the thing appeared next to the drivers seat door -- mine. This time I did not hear it approach my car. I just happened to look towards my left in search of a way out and there it was. Those eyes! It reached out to me with its skinny arm. The hand, I noticed, had five fingers but they were all about the same length. With his white hand he, or it, touched me. He placed the palm of its tiny hand upon my forehead. With this action on the creatures behalf, I faded into darkness.
When I gained my mind I found myself seated in another room along with 14 other people. This room was also the same color as the previous one; a light gray. There were no light fixtures visible to the eye, yet the place was illuminated. I saw no doors or windows. The rest of the people looked as terrified as I felt. None of us spoke. Out of what seemed nowhere, from some point of departure behind us, walked in the two small beings and right behind them came a man.
This man was dressed in a black shirt and black pants. His shoes were of the same color. His skin was a dark tan complexion. Like the skin color of an Arab or a Hindu. He did not appear to be tall; maybe 5 feet 7 inches or so. He stood before us and the two small beings situated themselves -- one to his right, the other to his left. This man with long black shoulder length hair spoke to us in perfect Spanish. He claimed to be as human as we are but from a different planet, another world which rotates around an alien star (sun).
In this room the extraterrestrial human displayed to us all various projections which seemed to be totally real in appearance. At the end of these events, the small beings (the ones that the ET human had informed us were in fact made by his people) touched every one of us on the forehead. Everything went away and I awoke seated in my car.
It was now daylight outside and I was in a different area of my home town. At the time I didn't have any idea of where I was. I knew this was not the "Bajura Road." Where was I? I had woken up in a total state of confusion and I couldn't stop crying. The Bajura was a paved road and this was a dirt road.
The next thing I knew, I heard the roar of military jets flying above. When I looked out the window of my car I saw it for the first time. It was hovering without making a single sound. The F-14 Tomcats were on their way back. Like a zombie I took hold of my cousin's camera and found the disc-shaped object through the lens. I just stood there observing it through the lens when suddenly out of nowhere I started to hear a strange beeping sound. Automatically I would snap a photo on every second beep. Beep-beep-snap-beep-beep-snap.
The disc tilted itself at an odd angle and shot off straight into the sky. The jets flew into formation and they took off frustrated in their attempts to ground the alien aircraft.
After this experience my life was never the same. These photographs have brought me lots of grief. In the near future I hope to be able to publish my book which I'm now completing, where my experience in its totality will be described in depth. There are many wonderful things out there awaiting us, but let us not forget the many wonderful things that we have right here on earth... Amaury Rivera Toro
What makes these photos so unique is the afct that they show an F-14 Tomcat in pursuit of the craft. There are no other photographs in the public domain that show an alien spacecraft and a military aircraft in the same single exposure of film.
Given this, it is no wonder that Mr. Rivera Tora has been harassed and had his home searched from top to bottom by Government agents looking for the negatives and photographs of this spectacular event. What they didn't know, after ransacking the home, was that Amaury had pasted the pictures inside the dog house under the roof. The feds never found them.
Amaury Rivera Tora gave the UFOCCI exclusive rights to publish his story in the Missing Link magazine we published at that time, along with the documentation that substantiates his claim. I am sure that you will find his experience just as fascinating as I have.
Perhaps Jorge Martin can give us an update on Amaury and if anything else has happened to him since that time.
At 11:17 AM,
Timmy said…
At 9:31 AM,
Jim Deardorff said…
Hello Leneesa,
It's good to see your findings and reports on line, in a blog. I'm glad you've "gone modern" in order to document a lot of your experiences with abductees and contactees over the years.
Jim Deardorff
At 4:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Studied Amuary's pics, seen his interviews over the years and certainly believe he's truthful.
Purto Rico particularly the areas of Cobo Rojo (Laguna Cartehena) and mountainous area of the El Yonkee rain forest require serious investigation from serious EBE/UFO researchers.
It's been stated the whole Island is revolves around interaction between the US Navy and EBE races.
At 12:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
He sounds sincere and seems to be a humble man.I particularly liked the part where the drones or midgets as Amaury referred to them,appearing along side his car and thinking what the ---- is that.I'm just glad they were the good guys.How do I know this because those other creeps would of said nothing and start to shove probes up their butts.Personally I would have asked them about Jesus.
At 5:57 PM,
jon said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 6:03 PM,
jon said…
I belive Amaury Rivera Toro, soon the alien trhuth will be known to all humans.
At 6:40 PM,
Unknown said…
I too believe Mr. Rivera because I have the Michael Heseman video in which Michael interviews him. Most amazing to me at this time of the Gulf oil leak is one of the things Amaury mentions in this interview when he says the humanoid alien showed them visions of various events and developments. One of them was of a 'dark oil sea' depicting what we were doing to our planet. Prophetic for sure.
At 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well I think its true... its nearing 2012. But a meteor will hit Earth somewhere I don't know in the Carribean perhaps would be catastrophic as depicted by the holograph or whatever that is.
At 10:26 AM,
viagra said…
That story is very amazing in fact... I had an uncle who used to say he was abducted by the grays, but he was a lunatic and any of us believed his stories.
At 6:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Most Humans operate in fear only mode,thats why their race is failing. They use humor or anger to deny reality. He speaks the truth.
He is a kind gentle person and was chosen to move to puerto rico. He like millions of this planet have been abducted, in order to learn truths that Humans are part of a much larger intergalactic family of sentient beings.
They are trying to teach Humans that they can live in peace and harmony on this planet and others.
Conglomerates that own Governments and the Military of most countries know Aliens are very real. They do not want Humans to know that Aliens come in peace and will do almost anything to prevent this from being known.
At 1:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
My question to Amaury in case of he read this or to the blog author at list is:
Do you think that they are really aliens or is there any possibility of their origin be from Earth, like Indians, for example, sent by governments in a secret mission? Is there any thing that proves that they're really aliens and not from Earth? Vimanas were part of ancient India, and nowadays we see presidents and other men of governments visiting India, CERN has Shiva Nataraj statue there and so on. Is it not possible that they're from Earth acting as if they were from out there in order to accomplish a kind of governmental mission?
Thank you.
At 12:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
In the story it said "There are no other photographs in the public domain that show an alien spacecraft and a military aircraft in the same single exposure of film" ?
As far as i know there IS a pic taken with both military aircraft and UFO in the SAME PIC. As in the Billy Meier Case, Which i believe the pic was taken in the 80s. I almost thought 1 pic was the 'Same' from that era? Do The Research
At 11:01 AM, said…
Quite useful piece of writing, thank you for this article.
At 3:41 PM,
Peter Cernjavski said…
To all appearances, and in accordance with my intuition this must be real. Very important document for the further development in ufology.
At 3:42 PM,
Peter Cernjavski said…
To all appearances, and in accordance with my intuition this must be real. Very important document for the further development in ufology.
At 1:41 AM,
pathrecords said…
Thanks so much for the post, really effective data.
At 12:59 PM,
Unknown said…
hello if amaury is seeing this, i want to know if you could describe the man you saw, was he olived skin was his hir jet black was he tall
i would reall appriciate if you answer me at my email
At 5:45 PM,
Unknown said…
Yez then send them to my email im sure your full of it this was a real event
At 7:59 PM,
abinico said…
Another putz wants 15 minutes of fame. People, if you have an experience that can't be proved, just shut up.
At 10:24 PM,
Thank you Aileen for posting this story ,
I was in the air-force since the sixties.
We see UFOs everyday, and my friend was one of the pilots in these 2 planes which chased this UFO.
We in the military can not talk about UFOs, since the UFOs/ETs are controlling all governments around the world. Instead, we hire thousands of people worldwide to ridicule UFOs, as you can see on this forum.
If the military will talk about UFOs, the public will refuse to go to wars.
We have many different ETs visiting us from many different planets, but one of them is controlling our planet earth.
I sent your story to Jeff Rense, as he is the best authority in the world on UFOs, and he posted it on his website
many of us in the military have interviews here:
Check BOB DEAN first.
At 10:28 PM,
Thank you Aileen for posting this story ,
I was in the air-force since the sixties.
We see UFOs everyday, and my friend was one of the pilots in these 2 planes which chased this UFO.
We in the military can not talk about UFOs, since the UFOs/ETs are controlling all governments around the world. Instead, we hire thousands of people worldwide to ridicule UFOs, as you can see on this forum.
If the military will talk about UFOs, the public will refuse to go to wars.
We have many different ETs visiting us from many different planets, but one of them is controlling our planet earth.
President Obama will talk about them later this year.
I sent your story to Jeff Rense, as he is the best authority in the world on UFOs, and he posted it on his website
Many of us in the military have interviews here:
Check BOB DEAN first.
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1- الاعتماد على افضل النجاريين المتخصصين فى اعمال الفك بطريقة حرفية لان الاثاث يحتاج الى القيام باعمال الفك الى قطع اصغر من الممكن حتى يتم حماية الاثاث من التعرض الى اى تلفيات او ظهور اى عيب فى الاثاث بعد التركيب .
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3- التعبئة تتم من خلال صناديق مخصصة مغلقة حتى يتم انتقال بيه الى المكان المراد النقل الية .
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5- الاهتمام باعمال النقل بكافة الوسائل المختلفة بالاضافة الى ان الشركة تهتم باعمال النقل من خلال توفير عدد من الوكلاء الخارجين لتسهيل اعمال النقل الان .
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تُعتبر شركة تنظيف ما بعد البناء بالاحساء من الشركات المتخصصة في تقديم خدمات التنظيف الشاملة بعد عمليات البناء والتجديد.
د شركة تنظيف مسابح بالاحساء من الشركات الرائدة في تقديم خدمات تنظيف وصيانة المسابح بكفاءة عالية واحترافية تامة. <
تُعد شركة تنظيف مطابخ بالاحساء من الشركات المتخصصة في تقديم خدمات تنظيف المطابخ بشكل شامل ومتكامل.
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