Mark Andrews, an Associate Director from Orange County, California and Gerald Bringle journeyed to Las Vegas for Stayce's meeting. Mark had been writing to Stayce and sending her things in the mail. It was almost an undoing for him. More about that later.
This is what she had to say about the first meeting:
Well, my first meeting was a GIANT success! But also very odd. I guess I should explain that statement. After everyone got there this guy came in that couldn't stay for the meeting, so I talked with him right up to the start of the meeting. Then he left with one of the flyers and said he'd call to find out when our next meeting would be.
It was 7:00 straight up, and I hadn't had a chance to introduce myselt to anyone or them to me. Then one of the guys that works for the library came in and asked if I knew who owned a tan van. I said, "I do!" He says, "we have a problem and come with me." I thought to myself, What now! Gas was pouring out of the gas tank. I moved the van out in a dirt lot across from the library and went back to the meeting.
When I got back there was a man addressing the meeting. I looked at him, then at Kern (a friend), and Kern smiled real big and nodded his head! I took that as an OK so I let the man continue. I think it was John Grace. He told everybody I had invited him to speak! He's the only person I can think of, that he might be. (I never did get to talk to him, because of all the other folks wanting to talk to me. I tried several times to find out just who he was. I even asked Kern and he said he'd tell me later but he never got around to it.
Some of the people were disappointed the meetings were so far apart. One of the contactees said he was being visited by human likes, with dark skin, real tall. He wanted to know who they are and I couldn't tell him.
When I got back there was a man addressing the meeting. I looked at him, then at Kern (a friend), and Kern smiled real big and nodded his head! I took that as an OK so I let the man continue. I think it was John Grace. He told everybody I had invited him to speak! He's the only person I can think of, that he might be. (I never did get to talk to him, because of all the other folks wanting to talk to me. I tried several times to find out just who he was. I even asked Kern and he said he'd tell me later but he never got around to it.
Some of the people were disappointed the meetings were so far apart. One of the contactees said he was being visited by human likes, with dark skin, real tall. He wanted to know who they are and I couldn't tell him.
My guest speaker was John Grace.
My phone has rang all lday. People from the meeting, calling me to say thank you and how brave they think I am for doing these meetings.
My life is about to change. I will probably move very soon and won't have a phone for awhile. I think it's time for me to get away from my boyfriend. He is starting to worry me. I can't write much now because my boyfriend could walk in and want to know what I'm writing. Please don't worry. I just have to stand my ground, and don't want to involve anyone else.
I work as a housekeeper in an aprtment complex here in Vegas. I work with a 60 year old woman who says, she and her Mom saw a ball of light come through their front room window. She also talks about the ping-pong ball, they could hear bouncing in the closet. Or at least, that's what it sounded like. When they opened the closet door, the sound stopped. Helen said her Mom would say "It's just George again!" She told me about some man she knows who has a ball of light nightly float across his front room. He thought it was carlight reflection at first so he bought blackout curtains. It still happens though. There is a lot of things happening in this world that never caught my attention until recently.
I live with a man who was a member of the crash-recovery-team at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. He answers my questions as much as he can, without saying anything that will cost him his government benefits. He is getting close to death with skin cancer, and has lots of paid health care and life insurance he would possibly loose.
Here are some pieces of question and answer conversations (I assume with him).
Q. Why won't you watch TV shows about UFOs and discuss them with me?
A. Because I know more about the subject than you'll ever hear on TV.
Q. What do you know?
A. I can't say.
Q. Have you ever recovered a crashed UFO?
A. All I can say is, all the aircraft that I dealt with were not US aircraft.
Q. Is the government flying recovered saucers at the government bomb testing range just after sunset?
A. I can't say. (Testing range about 50 miles north of Las Vegas on Highway 93)
Q. Why is the sky colored like that? (orange clouds in north sky, on clear day, the sun still high. The clouds rolled in, in 5 minutes, stayed about 15 and disappeared just as quick as they came in. I saw 3 jets fly out of the cloud.)
A. ET Phone Hhome. If people only knew what was happening in this desert!
Q. Will you ever tell me what you know.
A. Sometime, that is, if we get up in the mountainsn to live, I'll point things out to you.
What do you all think of those answes? That's only the big, outstanding stuff.
#2. I thought one of my Aunts was crackers, for a long time. She talked about attending space council meetings, when I was younger. She also claimed to be pregnant 3 or 4 times a year, and then have miscarriages 3 or 4 times a year for about 3 years. She lives in Corrinne, Utah.
#3. Sally, a friend of mine almost freaked on me when I showed her the front of the book "Communion". She said, "he used to look through my bedroom window at me when I was little!" She is, like me, scared of open curtains at night.
#4. Frank, another friend, came over one night, to watch a UFO show I had recorded and he watched about 10 minutes and said "turn it off. I can't handle it!" After that, he told me, when he was 11, on the east coast, himself, the horse he was riding and several cattle disappeared for two days. He remembers coming to laying in a field. The horse he was riding had to be shot. It was lame! His mother reported him missing and Project Blue Book was also notified after his return.
#5. I guess I should explain a few things about my sighting. I said it flew off toward Morton-Thiokol. Morton-Thiokol builds the rocket engines for the space program and tests them. The tests are done, so the public can view them. I heard, not long ago, that some of the best pictures ever taken were taken in Tremonton (True!). A friend told me (he's a house painter from Logan), he did a housing development in Smithfield, for a large group of people, who followed a man from California. They built homes there because they believe Smithfield is a major landing and evacuation point for Space Craft. They all (about 30 families) went there to await, greet, and leave with aliens. The Mormans believe, according to the Book of Morman, that Jesus Christ came from another planet. (I'm not Morman.)
#6. (A premonition?)
Any time I go home to Brigham I always watch the sky and I have recurring bad dreams
#1 - I dream about a faceless man, or my Aunt Effie (not the aunt I discussed before) chasing me, cornering me, and stabbing me over and over. The chase happens around a table.
#2 - Mike Mulligans' steam Shovel (from a children's book) chases me all over town. At the end of the dream I end up paralyzed with the steam shovel bucket right above me about to crush me. I don't remember ever having but one other bad dream and yet these are dreams I've had at least 50 times a piece. Isn't that strange?
#7 - I think I've had missing time a couple of times. I have walked alone, after dark, lots of times in Brigham. It's a small town and I was never afraid of the dark. I always had the feeling someone was watching me and I found myself looking up instead of behind me.
#8 - I went home last August and I have had an unquenchable need for knowledge about UFOs ever since. UFO Cover-Up Live just made it worse - 10 fold.
#9 - After the bad dreams my belly button was always sore. I had bad female problems. In 1985 I went to a new doctor, here in Vegas because of bad pain. The doctor did a laperoscopy and the doctor said, I had an unbelievable amount of scar tissue on my female parts. Endomeatreosis. They took out all but my right ovary. They cleaned it off. Two months later I had emergency surgery for my appendix and when they got inside they found my right ovary had exploded! The doctors said I was a very unusual case.
#10 - I have déjà vu quite often and I almost always know when one of my family is ill and who it is. My grandma was that way too.
That was the last letter I received from Stayce Borland. The next person I heard from was George Knapp telling me that Stayce had been murdered as well as her brother. He wanted to know if I had any letters from her that would point to the killer. I also heard from Detective Dibble of Clark County. He also wanted letters I had received from Stayce.
This item was in the Las Vegas paper:
The bodies or a brother and sister were found Saturday night in a two-bedroom apartment where two fires had been set, possibly in an attempt to hide the deaths, Metro Police said.
Lt. Kyle Edwards, head of Metro's homicide section said the bodies of a man and a woman were found in the back bedroom of 4186 Zavala St., Apt. B. by the woman's ex-boyfriend.
The two bodies have tentatively been identified as a 30-year-old woman and her 26-year-old brother, Edwards said. The names were being withheld until the bodies were positively identified.
The former boyfriend told detectives he had been unsuccessful in his attempts to contact the woman by telephone and came to the apartment to check on her. He smelled smoke when he entered and called the county fire department. But the fires apparently had burned out on their own.
Las Vegas Police are seeking information about a sister and brother who were stabbed to death Saturday night.
Stayce Borland, 30 and her brother Marvin Russel Nutt, Jr., 23, were found Saturday at 4166 Zavala Ave., Apt. B. authorities said.
Borland's boyfriend found the bodies, police said.
Homicide investigators who were called to the scene said the brother and sister had been killed at about 8 p.m.
Lt. Kyle Edwards said although the person or persons responsible for the stabbings attempted to set the apartment on fire, it didn't ignite.
Police know Nutt had moved into his sister's apartment just a few days prior to the slayings, but not much else about the victims.
Information about the victims could be important in finding the person or persons responsible for the incident, police said.
Authorities said a reward is being offered.
Clark County flew me down there to testify about the letters I had received. Mark Andrews was also flown to Las Vegas to testify. They even had him as a suspect temporarily, but he was in California at the time. This is what I was told about the murders.
Both had been stabbed repeatedly (Stayce's dream!) and Stayce had a broken off tennis racket inside of her private parts. Over her was the handbook I had written for Associate Directors spread open and set on fire. It burned out so that it was recognizable.
My friend and associate director in Texas Anne Bowers (deceased) called me and told me about an investigator that had been in Las Vegas at the time. She gave him my number and he called me to report that he had been to visit John Grace! When he saw the evening news and the bodies being taken out of the apartment he recognized it immediately because he had just been to that apartment house to visit John Grace. Three days after the murders John Grace moved out of those apartments.
One thing that was not submitted in court was a spiral ring binder that was found in his apartment after he moved out. In the back were the words "Stayce Borland has to be gotten rid of."
The police arrested a young man that lived in the apartment house where Stayce did. He would often visit her and they discussed UFOs because that was his interest too. During the trial it was obvious he was not guilty and the jury found him innocent.
Some time later I was on a cruise. I met a detective from Las Vegas and asked him if he remembered that case. He said he did so I asked him if they had ever solved the crime. This was his answer which I did not believe for a moment: Oh, it had to do with drugs. I believe that the drawing Stayce had sent me of S-4 and her extreme interest in starting up an abductee support group in Las Vegas was too much for the powers that be and they got rid of her.
Do you believe it would be easy to "stab" 2 people to death at once? There are many loop holes in this case. I have never revealed all of this to anyone but I think I owe it to Stayce to bring it forward. She was a very sweet girl, full of enthusiasm and wanting to help people.
Later John Grace who published The Leading Edge magazine wrote that Aileen believes I killed Stayce Borland. I had never said that and why would you write something like that about yourself.
Who do you think was responsible? Too many unanswered questions.
Interesting that Geof Graff who took over in Stayce's place all of a sudden had cancer of the throat and he died too. He was only 40 years old. This was all so strange. Was it planned or just happenstance? Who knows. Just don't get too pushy or something could happen to you too. TPTB do not want their secrets known.
This is what she had to say about the first meeting:
Well, my first meeting was a GIANT success! But also very odd. I guess I should explain that statement. After everyone got there this guy came in that couldn't stay for the meeting, so I talked with him right up to the start of the meeting. Then he left with one of the flyers and said he'd call to find out when our next meeting would be.
It was 7:00 straight up, and I hadn't had a chance to introduce myselt to anyone or them to me. Then one of the guys that works for the library came in and asked if I knew who owned a tan van. I said, "I do!" He says, "we have a problem and come with me." I thought to myself, What now! Gas was pouring out of the gas tank. I moved the van out in a dirt lot across from the library and went back to the meeting.
When I got back there was a man addressing the meeting. I looked at him, then at Kern (a friend), and Kern smiled real big and nodded his head! I took that as an OK so I let the man continue. I think it was John Grace. He told everybody I had invited him to speak! He's the only person I can think of, that he might be. (I never did get to talk to him, because of all the other folks wanting to talk to me. I tried several times to find out just who he was. I even asked Kern and he said he'd tell me later but he never got around to it.
Some of the people were disappointed the meetings were so far apart. One of the contactees said he was being visited by human likes, with dark skin, real tall. He wanted to know who they are and I couldn't tell him.
When I got back there was a man addressing the meeting. I looked at him, then at Kern (a friend), and Kern smiled real big and nodded his head! I took that as an OK so I let the man continue. I think it was John Grace. He told everybody I had invited him to speak! He's the only person I can think of, that he might be. (I never did get to talk to him, because of all the other folks wanting to talk to me. I tried several times to find out just who he was. I even asked Kern and he said he'd tell me later but he never got around to it.
Some of the people were disappointed the meetings were so far apart. One of the contactees said he was being visited by human likes, with dark skin, real tall. He wanted to know who they are and I couldn't tell him.
My guest speaker was John Grace.
My phone has rang all lday. People from the meeting, calling me to say thank you and how brave they think I am for doing these meetings.
My life is about to change. I will probably move very soon and won't have a phone for awhile. I think it's time for me to get away from my boyfriend. He is starting to worry me. I can't write much now because my boyfriend could walk in and want to know what I'm writing. Please don't worry. I just have to stand my ground, and don't want to involve anyone else.
I work as a housekeeper in an aprtment complex here in Vegas. I work with a 60 year old woman who says, she and her Mom saw a ball of light come through their front room window. She also talks about the ping-pong ball, they could hear bouncing in the closet. Or at least, that's what it sounded like. When they opened the closet door, the sound stopped. Helen said her Mom would say "It's just George again!" She told me about some man she knows who has a ball of light nightly float across his front room. He thought it was carlight reflection at first so he bought blackout curtains. It still happens though. There is a lot of things happening in this world that never caught my attention until recently.
I live with a man who was a member of the crash-recovery-team at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. He answers my questions as much as he can, without saying anything that will cost him his government benefits. He is getting close to death with skin cancer, and has lots of paid health care and life insurance he would possibly loose.
Here are some pieces of question and answer conversations (I assume with him).
Q. Why won't you watch TV shows about UFOs and discuss them with me?
A. Because I know more about the subject than you'll ever hear on TV.
Q. What do you know?
A. I can't say.
Q. Have you ever recovered a crashed UFO?
A. All I can say is, all the aircraft that I dealt with were not US aircraft.
Q. Is the government flying recovered saucers at the government bomb testing range just after sunset?
A. I can't say. (Testing range about 50 miles north of Las Vegas on Highway 93)
Q. Why is the sky colored like that? (orange clouds in north sky, on clear day, the sun still high. The clouds rolled in, in 5 minutes, stayed about 15 and disappeared just as quick as they came in. I saw 3 jets fly out of the cloud.)
A. ET Phone Hhome. If people only knew what was happening in this desert!
Q. Will you ever tell me what you know.
A. Sometime, that is, if we get up in the mountainsn to live, I'll point things out to you.
What do you all think of those answes? That's only the big, outstanding stuff.
#2. I thought one of my Aunts was crackers, for a long time. She talked about attending space council meetings, when I was younger. She also claimed to be pregnant 3 or 4 times a year, and then have miscarriages 3 or 4 times a year for about 3 years. She lives in Corrinne, Utah.
#3. Sally, a friend of mine almost freaked on me when I showed her the front of the book "Communion". She said, "he used to look through my bedroom window at me when I was little!" She is, like me, scared of open curtains at night.
#4. Frank, another friend, came over one night, to watch a UFO show I had recorded and he watched about 10 minutes and said "turn it off. I can't handle it!" After that, he told me, when he was 11, on the east coast, himself, the horse he was riding and several cattle disappeared for two days. He remembers coming to laying in a field. The horse he was riding had to be shot. It was lame! His mother reported him missing and Project Blue Book was also notified after his return.
#5. I guess I should explain a few things about my sighting. I said it flew off toward Morton-Thiokol. Morton-Thiokol builds the rocket engines for the space program and tests them. The tests are done, so the public can view them. I heard, not long ago, that some of the best pictures ever taken were taken in Tremonton (True!). A friend told me (he's a house painter from Logan), he did a housing development in Smithfield, for a large group of people, who followed a man from California. They built homes there because they believe Smithfield is a major landing and evacuation point for Space Craft. They all (about 30 families) went there to await, greet, and leave with aliens. The Mormans believe, according to the Book of Morman, that Jesus Christ came from another planet. (I'm not Morman.)
#6. (A premonition?)
Any time I go home to Brigham I always watch the sky and I have recurring bad dreams
#1 - I dream about a faceless man, or my Aunt Effie (not the aunt I discussed before) chasing me, cornering me, and stabbing me over and over. The chase happens around a table.
#2 - Mike Mulligans' steam Shovel (from a children's book) chases me all over town. At the end of the dream I end up paralyzed with the steam shovel bucket right above me about to crush me. I don't remember ever having but one other bad dream and yet these are dreams I've had at least 50 times a piece. Isn't that strange?
#7 - I think I've had missing time a couple of times. I have walked alone, after dark, lots of times in Brigham. It's a small town and I was never afraid of the dark. I always had the feeling someone was watching me and I found myself looking up instead of behind me.
#8 - I went home last August and I have had an unquenchable need for knowledge about UFOs ever since. UFO Cover-Up Live just made it worse - 10 fold.
#9 - After the bad dreams my belly button was always sore. I had bad female problems. In 1985 I went to a new doctor, here in Vegas because of bad pain. The doctor did a laperoscopy and the doctor said, I had an unbelievable amount of scar tissue on my female parts. Endomeatreosis. They took out all but my right ovary. They cleaned it off. Two months later I had emergency surgery for my appendix and when they got inside they found my right ovary had exploded! The doctors said I was a very unusual case.
#10 - I have déjà vu quite often and I almost always know when one of my family is ill and who it is. My grandma was that way too.
That was the last letter I received from Stayce Borland. The next person I heard from was George Knapp telling me that Stayce had been murdered as well as her brother. He wanted to know if I had any letters from her that would point to the killer. I also heard from Detective Dibble of Clark County. He also wanted letters I had received from Stayce.
This item was in the Las Vegas paper:
The bodies or a brother and sister were found Saturday night in a two-bedroom apartment where two fires had been set, possibly in an attempt to hide the deaths, Metro Police said.
Lt. Kyle Edwards, head of Metro's homicide section said the bodies of a man and a woman were found in the back bedroom of 4186 Zavala St., Apt. B. by the woman's ex-boyfriend.
The two bodies have tentatively been identified as a 30-year-old woman and her 26-year-old brother, Edwards said. The names were being withheld until the bodies were positively identified.
The former boyfriend told detectives he had been unsuccessful in his attempts to contact the woman by telephone and came to the apartment to check on her. He smelled smoke when he entered and called the county fire department. But the fires apparently had burned out on their own.
Las Vegas Police are seeking information about a sister and brother who were stabbed to death Saturday night.
Stayce Borland, 30 and her brother Marvin Russel Nutt, Jr., 23, were found Saturday at 4166 Zavala Ave., Apt. B. authorities said.
Borland's boyfriend found the bodies, police said.
Homicide investigators who were called to the scene said the brother and sister had been killed at about 8 p.m.
Lt. Kyle Edwards said although the person or persons responsible for the stabbings attempted to set the apartment on fire, it didn't ignite.
Police know Nutt had moved into his sister's apartment just a few days prior to the slayings, but not much else about the victims.
Information about the victims could be important in finding the person or persons responsible for the incident, police said.
Authorities said a reward is being offered.
Clark County flew me down there to testify about the letters I had received. Mark Andrews was also flown to Las Vegas to testify. They even had him as a suspect temporarily, but he was in California at the time. This is what I was told about the murders.
Both had been stabbed repeatedly (Stayce's dream!) and Stayce had a broken off tennis racket inside of her private parts. Over her was the handbook I had written for Associate Directors spread open and set on fire. It burned out so that it was recognizable.
My friend and associate director in Texas Anne Bowers (deceased) called me and told me about an investigator that had been in Las Vegas at the time. She gave him my number and he called me to report that he had been to visit John Grace! When he saw the evening news and the bodies being taken out of the apartment he recognized it immediately because he had just been to that apartment house to visit John Grace. Three days after the murders John Grace moved out of those apartments.
One thing that was not submitted in court was a spiral ring binder that was found in his apartment after he moved out. In the back were the words "Stayce Borland has to be gotten rid of."
The police arrested a young man that lived in the apartment house where Stayce did. He would often visit her and they discussed UFOs because that was his interest too. During the trial it was obvious he was not guilty and the jury found him innocent.
Some time later I was on a cruise. I met a detective from Las Vegas and asked him if he remembered that case. He said he did so I asked him if they had ever solved the crime. This was his answer which I did not believe for a moment: Oh, it had to do with drugs. I believe that the drawing Stayce had sent me of S-4 and her extreme interest in starting up an abductee support group in Las Vegas was too much for the powers that be and they got rid of her.
Do you believe it would be easy to "stab" 2 people to death at once? There are many loop holes in this case. I have never revealed all of this to anyone but I think I owe it to Stayce to bring it forward. She was a very sweet girl, full of enthusiasm and wanting to help people.
Later John Grace who published The Leading Edge magazine wrote that Aileen believes I killed Stayce Borland. I had never said that and why would you write something like that about yourself.
Who do you think was responsible? Too many unanswered questions.
Interesting that Geof Graff who took over in Stayce's place all of a sudden had cancer of the throat and he died too. He was only 40 years old. This was all so strange. Was it planned or just happenstance? Who knows. Just don't get too pushy or something could happen to you too. TPTB do not want their secrets known.
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm so pleased that you're posting again! I just today found out.
-Sepka the Space Weasel
At 11:11 PM,
Einstein said…
Hey how can i join your great adventures?
Jesse Lopez
At 4:39 PM,
Joshua Tree said…
I am Mark Andrews. Sadly not mentioned is the FACT that Stacy told me and others shortly before being murdered that she was fearful of her X-boyfriend (not boyfriend as stated)Kevin because he told her he would kill her and destroy the place(her apartment) if she continued her UFO activities. This is why she broke up with him. She mentioned this to me on more than one occasion. I am still convinced Kevin (possibly with help) is responsible for our great loss. Stacy was a wonderful and caring person that only wanted to bring light to people and even after nearly 20 years I still miss her each and every day. I hope Kevin's karma has caught him and his days are full of nightmares.
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