From Michael Salla.
Aloha all, here is another important exopolitical development.
An Italian investigative journalist believes he has found sufficient evidence to confirm the existence of a top secret Vatican organization (Servizio Informazione del Vaticano [SIV]- Vatican Intelligence Service) that allegedly specializes in extraterrestrial affairs and the return of Planet X. The journalist also helped confirm the existence of a Vatican security clearance known as Secretum Omega that governs access to this information. This helps explain why former Vatican insiders such as Monsignor Corrado Balducci appear to be out of the loop when it comes to such information. This was revealed in a personal conversation I had with him back in October 2005.
The secret Vatican organization, SIV, was first revealed in the research of Cristoforo Barbato who described how he was approached by email in 2000 by a Jesuit member of the SIV, and later personally met him in 2001. The Jesuit, who remains anonymous, confirmed the following: the 1954 Eisenhower Extraterrestrial meeting; that George Adamski did have a secret meeting with the Pope; the return of Planet X; and the existence of the US hyperspeed vehicle, Aurora, capable of space travel. I circulated some of Cristoforo's information back in May 2005: .
He more recently has offered some of the film and photographs given to him by his Jesuit source and it is available on his website at: .
The Italian journalist, Luca Scantamburlo, writes for an Italian UFO magazine and has been researching Cristoforo's claims and believes he has found enough evidence to support his claims. This is an important development since it helps confirm the involvement of the Vatican in how the United States manages extraterrestrial affairs.
For my earlier research on the Eisenhower-ET meeting, go to: .What follows is some of the research conducted by Luca Scantamburlo.
Aloha,Michael Salla, PhD
***Source: Planet X and the "JESUIT FOOTAGE" Classified "SECRETUM OMEGA". First Indirect Confirmationsby Luca Scantamburlo Posted November 9, 2006
After the release of the controversial 'MJ-12' files and of the 'Guardian' files, by an anonymous individual, and perhaps for the first time in history, one member of the ufological community, an Italian freelance writer and investigator, was able to check the credentials of the alleged anonymous insider, an individual that was still working for the intelligence community and had not been fired or retired. This mystery man was responsible for the release of the above classified material. He was an insider of a presumed Vatican intelligence structure and his actions were supported by his colleagues.
But first of all, let me tell you something about that freelancer: Cristoforo Barbato. Born in Naples in 1972, is an Italian independent UFO researcher; in the last 7 years he worked and has written for several UFO magazines and frontier studies published in Italy: Notiziario UFO and Dossier Alieni for example. For many years Barbato was also a member of the C.U.N. (Centro Ufologico Nazionale), the main Italian ufological association. Moreover he has collaborated to the realization of two Italian encyclopedias on the UFOs subject, entitled UFO Dossier X, published by the Fabbri Edizioni and Stargate - Enigmi dal Cosmo, by Curcio Editore. Barbato has also participated as speaker at some national conventions on the UFOs, where he has had the possibility to meet different important UFOs researchers, both Italians and international: among them Col. Philip Corso, U.S. Army retired officer.For some years Barbato was editor in charge in Rome for some Italian magazines, as Stargate, Extra Terrestrial and Stargate Magazine.
During that period he wrote on the magazine "Stargate" many reports about Fatima Apparitions and the famous "Third Secret". After the publication of those reports, precisely in the year 2000, he received several e-mails from a person who qualified himself as a Vatican insider. From those e-mails rose up the story of a presumed Vatican Intelligence Agency, whose code would be S.I.V.: "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano", which in Italian means "Vatican Information Services". In short the Vatican Secret Services.
Barbato, at the beginning, was very skeptical and did not rely on him. After one year of such an epistolary contacts (in the meantime the insider revealed himself as a S.I.V. membership, belonging to the Jesuit Order and working by the Holy See), the Italian freelance demanded a meeting with him, as a necessary condition to carry on the contacts. In spite of the risks the Vatican insider accepted, and I suppose he was aware it was necessary considering his baffling revelations. Two meetings took place in a public space in Rome in 2001. After that at least his identity was clear: he was not a mythomaniac; he was really a Jesuit working by the Holy See. Of course the Italian freelance has been protecting his source, avoiding to spread his name; and very soon Barbato realized that he knew much more than what he had told him by e-mail.
Moreover in 2001 the Vatican insider sent to Cristoforo Barbato by post a videotape (shown for the first time during a meeting that took place in Pescara, in Italy, on 30 April 2005), containing a footage of 2 minutes regarding observations of a planetoid in the deep space (the presumed Tenth Planet, "the Planet X"), while it was approaching to the Solar System. The video, which shows an introduction of writings of classification on it, had been carried out by a secret space probe named "Siloe". The Vatican deep throat told Barbato the space probe was equipped with a sophisticated infrared camera and an electromagnetic impulses propulsion, and was assembled in Area 51(Nevada), and then orbited by an aircraft of the type "Aurora", a secret hypersonic aircraft; the space probe Siloe, always according the Barbato's contact, sent the images of the planetoid in October 1995 (after it came back to the border of Solar System to have more power of signal), to a secret radio telescope hidden in an unused oil-refining plant in Alaska, totally managed by some Jesuits belonging to the S.I.V. The radio telescope, he added, was built in 1990 to observe anomalous celestial bodies approaching the Solar System.
After his conference in Pescara (Italy), Barbato spread a press release which, according to the Jesuit's information, would confirm also the story of a secret meeting of First Contact happened during the strange absence of President Eisenhower in a February evening of 1954, while the President was on holiday in Palm Springs, in California, absence officially motivated with a sudden visit by a dentist for an emergency dental treatment. As a matter of fact on Saturday night of February 20, 1954, Eisenhower's Press Secretary announced that Eisenhower had lost a tooth cap while eating fried chicken and had to be rushed to a local dentist (source: Michael Salla, PhD,
Here is a passage from Barbato's press release: "[…] the meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field Base in February 1954 in the presence of president Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. After that incredible event McIntyre flew to Rome to refer everything to Pope Pius XII who decided to found the S.I.V with the aim to gather every possible bit of information about Aliens and how they interacted with the American Government. From then bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney became the main information co-coordinators between the USA and the Vatican State. Incredibly, later on there should have been some direct personal meetings between S.I.V. members and a Nordic-looking race of Aliens coming from the Pleiades. These Aliens presumably warned humans against another alien race met by the Americans in the California Desert .
These meetings between S.I.V and Aliens took place mainly in the USA territory but also - twice - in the Vatican State , precisely in Vatican Gardens at the Papal Academy of Sciences in presence of Pope Pius XII. My Jesuit contact also confirmed to me the reality of the George Adamski-John XXIII meeting and talked about some very interesting details about it.
He also called "Secretum Omega" the highest secrecy level in S.I.V, equivalent to the NATO Cosmic Top Secret."I interviewed Barbato for the Italian bimonthly magazine UFO Notiziario (UFO news), nr.62, April-May 2006, in which the magazine published some frames of the video and a very interesting presumed image (provided almost for sure by the Jesuit to Barbato), regarding the phantom "Aurora" (so far denied by U.S. officials) an American large secret hypersonic aircraft capable of a Mach 6 performance. In the presumed picture, taken by a classified STS mission in 2002, you can see a full-body shape aircraft (a black triangle) coming out from the earthly atmosphere to go into the Space.
Other detailed information have been revealed on Barbato's website (, where last September the Italian freelance published on-line the interview to his contact, the Jesuit, taken place in 2001 in Rome. The Jesuit member of the S.I.V. told Barbato that on occasion of the secret meeting at Muroc Air Field Base, in 1954, military cameramen filmed the outstanding event "with three movie cameras (16 millimeters), detached in different places, loaded with colour film and working by spring engines; this last rather unconformable resolution, because it compelled every cameraman to change reel every 3 minutes, it was necessary since in the presence of the Aliens and of their spacecrafts, the electrical engines of the biggest movie cameras did not work. They filmed 7 rollers of 30 meters, a total of 20 minutes shot."
Among the Jesuit's revelations, two of them are astonishing: about the planetoid visible in the videotape, the Vatican insider told the Italian freelance that it is the Planet X (the Sumerian Nibiru); about the "Guardian Files", he confessed are a "dramatic truth", apart from the frames of the presumed E.B.E.
The Barbato' s researches shocked me and roused me to investigate as journalist the "Secretum Omega" enigma. Since 2005 up to now, on some magazines, websites and essays, I found out several circumstantial evidences that seem to prove the existence of the S.I.V. and the "Secretum Omega", their highest clearance. Barbato, before me, found the most important and explicit of them in a] historical essay, a book written by Mark Aarons and John Loftus, entitled "Ratlines" (see chapter 1).
Anyway, above all because of the mass-media silence, I decided to baptize the Barbato's video with the name of "Jesuit Footage", to draw upon it the public attention.
And finally I found an indirect remarkable confirmation of Barbato's testimony: Dr. Steven M. Greer (M.D.), in his recent book "Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge", revealed in the chapter nr. 16 (passages of it have been published by Nexus New Times magazine, on the survey "Twilight Zone", nr 64, October-November 2006) that, during a meeting with some rebel insiders taken place in December 1994 in Phoenix by Wrigley Mansion, one of them confessed to him that determinate Jesuits control technology on UFOs information and contacts with Aliens. So I am convinced that the disturbing inquiries carried out by Barbato deserve our maxim attention, especially to understand how much truth there is about the next Planet X's arrival.
© Luca Scantamburlo, B.A., 9 November 2006 - Reprinted with permission
To add to the mystery, why did the Vatican build the huge telescope on Mt. Graham near Safford, Arizona? - Aileen
Aloha all, here is another important exopolitical development.
An Italian investigative journalist believes he has found sufficient evidence to confirm the existence of a top secret Vatican organization (Servizio Informazione del Vaticano [SIV]- Vatican Intelligence Service) that allegedly specializes in extraterrestrial affairs and the return of Planet X. The journalist also helped confirm the existence of a Vatican security clearance known as Secretum Omega that governs access to this information. This helps explain why former Vatican insiders such as Monsignor Corrado Balducci appear to be out of the loop when it comes to such information. This was revealed in a personal conversation I had with him back in October 2005.
The secret Vatican organization, SIV, was first revealed in the research of Cristoforo Barbato who described how he was approached by email in 2000 by a Jesuit member of the SIV, and later personally met him in 2001. The Jesuit, who remains anonymous, confirmed the following: the 1954 Eisenhower Extraterrestrial meeting; that George Adamski did have a secret meeting with the Pope; the return of Planet X; and the existence of the US hyperspeed vehicle, Aurora, capable of space travel. I circulated some of Cristoforo's information back in May 2005: .
He more recently has offered some of the film and photographs given to him by his Jesuit source and it is available on his website at: .
The Italian journalist, Luca Scantamburlo, writes for an Italian UFO magazine and has been researching Cristoforo's claims and believes he has found enough evidence to support his claims. This is an important development since it helps confirm the involvement of the Vatican in how the United States manages extraterrestrial affairs.
For my earlier research on the Eisenhower-ET meeting, go to: .What follows is some of the research conducted by Luca Scantamburlo.
Aloha,Michael Salla, PhD
***Source: Planet X and the "JESUIT FOOTAGE" Classified "SECRETUM OMEGA". First Indirect Confirmationsby Luca Scantamburlo Posted November 9, 2006
After the release of the controversial 'MJ-12' files and of the 'Guardian' files, by an anonymous individual, and perhaps for the first time in history, one member of the ufological community, an Italian freelance writer and investigator, was able to check the credentials of the alleged anonymous insider, an individual that was still working for the intelligence community and had not been fired or retired. This mystery man was responsible for the release of the above classified material. He was an insider of a presumed Vatican intelligence structure and his actions were supported by his colleagues.
But first of all, let me tell you something about that freelancer: Cristoforo Barbato. Born in Naples in 1972, is an Italian independent UFO researcher; in the last 7 years he worked and has written for several UFO magazines and frontier studies published in Italy: Notiziario UFO and Dossier Alieni for example. For many years Barbato was also a member of the C.U.N. (Centro Ufologico Nazionale), the main Italian ufological association. Moreover he has collaborated to the realization of two Italian encyclopedias on the UFOs subject, entitled UFO Dossier X, published by the Fabbri Edizioni and Stargate - Enigmi dal Cosmo, by Curcio Editore. Barbato has also participated as speaker at some national conventions on the UFOs, where he has had the possibility to meet different important UFOs researchers, both Italians and international: among them Col. Philip Corso, U.S. Army retired officer.For some years Barbato was editor in charge in Rome for some Italian magazines, as Stargate, Extra Terrestrial and Stargate Magazine.
During that period he wrote on the magazine "Stargate" many reports about Fatima Apparitions and the famous "Third Secret". After the publication of those reports, precisely in the year 2000, he received several e-mails from a person who qualified himself as a Vatican insider. From those e-mails rose up the story of a presumed Vatican Intelligence Agency, whose code would be S.I.V.: "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano", which in Italian means "Vatican Information Services". In short the Vatican Secret Services.
Barbato, at the beginning, was very skeptical and did not rely on him. After one year of such an epistolary contacts (in the meantime the insider revealed himself as a S.I.V. membership, belonging to the Jesuit Order and working by the Holy See), the Italian freelance demanded a meeting with him, as a necessary condition to carry on the contacts. In spite of the risks the Vatican insider accepted, and I suppose he was aware it was necessary considering his baffling revelations. Two meetings took place in a public space in Rome in 2001. After that at least his identity was clear: he was not a mythomaniac; he was really a Jesuit working by the Holy See. Of course the Italian freelance has been protecting his source, avoiding to spread his name; and very soon Barbato realized that he knew much more than what he had told him by e-mail.
Moreover in 2001 the Vatican insider sent to Cristoforo Barbato by post a videotape (shown for the first time during a meeting that took place in Pescara, in Italy, on 30 April 2005), containing a footage of 2 minutes regarding observations of a planetoid in the deep space (the presumed Tenth Planet, "the Planet X"), while it was approaching to the Solar System. The video, which shows an introduction of writings of classification on it, had been carried out by a secret space probe named "Siloe". The Vatican deep throat told Barbato the space probe was equipped with a sophisticated infrared camera and an electromagnetic impulses propulsion, and was assembled in Area 51(Nevada), and then orbited by an aircraft of the type "Aurora", a secret hypersonic aircraft; the space probe Siloe, always according the Barbato's contact, sent the images of the planetoid in October 1995 (after it came back to the border of Solar System to have more power of signal), to a secret radio telescope hidden in an unused oil-refining plant in Alaska, totally managed by some Jesuits belonging to the S.I.V. The radio telescope, he added, was built in 1990 to observe anomalous celestial bodies approaching the Solar System.
After his conference in Pescara (Italy), Barbato spread a press release which, according to the Jesuit's information, would confirm also the story of a secret meeting of First Contact happened during the strange absence of President Eisenhower in a February evening of 1954, while the President was on holiday in Palm Springs, in California, absence officially motivated with a sudden visit by a dentist for an emergency dental treatment. As a matter of fact on Saturday night of February 20, 1954, Eisenhower's Press Secretary announced that Eisenhower had lost a tooth cap while eating fried chicken and had to be rushed to a local dentist (source: Michael Salla, PhD,
Here is a passage from Barbato's press release: "[…] the meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field Base in February 1954 in the presence of president Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. After that incredible event McIntyre flew to Rome to refer everything to Pope Pius XII who decided to found the S.I.V with the aim to gather every possible bit of information about Aliens and how they interacted with the American Government. From then bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney became the main information co-coordinators between the USA and the Vatican State. Incredibly, later on there should have been some direct personal meetings between S.I.V. members and a Nordic-looking race of Aliens coming from the Pleiades. These Aliens presumably warned humans against another alien race met by the Americans in the California Desert .
These meetings between S.I.V and Aliens took place mainly in the USA territory but also - twice - in the Vatican State , precisely in Vatican Gardens at the Papal Academy of Sciences in presence of Pope Pius XII. My Jesuit contact also confirmed to me the reality of the George Adamski-John XXIII meeting and talked about some very interesting details about it.
He also called "Secretum Omega" the highest secrecy level in S.I.V, equivalent to the NATO Cosmic Top Secret."I interviewed Barbato for the Italian bimonthly magazine UFO Notiziario (UFO news), nr.62, April-May 2006, in which the magazine published some frames of the video and a very interesting presumed image (provided almost for sure by the Jesuit to Barbato), regarding the phantom "Aurora" (so far denied by U.S. officials) an American large secret hypersonic aircraft capable of a Mach 6 performance. In the presumed picture, taken by a classified STS mission in 2002, you can see a full-body shape aircraft (a black triangle) coming out from the earthly atmosphere to go into the Space.
Other detailed information have been revealed on Barbato's website (, where last September the Italian freelance published on-line the interview to his contact, the Jesuit, taken place in 2001 in Rome. The Jesuit member of the S.I.V. told Barbato that on occasion of the secret meeting at Muroc Air Field Base, in 1954, military cameramen filmed the outstanding event "with three movie cameras (16 millimeters), detached in different places, loaded with colour film and working by spring engines; this last rather unconformable resolution, because it compelled every cameraman to change reel every 3 minutes, it was necessary since in the presence of the Aliens and of their spacecrafts, the electrical engines of the biggest movie cameras did not work. They filmed 7 rollers of 30 meters, a total of 20 minutes shot."
Among the Jesuit's revelations, two of them are astonishing: about the planetoid visible in the videotape, the Vatican insider told the Italian freelance that it is the Planet X (the Sumerian Nibiru); about the "Guardian Files", he confessed are a "dramatic truth", apart from the frames of the presumed E.B.E.
The Barbato' s researches shocked me and roused me to investigate as journalist the "Secretum Omega" enigma. Since 2005 up to now, on some magazines, websites and essays, I found out several circumstantial evidences that seem to prove the existence of the S.I.V. and the "Secretum Omega", their highest clearance. Barbato, before me, found the most important and explicit of them in a] historical essay, a book written by Mark Aarons and John Loftus, entitled "Ratlines" (see chapter 1).
Anyway, above all because of the mass-media silence, I decided to baptize the Barbato's video with the name of "Jesuit Footage", to draw upon it the public attention.
And finally I found an indirect remarkable confirmation of Barbato's testimony: Dr. Steven M. Greer (M.D.), in his recent book "Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge", revealed in the chapter nr. 16 (passages of it have been published by Nexus New Times magazine, on the survey "Twilight Zone", nr 64, October-November 2006) that, during a meeting with some rebel insiders taken place in December 1994 in Phoenix by Wrigley Mansion, one of them confessed to him that determinate Jesuits control technology on UFOs information and contacts with Aliens. So I am convinced that the disturbing inquiries carried out by Barbato deserve our maxim attention, especially to understand how much truth there is about the next Planet X's arrival.
© Luca Scantamburlo, B.A., 9 November 2006 - Reprinted with permission
To add to the mystery, why did the Vatican build the huge telescope on Mt. Graham near Safford, Arizona? - Aileen
At 5:29 AM,
shhh said…
I work nights around the mt.graham area or safford and before I started working there , the person who had replaced and the partner he had told me about a lite that followed them for some 2 miles and than broke into a bunch of other lites make impossile inflight minuvers , and well rite as I start work when the sun is comming down I can see a very brite lite just above the mountian and the lite just huvers there and about 30 min after the sun is down the lite just vanishes , there is definatly something going on there .
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It wouldn't be rare because I think Vatican is joined with other institutions in order to hide the truth, that's really annoying because we want to know the truth, I don't know why authorities hiding us that if we are completely sure Aliens exist.
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