Jan Val Ellam: The date for the official contact is set and it will be for the next few months
Interview given to A. J. Gevaerd, editor. With collaboration of Nelson Vilhena Granado, Reinaldo Prado Mello, and Miriam Heder, consultants
Few people in the World and Brazilian Ufological Community share the reputation of Jan Val Ellam, pseudonym of the executive from the State of Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil, Rogerio de Almeida Freitas. With a similarly easy transit among Brazilian spiritualists, we can say that Ellam is renowned among them as well. Author of 15 books approaching pure spiritualism and mixed ufological and spiritual studies – as well as several others yet to be published –, he excels for making strong and revealing statements in both fields. Ellam seems to have a very precise notion of where ufology and spiritualism meet one another and gives a practical sense to this view by giving lectures that face alien demonstrations in our planet in a unique way. He sees and narrates with exceptional assertiveness the way our visitors interact with the terrestrial human race, which to him is only a small and dormant portion of a broad species of cosmic beings that inhabit countless planets but has no idea of its importance inside this set.
“I don’t ask you to believe me, but only to think about what I’m saying. I ask you to think if I'm doing this because I believe to have revelations passed on to me by those many of us call 'cosmic brothers', which they really are: beings very similar to us, though much ahead in evolution, like elder brothers”, states the spiritualist ufologist. This is not simply rhetoric. He confesses many times to be surprised with the information he receives – or “accesses” as he prefer to say –, just like someone who finished reading a book and tries to digest what the pages contain. Ellam is far from being a guru or having a mystical profile. Graduated in business administration, he holds a position as executive at the Federation of Commerce, Services, and Tourism of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, besides being a consultant for foreign groups that invest in that State. In order to add credibility to his figure, we should also say that Ellam, while still Freitas more than 20 years ago, was an affiliate field ufologist always ready to go out and investigate cases of ETs attacking humans in the Brazilian Northeast region. He worked with the pioneer ufologist Irene Granchi (president of honor of Brazilian UFO Magazine’s Editorial Council) and with the late US journalist Bob Pratt. He was mentioned in his book Brazil: UFO danger Zone.
Powerful forces approaching
His inclination for a spiritualist interpretation for the UFO phenomenon began with his personal experiences. “It was a series of events that transcended the common pattern of human view, which took me to isolate myself even more in my attempts to understand what was happening. I believe I didn’t go mad because I have enough good humor to carry on with facts in life”, he said to Brazilian UFO Magazine in an interview published in our issue # 103, September 2004. The impact of these events were so strong on Freitas that he chose a pseudonym – Jan Val Ellam – in order to write under these “cosmic brothers’” orders the news perspectives through which he became to see the actions of our visitors on Earth. When questioned about such a strange pseudonym, which made many think of an esoteric nature in his choice, he explains that it was a personal choice saying that in case the messages were of any use it would not matter under which name they would come.
Some Brazilian and foreign spiritualist sectors already mentioned that it is neither Freitas nor Ellam who writes the books, but really strong forces that constantly instruct him. The electrical engineer and Brazilian UFO Magazine’s consultant Reinaldo Prado de Albuquerque Mello even compared Elam’s activity to a “broadband internet connection with other realities”, through which a constant symphony and perfect integration is kept between Ellam and the cosmic intelligences he always quote. He makes no secret on that and admits to be really in constant contact with advanced cosmic intelligences, while seeing them with the spontaneity of a person who has been living with this for years. While more orthodox ufologists question his statements, the fact is that few human beings have the knowledge to write so many books with such a vast, rich, and profound content in such a brief period of time as he did. Ellam write them during the night since he works full time as every mortal and still needs to share his professional activities with presentation of lectures in Brazil and abroad. In other countries, he is also known as the mentor of Projeto Orbum, a manifesto dealing on planetary citizenship (www.orbum.org).
In one of his books, Fator Extraterrestre (Extraterrestrial Factor), Ellam discusses on the origin of life, the understanding called “missing link of the human genesis”, the cosmic isolation of our species, the abductions and psychological barriers that impairs a transparent study of the extraterrestrial themes. In a recent conference in Campo Grande (MS) he condemned the insistent religious, scientific, and government deny on the alien presence on Earth, giving reasons why after so many decades of evidence there is still a strong resistance against such reality. “The human being lacks knowledge of his own past and also humbly enough to understand minimal facts that happen since the dawn of ages and links us to the extraterrestrial issues and indicate the broadness of life in the Universe”. His lectures and books greatly refer to the figure of Jesus whom he calls a Master and who would be closely linked to the UFO phenomenon. This attracts many of his admirers and a lot of misunderstanding from those who want to set Ufology apart from religious matters.
Radical changes on Earth
“This interpretation of the facts is a mistake”, says Ellam. “Since Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with any religion. A study of pre-Bible times shows us that the UFO phenomenon already existed in our planet with great comprehensiveness much before Jesus had come to Earth. And he came as one of our own species, though from other ‘room of the Father’s house’, to show that we were wrong in almost everything we were doing”. Ellam is not afraid of attracting the rage of orthodox and doctrinaire spiritualists who see Jesus in an almost religious manner. He calls him an “Authority from the Skies” and believes he came to Earth with special powers and a well-defined and clear message that could not be understood to anyone, not in that time neither today. “Jesus has never asked us to raise religions to him or to the Creator, but only to respect and to love one another, concepts that are an absolutely normal living condition in his world of origin and also in the places he visited, and that only on Earth seem to be senseless”.
Jan Val Ellam is a daring man and yet reasonable and known for the seriousness with which he treats all ufological and spiritualist themes without any appeal to sensationalism. Now, he gets totally out of the prudent stance from the previous weeks by surprising everyone with his serious statements concerning facts that are to come to the planet. “I never wanted to show up. I work to spread the information I receive because I find them important to many people. Now, what I’ve been receiving since last March is so heavy and incisive that I need to reveal to any who wants to listen”. In his most recent lectures, Ellam has crossed a barrier untouchable even to the most daring prophets in order to convey facts he says to have made known through his channels. And these are really shocking. Ellam states that he was informed that the moment for an official and formal contact with our extraterrestrial visitors is not only near, but has its date set to happen – within the next months, between November 2006 and April 2007.
Yes, Jan Val Ellam states his cosmic inspirers – the same that guided him to write his rich contented texts – informed him that a global and undeniable presentation is to finally happen and has its date set. “It’ll be something for nobody to question. Not the media, nor scientists or governments. There will be no way to question. And after that they will come many other times, always to fill the skies with their gigantic vehicles not to land but to interact with us until the right time comes”.
The interview (only 3 Q&A out of 32)
Brazilian UFO Magazine – Many others made similar statements before concerning an official and ultimate contact with ETs, but none of them was so emphatic. Nobody established such a near date for the contact fearing it could not happen. Why are you doing exactly the opposite?
Jan Val Ellam – This is actually one of the issues in my personal drama. If I were spreading a “warning” from my cosmic friends saying that something would happen in a distant future, that would be great for my mind since my personal responsibility would be softened. However, all that’s been happening with me since 1986 promoted by these spiritual beings and entities who work together – no matter how orthodox ufologists and spiritualists think – has the power to make me realize that the moment so long announced may finally come into place in the present days. More than this: “they” asked me something they never did before. They asked me to convey the announcement of an official and ultimate contact with extraterrestrial beings by means of the fulfillment of the promise made by Jesus when he was among us, the promise of returning to Earth in his natural condition of an authority from the skies. This will be the first official contact that earthly beings would have with beings from other worlds in the present days.His return would happen a little later in a time between the second half of November 2006 until April 2007.
Brazilian UFO Magazine – If this really comes to happen that will be a moment of great commotion for the humankind indeed. What do you think such fact would cause to the planetary population?
Jan Val Ellam – This fact is to mark the first moment of the so long awaited reintegration of our planet to the cosmic interchange. This would be the end of the isolation experienced by us for so long since we live on Earth under some kind of “cosmic quarantine”. After all, we are the “unwanted companions” in this part of the Galaxy, since we commit all sorts of crimes against the dignity of life. After this first visit – which would be objective, clear, unquestionable, filmed and reported, yet very brief, maybe lasting for a few hours or even less – others will happen in order to make terrestrials even more used to resuming their communion with humankinds of other planets. That should be followed by future contacts with many other extraterrestrials species, all of them linked to what I call “cosmic brotherhood ideals”.
Brazilian UFO Magazine – Aren’t you afraid of being seen as a guru or even a lunatic when presenting these facts in your lectures and to UFO readers? Wouldn’t that jeopardize all the credibility you’ve acquired along two decades of ufological and spiritual work?
Jan Val Ellam – No, I’m not. I’m doing this because I can’t find another way to live with these facts. It would be comfortable or even a good strategy to stay quiet according to human standards without exposing myself by setting a date only to say I knew it before. If it were only for my convenience, you can be sure that this would be my choice. However, to my despair, there is an explicit demand from these beings I call “cosmic brothers” which makes me clearly understand what was performed by them along these 20 years of shared experiences. It’s as if every other option planned by them had failed and the appeal “from the other side” had the objective of creating another option that didn’t exist before once they insist in telling me that I had taken a commitment with this process. I don’t know. What I know is that it would be dishonest on my part towards them to refrain in my human condition when the invitations tells us to grow stronger in love, regardless of any price the world my charge for such a daring attitude. What I got from the whole story is that my spirit might have committed itself with them in order to accomplish the task in case they ask me to. Now they came to ask me and I have to find forces to carry on with the orders presented to me. As I’m not a believer and not moved by religious faith, I can only rely on myself, on the philosophical code of behavior I developed as a master rule in my life. I’m now dealing with facts and not with issues arising from spiritualist experiences. There’s nothing I can say against facts. I can only watch and live with them while increasing my levels of intellectual reasoning as highly as possible. That’s what I’ve been doing.
The complete interview will soon be made available in English language.
For the Portuguese version of the interview, hit:
And now a message as of today from A. J. Gevaerd.
I have received a lot of inquiries from people who received my message yesterday, asking me if I believe that the alleged official contact with ETs will actually happen and if the person announcing it, who I interviewed for the Brazilian UFO Magazine, deserves any credit. Some people also wrote me and protested that I published the interview.
I would like to say just a few more things about it.
1. The Brazilian UFO Magazine is not supporting the claims made by Rogerio de Almeida Freitas / Jan Val Ellam. Neither is it rejecting them. The magazine simply played its role as a publication specialized in Ufology and carried out the information as clear as possible. Being the material is an interview, with an obvious interview format, the interviewee Freitas / Ellam is responsible for what he claims.
2. Whoever read the e-mail I sent out yesterday only read 3 of a total of 32 questions. In most of them, I put a lot of pressure on the interviewee Freitas / Ellam, as I was supposed to do. In addition, on the subsequent editions -- two so far, number 127 and 128 -- I have published several articles where researchers express their views about the predictions. And the majority of them are very negative towards what the interviewee Freitas / Ellam claims. We open this issue for debate in the magazine and in its website (www.ufo.com.br), unfortunately only in Portuguese.
3. As the editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, and having served it in such position for almost 23 years now, I had to make a decision about doing and publishing the interview or not when I got the information from the interviewee Freitas / Ellam. Of course I know very well of so many other previous alleged contactees and prophets that had issued similar predictions in the past. And of course I knew that this time it could be just about the same thing. What helped me to make my decision to publish the interview was the fact that the interviewee Freitas / Ellam is a very serious person and in my opinion, the content of his predictions should be known. Not supported, not rejected, but known. His predictions could all be hallucination, but he has a really high reputation and holds top positions in several business circles. He definitely not a lunatic and he has a lot to lose if nothing happens.
4. Personally, I am also neutral. I learned from my 30 years of experience in the UFO field that such claims never really come true. They never had, at least. And I don't know why would this one be any different. However, I keep a open mind about it and I would definitely love that the interviewee Freitas / Ellam prediction of a mass sighting all over the planet come true. Who in this field wouldn’t? However, it is not what motivated me to publish the interview, of course, but the content of it, the reputation of the interviewee Freitas / Ellam and the fact that, being a interview, his claims are his responsibilities.
5. At last, this debate is going on in Brazil and a few UFO circles abroad for almost 3 months now, since we released the edition 126 of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, where the polemic interview was published. There has been a very, very hot debate about it in my country, a debate that nearly divided UFO researchers here in two groups, the biggest one of them totally rejecting the interviewee Freitas / Ellam claims. Many people abroad, who received my message yesterday, also rejected the claims. This is really understandable. But for those people, and for most of the people in the UFO field, the next piece of information is even mind-boggling: The interviewee Freitas / Ellam called me last Wed, November 15, and told me that he was 99.9% that the sightings will happen tomorrow, Sat, November 18, 17h30 local Brasília time. And he called me again a couple of hours ago giving me the other 0.1%.
So, if Rogerio de Almeida Freitas / Jan Val Ellam is to be taken seriously, we are supposed to see a mass sighting of UFOs worldwidely tomorrow, Saturday, at 17h30 local Brasilia time.
I am sending out this message only to share with so many colleagues over the world this piece of info. I do not support these claims, and I do not reject them. I will wait and see. What the hell… I‘ve been watching the skies for countless hours for the last 3 decades and a few more tomorrow won’t hurt me.
Best regards!
A. J. Gevaerd,Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazinewww.ufo.com.brgevaerd@ufo.com.braj@gevaerd.com
Interview given to A. J. Gevaerd, editor. With collaboration of Nelson Vilhena Granado, Reinaldo Prado Mello, and Miriam Heder, consultants
Few people in the World and Brazilian Ufological Community share the reputation of Jan Val Ellam, pseudonym of the executive from the State of Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil, Rogerio de Almeida Freitas. With a similarly easy transit among Brazilian spiritualists, we can say that Ellam is renowned among them as well. Author of 15 books approaching pure spiritualism and mixed ufological and spiritual studies – as well as several others yet to be published –, he excels for making strong and revealing statements in both fields. Ellam seems to have a very precise notion of where ufology and spiritualism meet one another and gives a practical sense to this view by giving lectures that face alien demonstrations in our planet in a unique way. He sees and narrates with exceptional assertiveness the way our visitors interact with the terrestrial human race, which to him is only a small and dormant portion of a broad species of cosmic beings that inhabit countless planets but has no idea of its importance inside this set.
“I don’t ask you to believe me, but only to think about what I’m saying. I ask you to think if I'm doing this because I believe to have revelations passed on to me by those many of us call 'cosmic brothers', which they really are: beings very similar to us, though much ahead in evolution, like elder brothers”, states the spiritualist ufologist. This is not simply rhetoric. He confesses many times to be surprised with the information he receives – or “accesses” as he prefer to say –, just like someone who finished reading a book and tries to digest what the pages contain. Ellam is far from being a guru or having a mystical profile. Graduated in business administration, he holds a position as executive at the Federation of Commerce, Services, and Tourism of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, besides being a consultant for foreign groups that invest in that State. In order to add credibility to his figure, we should also say that Ellam, while still Freitas more than 20 years ago, was an affiliate field ufologist always ready to go out and investigate cases of ETs attacking humans in the Brazilian Northeast region. He worked with the pioneer ufologist Irene Granchi (president of honor of Brazilian UFO Magazine’s Editorial Council) and with the late US journalist Bob Pratt. He was mentioned in his book Brazil: UFO danger Zone.
Powerful forces approaching
His inclination for a spiritualist interpretation for the UFO phenomenon began with his personal experiences. “It was a series of events that transcended the common pattern of human view, which took me to isolate myself even more in my attempts to understand what was happening. I believe I didn’t go mad because I have enough good humor to carry on with facts in life”, he said to Brazilian UFO Magazine in an interview published in our issue # 103, September 2004. The impact of these events were so strong on Freitas that he chose a pseudonym – Jan Val Ellam – in order to write under these “cosmic brothers’” orders the news perspectives through which he became to see the actions of our visitors on Earth. When questioned about such a strange pseudonym, which made many think of an esoteric nature in his choice, he explains that it was a personal choice saying that in case the messages were of any use it would not matter under which name they would come.
Some Brazilian and foreign spiritualist sectors already mentioned that it is neither Freitas nor Ellam who writes the books, but really strong forces that constantly instruct him. The electrical engineer and Brazilian UFO Magazine’s consultant Reinaldo Prado de Albuquerque Mello even compared Elam’s activity to a “broadband internet connection with other realities”, through which a constant symphony and perfect integration is kept between Ellam and the cosmic intelligences he always quote. He makes no secret on that and admits to be really in constant contact with advanced cosmic intelligences, while seeing them with the spontaneity of a person who has been living with this for years. While more orthodox ufologists question his statements, the fact is that few human beings have the knowledge to write so many books with such a vast, rich, and profound content in such a brief period of time as he did. Ellam write them during the night since he works full time as every mortal and still needs to share his professional activities with presentation of lectures in Brazil and abroad. In other countries, he is also known as the mentor of Projeto Orbum, a manifesto dealing on planetary citizenship (www.orbum.org).
In one of his books, Fator Extraterrestre (Extraterrestrial Factor), Ellam discusses on the origin of life, the understanding called “missing link of the human genesis”, the cosmic isolation of our species, the abductions and psychological barriers that impairs a transparent study of the extraterrestrial themes. In a recent conference in Campo Grande (MS) he condemned the insistent religious, scientific, and government deny on the alien presence on Earth, giving reasons why after so many decades of evidence there is still a strong resistance against such reality. “The human being lacks knowledge of his own past and also humbly enough to understand minimal facts that happen since the dawn of ages and links us to the extraterrestrial issues and indicate the broadness of life in the Universe”. His lectures and books greatly refer to the figure of Jesus whom he calls a Master and who would be closely linked to the UFO phenomenon. This attracts many of his admirers and a lot of misunderstanding from those who want to set Ufology apart from religious matters.
Radical changes on Earth
“This interpretation of the facts is a mistake”, says Ellam. “Since Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with any religion. A study of pre-Bible times shows us that the UFO phenomenon already existed in our planet with great comprehensiveness much before Jesus had come to Earth. And he came as one of our own species, though from other ‘room of the Father’s house’, to show that we were wrong in almost everything we were doing”. Ellam is not afraid of attracting the rage of orthodox and doctrinaire spiritualists who see Jesus in an almost religious manner. He calls him an “Authority from the Skies” and believes he came to Earth with special powers and a well-defined and clear message that could not be understood to anyone, not in that time neither today. “Jesus has never asked us to raise religions to him or to the Creator, but only to respect and to love one another, concepts that are an absolutely normal living condition in his world of origin and also in the places he visited, and that only on Earth seem to be senseless”.
Jan Val Ellam is a daring man and yet reasonable and known for the seriousness with which he treats all ufological and spiritualist themes without any appeal to sensationalism. Now, he gets totally out of the prudent stance from the previous weeks by surprising everyone with his serious statements concerning facts that are to come to the planet. “I never wanted to show up. I work to spread the information I receive because I find them important to many people. Now, what I’ve been receiving since last March is so heavy and incisive that I need to reveal to any who wants to listen”. In his most recent lectures, Ellam has crossed a barrier untouchable even to the most daring prophets in order to convey facts he says to have made known through his channels. And these are really shocking. Ellam states that he was informed that the moment for an official and formal contact with our extraterrestrial visitors is not only near, but has its date set to happen – within the next months, between November 2006 and April 2007.
Yes, Jan Val Ellam states his cosmic inspirers – the same that guided him to write his rich contented texts – informed him that a global and undeniable presentation is to finally happen and has its date set. “It’ll be something for nobody to question. Not the media, nor scientists or governments. There will be no way to question. And after that they will come many other times, always to fill the skies with their gigantic vehicles not to land but to interact with us until the right time comes”.
The interview (only 3 Q&A out of 32)
Brazilian UFO Magazine – Many others made similar statements before concerning an official and ultimate contact with ETs, but none of them was so emphatic. Nobody established such a near date for the contact fearing it could not happen. Why are you doing exactly the opposite?
Jan Val Ellam – This is actually one of the issues in my personal drama. If I were spreading a “warning” from my cosmic friends saying that something would happen in a distant future, that would be great for my mind since my personal responsibility would be softened. However, all that’s been happening with me since 1986 promoted by these spiritual beings and entities who work together – no matter how orthodox ufologists and spiritualists think – has the power to make me realize that the moment so long announced may finally come into place in the present days. More than this: “they” asked me something they never did before. They asked me to convey the announcement of an official and ultimate contact with extraterrestrial beings by means of the fulfillment of the promise made by Jesus when he was among us, the promise of returning to Earth in his natural condition of an authority from the skies. This will be the first official contact that earthly beings would have with beings from other worlds in the present days.His return would happen a little later in a time between the second half of November 2006 until April 2007.
Brazilian UFO Magazine – If this really comes to happen that will be a moment of great commotion for the humankind indeed. What do you think such fact would cause to the planetary population?
Jan Val Ellam – This fact is to mark the first moment of the so long awaited reintegration of our planet to the cosmic interchange. This would be the end of the isolation experienced by us for so long since we live on Earth under some kind of “cosmic quarantine”. After all, we are the “unwanted companions” in this part of the Galaxy, since we commit all sorts of crimes against the dignity of life. After this first visit – which would be objective, clear, unquestionable, filmed and reported, yet very brief, maybe lasting for a few hours or even less – others will happen in order to make terrestrials even more used to resuming their communion with humankinds of other planets. That should be followed by future contacts with many other extraterrestrials species, all of them linked to what I call “cosmic brotherhood ideals”.
Brazilian UFO Magazine – Aren’t you afraid of being seen as a guru or even a lunatic when presenting these facts in your lectures and to UFO readers? Wouldn’t that jeopardize all the credibility you’ve acquired along two decades of ufological and spiritual work?
Jan Val Ellam – No, I’m not. I’m doing this because I can’t find another way to live with these facts. It would be comfortable or even a good strategy to stay quiet according to human standards without exposing myself by setting a date only to say I knew it before. If it were only for my convenience, you can be sure that this would be my choice. However, to my despair, there is an explicit demand from these beings I call “cosmic brothers” which makes me clearly understand what was performed by them along these 20 years of shared experiences. It’s as if every other option planned by them had failed and the appeal “from the other side” had the objective of creating another option that didn’t exist before once they insist in telling me that I had taken a commitment with this process. I don’t know. What I know is that it would be dishonest on my part towards them to refrain in my human condition when the invitations tells us to grow stronger in love, regardless of any price the world my charge for such a daring attitude. What I got from the whole story is that my spirit might have committed itself with them in order to accomplish the task in case they ask me to. Now they came to ask me and I have to find forces to carry on with the orders presented to me. As I’m not a believer and not moved by religious faith, I can only rely on myself, on the philosophical code of behavior I developed as a master rule in my life. I’m now dealing with facts and not with issues arising from spiritualist experiences. There’s nothing I can say against facts. I can only watch and live with them while increasing my levels of intellectual reasoning as highly as possible. That’s what I’ve been doing.
The complete interview will soon be made available in English language.
For the Portuguese version of the interview, hit:
And now a message as of today from A. J. Gevaerd.
I have received a lot of inquiries from people who received my message yesterday, asking me if I believe that the alleged official contact with ETs will actually happen and if the person announcing it, who I interviewed for the Brazilian UFO Magazine, deserves any credit. Some people also wrote me and protested that I published the interview.
I would like to say just a few more things about it.
1. The Brazilian UFO Magazine is not supporting the claims made by Rogerio de Almeida Freitas / Jan Val Ellam. Neither is it rejecting them. The magazine simply played its role as a publication specialized in Ufology and carried out the information as clear as possible. Being the material is an interview, with an obvious interview format, the interviewee Freitas / Ellam is responsible for what he claims.
2. Whoever read the e-mail I sent out yesterday only read 3 of a total of 32 questions. In most of them, I put a lot of pressure on the interviewee Freitas / Ellam, as I was supposed to do. In addition, on the subsequent editions -- two so far, number 127 and 128 -- I have published several articles where researchers express their views about the predictions. And the majority of them are very negative towards what the interviewee Freitas / Ellam claims. We open this issue for debate in the magazine and in its website (www.ufo.com.br), unfortunately only in Portuguese.
3. As the editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, and having served it in such position for almost 23 years now, I had to make a decision about doing and publishing the interview or not when I got the information from the interviewee Freitas / Ellam. Of course I know very well of so many other previous alleged contactees and prophets that had issued similar predictions in the past. And of course I knew that this time it could be just about the same thing. What helped me to make my decision to publish the interview was the fact that the interviewee Freitas / Ellam is a very serious person and in my opinion, the content of his predictions should be known. Not supported, not rejected, but known. His predictions could all be hallucination, but he has a really high reputation and holds top positions in several business circles. He definitely not a lunatic and he has a lot to lose if nothing happens.
4. Personally, I am also neutral. I learned from my 30 years of experience in the UFO field that such claims never really come true. They never had, at least. And I don't know why would this one be any different. However, I keep a open mind about it and I would definitely love that the interviewee Freitas / Ellam prediction of a mass sighting all over the planet come true. Who in this field wouldn’t? However, it is not what motivated me to publish the interview, of course, but the content of it, the reputation of the interviewee Freitas / Ellam and the fact that, being a interview, his claims are his responsibilities.
5. At last, this debate is going on in Brazil and a few UFO circles abroad for almost 3 months now, since we released the edition 126 of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, where the polemic interview was published. There has been a very, very hot debate about it in my country, a debate that nearly divided UFO researchers here in two groups, the biggest one of them totally rejecting the interviewee Freitas / Ellam claims. Many people abroad, who received my message yesterday, also rejected the claims. This is really understandable. But for those people, and for most of the people in the UFO field, the next piece of information is even mind-boggling: The interviewee Freitas / Ellam called me last Wed, November 15, and told me that he was 99.9% that the sightings will happen tomorrow, Sat, November 18, 17h30 local Brasília time. And he called me again a couple of hours ago giving me the other 0.1%.
So, if Rogerio de Almeida Freitas / Jan Val Ellam is to be taken seriously, we are supposed to see a mass sighting of UFOs worldwidely tomorrow, Saturday, at 17h30 local Brasilia time.
I am sending out this message only to share with so many colleagues over the world this piece of info. I do not support these claims, and I do not reject them. I will wait and see. What the hell… I‘ve been watching the skies for countless hours for the last 3 decades and a few more tomorrow won’t hurt me.
Best regards!
A. J. Gevaerd,Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazinewww.ufo.com.brgevaerd@ufo.com.braj@gevaerd.com
At 10:50 AM,
Faith said…
My name is Faith and on March 19th,
2006 I dreamed I was given a flyer
announcing an event to happen in
November 2006. I saw an 8 in the
date, but wasn't sure if it was
11/8, 11/18 or 11/28. The event
would invite an important role to be played by those of us who are open to the extraterrestrial reality. I am amazed now to discover Jan Val Ellam and see that
he got his latest information in March also! In my dream, many people were given this same information that I got.
Now , I don't understand why Mr
Ellam decided on 11/18 suddenly. I
believe the period up to April 2007
is likely correct, and wish I could
communicate with him about it. Keep
the Faith! flubitz@hotmail.com
At 5:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
My name is garbage and I received a message that they would come on either a day with an even number or an odd number or a zero in it. The message also said gubla bubla gugla bubla bubla boo. The bubla boo was emphasised so it must be important.
At 5:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
My name is garbage and I received a message that they would come on either a day with an even number or an odd number or a zero in it. The message also said gubla bubla gugla bubla bubla boo. The bubla boo was emphasised so it must be important.
At 6:53 PM,
violet4u said…
eye do not believe the average person is ready for contact...we would expect our government to protect us and we all know the aliens have technology superiour 2 ours...to put an exact date on it..is unsettling that is not the way the aliens have ever worked..but eye would not say that Jan is wrong either...the public would panic...as abductees have panicked...it would be mindblowing and eye think people's hearts would fail with fear
luv in a world gone crazee
At 9:52 PM,
I've been following this Ellam prediciton for a couple of weeks. Firstly, this was a well written blog. There is a video of Jan Val speaking. Not very convincing. Google his name, and you will find the video. Sounds like a preacher man routine. Also, the cover of his book is suspicious. The BBC did a detailed segment of how Jesus may have looked. A facial recreation. Jesus was probably short, dark olive skin and black hair. Very Jewish. The Jesus on Jan Val's book looks like the lead singer of a Metal band from Alabama. I think he must have studied Aunt Betty's "Jesus on Black Velvet" in a trailer park in Alabama. Whitley Strieber didn't seem to have been given any date. I certainly think Streiber runs circles around this guy in terms of CONTACT and being in the know. I agree with the theory that Jesus was a Master and from a higher dimension, and certainly could use a star ship or quantum ship to travel. But people have been claiming the return of Jesus for thousands of years. Its bad judgement to make such claims UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. And Jesus himself would certainly know the abuse of claims made in his name, and I doubt he would ask someone to announce his coming! Think about it. Its idiotic. Also, the HUGE window of six months is VERY suspicious. Seems like the perfect amount of time for Jan Val to have a flurry of book sells. Im afraid that is probably the motive here. Make a grand claim and create a surge of sells on your book. Money does strange things to even the best of us. It just doesn't add up. Too many holes. When Whitley Streiber HIMSELF states a date, I'll be checking my pants. Thats the only person I believe could make such claims. But Streiber would never do that, so case closed. I hope this guy proves me wrong, but come April I have no doubt things will be as quiet as Bush's brain.
*Footnote: Streiber did make a claim about a date. It states that quite to the contrary; there will be NO contact, but we will certainly chew up and burn up our atmosphere and choke to death in our own pollution and greed. No mention of friedly mother ships with Jesus to set things straight. God doesnt want robots. We either reach the stars and heavens on our own merit or we perish. Quit looking to Icons to save your *ss.
At 8:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have to agree that these hopes that "others" will come and bail us out of our self created problems are ill advised and juvenile.
Your last statements are spot on. We're free agents and have freedom of choice. The human race will survive or not based on that fundament.
It's time to grow up.
At 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
people tend to automatically assume the return of Jesus would be as a person or entity, but why not as a universal consciousness? If he will "walk and talk with men of every clime," certainly this could allude to the possibility that his return will be marked by a raising of the universal consciousness, but as mentioned before- there are no free rides here and we each have our work cutout for us. You can already see how distinct the polarization between ideas, people, and the world in general have become and the statement 'As above, as below' has never been more true. People need to stop looking to the stars for answers and start looking within themselves, the goal is to raise the overall consciousness by each becoming lights unto ourselves that can shine into other lives- burn as brightly as you possibly can.
At 4:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi! My name is not so important and I am living
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modern psychology. I have learned that we (humans) have no problem to share a
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يمكن لمؤسسة افتكار التظليل أن تقوم بعمل جميع أنواع السواتر مثل سواتر البلاستيك والسواتر الخشبية، وسواتر الحديد، والتي يمكن تركيبها علي أسوار الفلل، والمدارس ، وغيرها من المنشئات، كما يتم تركيبها كي تعطي لمسة فنية رائعة للمكان، بالإضافة إلي أنها تعد ساتراًهاماً يحمي من الجيران، وتطفلهم، ويحمي من المرين بالطريق صباحاً ةمساءاً، فلا تتردد في طلب الخدمة لكي تصحل علي أجود أنواع
بأعلي جودة ، وأقل سعر يمكن أن تجده في الأسواق، مع الحرص علي أن تظل كما هي لفترات طويلة، متحملة لظروف الطقس المتغيرة من البرد القارس، أو الحرارة الشديدة
، لكل من يبحث عن بناء وتشييد أفضل أنواع الهناجر
والمستودعات الحديدية التي تم عملها بأعلي جودة ممكنة، بحيث تتحمل مقاومة الحرائق، والبرد الشديد، والحراة المرتفعة بأجواء المملكة، بالإضافة إلي تحملها للصدأ وعزل الضوضاء، والقيام بها بأرخص الأسعار والتكاليف الممكنة التي لا تجدها في أي شمؤسسة أخري سوى مؤسسة افتكار التظليل
لكل من يريد لمسة جمالية خارج منزلة، أو فيلته، ويلجأ لعمل القرميد
بأشكالة وألوانه الرائعة، نقدم لكم نحن مؤسسةافتكار التظليل أجمل أنواع القرميد، حيث يمكننا أن نقدم القرميد الأحمر، والقرميد الإيطال، بألوانه المختلفة مثل القرميد الأزرق، والقرميد الأحمر كل هذا بأرخص الأسعار التي لن تجدها في أ يمكان أخر اخر سوي مؤسستنا مؤسسة افتكار التظليل، هذا بالإضافة إلي قرتها في أعمال الشبوك
بجميع أنواعها مثل شبوك، المزاع، وشبوك الملاعب، شبوك المدارس، وغيرها والتي تم صنعها بأفضل الخامات التي تتحمل الصدأ وتظل كما هي لفترات طويلة.
تقوم مؤسسة افتكار التظليل بعمل جميع أشكال الكلادنق، بمختلف أنواعها ومناظرها الرائعة حيث يمكنها عمل كلادنق
علي واجهات المحلات، والمؤسسات، والشركات بأجود الخامات، وأروع الديكورات والألوان وبأقل التكاليف التي تناسب الجميع، ولا يقتصر عملها علي ذلك
بل يمكنها أن تقوم ببناء وتشييد أجمل بيوت الشعر
القديم والحديث والذي يتم عمله بأفضل المواد والخاما التي تتحمل حرارة الشمس والأمطار والأتربة ، وعمل أجمل المجالس، والديكورات الداخلية التي تشمل الباب، والشبابيك، ومداها بالكهرباء، وتحمل كافة الخدمات الممكنة بأرخص الأسعار
At 8:50 AM,
اخصائية التسويق said…
كما تقدم شركة العتيبي للمظلات والسواتر افضل أنواع السواتر وأروعها من حيث اللون، ويمكنها أن تقدمها بأجود الخامات ومن فوائدها أن تعمل علي ارتفاع طول السور للقصر أو الفلل بحيث تمنع من بالخارج أن يرون من هم بداخل اليلا وما يحدث فيها، كما تمنع السواتر من تطفل الجيران ، وغيرها من الاحتياجات الرائعة التي يحتاجها العميل لهذا لا تتردد في طلب الخدمة من شركة العتيبي وستجد كل ما يرضيك
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لا شك أن من أكثر الأشياء التي تسبب الإزعاج لجميع أفراد الأسرة هو انتشار بعض الروائح الكريهة في المنزل لكن كان هذا في الأوقات السابقة حيث أصبح الآن بمقدورك الإستعانة بفريق عمل شركة تنظيف في عجمان والذي من خلال التعامل معه سيكون بمقدروك تطهير وتعقيم كل ركن من أركان المنزل بعد تنظيفه وهذا ما يساعد في القضاء على أي بكتريا أو فطريات أو جراثيم متراكمة سواء في الحمامات أو المطابخ والتي تعد المصدر الأساسي لإنبعاث الروائح المزعجة ضف على ذلك أنه يمكن لأي عميل كريم التواصل معنا في أي وقت ومن أي مكان لتسجيل بيناته لدينا.
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هل لاحظت وجود بعض البقع على الجدران والأسقف؟ هل تشعر بأن الشكل الخارجي للمكان قد تشوه بسبب وجود تلك المشكلة؟ إذاً فلا عليك حيث أنك إذا اخترت التعامل مع شركة تنظيف في ابوظبي ستحصل على أقوى خدمات التنظيف خاصة فيما يتعلق بجلي الأرضيات وتنظيف الجدران والأسقف من الخيوط العنكبوتية ومن أي بقع قد تكون ملتصقة بها بسبب تراكم الأتربة عليها لفترات طويلة أو حتى بسبب عبث الأطفال شركة تنظيف بأبو ظبي ستمكنك من التخلص من جميع الألوان التي قد يستخدمها الأطفال في الكتابة والرسم على الجدران لذلك لا تحمل أي هم بخصوص ذلك الشأن.
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مع مرور الوقت عادة ما تصبح الستائر والمفروشات متسخة لكن وعلى الرغم من ذلك فقد يعجز البعض عن تنظيفها خاصة وإن كانت باهظة الثمن حتى وإن قامت بعض ربات البيوت بإستخدام بعض الوصفات المنزلية والتي عادة ما تكون منتشرة على صفحات الانترنت فقط يأتي ذلك بنتيجة عكسية لكن لماذا كل هذا حيث يمكنك من خلال عمل مكالمة هاتفية واحدة لشركتنا المتميزة شركة تنظيف في العين التخلص من جميع البقع والأوساخ الموجودة على ستائرك وجميع المفروشات التي لديك في المنزل بالإضافة إلى ذلك إذا كان العميل يمتلك ستائر ذات طبقات وتحتاج إلى فك وتركيب فلدينا فريق عمل قادر على إتمام تلك المهمة بسهولة.
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شركة تنظيف مجاري بالدمام قد لا يحتمل امر تنظيف هذة البيارات اى تأخير فان تأخير تسليكها قد يؤدى الى مشكلات اكبر قد تؤذى الكثير ومن هنا فقد تقوم الشركة مسرعة بتلبيه نداء العميل الذى يستغيث بمشكلة انسداد البيارات الخاصة به لتنهى المشكلة وتحل الانسداد فى وقت سريع ووجيز
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الحشرات الطائرة والزاحفة تعد مصدر قلق كبير لكثير من الاشخاص خاصة من يخشى الامراض والوباء، الامر الذى يزعج الكثيرون ويضعهم فى انعدام راحة وتوتر مستمر، قد تتعرض بعض المنازل او ربما المصانع او الشقق الى تجمع الحشرات سواء الصراصير او البق او النمل بفصائله او البراغيث وقد يثير هذا غضب العملاء ويكونوا فى احتياج كبير للتخلص السريع من هذا الوباء وتنظيف كامل للمكان وبالفعل يتم حضور فريق تمل شركة رش مبيدات بالدمام للقيام بحملات المكافحة ورش المبيدات والقضاء التام على جميع الحشرات الموجودة واعادة المنزل كالسابق نظيفا من اى وباء
At 9:00 AM,
مروة محمد said…
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قد يتعرض الكثير منا الى مشكلة انسداد البيارات والتى قد تعد من اصعب المشكلات والتى قد تتسبب فى العجز عن الاداء الطبيعى للحياه مما قد تتسبب به من مشكلات عديدة، وقد يكون الحل الوحيد هو الاتصالشركة تسليك مجاري بالدمام للوصول الى الحل الافضل لهذة المشكلة والتخلص من جميع العواقب التى قد يشملها هذا الامر
شركة تنظيف مجاري بالدمام قد لا يحتمل امر تنظيف هذة البيارات اى تأخير فان تأخير تسليكها قد يؤدى الى مشكلات اكبر قد تؤذى الكثير ومن هنا فقد تقوم الشركة مسرعة بتلبيه نداء العميل الذى يستغيث بمشكلة انسداد البيارات الخاصة به لتنهى المشكلة وتحل الانسداد فى وقت سريع ووجيز
شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمامشركة تنظيف بالدمامشركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام
0533576310 رواد التميز لمكافحة جميع انواع الحشرا
الحشرات الطائرة والزاحفة تعد مصدر قلق كبير لكثير من الاشخاص خاصة من يخشى الامراض والوباء، الامر الذى يزعج الكثيرون ويضعهم فى انعدام راحة وتوتر مستمر، قد تتعرض بعض المنازل او ربما المصانع او الشقق الى تجمع الحشرات سواء الصراصير او البق او النمل بفصائله او البراغيث وقد يثير هذا غضب العملاء ويكونوا فى احتياج كبير للتخلص السريع من هذا الوباء وتنظيف كامل للمكان وبالفعل يتم حضور فريق تمل شركة رش مبيدات بالدمام للقيام بحملات المكافحة ورش المبيدات والقضاء التام على جميع الحشرات الموجودة واعادة المنزل كالسابق نظيفا من اى وباء
At 9:06 AM,
مروة محمد said…
قد يتعرض الكثير منا الى مشكلة انسداد البيارات والتى قد تعد من اصعب المشكلات والتى قد تتسبب فى العجز عن الاداء الطبيعى للحياه مما قد تتسبب به من مشكلات عديدة، وقد يكون الحل الوحيد هو الاتصالشركة تسليك مجاري بالدمام للوصول الى الحل الافضل لهذة المشكلة والتخلص من جميع العواقب التى قد يشملها هذا الامر
من اهم مميزات شركة تنظيف مجاري بالدمام انها تمتلك عمال وفننين على اعلى مستوى من الخبرة مما يساعدهم فى اتمتم عملهم بأعلى جودة ويكونوا على دراية كبيرة بالمشكلة والوصول الى الحل المناسب لها سريعا، الفريق الخاص بالشركة يهتم بمعرفة أساس المشكلة التى تسببت فى الانسداد ومن ثم يتم حلها حتى يتم الوصول الى النقطة للاساسية والتى قد تعمل على انهاء المشكلة من جذورها وعدم عودتها مرة اخرى
لا يخلو منزل من منازل الدمام الا وقد تعامل مع شركة تنظيف بالدمامشركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام واحدة من اشهر شركات التنظيف العام فى مدينة الدمام كاملة، استطاعت بخبراتها الواسعة ان تثبت قدميها على ساحة العمل لتكون فى النهاية المصدر الاول والاخير لكل عميل يرغب فى اتمام اعمال التنظيف بمنزله
الحشرات الطائرة والزاحفة تعد مصدر قلق كبير لكثير من الاشخاص خاصة من يخشى الامراض والوباء، الامر الذى يزعج الكثيرون ويضعهم فى انعدام راحة وتوتر مستمر، قد تتعرض بعض المنازل او ربما المصانع او الشقق الى تجمع الحشرات سواء الصراصير او البق او النمل بفصائله او البراغيث وقد يثير هذا غضب العملاء ويكونوا فى احتياج كبير للتخلص السريع من هذا الوباء وتنظيف كامل للمكان وبالفعل يتم حضور فريق تمل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام
للقيام بحملات المكافحة ورش المبيدات والقضاء التام على جميع الحشرات الموجودة واعادة المنزل كالسابق نظيفا من اى وباء
تحسينات كبيرة تقوم بهاشركة رش مبيدات بالدمام
لتكون دائما عند حسن ظن عملائها القدامى والجدد أيضا، تتعامل الشركة من خلال وسائل مكافحة آمنه وصحية غير ضارة على صحة الافراد كما أن المبيدات تستطيع من خلال جودتها الجبارة ان تقضى على الوباء من اول مرة أى أن الشركة لا تحتاج الى القيام بأكثر من حملة رش مبيد فى المنزل الواحد بل أن حملة رش واحدة قادرة على انهاء والقضاء على التجمعات الحشرية مهما كانت قوتها وايأ كان مكان اختبائها
لزيارة موقعنا
At 11:37 AM,
Unknown said…
شركة العتيبي للمظلات والسواتر يمكنها أن تقدم لكم أروع الأشكال والتصميمات المناسبة حسب رغبة العميل وحسب ذوقه والألوان التي يرغب فيها والمواصفات التي يحلم بها من شكل أو خامة أو لون، فمع شركة العتيبي للمظلات والسواتر تجد كل ما هو مناسب وجديد وتقدم كل أعمال المظلات كمظلات الحديد والمظلات الخشبية
مظلات وسواتر الرياض السعوديه
تركيب مظلات احواش
وللمظلات الخشبية دور كبير في حماية من يستظل تحتها سواء كانت لعمل السيارات أو غيرها ولن تجد أفضل من شركتنا لعمل وتفصيل المظلات الخشبية
مظلات خشبية
At 11:38 AM,
Unknown said…
لكل أصحاب السيارات الذين يبحثون عن أفضل أنواع المظلات بأشكالها، ومواصفاتها المميزة لا تترددوا في طلب خدمتكم من شركة العتيبي فهو يمتلك فنيين مختصين في عمل أجمل المظلات التي تحمي السيارات من أشعة الشمس كم يمكنها عمل مظلات مواقف سيارات ثابتة ومتحركة وتفصيل أجمل مظلات المسابح الرائعة
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مظلات مسابح
كل هذه الخدمات تقدمها لكم بأرخص الأسعار التي يمكنكم البحث عنها في الأسواق، مع تقديم أفضل العروض والتخفيضات خلال العام وأحدث الأشكال والتصميات التي لن تجدها عند أحد غيرنا
مظلات سيارات رخيصة
اشكال مظلات جديدة
مظلات بي في سي
ننصحكم ونخبركم أن شركة العتيبي أعرق شركة تقديم مظلات وسواتر علي الإطلاق تتميز بالخبرة والمصداقية مع العميل، هدفها في المقام الأول هو إرضاء العميل
مظلات سيارات
مظلات وسواتر العتيبي
At 11:50 PM,
بيت العز said…
أفضل شركة نقل أثاث بمكة اشراف مكة
إن عملية نقل العفش من مكان إلى مكان آخر تعتبر من المهام الصعبة والتي تحتاج إلى دقة عالية خلال عملية النقل حتى لا تعرض قطع الأثاث إلى الكسر أو الخدش خلال عملية النقل، لهذا فإنه لا يمكن لرب الأسرة القيام بهذه المهمة بمفردة بل أنه يحتاج إلى شركة يمكنها القيام بهذه المهمة بكل دقة، وهذا ما تقدمه لكم
شركة نقل أثاث بمكة
فتعتبر من أفضل الشركات التي يمكن الاعتماد عليها في القيام بهذه المهمة.
مما يميز شركة نقل أثاث بمكة عن غيرها:
تعتبر شركة
نقل أثاث بمكة
واحدة من أفضل وأكفأ الشركات التي يمكنها القيام بهذه المهمة بكفاءة عالية وذلك يعود إلى الخبرة الطويلة في مجال نقل العفش، ويوجد العديد من الأمور التي تجعل شركة اشراف
أفضل شركة نقل أثاث بمكة
محل ثقة العملاء، فمن أكثر ما يميزها عن غيرها:
• تتمتع
دينا لنقل العفش بمكة
شركة نقل عفش مكة رخيص
بخبرتها الطويلة في مجال نقل العفش وهذا يجعل لديها معرفة بأحدث الطرق والوسائل التي يمكن إتباعها في هذه المهمة.
• يوجد لدى
مركز نقل عفش بمكة
فريق عمل مدرب على أعلى مستوى فتقوم
شركة نقل عفش داخل مكة
بعمل تدريب دوري له حتى يتمكن من القيام بهذه على أعلى مستوى، وأيضًا فريق العمل لديه خبرة كافية تمكنه من استخدام أحدث المعدات بطريقة صحيحة.
• تستخدم شركة
نقل عفش مكة وجدة
سيارات مجهزة على أعلى مستوى في عملية نقل العفش حتى تحافظ على العفش خلال عملية النقل.
• تلتزم
شركة تخزين اثاث بمكة
بالمواعيد التي يتم تحديدها مع العملاء بكل دقة، فمجرد اتصال العميل تقوم
نقل عفش مكة
بإرسال فني له ليقوم بمعاينة المكان وتحديد كمية العفش حتى يتمكن من خلال ذلك معرفة عدد السيارات والمعدات التي سوف يحتاج إليها خلال النقل.
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نستخدم أحدث الطرق فى تقديم خدمة غسيل الكنب بالاضافة للتعطير -النسر الذهبي أرخص شركة تنظيف كنب وسجاد بالمدينة المنورة حيث نستخدم البخار فى عملية غسيل السجاد والكنب للقضاء على كافة البقع والحشرات العالقة بالمفروشات والسجاد والموكيت.
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من خدماتنا أيضًا:
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النسر الذهبي أفضل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمدينة فنحن أكبر شركة شركة رش مبيدات بالمدينة المنورة متخصصون فى(شركة مكافحة بق الفراش بالمدينة المنورة-شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالمدينة المنورة-شركة مكافحة فئران بالمدينة المنورة) فمهمتنا الابادة الشاملة لجميع أنواع الحشرات عن طريق استخدام افضل انواع المبيدات الامنة على الصحة.
متخصصون فى مكافحة الحمام بالمدينة المنورة فتواجد الحمام باعداد كبيرة يسبب ازعاج كبير بالاضافة للمخلفات التى يتركها فتسبب الكثير من الامراض.
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At 8:30 AM,
Diogo P. P. said…
UFOs did not appear in 2006 because Jan Val Ellam was deceived by Yahweh himself (creator of this universe) who wanted Jan to create a religion, as he did not accept he was punished just like Jesus for not having fulfilled the mission of the Jews to dominate the world. Currently Yahweh is in a coma and Jan says that in our lifetime one or more ships will appear, they will be parked the size of half the moon, just as the book of Revelation in the Bible said.
At 7:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
نقدم خدمة سباك احترافية في الرياض بواسطة فني صحي خبرة في اعمال فك وتركيب وإصلاح السباكة ومد المواسير وتاسيس شبكات الصرف الصحى .
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