An encounter with Bigfoot and the Star People,
from cassette recordings done by Stan Johnson.
I met Stan and his wife. He took a group of us up where he met the Bigfoot and I heard a scream in the forest that Stan said was a Bigfoot.
I have been asked to put down on tape my experiences with the Big Foot. I am a seventy year old man. I was deer hunting in the mountains when I had my first experience with them.
It was about 3:00 PM. in the afternoon on October 27, 1983. The day was dark and it was pouring down rain. I was sitting on a stand behind some brush watching out across an opening where the deer usually came across, when I had a funny feeling that something was looking at me. Whatever it was I knew it wasn't a deer because I know how deer feel. I'm a good tracker and I figure that I'm a pretty good hunter after all these years.
Finally, I turned and looked at the direction I felt it coming from and I spied a big stump. It looked like there was something on top of the stump.
I got my binoculars and looked at the stump again. There was something on top of the stump! It was leaning over the top of the stump looking right at me. It had its arms crossed over the stump with its chin resting on them. In this position all I could see was the arms, head and shoulders.
I sat there and watched it for a few minutes while it watched me. Finally it turned around and started to walk towards some big cedar trees. Suddenly, the creature walked back leaned over the stump and picked up something besides it. This stump was a bucked-off log, a windfall. The loggers had cut the stump about seven feet high.
Since the creature was just walking back and forth, not paying any attention to me, I decided to get closer. He was about eighty-five yards from me when I got up. I pulled my gun out from under the poncho I was wearing so he could see it. When the creature saw my rifle he threw both arms straight up over his head, palms inward. I remembered then what I had read in the paper years ago, about a guy that was walking down a road with a walking stick when he saw one of the Big Foot creatures. He became scared and threw his hands and stick up over his head. The creature immediately reached down and picked up a stick. The man thought the creature wanted to fight so he threw his stick away -- the creature immediately threw his stick away too. Remembering this I raised my gun in the air where Big Foot could see it and then laid it down on the stump I had been sitting by and showed him I had nothing in my hands.
I then walked down, over a bank about twelve feet high onto a roadbed. I walked down the roadbed to within about thirty-five feet of the creature and squatted down. I didn't go any closer because I figured if he wanted to come closer he would.
While I sat there he made more trips to that stump. I couldn't see, due to some brush screening the area, what he was picking up, and walking over and putting under the bark of the big cedar tree.
I keep thinking of this creature as a man because I think he is as much a man as any of us. He looks very intelligent and has no hair on his face, except around his lower jawline, the corner of his chin and long sideburns that went down to the whiskers on his chin. His nose, upper and lower lips were all human looking with no hair on them.
He had nice-looking features. They resembled human teeth and were not fangs. The creature was about nine-feet tall and weighed approximately four-hundred and fifty to five hundred pounds. It had normal length arms and legs in proportion to its body. The hands were above the knee. The body was covered in long dark brown hair. Since it was approaching winter, I imagined he was beginning to grow a winter coat or maybe the creatures don't shed at all. His hands and fingernails were as normal looking as mine.
He turned around and walked in long springy steps. He didn't really run but he walked kind of fast down over the hill into a canyon and out of sight.
The next day my daughter and I went up there and we found what he had been putting in behind the bark of the tree. He was pulling moss up around the bed of that stump and walking over there and putting it in under the bark of that tree. He took his fingernails or fingers and just hacked across on the bark leaving a mark. He didn't appear to have long fingernails.
We walked over to the stump that I had thought to be about seven and a half feet high as I am six feet tall, but I had to reach up and could barely lay my fingers on the top of the stump. If the stump was eight feet tall and he was standing on the ground right where I was standing, he must have been at least nine feet tall -- at least.
On the cedar tree where he made the mark, I reached with my 243 long barrel deer rifle as high as I could and could just touch the top marks so I would say they were at least ten feet up on the tree. The marks were crosswise on the tree so he didn't just reach up and claw down. He was drawing sideways.
My daughter and I went home and I didn't say anything about it to anyone because I thought people would think I was crazy. I wasn't so sure whether I was or not, but I knew that I had seen something. Now I took all this time to make this tape, because I didn't want it made -- but I thought it's a good thing for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to have and for them to hear. That's why I'm doing it.
May 27, 1985
I had the opportunity to meet a social scientist who was investigating Big Foot. He was introduced to me in a roundabout way through my friend Dave. Together the three of us walked up the mountain.
After a while we sat down and we began receiving all kinds of "vibes" and feelings that we knew were coming from the creature. There is a distinct vibration that identifies their presence. I had noticed this many times while hunting in this area but did not know it was Big Foot until later. Now it is easy for me to distinguish their presence even when I do not see them. One has to experience this to understand.
We walked on a ways further and then decided to separate. I walked about two hundred yards down towards a canyon to see if I could find any sign of them. I sat down, Indian style, and meditated for a few minutes. Soon I could hear what sounded like a small baby crying. It didn't sound exactly like a human, it sounded odd. I couldn't tell the direction it was coming from so I decided to plug my ears. It was then that I knew that I wasn't hearing those sounds because I had my fingers in both ears. Apparently the sound was coming to me through some kind of mental telepathy. Since I knew nothing about telepathy it confused and upset me.
Going back up the hill I met Dave coming down and asked him if he had heard anything. He said, "Yes, I thought I heard a baby cry." I asked him if he had heard anything else and he said he had heard a growling noise. I told him I had heard that too. Then Bob joined us and said he hadn't heard anything.
I then happened to think, and I said, "I didn't hear that because I had my ears plugged. You are hearing through your ears and I heard it in my mind." Then Bob explained to me that this is the way they talk. They are telepathic.
We decided to move in the direction of the growling noise. We spread out and within minutes I found fresh tracks. We all examined the tracks which measured seventeen and a half inches long and seven inches wide at the widest part. The foot had no bend in the middle and would have been hard to tell left from right if it hadn't been for the big toe. The ball of the foot was about seven inches across and the heel about four inches across. After further study I determined that the Big Foot walked with emphasis on the ball of the foot and hardly any on the heel. This explains the springy walk.
In this area we found an odd feature. We found three mounds of earth about a foot in diameter and six to eight inches high. One mound contained a fifteen inch long metal cable. The soil was not from the area we were in as we dug into them and the earth around them and could notice the difference. So whoever made these mounds had brought dirt from another place. Because of the remoteness of the area we suspected the Big Foot might have built them.
We went back up the mountain and Bob left a block of salt on top of the eight foot stump where I had first encountered the Big Foot. As we were leaving, I told the others that I was going back up in a couple of days to see if the salt was still there.
May 31, 1985
I went back up to where the Big Foot was sighted. The block of salt was gone. Again, it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and it was raining. On top of the stump was a character in the shape of a triangle made of small sticks. The sticks were curved like a bow that was pointed. Facing me on the right hand side of the point was a little stick about six inches long crosswise, about one half the way up.
I walked out into the woods. I could see tracks in the earth where it had been raining. The rain had washed them away some but there was enough left to make out where he had walked.
Along the trail were little flecks of salt here and there. In one place under a tree it was dry and I found a big print where the earth had been kicked away. I found a root that had been disturbed and with some digging around found the salt block under some bark. The corners of the block had been eaten away. I decided to leave at this point and to come back in a few days to see what else might have happened.
An encounter with Bigfoot and the Star People,
from cassette recordings done by Stan Johnson.
I met Stan and his wife. He took a group of us up where he met the Bigfoot and I heard a scream in the forest that Stan said was a Bigfoot.
I have been asked to put down on tape my experiences with the Big Foot. I am a seventy year old man. I was deer hunting in the mountains when I had my first experience with them.
It was about 3:00 PM. in the afternoon on October 27, 1983. The day was dark and it was pouring down rain. I was sitting on a stand behind some brush watching out across an opening where the deer usually came across, when I had a funny feeling that something was looking at me. Whatever it was I knew it wasn't a deer because I know how deer feel. I'm a good tracker and I figure that I'm a pretty good hunter after all these years.
Finally, I turned and looked at the direction I felt it coming from and I spied a big stump. It looked like there was something on top of the stump.
I got my binoculars and looked at the stump again. There was something on top of the stump! It was leaning over the top of the stump looking right at me. It had its arms crossed over the stump with its chin resting on them. In this position all I could see was the arms, head and shoulders.
I sat there and watched it for a few minutes while it watched me. Finally it turned around and started to walk towards some big cedar trees. Suddenly, the creature walked back leaned over the stump and picked up something besides it. This stump was a bucked-off log, a windfall. The loggers had cut the stump about seven feet high.
Since the creature was just walking back and forth, not paying any attention to me, I decided to get closer. He was about eighty-five yards from me when I got up. I pulled my gun out from under the poncho I was wearing so he could see it. When the creature saw my rifle he threw both arms straight up over his head, palms inward. I remembered then what I had read in the paper years ago, about a guy that was walking down a road with a walking stick when he saw one of the Big Foot creatures. He became scared and threw his hands and stick up over his head. The creature immediately reached down and picked up a stick. The man thought the creature wanted to fight so he threw his stick away -- the creature immediately threw his stick away too. Remembering this I raised my gun in the air where Big Foot could see it and then laid it down on the stump I had been sitting by and showed him I had nothing in my hands.
I then walked down, over a bank about twelve feet high onto a roadbed. I walked down the roadbed to within about thirty-five feet of the creature and squatted down. I didn't go any closer because I figured if he wanted to come closer he would.
While I sat there he made more trips to that stump. I couldn't see, due to some brush screening the area, what he was picking up, and walking over and putting under the bark of the big cedar tree.
I keep thinking of this creature as a man because I think he is as much a man as any of us. He looks very intelligent and has no hair on his face, except around his lower jawline, the corner of his chin and long sideburns that went down to the whiskers on his chin. His nose, upper and lower lips were all human looking with no hair on them.
He had nice-looking features. They resembled human teeth and were not fangs. The creature was about nine-feet tall and weighed approximately four-hundred and fifty to five hundred pounds. It had normal length arms and legs in proportion to its body. The hands were above the knee. The body was covered in long dark brown hair. Since it was approaching winter, I imagined he was beginning to grow a winter coat or maybe the creatures don't shed at all. His hands and fingernails were as normal looking as mine.
He turned around and walked in long springy steps. He didn't really run but he walked kind of fast down over the hill into a canyon and out of sight.
The next day my daughter and I went up there and we found what he had been putting in behind the bark of the tree. He was pulling moss up around the bed of that stump and walking over there and putting it in under the bark of that tree. He took his fingernails or fingers and just hacked across on the bark leaving a mark. He didn't appear to have long fingernails.
We walked over to the stump that I had thought to be about seven and a half feet high as I am six feet tall, but I had to reach up and could barely lay my fingers on the top of the stump. If the stump was eight feet tall and he was standing on the ground right where I was standing, he must have been at least nine feet tall -- at least.
On the cedar tree where he made the mark, I reached with my 243 long barrel deer rifle as high as I could and could just touch the top marks so I would say they were at least ten feet up on the tree. The marks were crosswise on the tree so he didn't just reach up and claw down. He was drawing sideways.
My daughter and I went home and I didn't say anything about it to anyone because I thought people would think I was crazy. I wasn't so sure whether I was or not, but I knew that I had seen something. Now I took all this time to make this tape, because I didn't want it made -- but I thought it's a good thing for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to have and for them to hear. That's why I'm doing it.
May 27, 1985
I had the opportunity to meet a social scientist who was investigating Big Foot. He was introduced to me in a roundabout way through my friend Dave. Together the three of us walked up the mountain.
After a while we sat down and we began receiving all kinds of "vibes" and feelings that we knew were coming from the creature. There is a distinct vibration that identifies their presence. I had noticed this many times while hunting in this area but did not know it was Big Foot until later. Now it is easy for me to distinguish their presence even when I do not see them. One has to experience this to understand.
We walked on a ways further and then decided to separate. I walked about two hundred yards down towards a canyon to see if I could find any sign of them. I sat down, Indian style, and meditated for a few minutes. Soon I could hear what sounded like a small baby crying. It didn't sound exactly like a human, it sounded odd. I couldn't tell the direction it was coming from so I decided to plug my ears. It was then that I knew that I wasn't hearing those sounds because I had my fingers in both ears. Apparently the sound was coming to me through some kind of mental telepathy. Since I knew nothing about telepathy it confused and upset me.
Going back up the hill I met Dave coming down and asked him if he had heard anything. He said, "Yes, I thought I heard a baby cry." I asked him if he had heard anything else and he said he had heard a growling noise. I told him I had heard that too. Then Bob joined us and said he hadn't heard anything.
I then happened to think, and I said, "I didn't hear that because I had my ears plugged. You are hearing through your ears and I heard it in my mind." Then Bob explained to me that this is the way they talk. They are telepathic.
We decided to move in the direction of the growling noise. We spread out and within minutes I found fresh tracks. We all examined the tracks which measured seventeen and a half inches long and seven inches wide at the widest part. The foot had no bend in the middle and would have been hard to tell left from right if it hadn't been for the big toe. The ball of the foot was about seven inches across and the heel about four inches across. After further study I determined that the Big Foot walked with emphasis on the ball of the foot and hardly any on the heel. This explains the springy walk.
In this area we found an odd feature. We found three mounds of earth about a foot in diameter and six to eight inches high. One mound contained a fifteen inch long metal cable. The soil was not from the area we were in as we dug into them and the earth around them and could notice the difference. So whoever made these mounds had brought dirt from another place. Because of the remoteness of the area we suspected the Big Foot might have built them.
We went back up the mountain and Bob left a block of salt on top of the eight foot stump where I had first encountered the Big Foot. As we were leaving, I told the others that I was going back up in a couple of days to see if the salt was still there.
May 31, 1985
I went back up to where the Big Foot was sighted. The block of salt was gone. Again, it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and it was raining. On top of the stump was a character in the shape of a triangle made of small sticks. The sticks were curved like a bow that was pointed. Facing me on the right hand side of the point was a little stick about six inches long crosswise, about one half the way up.
I walked out into the woods. I could see tracks in the earth where it had been raining. The rain had washed them away some but there was enough left to make out where he had walked.
Along the trail were little flecks of salt here and there. In one place under a tree it was dry and I found a big print where the earth had been kicked away. I found a root that had been disturbed and with some digging around found the salt block under some bark. The corners of the block had been eaten away. I decided to leave at this point and to come back in a few days to see what else might have happened.
At 11:08 AM,
Jeremy said…
That's pretty much the same story he told me when I interviewed him with my dad back in 1994. My dad has a video tape of the conversation.
At 3:07 PM,
max4 said…
At 6:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
I know that Stan Johnson is a liar. He stole Kewaunee Lapseritis' information. What a joke to do that. I believe nothing he says. A Con artist. Like the rest. The sasquatch spoke to me and told me that Stan stole all his information. they are not happy and someone should warn Stan that the bigfoot people are not pleased with him. The starpeople have never spoken to him. He is mentally ill. Please tell Stan he is a liar and a thief of information. I am a truth seeker. I dont believe BULLSHIT
At 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I recently bought the late Stan Johnson's residence and am trying to gain as much knowledge of the area as I can. If any one has any specifics as to where exactly these portal hotspots on the mountain are it would be greatly appreciated. I have been going through his journal entries and listening to a number of tapes all of which I found the property and it is all very interesting. It would surprise me if a "bullshitter" would have these things kept in such a fashion or would have spent money on the instruments that I found. I am waiting for the documentary and books to be delivered but would like any additional info that anyone may have. Naysayers comments also welcome.
At 12:15 PM,
Stan's Great Neice said…
I am Stan Johnson's great niece! He is not a liar, nor is he a thief. Stan has passed on, and it had nothing to do with REVENGE FROM BIGFOOT! You are an idiot to talk about him like that. He was a very smart man. His motivations to learn more about the Sasquatch family were all intrinsical. Hide behind your anonymous username, in your anonymous world, where nobody knows (or cares) who you are. Keep typing on your 'little" blog that will get you no recognition whatsoever. Uncle Stan's book is still selling to this day. What have you done that makes you so important. Get a life, you loser, and quit bashing the name of the LATE STANLEY JOHNSON!
A Pissed Off Great Niece
At 5:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I met Stan When I was working at Westwinds in Sutherlin..He was not a liar..or a con man..who ever you ae that made the bad comments it doesn't sound as if you knew him well at all..he and his wife were very spiritual people that had a deep respect of life..He told me all about the bigfoot and many other things,,he was a very in touch man and I miss him dearly and always will..
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
interesting story, telepathic is possible. i love the story, any way, what state is this located.
At 7:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I read his book, The Bigfoot Memoirs and it was a very interesting read. I am not sure if it is all real or not, but it definitely kept my attention.
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At 12:36 PM,
Unknown said…
All I want to say is Stanley Johnson was my great grandfather. Growing up listening to him, and the rest of my family, spending countless nights on the property and seeing strange things myself, my great grandfather is no liar. Seeing this actually really strikes a nerve. However, if you wish to speak with a descendant, you can contact me at
At 9:40 AM,
Jim Hurlbut said…
There are shills around this community whose only function is to attempt to fatuously and with concocted stories discredit individuals and spread disinformation. Keep this in mind. They often operate anonymously or with false names. I have no personal knowledge of Mr. Johnson or his accounts but believe its just as possible his veracity can't be questioned, that he may well be a man of such known integrity that these events almost certainly occurred just as he relates them. I knowfrom first-hand experience 25 years ago this month that this species, though rare and elusive, does exist.
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At 2:21 PM,
Tasha said…
Hi Stans Neice,
Can you tell me where to get your uncle's book, "Bigfoot Memoirs :My life with the Sasquatch"? I have looked all over the internet, Even and more obscure book sites and the weirdest thing has happened: all the sites list this dumb book called "I used to be normal , then I got bored" as the picture for Stan Johnson's book. Then it goes on to give the description for that book and has nothing to I with the Bigfoot book by Stan. I really am mad that I can't find it. I mean every site lists that annoying book instead of the Bigfoot Memoirs. I did manage to outsmart Amazon by clicking on Stan Johnson as an author, and it says unavailable, and they don't know when or if it will ever be available. I need to find out what's going on (censorship?) And get this book. I really am fascinated by Stan, he is an impressive person. I say is because soul is undying.
At 11:47 AM,
infinitevoyager said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 12:21 PM,
infinitevoyager said…
I knew Stan very well, he was a personal friend. It's easy to make up lies as you are, strange for someone who claims to be a "truth seeker". Spent many hours around Stan Johnson, he was an honest person who shared his truth. He wasn't looking for notoriety, just for people to understand. You need to find someone else to pick on, those of us who knew him, know your story is pure BS.
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