Researchers in Ufology are very familiar with this case but for those of you who have not heard of it, it is one of the most intriguing cases ever! This article ran in the Missing Link magazine.
One of the most popular cases involving an abduction is the case of Antonio Villas Boas, a 25 year-old (at the time) Brazilian farm worker. This case has been repeated numerous times in every UFO publication. We decided to relate it once more for those of you who have not heard about this notorious case.
Gordon Creighton reported in the book, "The Humanoids," a long and detailed study of this case. Local investigators are convinced he was telling the truth, incredible though the story may sound. In light of 1988 revelations concerning genetic experiments it is a lot more plausible than it was in 1966. At that time the information was incredulous.
Dr. Olavo Fontes (now deceased) who had the farm boy brought to Rio De Janeiro four months after the happening, decided not to publish the results of their investigation because the case was "too wild," and also, "Because of the possibility of another similar case occurring that could be compared with this one, a comparison that would have been most interesting if the first case were not generally known. But no second case appeared, and now years later, you have finally published the results of the investigation made by the Brazilian Society for the Study of UFOs." The above letter was from Dr. Fontes to Gordon Creighton, dated April 25, 1966.
Antonio Villas Boas is described as a handsome brown-skinned man, partly Portuguese and partly Indian, with very little education, a typical small farmer of the Brazilian interior. After the event, doctors confirmed that he had symptoms suggesting radiation poisoning or exposure to radiation.
The young man's experience began the night of October 5, 1957. There had been a party at his house and he had gone to bed later than usual, around 1:00 a.m. He shared a room with his brother Joao, and because it was a hot night he decided to open the shutters of the window. There he noticed, in the middle of the yard, a silvery fluorescent reflection, lighting up the whole ground. It was a very white light and he did not know where it came from. It seemed as it came from high above, like the light of a car headlamp shining downwards. But there was nothing in the sky where the light could be coming from. Since his brother was not interested, both boys went back to sleep, but a little later, bothered by it, he opened the shutters again and found the light still there. As he continued to watch, it started to move slowly towards his window. He closed the shutters again and then awakened his brother, who joined him in watching the light that penetrated through the little slats in the shutters, and eventually went out.
Nothing further occurred until the night of October 14. This time it was between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m., and he was working his tractor in a field along with his other brother. "Suddenly we saw a very bright light, it was so bright that it hurt the eyes, but it remained stationary at the northern end of the field."
Antonio decided to go toward where the brightly lit object was, but it moved and shifted to the other end of the field with enormous speed, and then stopped again. He went after it, and the same maneuver repeated itself several times more, with Antonio following the strange object, and the object moving away from him. "From time to time it seemed to give out rays in all directions, with flashes like the setting sun. Then the light suddenly vanished, just as though it had been turned out."
The following day, October 15, he was alone with his tractor in the same place. It was a cold night, and the sky was very clear. At one o'clock in the morning, a bright object appeared in the sky that soon came closer until he realized that it was a "very luminous, egg-shaped object, flying towards me at a terrific speed. It was moving so fast that it was above the tractor before I had time to think what I should do. This object suddenly halted and it descended till it was perhaps fifty meters or so above my head, lighting up the tractor and all the ground around, as though it were daylight."
Antonio was, of course, terrified by it all. He thought of running, but didn't think he had much chance escaping from it on his tractor. To abandon the tractor and run on foot would have made little sense because the soil was soft and he would have sunk into it knee-deep. While he was thinking what to do, the object moved closer and then slowly dropped towards the ground. "I was able now to see for the first time that it was a strange machine, rather rounded in shape, and surrounded by little purplish lights, and with an enormous red headlight in front from which all the light had been coming that I had seen when it was higher up in the sky... like a large, elongated egg with three metal spurs in front, one in the middle and one on each side. On the upper part of the machine there was something which was revolving at great speed and also giving a powerful fluorescent, reddish light. At the moment when the machine reduced speed to land, this light changed to a greenish color..."
Antonio tried to start up the tractor and run for it, but the machine died. The lights of his tractor went out simultaneously. He jumped to the ground and tried to run anyway. But someone grabbed him by the arms. "My pursuer was a short individual, reaching to my shoulder, and dressed in strange clothing. In my desperation I swung around sharply and gave him a hefty push which threw him off-balance. This forced him to let go of me and he fell on his back to the ground about two meters away from me."
Incidentally, Antonio had no idea whether his attacker was male or female. He tried to run again, but was attacked simultaneously by three other beings who grabbed him by the arms and legs and lifted him off the ground, thus ending his defense. Their grip was firm and although he started to yell for help and even to curse them, it didn't do any good. They dragged him towards the craft, but as he was speaking loudly, "my speech seemed to arouse their surprise and curiosity, for they stopped and peered attentively at my face every time I spoke, though without loosening their firm grip on me." Here perhaps we should remind ourselves that Betty Hill's extraterrestrials spoke without moving their lips, or nearly so, thus a human being articulating with extensive movement of the lips while speaking would naturally be a novelty to extraterrestrials.
They carried Antonio to the aircraft which was standing on three metal supports at a height of about two meters. There was an open door to the rear of it that opened from top to bottom, forming a bridge at the end of which there was a metal ladder. This ladder was unrolled to the ground now and he was put upon it, even while Antonio was still trying to run away. This made the narrow ladder swing from side to side. But it didn't do him any good; they pushed him up the ladder and inside the aircraft.
"I saw that we had entered a small square room. Its polished metal walls glittered with the reflection of the fluorescent light coming from the metal ceiling given off by lots of small, square lamps set in the middle of the ceiling and running all around the edge of it... the outer door came up and closed, with the ladder rolled up and fastened to it... the lighting was so good that it seemed like daylight. But even in that fluorescent white light, it was impossible to make out any longer where the outer door had been, for in closing, it seemed to have turned into part of the wall. I could only tell where it had been because of the metal ladder attached to the wall."
Antonio saw five individuals, one of whom motioned him to go towards another room which he saw through an open door opposite the outer entrance. The young farmer had by now decided that obeying the strangers was the better part of valor, so he stepped into the second room. This turned out to be much larger, and semi-oval in shape, and there was a metal column in the middle of it running from ceiling to floor, wide at the top and bottom and quite a bit narrower in the middle. It was round and seemed solid.
"I do not believe it was there only for decoration; it must have served to support the weight of the ceiling." Maybe so: but Dr. Daniel Fry, in speaking of his experience inside a UFO, reports a similar column, which however, was the shaft leading to the revolving dome and consequently a major part of the engine itself. There is of course no possibility that young Antonio had heard of Dr. fry or had read his book. Antonio noted a table and several backless swivel chairs, all made of white metal. The table and stools tapered off into one single leg fixed to the floor or linked to a movable ring held fast by three supports that stuck out on each side and was set into the floor.
The two men who had forced him into the room still held him by the arms while the others looked at him and seemed to discuss him.
"What I was hearing bore no resemblance to human speech. It was a series of barks, slightly resembling the sounds made by a dog... they were slow barks and yelps, neither very clear or very hoarse, some longer, some shorter, at times containing several different sounds all at once, and at other times ending in a quaver. But they were simply sounds, animal barks, and nothing could be distinguished that could be taken as the sound of a syllable or a word in a foreign language."
Naturally, if the strangers' ears were different from ours, for instance, capable of registering a wider band of auditory impulses than we carry, then what sounded like barks and yelps to Antonio might be decoded quite differently by a differently attuned set of ears. This is a little like a garbled radio signal which has to be filtered through an adapter before it can be understood in terms of our own spectrum. If we run a tape recorder at a faster speed than that at which we have recorded human speech, the resulting distortion would make it impossible for us to understand a single word being said, and create a totally false image of what we have been saying into the microphone. I think that the inability of the human ear to properly decode or receive the aliens' speech accounts for the strange impression their speech made on this witness, and some of the other witnesses who have heard their speech - Betty Hill thought it sounded like the humming of birds or bees, for instance.
Apparently, they had come to some sort of agreement concerning him. All five of them grabbed him again and started to undress him. He struggled, and protested, but to no avail. They did not understand his speech, either, and looked at him as though trying to make him understand that they were really nice people. Even though they were using force, they never at any moment hurt him, and they did not try to tear off his clothes.
"Finally they had me totally naked, and I was again worried to death, not knowing what would happen next. Then one of the men approached me with something in his hand. It seems to be a sort of wet sponge and with it began to spread a liquid all over my skin... they spread this liquid all over my body... I was cold, for the night temperature was already cold and it was markedly colder still inside those two rooms in the machine."
Again, we have the parallel of Betty Hill who reports that the inside temperature within the craft was markedly colder than on the outside. It appears to me that this is so not because the occupants cannot control their temperature, but because they are more comfortable in a colder climate, coming perhaps from a planet where the average temperature is lower than ours.
"I was led by three of the men towards a closed door that was on the opposite side to where we had come in. Making signs with their hands that I should accompany them, and barking to each other from time to time, they moved in that direction with me in the middle."
As they got Antonio through the door, he happened to see on top of the opening a "sort of luminous inscription traced out in red symbols which, owing to the effect of the light, seemed to stand out about two inches in front of the metal of the door. This inscription was the only thing of its kind that I saw in the machine."
He realized that this was something of great importance and tried hard to memorize the inscription so that he could tell about it afterwards. As it turned out, he was able to make a drawing of what he remembered, even more clearly after hypnosis had been applied.
He now found himself in a smaller room, and as soon as he was inside, the door closed and he was no longer able to tell where it had been, only that the wall was now smooth. A little later two men came in with a rubber tube each, and applied them through a cup-shaped nozzle to his skin, taking some of his blood. It did not hurt Antonio, but later on the spot where they had taken the blood began to burn and itch and he discovered the skin had indeed been torn. The second bleeding was applied to his chin, from the other side of the body, and then he was left alone again.
Why the blood? Perhaps to ensure that the baby which these individuals expected to obtain from the congress of the Brazilian farmer with one of their females would have an adequate supply of plasma, or blood for transfusion, should that ever become necessary. Perhaps their medical people are more advanced in the study of blood types and found it necessary to have the father's blood on hand rather than to depend on other donors. One can only surmise.
The room was empty except for a large couch with a strange hump in the middle, but without headboard or rim. It was soft and seemed to be made of some kind of foam rubber and covered with a soft, thick, gray material. Antonio sat down on it. He noticed then that thick smoke was coming in through openings in the walls. Whether it was because of that, or because of loss of blood, he became ill for a while. He began to wonder what the aliens had in mind, and his nausea and general anxiety made him even more depressed. He had no idea what the aliens looked like, since "all five were dressed in very tight-fitting overalls made of a thick, but soft cloth, gray in color, with black bands here and there. This garment went right up to the neck where it joined a sort of helmet made of a material of the same color, which seemed stiffer and was reinforced at the back and front by strips of thin metal, one of them being triangular and on a level with the nose. These helmets hid everything, leaving visible only the eyes of the people through two round windows similar to the lenses used in spectacles... Above the eyes, the height of the helmets must have corresponded to double the size of a normal head... from the center of the head, three round silvery tubes emerged which were a little thinner than a garden hose. These tubes, one in the center and one on each side, were smooth and ran backwards and downwards, curving in towards the ribs. There they entered the clothing, in which they were fitted in a way that I don't know how to explain. The one in the center entered on the line of the spine. The other two were fixed in, one on each side, below the shoulders, at a point about four inches below the armpits -- almost at the sides, where the ribs start. I noticed nothing, no protuberance or lump that would indicate that these tubes were connected to some box or instrument hidden under the clothing."
Why would these men wear helmets inside their own craft? We already know from many other reports that the aliens are able to breathe our air in a large percentage of cases observed. This also held true of these particular aliens. Therefore, the helmets must have another purpose (apart from serving as breathing devices outside our atmosphere).
Charles Bowen tells about a landing of a UFO near Lossiemouth, Scotland, where amateur astronomer Cedric Allingham reported that a UFOnaut six feet tall emerged from a landed craft, looking most humanlike in every respect." and appeared to differ only in that he had a very high forehead. He wore a one-piece garb with footwear incorporated, but no helmet. He also had tiny tubes running up into his nostrils, and the witness considered these to be part of a breathing aid." Could it be that these devices were in the nature of oxygen masks used by our pilots at very high altitudes, supplementing, but not supplanting the natural supply of air?
Antonio was thinking over what he had seen while waiting for the next act of his drama to unfold. He had observed that the strangers could not bend their fingers completely to the extent of touching their palms with their fingertips. Nevertheless, they had gripped him quite firmly. He was sure that the clothing worn by the crew was some kind of uniform, for he noticed that they all had, at breast level, "a sort of round red shield the size of a slice of pineapple, which from time to time gave off luminous reflections... from this shield in the center of the breast came a strip of silvery cloth or laminated metal which joined onto a broad, tight-fitting, claspless belt."
He also noticed that the pants were tight-fitting and continued onto the shoes, but that the soles of the feet differed from human soles by turning up in front. "Despite this, the men's gait was quite free and easy and they were quite nimble in their movements." Obviously, earth gravity did in no way interfere with the performance of their tasks, unless, of course, they had an apparatus allowing them to adjust to it.
Antonio thought that all of the strangers were exactly the same height as himself, allowing perhaps something for the helmets, except for one of them, the one who had first caught hold of him outside. This one did not come up to his chin. He wondered why one of the crew was somewhat shorter than the other four. But suddenly there was noise at the door and he jumped up. What he saw when the door opened, was a tremendous surprise: A woman was entering, walking towards him, slowly, and perhaps amused at the surprise she was causing.
"I was flabbergasted, and not without good reason. The woman was stark naked, as naked as I was... moreover, she was beautiful... her hair was fair, almost white, smooth, not very abundant, reaching to halfway down her neck and with the ends curling inwards and parted in the center. Her eyes were large and blue, more elongated than round, being slanted outwards like the slit eyes of those girls who make themselves up fancifully to look like Arabian princesses... her nose was straight, without being pointed, nor turned up, nor too big. What was different was the contour of her face, for the cheekbones were very high, making the face very wide... the face narrowed very sharply, terminating in a pointed chin. This feature gave the lower half of her face a quite triangular shape. Her lips were very thin, hardly visible. Her ears were small and appeared no different from those of the women I know... her body was much more beautiful than that of any woman I have ever known before. It was slim, with high and well separated breasts, thin waist and a small stomach, wide hips and large thighs. Her feet were small, her hands long and narrow, and her fingers and nails were normal. She was quite a lot shorter than I, her head reaching up to my shoulder."
It is the latter remark which leads Gordon Creighton to suggest that it was the woman who had originally grabbed Antonio Villas Boas.
The young man had little time to wonder about all this, for the woman looked at him with an expression of wanting something and embraced him rather suddenly, and then "began to rub her head from side to side against my face. At the same time I felt her body all glued to mine and also making movements. Her skin was white and on the arms was covered with freckles... I began to get excited... I think that the liquid they had rubbed on my skin was the cause of this. They must have done it purposely. All I know is that I became uncontrollably excited sexually, a thing that had never happened to me before. I ended up by forgetting everything and I caught hold of the woman, responded to her caresses with other and greater caresses... it was a normal act, and she behaved just as any woman would, as she did yet again, after more caresses."
Antonio was able to notice a few peculiarities of her love making style. It appears she grunted a lot, and that to him it sounded like the grunts of an animal (again, because he did not understand the language). She never kissed him; the nearest thing she came to it was a gentle bite on his chin. He also couldn't help but notice that the hair in her armpits and in the pubic area was red, whereas the hair on her head had been nearly white.
The door opened now, one of the men reappeared and called out to the woman. She left but before she went out, "she turned to me, pointed at her belly, and then pointed towards me and with a smile, she finally pointed towards the sky - I think it was in the direction of the South."
The man reentered and handed Antonio his clothes, gesturing to him that he should get dressed. It was clear to him why he had been chosen to make love to this woman; evidently, they had thought of him as a healthy specimen that would improve their "stock."
Antonio never saw the woman again, but he discovered there was another room on the craft where she stayed. The door was slightly ajar and he heard noises coming from that direction. When he was fully dressed, one of the men gestured to him and took him back to the room through which he had first entered the craft. However, they evidently decided to reward him by giving him a tour of the machine. The alien pilot gestured to Antonio to follow him, and they walked onto a platform on either side of the entrance door. This was a platform that went around the machine, and was in the nature of a narrow rim that allowed one to go in either direction. Antonio noticed a square, metallic projection fixed into the side of the machine on both sides, somewhat like short wings. He reasoned that they controlled the movement of the machine in some manner. "Further on towards the front, the man pointed out to me the three metal shafts I have already mentioned, solidly set in the sides of the machine and right in the front... the position of all three was horizontal... they were giving off a slight reddish phosphorescence, as though they were red-hot. However, I felt no heat." He noticed two side lights above the shafts, and one enormous one in front, the front headlight of the machine. "All around the hull of the craft and slightly above the platform... were countless small square lamps similar in appearance to those used for the interior lighting of the machine." He did not see any windows in the craft, but thought that perhaps that was specially arranged in this manner. "I think that those front spurs released the energy that drove the machine forward, because when it took off, its luminosity increased extraordinarily, merging completely with the lights of the head lamps.
The alien pilot then took him back to the rear of the machine and pointed out the "enormous dish-shaped cupola which was rotating slowly, completely lit up by a greenish fluorescent light coming from I don't know where. Even with that slow movement, you could hear a noise like the sound of air being drawn in by a vacuum cleaner, a sort of whistle ... Later, when the machine began to rise from the ground, the revolving dish increased its speed to such a point that it became invisible, and then only the light could be seen, the brightness of which also increased quite a lot, and it changed color, turning to a vivid red. At that moment, the sound also increased, showing that there was a connection with the speed of rotation of the round dish revolving on the top of the craft and turned into a veritable hum or loud whine." I could not make out the reason for such changes, nor can I even now understand what the bright rotating saucer was for, but it never stopped turning. Obviously, though, there was some reason for it to be where it was.
"There seemed to be a small reddish light at the center of the cupola or rotating saucer. But of this I cannot be quite sure because it moved so fast.
"Walking to the back of the machine, we went past the door once more and, going ahead, followed the curve to the back. Right behind, where the tail of an airplane would naturally emerge, there was an oblong piece of metal standing up back to front, crossing the platform. But it was low, no higher than my knee. It was quite easy for me to step over it to get to the other side, and then come back again. As I was doing this, I noticed that there were two reddish lights embedded one on each side of it, at ground level, looking like two thick, slanting-out jutting lines. They looked like the head spotlights of a plane, though they didn't twinkle. I believe that the metal slab must have been a kind of rudder to change the ship's direction. At least that was what I noticed, seeing the thing moving to one side at the very moment the ship, which had already stopped still in midair at some height after taking off, suddenly changed direction just before heading up at a fantastic speed.
"The visit to the back of the machine being over, we walked back to the door. My guide pointed to the metal stair and signaled to me to go down it. I obeyed and when I got down I looked up to see if he was coming too, but he was still there. He then pointed to himself, then to the ground, and then in southerly direction to the sky; he again signaled me to step back, and forthwith disappeared inside the machine. The metal ladder began to shrink, each step fitting into the other, like a pile of boards. When it reached the top, the door (which, when open, was part of the floor) began to lift until it fit right into the wall and so became invisible. The lights from the metal spurs, the headlights, and those of the rotating saucer got brighter, and this last kept turning round faster and faster. The machine began to lift slowly straight up. At the same time the three legs of the tripod began to lift sideways so that the lower part of each (which tapered, was round, and ended in a broader foot) began to fit, or telescope, into the upper part (which was thicker and square). When this was over, the top contrivance entered the bottom of the machine. Finally nothing was to be seen of the legs, and the bottom looked as smooth and polished as if that tripod had never been there at all in the first place. I couldn't see any sign of where the legs had disappeared. These people really knew their business."
"The machine kept rising slowly into space till it was a little over 114 feet above the ground. It stopped for a few moments while it grew increasingly brighter. The buzz formed by the dislocation of air grew louder and the revolving saucer began to rotate at a terrific speed while the light turned to many different shades of color, finally settling on a bright red. As this happened the machine abruptly changed noise, a kind of "shock" and it was then that I noticed what I have called the "rudder" turn to one side. When this was over, the strange airship darted off suddenly like a bullet, southward holding itself slightly askew, at such a heady speed that it disappeared from sight in a few seconds.
"I got back to my tractor. It was about 5:30 a.m. when I left the airship. By all accounts I must have entered it at 1:15 a.m. so I had spent four hours and fifteen minutes on it. Quite a long time, in fact!"
"As I tried to start the engine, I noticed that it still wasn't working so I tried to find out if there was something wrong with it and discovered that the wire ends of the battery had been unscrewed and were out of place. Somebody had obviously been at them, for a well screwed on battery wire doesn't come loose by itself, and I had checked them all on leaving home. That must have been done by one of the men when the tractor was standing still with the engine dead, probably to prevent me from running away in case I had been able to free myself from their grasp. Those were really sharp-witted people; there was nothing that had escaped their notice."
This case has been related from two books, the first, Hans Holzers' "UFONAUTS" and the second, Coral and Jim Lorensen's "Encounter's with UFO Occupants."
One of the most popular cases involving an abduction is the case of Antonio Villas Boas, a 25 year-old (at the time) Brazilian farm worker. This case has been repeated numerous times in every UFO publication. We decided to relate it once more for those of you who have not heard about this notorious case.
Gordon Creighton reported in the book, "The Humanoids," a long and detailed study of this case. Local investigators are convinced he was telling the truth, incredible though the story may sound. In light of 1988 revelations concerning genetic experiments it is a lot more plausible than it was in 1966. At that time the information was incredulous.
Dr. Olavo Fontes (now deceased) who had the farm boy brought to Rio De Janeiro four months after the happening, decided not to publish the results of their investigation because the case was "too wild," and also, "Because of the possibility of another similar case occurring that could be compared with this one, a comparison that would have been most interesting if the first case were not generally known. But no second case appeared, and now years later, you have finally published the results of the investigation made by the Brazilian Society for the Study of UFOs." The above letter was from Dr. Fontes to Gordon Creighton, dated April 25, 1966.
Antonio Villas Boas is described as a handsome brown-skinned man, partly Portuguese and partly Indian, with very little education, a typical small farmer of the Brazilian interior. After the event, doctors confirmed that he had symptoms suggesting radiation poisoning or exposure to radiation.
The young man's experience began the night of October 5, 1957. There had been a party at his house and he had gone to bed later than usual, around 1:00 a.m. He shared a room with his brother Joao, and because it was a hot night he decided to open the shutters of the window. There he noticed, in the middle of the yard, a silvery fluorescent reflection, lighting up the whole ground. It was a very white light and he did not know where it came from. It seemed as it came from high above, like the light of a car headlamp shining downwards. But there was nothing in the sky where the light could be coming from. Since his brother was not interested, both boys went back to sleep, but a little later, bothered by it, he opened the shutters again and found the light still there. As he continued to watch, it started to move slowly towards his window. He closed the shutters again and then awakened his brother, who joined him in watching the light that penetrated through the little slats in the shutters, and eventually went out.
Nothing further occurred until the night of October 14. This time it was between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m., and he was working his tractor in a field along with his other brother. "Suddenly we saw a very bright light, it was so bright that it hurt the eyes, but it remained stationary at the northern end of the field."
Antonio decided to go toward where the brightly lit object was, but it moved and shifted to the other end of the field with enormous speed, and then stopped again. He went after it, and the same maneuver repeated itself several times more, with Antonio following the strange object, and the object moving away from him. "From time to time it seemed to give out rays in all directions, with flashes like the setting sun. Then the light suddenly vanished, just as though it had been turned out."
The following day, October 15, he was alone with his tractor in the same place. It was a cold night, and the sky was very clear. At one o'clock in the morning, a bright object appeared in the sky that soon came closer until he realized that it was a "very luminous, egg-shaped object, flying towards me at a terrific speed. It was moving so fast that it was above the tractor before I had time to think what I should do. This object suddenly halted and it descended till it was perhaps fifty meters or so above my head, lighting up the tractor and all the ground around, as though it were daylight."
Antonio was, of course, terrified by it all. He thought of running, but didn't think he had much chance escaping from it on his tractor. To abandon the tractor and run on foot would have made little sense because the soil was soft and he would have sunk into it knee-deep. While he was thinking what to do, the object moved closer and then slowly dropped towards the ground. "I was able now to see for the first time that it was a strange machine, rather rounded in shape, and surrounded by little purplish lights, and with an enormous red headlight in front from which all the light had been coming that I had seen when it was higher up in the sky... like a large, elongated egg with three metal spurs in front, one in the middle and one on each side. On the upper part of the machine there was something which was revolving at great speed and also giving a powerful fluorescent, reddish light. At the moment when the machine reduced speed to land, this light changed to a greenish color..."
Antonio tried to start up the tractor and run for it, but the machine died. The lights of his tractor went out simultaneously. He jumped to the ground and tried to run anyway. But someone grabbed him by the arms. "My pursuer was a short individual, reaching to my shoulder, and dressed in strange clothing. In my desperation I swung around sharply and gave him a hefty push which threw him off-balance. This forced him to let go of me and he fell on his back to the ground about two meters away from me."
Incidentally, Antonio had no idea whether his attacker was male or female. He tried to run again, but was attacked simultaneously by three other beings who grabbed him by the arms and legs and lifted him off the ground, thus ending his defense. Their grip was firm and although he started to yell for help and even to curse them, it didn't do any good. They dragged him towards the craft, but as he was speaking loudly, "my speech seemed to arouse their surprise and curiosity, for they stopped and peered attentively at my face every time I spoke, though without loosening their firm grip on me." Here perhaps we should remind ourselves that Betty Hill's extraterrestrials spoke without moving their lips, or nearly so, thus a human being articulating with extensive movement of the lips while speaking would naturally be a novelty to extraterrestrials.
They carried Antonio to the aircraft which was standing on three metal supports at a height of about two meters. There was an open door to the rear of it that opened from top to bottom, forming a bridge at the end of which there was a metal ladder. This ladder was unrolled to the ground now and he was put upon it, even while Antonio was still trying to run away. This made the narrow ladder swing from side to side. But it didn't do him any good; they pushed him up the ladder and inside the aircraft.
"I saw that we had entered a small square room. Its polished metal walls glittered with the reflection of the fluorescent light coming from the metal ceiling given off by lots of small, square lamps set in the middle of the ceiling and running all around the edge of it... the outer door came up and closed, with the ladder rolled up and fastened to it... the lighting was so good that it seemed like daylight. But even in that fluorescent white light, it was impossible to make out any longer where the outer door had been, for in closing, it seemed to have turned into part of the wall. I could only tell where it had been because of the metal ladder attached to the wall."
Antonio saw five individuals, one of whom motioned him to go towards another room which he saw through an open door opposite the outer entrance. The young farmer had by now decided that obeying the strangers was the better part of valor, so he stepped into the second room. This turned out to be much larger, and semi-oval in shape, and there was a metal column in the middle of it running from ceiling to floor, wide at the top and bottom and quite a bit narrower in the middle. It was round and seemed solid.
"I do not believe it was there only for decoration; it must have served to support the weight of the ceiling." Maybe so: but Dr. Daniel Fry, in speaking of his experience inside a UFO, reports a similar column, which however, was the shaft leading to the revolving dome and consequently a major part of the engine itself. There is of course no possibility that young Antonio had heard of Dr. fry or had read his book. Antonio noted a table and several backless swivel chairs, all made of white metal. The table and stools tapered off into one single leg fixed to the floor or linked to a movable ring held fast by three supports that stuck out on each side and was set into the floor.
The two men who had forced him into the room still held him by the arms while the others looked at him and seemed to discuss him.
"What I was hearing bore no resemblance to human speech. It was a series of barks, slightly resembling the sounds made by a dog... they were slow barks and yelps, neither very clear or very hoarse, some longer, some shorter, at times containing several different sounds all at once, and at other times ending in a quaver. But they were simply sounds, animal barks, and nothing could be distinguished that could be taken as the sound of a syllable or a word in a foreign language."
Naturally, if the strangers' ears were different from ours, for instance, capable of registering a wider band of auditory impulses than we carry, then what sounded like barks and yelps to Antonio might be decoded quite differently by a differently attuned set of ears. This is a little like a garbled radio signal which has to be filtered through an adapter before it can be understood in terms of our own spectrum. If we run a tape recorder at a faster speed than that at which we have recorded human speech, the resulting distortion would make it impossible for us to understand a single word being said, and create a totally false image of what we have been saying into the microphone. I think that the inability of the human ear to properly decode or receive the aliens' speech accounts for the strange impression their speech made on this witness, and some of the other witnesses who have heard their speech - Betty Hill thought it sounded like the humming of birds or bees, for instance.
Apparently, they had come to some sort of agreement concerning him. All five of them grabbed him again and started to undress him. He struggled, and protested, but to no avail. They did not understand his speech, either, and looked at him as though trying to make him understand that they were really nice people. Even though they were using force, they never at any moment hurt him, and they did not try to tear off his clothes.
"Finally they had me totally naked, and I was again worried to death, not knowing what would happen next. Then one of the men approached me with something in his hand. It seems to be a sort of wet sponge and with it began to spread a liquid all over my skin... they spread this liquid all over my body... I was cold, for the night temperature was already cold and it was markedly colder still inside those two rooms in the machine."
Again, we have the parallel of Betty Hill who reports that the inside temperature within the craft was markedly colder than on the outside. It appears to me that this is so not because the occupants cannot control their temperature, but because they are more comfortable in a colder climate, coming perhaps from a planet where the average temperature is lower than ours.
"I was led by three of the men towards a closed door that was on the opposite side to where we had come in. Making signs with their hands that I should accompany them, and barking to each other from time to time, they moved in that direction with me in the middle."
As they got Antonio through the door, he happened to see on top of the opening a "sort of luminous inscription traced out in red symbols which, owing to the effect of the light, seemed to stand out about two inches in front of the metal of the door. This inscription was the only thing of its kind that I saw in the machine."
He realized that this was something of great importance and tried hard to memorize the inscription so that he could tell about it afterwards. As it turned out, he was able to make a drawing of what he remembered, even more clearly after hypnosis had been applied.
He now found himself in a smaller room, and as soon as he was inside, the door closed and he was no longer able to tell where it had been, only that the wall was now smooth. A little later two men came in with a rubber tube each, and applied them through a cup-shaped nozzle to his skin, taking some of his blood. It did not hurt Antonio, but later on the spot where they had taken the blood began to burn and itch and he discovered the skin had indeed been torn. The second bleeding was applied to his chin, from the other side of the body, and then he was left alone again.
Why the blood? Perhaps to ensure that the baby which these individuals expected to obtain from the congress of the Brazilian farmer with one of their females would have an adequate supply of plasma, or blood for transfusion, should that ever become necessary. Perhaps their medical people are more advanced in the study of blood types and found it necessary to have the father's blood on hand rather than to depend on other donors. One can only surmise.
The room was empty except for a large couch with a strange hump in the middle, but without headboard or rim. It was soft and seemed to be made of some kind of foam rubber and covered with a soft, thick, gray material. Antonio sat down on it. He noticed then that thick smoke was coming in through openings in the walls. Whether it was because of that, or because of loss of blood, he became ill for a while. He began to wonder what the aliens had in mind, and his nausea and general anxiety made him even more depressed. He had no idea what the aliens looked like, since "all five were dressed in very tight-fitting overalls made of a thick, but soft cloth, gray in color, with black bands here and there. This garment went right up to the neck where it joined a sort of helmet made of a material of the same color, which seemed stiffer and was reinforced at the back and front by strips of thin metal, one of them being triangular and on a level with the nose. These helmets hid everything, leaving visible only the eyes of the people through two round windows similar to the lenses used in spectacles... Above the eyes, the height of the helmets must have corresponded to double the size of a normal head... from the center of the head, three round silvery tubes emerged which were a little thinner than a garden hose. These tubes, one in the center and one on each side, were smooth and ran backwards and downwards, curving in towards the ribs. There they entered the clothing, in which they were fitted in a way that I don't know how to explain. The one in the center entered on the line of the spine. The other two were fixed in, one on each side, below the shoulders, at a point about four inches below the armpits -- almost at the sides, where the ribs start. I noticed nothing, no protuberance or lump that would indicate that these tubes were connected to some box or instrument hidden under the clothing."
Why would these men wear helmets inside their own craft? We already know from many other reports that the aliens are able to breathe our air in a large percentage of cases observed. This also held true of these particular aliens. Therefore, the helmets must have another purpose (apart from serving as breathing devices outside our atmosphere).
Charles Bowen tells about a landing of a UFO near Lossiemouth, Scotland, where amateur astronomer Cedric Allingham reported that a UFOnaut six feet tall emerged from a landed craft, looking most humanlike in every respect." and appeared to differ only in that he had a very high forehead. He wore a one-piece garb with footwear incorporated, but no helmet. He also had tiny tubes running up into his nostrils, and the witness considered these to be part of a breathing aid." Could it be that these devices were in the nature of oxygen masks used by our pilots at very high altitudes, supplementing, but not supplanting the natural supply of air?
Antonio was thinking over what he had seen while waiting for the next act of his drama to unfold. He had observed that the strangers could not bend their fingers completely to the extent of touching their palms with their fingertips. Nevertheless, they had gripped him quite firmly. He was sure that the clothing worn by the crew was some kind of uniform, for he noticed that they all had, at breast level, "a sort of round red shield the size of a slice of pineapple, which from time to time gave off luminous reflections... from this shield in the center of the breast came a strip of silvery cloth or laminated metal which joined onto a broad, tight-fitting, claspless belt."
He also noticed that the pants were tight-fitting and continued onto the shoes, but that the soles of the feet differed from human soles by turning up in front. "Despite this, the men's gait was quite free and easy and they were quite nimble in their movements." Obviously, earth gravity did in no way interfere with the performance of their tasks, unless, of course, they had an apparatus allowing them to adjust to it.
Antonio thought that all of the strangers were exactly the same height as himself, allowing perhaps something for the helmets, except for one of them, the one who had first caught hold of him outside. This one did not come up to his chin. He wondered why one of the crew was somewhat shorter than the other four. But suddenly there was noise at the door and he jumped up. What he saw when the door opened, was a tremendous surprise: A woman was entering, walking towards him, slowly, and perhaps amused at the surprise she was causing.
"I was flabbergasted, and not without good reason. The woman was stark naked, as naked as I was... moreover, she was beautiful... her hair was fair, almost white, smooth, not very abundant, reaching to halfway down her neck and with the ends curling inwards and parted in the center. Her eyes were large and blue, more elongated than round, being slanted outwards like the slit eyes of those girls who make themselves up fancifully to look like Arabian princesses... her nose was straight, without being pointed, nor turned up, nor too big. What was different was the contour of her face, for the cheekbones were very high, making the face very wide... the face narrowed very sharply, terminating in a pointed chin. This feature gave the lower half of her face a quite triangular shape. Her lips were very thin, hardly visible. Her ears were small and appeared no different from those of the women I know... her body was much more beautiful than that of any woman I have ever known before. It was slim, with high and well separated breasts, thin waist and a small stomach, wide hips and large thighs. Her feet were small, her hands long and narrow, and her fingers and nails were normal. She was quite a lot shorter than I, her head reaching up to my shoulder."
It is the latter remark which leads Gordon Creighton to suggest that it was the woman who had originally grabbed Antonio Villas Boas.
The young man had little time to wonder about all this, for the woman looked at him with an expression of wanting something and embraced him rather suddenly, and then "began to rub her head from side to side against my face. At the same time I felt her body all glued to mine and also making movements. Her skin was white and on the arms was covered with freckles... I began to get excited... I think that the liquid they had rubbed on my skin was the cause of this. They must have done it purposely. All I know is that I became uncontrollably excited sexually, a thing that had never happened to me before. I ended up by forgetting everything and I caught hold of the woman, responded to her caresses with other and greater caresses... it was a normal act, and she behaved just as any woman would, as she did yet again, after more caresses."
Antonio was able to notice a few peculiarities of her love making style. It appears she grunted a lot, and that to him it sounded like the grunts of an animal (again, because he did not understand the language). She never kissed him; the nearest thing she came to it was a gentle bite on his chin. He also couldn't help but notice that the hair in her armpits and in the pubic area was red, whereas the hair on her head had been nearly white.
The door opened now, one of the men reappeared and called out to the woman. She left but before she went out, "she turned to me, pointed at her belly, and then pointed towards me and with a smile, she finally pointed towards the sky - I think it was in the direction of the South."
The man reentered and handed Antonio his clothes, gesturing to him that he should get dressed. It was clear to him why he had been chosen to make love to this woman; evidently, they had thought of him as a healthy specimen that would improve their "stock."
Antonio never saw the woman again, but he discovered there was another room on the craft where she stayed. The door was slightly ajar and he heard noises coming from that direction. When he was fully dressed, one of the men gestured to him and took him back to the room through which he had first entered the craft. However, they evidently decided to reward him by giving him a tour of the machine. The alien pilot gestured to Antonio to follow him, and they walked onto a platform on either side of the entrance door. This was a platform that went around the machine, and was in the nature of a narrow rim that allowed one to go in either direction. Antonio noticed a square, metallic projection fixed into the side of the machine on both sides, somewhat like short wings. He reasoned that they controlled the movement of the machine in some manner. "Further on towards the front, the man pointed out to me the three metal shafts I have already mentioned, solidly set in the sides of the machine and right in the front... the position of all three was horizontal... they were giving off a slight reddish phosphorescence, as though they were red-hot. However, I felt no heat." He noticed two side lights above the shafts, and one enormous one in front, the front headlight of the machine. "All around the hull of the craft and slightly above the platform... were countless small square lamps similar in appearance to those used for the interior lighting of the machine." He did not see any windows in the craft, but thought that perhaps that was specially arranged in this manner. "I think that those front spurs released the energy that drove the machine forward, because when it took off, its luminosity increased extraordinarily, merging completely with the lights of the head lamps.
The alien pilot then took him back to the rear of the machine and pointed out the "enormous dish-shaped cupola which was rotating slowly, completely lit up by a greenish fluorescent light coming from I don't know where. Even with that slow movement, you could hear a noise like the sound of air being drawn in by a vacuum cleaner, a sort of whistle ... Later, when the machine began to rise from the ground, the revolving dish increased its speed to such a point that it became invisible, and then only the light could be seen, the brightness of which also increased quite a lot, and it changed color, turning to a vivid red. At that moment, the sound also increased, showing that there was a connection with the speed of rotation of the round dish revolving on the top of the craft and turned into a veritable hum or loud whine." I could not make out the reason for such changes, nor can I even now understand what the bright rotating saucer was for, but it never stopped turning. Obviously, though, there was some reason for it to be where it was.
"There seemed to be a small reddish light at the center of the cupola or rotating saucer. But of this I cannot be quite sure because it moved so fast.
"Walking to the back of the machine, we went past the door once more and, going ahead, followed the curve to the back. Right behind, where the tail of an airplane would naturally emerge, there was an oblong piece of metal standing up back to front, crossing the platform. But it was low, no higher than my knee. It was quite easy for me to step over it to get to the other side, and then come back again. As I was doing this, I noticed that there were two reddish lights embedded one on each side of it, at ground level, looking like two thick, slanting-out jutting lines. They looked like the head spotlights of a plane, though they didn't twinkle. I believe that the metal slab must have been a kind of rudder to change the ship's direction. At least that was what I noticed, seeing the thing moving to one side at the very moment the ship, which had already stopped still in midair at some height after taking off, suddenly changed direction just before heading up at a fantastic speed.
"The visit to the back of the machine being over, we walked back to the door. My guide pointed to the metal stair and signaled to me to go down it. I obeyed and when I got down I looked up to see if he was coming too, but he was still there. He then pointed to himself, then to the ground, and then in southerly direction to the sky; he again signaled me to step back, and forthwith disappeared inside the machine. The metal ladder began to shrink, each step fitting into the other, like a pile of boards. When it reached the top, the door (which, when open, was part of the floor) began to lift until it fit right into the wall and so became invisible. The lights from the metal spurs, the headlights, and those of the rotating saucer got brighter, and this last kept turning round faster and faster. The machine began to lift slowly straight up. At the same time the three legs of the tripod began to lift sideways so that the lower part of each (which tapered, was round, and ended in a broader foot) began to fit, or telescope, into the upper part (which was thicker and square). When this was over, the top contrivance entered the bottom of the machine. Finally nothing was to be seen of the legs, and the bottom looked as smooth and polished as if that tripod had never been there at all in the first place. I couldn't see any sign of where the legs had disappeared. These people really knew their business."
"The machine kept rising slowly into space till it was a little over 114 feet above the ground. It stopped for a few moments while it grew increasingly brighter. The buzz formed by the dislocation of air grew louder and the revolving saucer began to rotate at a terrific speed while the light turned to many different shades of color, finally settling on a bright red. As this happened the machine abruptly changed noise, a kind of "shock" and it was then that I noticed what I have called the "rudder" turn to one side. When this was over, the strange airship darted off suddenly like a bullet, southward holding itself slightly askew, at such a heady speed that it disappeared from sight in a few seconds.
"I got back to my tractor. It was about 5:30 a.m. when I left the airship. By all accounts I must have entered it at 1:15 a.m. so I had spent four hours and fifteen minutes on it. Quite a long time, in fact!"
"As I tried to start the engine, I noticed that it still wasn't working so I tried to find out if there was something wrong with it and discovered that the wire ends of the battery had been unscrewed and were out of place. Somebody had obviously been at them, for a well screwed on battery wire doesn't come loose by itself, and I had checked them all on leaving home. That must have been done by one of the men when the tractor was standing still with the engine dead, probably to prevent me from running away in case I had been able to free myself from their grasp. Those were really sharp-witted people; there was nothing that had escaped their notice."
This case has been related from two books, the first, Hans Holzers' "UFONAUTS" and the second, Coral and Jim Lorensen's "Encounter's with UFO Occupants."
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Daffy Duck has the similar case like Antonio Villas Boas, but seeing stars. Daffy Duck loves the stars and mentioning Ann Sheridan! Villas Boas did fell in love with an Ann Sheridan-like space alien from an another world!
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