Thanks to Albert Rosales at Humanoid Contacts for the following case.
Location. Near San Vicente De Mar, La Coruña Spain
Date: July 22 2003 Time: night
4 witnesses were walking near the beach in an area called “The Grove” when they caught sight of a very strange bright light in the sky coming from the North East. The light passed over them and descended near the coast, not far from their location. On arriving at the beach they found a kind of ship which had landed in the sand, from which 4 individuals climbed down and started looking for something on the ground. After a while one of them picked up what appeared to be a dead animal, they put it in a kind of box that they were carrying and returned to the ship. The ship rose to a height of some 500 meters and flew away eastwards, disappearing on the horizon of the open sea.
The witnesses agreed to report this event to the authorities, but later decided not to, this being confirmed by the local police. A journalist from La Coruña tried to speak to the witnesses about the matter, but they didn’t want to speak about the matter. On the other hand hundreds of people from the area confirmed having seen the light in the sky, and furthermore they found marks on the beach near the place where the ship had landed---marks they were not able to identify.
After the main witness, Jorge, died suddenly, the witness revealed that they had experienced a memory gap of 2 hours immediately after seeing the UFO. One of them, Begoña had vague memories of having been taken inside the alien ship and of having dreams that constantly repeat the following words, “planet…sequences…one…six…protect”.
HC addendum
Source: Journalist Jose Lesta jlesta@eresmas.net
From UFOs NW. http://www.ufosnw.com/
Date of Sighting: First Week October, 2004
Time of Sighting: 3:30 AM CST
Date Reported: March 8, 2006
Duration of Sighting: 5 to 10 Minutes
Location of Sighting: Omaha, Nebraska
Latitude: 41.3 Degrees North (Airport) Longitude: 95.9 Degrees West (Airport)
Number of Witnesses: Two
Number of Witnesses Interviewed: One
Weather: Clear skies.
Description (In Witness's Own Words): Me and my friend saw what we thought was a full moon with a thick dense ring of smoke around the moon, as we watched the ring was pulsing and getting bigger it was like something was in it. We thought it was getting bigger then realized it was coming down. We were engulfed in this fog that seemed to be alive. Then I snapped out of this daze staring back at the moon.
This all lasted about 5 to 10 min. I thought. My friend told me the time and I was blown away! 2 and a half hours were gone.
Second Witness Report (In Response to My Questions): Hi, thanks for replying it was the 2nd week of October, 2004. The sky was clear with a 5 to 10 mph breeze. Yes, my best friend also witnessed it. I reported it to 3 or 4 different sites on the Internet but got no response. You are the first to respond.
It happened in town and the weird thing is my friend said when he walked outside his fence to the garage the whole thing disappeared, but when he came back inside the fence it was there again.
His girl friend was awakened by hearing us screaming and yelling, which I don't remember us doing. Then she said she just went back to sleep. Normally she would have been right up. After I snapped out of this daze I went right inside. My buddy said he fell down disoriented. I felt motion sickness and had a headache for about 3 weeks.
We talked about getting hypnotized but were chicken I guess. I hope this helps please let me know if anything like this has ever been sighted. Thank you it means a lot.
Investigator's Notes: The witness has been very responsive to my inquiries. He asked me about hypnosis. Given that fact, I am doubtful that this case is a hoax. It certainly is a strange case and involves missing time as well as temporary physical effects. I have no explanation for what the witnesses encountered.
Location. Near San Vicente De Mar, La Coruña Spain
Date: July 22 2003 Time: night
4 witnesses were walking near the beach in an area called “The Grove” when they caught sight of a very strange bright light in the sky coming from the North East. The light passed over them and descended near the coast, not far from their location. On arriving at the beach they found a kind of ship which had landed in the sand, from which 4 individuals climbed down and started looking for something on the ground. After a while one of them picked up what appeared to be a dead animal, they put it in a kind of box that they were carrying and returned to the ship. The ship rose to a height of some 500 meters and flew away eastwards, disappearing on the horizon of the open sea.
The witnesses agreed to report this event to the authorities, but later decided not to, this being confirmed by the local police. A journalist from La Coruña tried to speak to the witnesses about the matter, but they didn’t want to speak about the matter. On the other hand hundreds of people from the area confirmed having seen the light in the sky, and furthermore they found marks on the beach near the place where the ship had landed---marks they were not able to identify.
After the main witness, Jorge, died suddenly, the witness revealed that they had experienced a memory gap of 2 hours immediately after seeing the UFO. One of them, Begoña had vague memories of having been taken inside the alien ship and of having dreams that constantly repeat the following words, “planet…sequences…one…six…protect”.
HC addendum
Source: Journalist Jose Lesta jlesta@eresmas.net
From UFOs NW. http://www.ufosnw.com/
Date of Sighting: First Week October, 2004
Time of Sighting: 3:30 AM CST
Date Reported: March 8, 2006
Duration of Sighting: 5 to 10 Minutes
Location of Sighting: Omaha, Nebraska
Latitude: 41.3 Degrees North (Airport) Longitude: 95.9 Degrees West (Airport)
Number of Witnesses: Two
Number of Witnesses Interviewed: One
Weather: Clear skies.
Description (In Witness's Own Words): Me and my friend saw what we thought was a full moon with a thick dense ring of smoke around the moon, as we watched the ring was pulsing and getting bigger it was like something was in it. We thought it was getting bigger then realized it was coming down. We were engulfed in this fog that seemed to be alive. Then I snapped out of this daze staring back at the moon.
This all lasted about 5 to 10 min. I thought. My friend told me the time and I was blown away! 2 and a half hours were gone.
Second Witness Report (In Response to My Questions): Hi, thanks for replying it was the 2nd week of October, 2004. The sky was clear with a 5 to 10 mph breeze. Yes, my best friend also witnessed it. I reported it to 3 or 4 different sites on the Internet but got no response. You are the first to respond.
It happened in town and the weird thing is my friend said when he walked outside his fence to the garage the whole thing disappeared, but when he came back inside the fence it was there again.
His girl friend was awakened by hearing us screaming and yelling, which I don't remember us doing. Then she said she just went back to sleep. Normally she would have been right up. After I snapped out of this daze I went right inside. My buddy said he fell down disoriented. I felt motion sickness and had a headache for about 3 weeks.
We talked about getting hypnotized but were chicken I guess. I hope this helps please let me know if anything like this has ever been sighted. Thank you it means a lot.
Investigator's Notes: The witness has been very responsive to my inquiries. He asked me about hypnosis. Given that fact, I am doubtful that this case is a hoax. It certainly is a strange case and involves missing time as well as temporary physical effects. I have no explanation for what the witnesses encountered.
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At 10:47 AM,
Shaimaa Elsadek said…
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